Virginia's Awakening [The Blood Red Rose Club 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Virginia's Awakening [The Blood Red Rose Club 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Clair de Lune

“But I’m over fifty. My hair is grey and I’m not thin.”

  “You can have your hair dyed. I don’t like thin women. I like you just as you are. I have plans for you.” Virginia tried to get him to tell her what they were, but he wouldn’t, so she had to be content to wait. He’ll amuse himself for a while, befriending me and helping me to get a make-over, but I can’t compete with all those beautiful young girls he sees every night. It won’t last. He’ll get tired of me, too. I mustn’t let myself think it’s anything more than a temporary arrangement. Damn it. I intend to enjoy every moment, but I’d better guard my heart well. Fool, it’s too late, and well you know it.

  Chapter Five

  When they arrived at the club, Valkyrie parked the car and carried her belongings inside the club. Virginia wondered what he would do with her bags and where she was going to keep all her things. Instead of leaving them in the hall, he took them upstairs to his flat.

  “You need to leave your things where they are secure. There’s a large cupboard in the hallway, and all your suitcases can stay there until you need them. Just take out what you want, for the present.”

  Virginia assembled the things she needed and Valkyrie placed all her bags in the cupboard. It was a tight fit, but at least they were out of the way and safe.

  “Let’s have a cup of tea and something to eat,” Valkyrie suggested. “Sit down and make yourself comfortable. He turned on the coal-effect gas-fire, and the warm, cheerful blaze did wonders for Virginia’s morale. She looked over at the small kitchen area. It was so sexy to see him preparing tea and sandwiches for her. As he cut bread and buttered it, he hummed to himself. He assembled two ham salad sandwiches on a tray with the tea things, and then he added a couple of slices of lemon drizzle cake, one of her favourites. He came over and moved a low table near to her, and then he fetched the tray and placed it on the table.

  “Will you pour the tea, please, Virginia?”

  She poured out two cups of the fragrant, steaming tea and handed one to him. He added milk, but no sugar, and then he took a plate with one of the sandwiches on it. She helped herself to the other one, and for a while, they sat in companionable silence, enjoying the fresh bread and the delicious filling. When Valkyrie spoke, she almost choked on her sandwich.

  “About your spanking,” he said. He grinned at her as she took a gulp of her tea to stop coughing.

  “What on earth do you mean?”

  “Now, my dear girl, you know full well what I mean.”

  “Girl?” She made an inelegant noise.

  “That got you into trouble before, and it has just increased the number of smacks you get,” he said.

  Virginia looked at him in round-eyed astonishment. Does he really mean it, or is he teasing? He can’t mean to spank me! We aren’t in the club. I know such things go on there, but here? Really?

  To her astonishment, he laughed, saying, “Oh yes I do mean it. I never promise what I don’t intend to fulfil. Now finish your tea like a good girl, and don’t make any more rude comments.”

  Virginia ate the rest of her sandwich in silence of a very different sort. What’s this? Why am I shaking? Am I afraid of him? Not really. Then what is it? I’m wet and hot. Thinking about being over his knee has me panting. Damn the man, that’s just why he said it.

  She looked at Valkyrie in puzzlement as he laughed aloud.

  “Your thoughts are written all over your face. Yes, I am going to spank you. Yes, you will enjoy it, and yes, anticipation is a large part of it.”


  * * * *

  He took the cup from her hand and replaced it on the tray. He led her to his bedroom. Then he held her in his arms.

  “I want to explore BSDM with you. You will need to trust me, and I know that’s not going to be easy. You will choose two safe words. One will mean you want to go slowly, maybe take a break. The other will mean ‘stop at once.’ I promise you that if you use either of your safe words, I’ll always respect them,” Valkyrie said.

  “I would like that, but I’m not too sure what it means.”

  “There is a taster, or demonstration evening, at the club in a few days. We can look, and then you can decide if you’d like to try anything,” Valkyrie suggested.

  “Unless I’m working, I’d like to, very much.”

  “Well, we can fix that. Now, what have you chosen for your safe words?” Valkyrie asked.

