Scott Nicholson Library Vol 3

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Scott Nicholson Library Vol 3 Page 51

by Scott Nicholson

“Nice stroke,” she said, but the remark passed unnoticed.

  Dinner was still two hours away, but with 50 or more people expected for the conference, the kitchen was clanging. Vincent, the head chef, worked the gas grill as if he were forging mystical swords for the Roman fire god Vulcan. Phillippe, the new guy who actually wore a silly, poofy chef’s hat and had a culinary degree, browsed the spice rack as if filling a life-saving prescription.

  Janey resisted an urge to dip a spoon in a bubbling cauldron of something that looked like pumpkin stew. Much like a captain going down with the ship, she wanted her guests to enjoy their last meal. Despite her impulse to poison it.

  “Smells yummy, Phillippe,” she shouted over the clangor.

  “Mal appetit, mademoiselle,” he said.

  “And a Chucky Cheese to you.”

  She made her way to the laundry area that was appended to the back of the hotel. The narrow cinder-block alley that was so plain and familiar now took on a surreal quality, as if it were already becoming dust and air. The squeaking hum of the washing machines reverberated along the walls, growing louder as she entered the wash room.

  Rosalita, whose brown, leathery face was unreadable at all times, was folding table linens. Rosalita had started working in the laundry room at the same time as Janey, but she had the disadvantage of being Hispanic in a conservative rural area. In four decades, she’d missed only three days of work, each of them to bear a child. Janey had reported her once because Rosalita was running her cloth diapers through each load of sheets, a snitch that had moved Janey another rung up the laundry-room ladder. Janey had learned early on that by ratting out the hired help to the pinch-pennies and bean-counters who kept hoteliers around the world rich, she’d soon be management material herself. The trick was not in being moral and scrupulous, it was in not getting caught.

  But Rosalita had never shown any antagonism toward Janey. She’d also never shown any deference or friendliness. She might have been a carved Mayan idol for all the emotion she projected.

  “Good evening, Miss Mays,” the laundress said in her mild Spanish accent, not pausing in her routine of folding. Her spidery hands creased the fabric with geometric precision as she stacked the linen in a basket. The wash room had bare, gray walls and a concrete floor, with no heat besides that generated by the machinery. Janey still carried those long, late hours in her bones.

  “Are all the rooms ready?” Janey said, not bothering with a return greeting.

  “Yes, and we’ll have the dining room set in an hour.”

  “Have you noticed anything funny?” Janey asked.

  “Funny, ma’am?”

  “Unusual. You know. Have your people said anything?”

  Rosalita was so wary that she even hid her wariness. “Nothing. Steady business.”

  “The guests are looking for ghosts, and we wouldn’t want to disappoint them.”

  “We show them ghosts?”

  Janey gave a cracked laugh. “We don’t have to do any showing. Just let them see what they want to see.”

  “Ah. Even if they can see through them.”

  “Right. So please instruct the staff to play along. Let them share stories and the hotel history. All those deep, dark secrets you guys talk about behind my back.”

  Rosalita’s stony facade didn’t yield a crack. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Janey took one of the folded linens, flapped it open, and flung it over her head. She let it settle about her shoulders and feigned a ghostly moan. “Whooooo.”

  She yanked the tablecloth off her head and tossed it down for Rosalita to fold again. Rosalita’s black eyes were as cold as the room.

  “And make sure nobody walks off with any towels,” Janey said, heading for the cluttered service alley that led to the dining hall.

  “Or diapers,” Rosalita said.

  Janey turned, but the face was impassive. Janey had enjoyed the gradual oppression of Rosalita, a slow grinding under the heel that had stretched for delightful decades. Come Monday, Rosalita would be out of a job but Janey would lose much more—the joy of domination and manipulation.

  “I don’t think there will be any babies at the conference,” Janey said. “I’ve seen a couple of teenagers running around, but it’s not the sort of event for child’s play.”

  “Except for those dead ones that run and laugh on the second floor?”

  “That’s the spirit,” Janey said with an exaggerated wink.

  As she navigated the mop buckets, broken chairs, and filthy rolls of carpet in the service alley, she met one of the black-uniformed members of Digger’s crew. He was young and handsome, projecting an air of cockiness. He had some type of electronic gizmo in his hand that looked like a cross between a laser gun and a flashlight.

  “Excuse me,” Janey said. “This area is off limits to the public. As you can see, it’s unsafe.”

  If Chad and Stevie get sued in the final hour, that might cut into the severance package.

  “Digger said we had an all-access pass,” said the young man, whose sea-green eyes twinkled as if they could get him into any door he wanted. “I’m just grabbing some baseline readings.”

  He kept on with his instrument, waving it around and studying the digital information on its screen. Janey fought an urge to grab him by the ear and drag his insolent ass out of there. She looked at the name stitched above the SSI logo on the breast of his jump suit.

  “Cody,” she said. “I’m sure Mr. Wilson impressed upon you the importance of following rules.”

  Cody clicked off the instrument. “Ghosts don’t follow the rules, so why should I?”

  Janey gave a brief, dry burst of applause, and the sound was swallowed by the confined space. “Bravo. I’m sure you’re Digger’s star pupil.”

  “Look,” he said, thrusting the meter toward her. “You’ve got EMF fluctuations all along here. I’m thinking it’s the wiring behind the walls, or maybe water going through old copper pipes.”

  He pressed a trigger on the meter and a row of LED lights flashed red across the screen. He waved the meter in an arc so she could see it, and the line of LED’s surged and disappeared.

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” she asked.