  “Coriander for ‘stop’ and curry for ‘go slow.’”

  Valkyrie chuckled. “Those are odd words. Might I ask why you chose them?”

  “I don’t like either of them, and certainly won’t mention them unless I have to.”

  “Very well then, ‘coriander’ and ‘curry’ are your safe words. Now I am going to spank that lovely bottom. So let’s get you ready.” He heard her gasp and decided that he needed to be firm. “Come along, pet. Come over here to this chair.” He led her to the chair and sat down. He held onto her hand as he explained.

  “You will remove your skirt and knickers. You can keep your stockings on. I want you to arrange yourself over my knee. You can hold onto my leg, if that helps. I am going to spank you ten times. If you need a break then you know what to say. Is that all clear, love?”

  “Yes,” Virginia replied, so quietly that he had difficulty in hearing her.

  “When we are in the club you must say ‘Sir’ or ‘Valkyrie’ when you speak to me.”

  “We aren’t in the club now, so what do I say?”

  “‘Yes, Sir,’ will do for the present, pet. Now get ready and let’s begin.” He didn’t want to rush her, but neither did he want to delay, so that she worried about what was to happen. If he had his way, this was going to be the first step on a long road of exploration together, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

  She turned around and started to undress. He allowed her to hide herself this time. Soon, she wouldn’t have that option. She shed her skirt and placed it on the chair. At first, she hesitated, but then she seemed to make up her mind. She pushed her knickers down over her hips, and then she stepped out of them. Bending down, she picked them up and placed them on the chair, giving him close-up view of her pussy. She stood up quickly, obviously realising that he’d had a grand-stand seat. He resisted the urge to smile. She turned round, and he noticed with delight that she’d blushed. She’s a treasure. How I’m going to enjoy the next few minutes.

  He helped her to arrange herself over his knees. She clung onto his leg for dear life, and he caressed her bottom gently. She trembled under his hands, and he gentled her.

  “Sh, it’s all going to be fine. You’ll see, pet.” She started to make a derisive sound but obviously though better of it, and it came out as a strangled little sound. Time to get a move on. He raised his hand and she squeaked as the first slap took her by surprise. She didn’t use her safe word, so he gave her a second. He wasn’t smacking her as hard as he could, but he wasn’t holding back too much. He heard her take a deep breath, and then he gave her another couple of slaps. He loved the way her plump cheeks jiggled under his hand. Two more and he stopped for a while to caress her. Her bottom was rosy and warm to the touch. He breathed in her scent. Magic, this is working. She’s aroused. I can smell her. He pressed one finger inside her. She was wet. He withdrew his finger. Was that a protest? Yes, she whined. Wonderful. Even better than I’d hoped. He replaced the finger with two, and pushed them slowly in and out. As he did so she moaned, and he smiled. I knew she’d like this. I just knew it. He felt around inside her, and when he got the response he wanted, he massaged her G-spot. She responded to his caresses with little sobbing moans. Fucking her with his fingers, he rubbed her G-spot and scissored his fingers as he withdrew totally and sniffed.

  “You are wet and so fragrant, Virginia. Are you enjoying your spanking?”

  “Yes, Sir, I am. I hadn’t thought it would be like this,” she said in a wobbly voice.

  He gave her half a dozen further slaps. She moaned, and her juices ran down her legs
to his great satisfaction.

  * * * *

  When one long, strong finger penetrated her pussy, Virginia held her breath. The sensation was incredible. What’s he doing? How is he making me feel like that? Shall I ask him? But if I do, he’s going to think I’m a fool. It must be the G-spot. Maybe other women know what this G-spot is. I’ve heard about it but had lost all hope of ever feeling anything. As he continued to rub his fingers over that sweet spot and fuck her with them, she felt the pressure mounting. She wanted another orgasm like the ones he’d given her. She strove to hold onto the feeling. She protested inarticulately when he stopped his attentions to her pussy and finished off the spanking. Why has he stopped? Is this a punishment? Is that why he hasn’t allowed me to come? Her thoughts again flew back to that young sub in the bedroom. This is something they do. Why do they do it? Can I ask him? Will he tell me?

  “Ask if you want to know,” he said.

  Can he read my mind?

  “Well, do you want to know or not, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir, I do. Are you not allowing me come because this is a punishment spanking?”

  “Yes and no. I am punishing you by withholding your orgasm, but the infraction wasn’t really a serious one. I will let you come eventually, and you’ll find that the orgasm you have is so much more intense because of that. You will want to experience it again. If you do, you must ask, as not all punishment spankings will end this way, pet.”

  That gave her food for thought, but thinking wasn’t easy, as again he peppered her quivering globes with sharp slaps, and then he inserted questing fingers into her pussy. He massaged her G-spot until she writhed and moaned and begged for release. Then he rubbed his thumb over her clit and wave after wave of pleasure, so intense that it bordered on pain, flowed over her. She lost control of her limbs, and her body twitched and jumped as the most amazing climax she’d ever experienced blew her mind and she passed out.

  * * * *

  Valkyrie picked her up and carried her to the bed. She was as floppy as a rag doll in his arms. Gently he laid her head on the pillows and covered her with a fleecy blanket. Her sat down by the bed and held her hand. She’s amazing. She’s so beautiful and so unconscious of her attraction and her physical attributes. He really did a number on her. I hope I can restore her confidence in herself. I’ll do whatever it takes to do that. With a new hairstyle and some colour, she’d look so different. I’ll fix that up tomorrow.

  Her hand moved in his as she stirred. She opened her eyes and blinked at him. He smiled, and her face lit up with an answering smile.

  “Hello, love,” he said.

  “Hello, Sir. What happened to me?”

  “The French call it la petite morte, the little death. Your orgasm was so intense you passed out, pet.”

  She smiled, yawned and stretched. “I’m so tired,” she murmured.

  “Then take a nap, pet. There’s plenty of time before we go down to the club.” He adjusted the blanket over her, but she pulled at his hand.

  “Come and lie beside me, please, Sir,” she said.

  He couldn’t refuse her, so he took off his shoes, and then he got under the blanket beside her. She rested her head on his shoulder and, lacing their fingers, she placed their hands over his heart. He breathed in her scent and loved the warmth of her body. He wanted nothing more than to have this every night for the rest of his life. So if I want this, her, I’m going to have to go slowly but make sure she’s with me every step of the way. First things first.

  “Virginia,” he said.

  “Mmm.” It was all she said in reply.

  “I have to tell you something, and then you can sleep.”

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Tomorrow you will have an appointment at a local beauty salon. They will do as much as you want. No, don’t protest, just please do this for me, Virginia.”

  He was pleased to see that she lowered her eyes and nodded.

  “If you really want this,” she said hesitantly.

  “Now, Virginia, what is it?”

  “Well, why do I have to change? Don’t you want me as I am?”

  “Silly pet, I do want you, and I thought that was obvious,” he said, pointing to where his hard cock tented the blanket.

  “Then why are you doing this?”

  “You need your confidence building up. There’s nothing like a make-over to do that for you. Have a new haircut, and get them to give you highlights in a bright colour. You’ll look and feel like a million dollars. They’ll do as complete a waxing as you feel you can cope with just now, and if you want more later, then you can go back. No! Don’t say anymore, just go and enjoy yourself. Please do this for me, Virginia.”

  “Well, if that’s the reason, I accept very gratefully,” she conceded. Her hand moved to his dick. “Time I took care of you now, Sir,” she said and proceeded to do just that.

  * * * *

  Virginia turned up at the appointed hour clutching her bag to her chest. She was breathless and nervous as a kitten, not knowing what to expect. It was a really up-market place, and she could never have afforded it herself.

  “Please do this for me, Virginia,” he’d said.

  When he’d put it like that she just couldn’t refuse him, so here she was. Her clothes were plain and serviceable, not at all like the stylish numbers some of the other clients were wearing. The young woman at the reception desk had a supercilious look on her face as she asked, “Do you have an appointment? What’s your name please?”

  “Virginia Daltrey,” she said in a low voice.

  When she said her name, a transformation came over the assistant. Virginia was shown to a private cubicle.

  “Please wait here, madam. Your personal stylist will come to you to discuss what it is you want us to do today,” the young woman said.

  Virginia removed her coat and hung it on the peg. The cubicle was nicely furnished. It had a basin for washing hair, and shelves full of bottles and jars. There was some make-up and nail polish, but there were an awful lot of bottles, the contents of which Virginia had never seen before, and she wondered what they were for.

  A small, plump girl came into the cubicle.

  “Good morning, my name’s Stephanie. I’m your stylist. Now, shall we sit down with a coffee and decide how I am going to transform you?” She giggled and Virginia was won over. She’d not liked the snooty receptionist, but this friendly, bubbly little thing was like a breath of fresh air. She began to feel that she could enjoy this. Stephanie went out and returned with two steaming mugs of latte. She took out a packet of biscuits from the drawer in the unit.

  “Would you like a chocolate digestive, Virginia? May I call you Virginia? Mrs. Laurens sounds awfully formal.”

  “Please call me Virginia. Yes, I’d love a chocolate digestive, thank you, Stephanie.”

  As Virginia helped herself from the packet, Stephanie added a brown sugar to her own latte and stirred slowly.

  “Strictly speaking, I ought not to offer biscuits but I find that, with the right client, a sweet treat helps to break the ice.”

  “I’ve never been to a place like this in my life, so yes, I’m nervous, but the coffee and biscuit help,” Virginia said and smiled for the first time.

  “What a lovely smile you have. Your teeth are good and your skin looks clear, but I hope to give it luminescence. I believe a trim would be good for you. That length of hair suits you, but we can add colour and highlights.”

  “Er…this is going to be very costly, I’m sure,” Virginia suggested tentatively.

  “I was warned that you’d ask that, but I was told to tell you that whatever the cost, it’s all taken care of. You are to have what I think you need, if you agree, and the bill will be sent to the club.”

  Virginia wanted to protest, but she didn’t want to make a scene. I’ll speak to Valkyrie when I get back. I can’t have him paying a huge sum out for me. I can get him to take it out of my wages a little at a time. Now that I can work every day, i
t won’t be so bad. As she looked at pictures of hairstyles, colours, make-up, and nail polish, a small voice in Virginia’s head told her she’d be paying for this for a long, long time. She ignored it. She began to enter into the planning with enthusiasm, and even made suggestions of her own. If I’m going to have all this done and have to pay for it, then I might as well go the whole hog and get exactly what I want.

  Stephanie washed her hair. The she sat her in a chair and proceeded to apply the colours they’d chosen. There would be three tones, from a dark blonde to a rich red, to highlight her hair. When she’d applied the evil-smelling mixture, she made Virginia another cup of coffee and proceeded to massage cream into her hands and trim her nails. When she’d done that, she applied the one called “Brick Shimmer” that Virginia had chosen. It looked very rich, and glowed. By the time the second coat was applied, Stephanie rinsed her hair and dried it a little before trimming and shaping it. Finally she dried it and showed Virginia the finished results. For a few moments Virginia couldn’t speak. The beautifully cut and highlighted hair made her feel younger, and at last she understood what Valkyrie had meant. Seeming to take the silence as a good omen, Stephanie lowered the mirror.

  “Good, now it’s time for a massage, but first we wax. Will it be the full wax?”

  Virginia was lost now, carried away by the euphoria of seeing herself transformed, so she nodded. Soon she was naked and lying on the bed. It was so comfortable she could have nodded off, that was until the waxing started.

  “Ouch!” she exclaimed.

  “You have to suffer to be beautiful,” Stephanie giggled.

  “Well, judging by the suffering, I’m going to be a goddess,” Virginia answered wryly.

  However it was soon over, and when lotion was massaged into her skin, she felt more comfortable. When Virginia was dressed, Stephanie began the process of matching make-up to her colouring.

  “Gracious me. All I ever did before was nip into Boots the Chemist and buy a pot of powder and some foundation.”


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