  “Maybe nothing,” Cody said. “Get the readings now, before all hell breaks loose. Then get readings later, and you can measure hell.”

  “Ghosts come from hell?” She’d always thought of them as trapped spirits killing time, watching as she went about her business. More like deadbeat tenants than anything.

  “There are different types. You have your residual haunts, sort of like a film projector stuck in a loop. Then you got your actives, what some call the ‘intelligent’ haunts because they interact with the real world. They might talk or touch you, and sometimes express confusion about why things have changed.”

  “That doesn’t sound so scary,” Janey said, though she shivered at the thought of a ghost touching her. They could watch all they wanted, and whisper things, and move objects around, but they could damn well keep their hands to themselves in her hotel.

  “Poltergeists tend to play little pranks, rap on the walls, and toss things around. They’re usually associated with adolescent girls getting their first period, psychokinetic powers, that kind of thing.”

  “No wonder. Turning into a woman would make anybody unstable. If you had PMS, you’d throw things around, too.”

  “Then you got your demons,” Cody said, with a mischievous grin.


  Janey jumped at the metallic, grinding noise behind her that might have been the snapping jaws of some flesh-eating spawn of Satan.

  Then a buzzer sounded, and Janey realized one of the ancient, commercial-sized dryers had ended its cycle. She pictured Rosalita waiting patiently for the next load, alone with whatever spirits of cotton and dust lay gathered around her.

  “Demons constitute less than 1 percent of all activity,” Cody said. “But it’s the kind of activity that can mess you up.”

  “Mess you up?”

  “I’ve had them throw me across the room. But the real risk is to your noggin. They can plant ideas and make you see things that aren’t exactly family-friendly viewing. And if you get possessed, well, the party really gets out of hand.”

  “And you believe this stuff? What are you, some kind of Bible thumper?”

  Cody moved past her to take another set of readings. “God versus the Devil would be a clean fight. But demons aren’t really interested in either. A boss is a boss, right? They tend to do their own thing.”

  Janey had images of red, pointy-eared creatures fluttering around in caves of fire.

  “You’re looking pretty clean so far,” he said. “We’ll do a complete sweep and get a better idea. But you can never tell what’s going to come out and play in the dead of night.”

  “When things get quiet,” she said. “I wouldn’t–”

  “Whoa.” The row of LED lights on the meter filled and faded in the rhythm of a slow heartbeat. “This is freaky.”

  He moved the meter close to an old cherry wardrobe. The piece wasn’t classy enough to be an antique and wasn’t rustic enough to pass off as primitive handicraft. One splintered door sagged from its hinges while the other door was warped and buckled from dampness. The base of the wardrobe was nicked and scarred, and a strip of trim was missing from the crown. The LED bar continued its steady blinking.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  Cody eased the meter through the gap between the doors and Janey cringed, half expecting something to grab his wrist and drag him into the darkness.

  “What’s the story on this?” he asked.

  Janey couldn’t remember where the piece had come from, but she’d been walking past it for many years, cursing its obstruction of the hallway. She wasn’t even sure why she’d never had the wardrobe hauled away. Perhaps she thought it might be restored, so she could concoct a receipt for a new wardrobe, dump the furniture in one of the larger suites, and stick the cost difference in her pocket.

  “Just a pile of junk,” she said.

  “Here, hold this,” Cody said, thrusting the meter into her hands. She gripped it gingerly, as if it were a loaded gun. Cody parted the doors and the dim light of the service alley spilled into the interior. The wardrobe was empty.

  The meter stopped pulsing and the LED’s went dead.

  “It stopped,” Janey said.

  “I think we’ve got us an anomaly.” Cody made notes in his pocket-sized composition book.

  “Haunted furniture?”

  “You need a lot more than an energy fluctuation to make that conclusion. But it’s a data point. I need to check for electrical outlets or pipes behind it.”

  While Janey studied the meter’s display, Cody put his shoulder against the wardrobe and scooted it sideways. Despite her cynicism, Janey found herself craning to see the hidden section of cinder block wall. A frayed sheet of plywood was propped against the wall and cool air oozed from the dark gaps around it.

  Cody plucked the plywood away, revealing a hole about the size of four cinder blocks. A rank, earthy odor oozed from the opening, and the blackness inside was almost palpable, a solid mass that threatened to spill out like stuffing from a torn sofa.

  “I don’t remember that hole being there,” Janey said, relishing a last scolding of Wally Reams.

  Cody squatted, fished a penlight from his pocket, and speared the thin shaft of light into the darkness. He stuck his head into the opening. “Sweet.”

  “What is it?” Janey asked, shuddering at the thought of rats and other vermin having a free run to the kitchen.

  “Looks like some kind of repair access. For pipes and heating ducts.”

  As Janey leaned to peer over Cody’s shoulder, the EMF meter began blinking again, this time in a staccato frenzy. She almost dropped it.

  “Whatever it is, it’s in here,” Cody said, taking the meter from her.

  “Great. An evil spirit is just what we need.”

  Cody shook his head. “I doubt we’d get that lucky. I meant that the source of the fluctuation is down there. Wires, pipes, maybe some kind of heat or water pump. The first job in this line of work is to eliminate all the possible solutions until you get to the impossible.”

  He turned and looked up at her, his cheek smudged with a cobweb. “People think ghosts are everywhere, but the truth is they’re pretty damned rare. You have to cut through a lot of noise to get to the real deal.”

  Janey handed Cody the meter and straightened her jacket. “Well, don’t be crawling down in there without written permission. Mr. Wilson’s contract limits the hunts to the public areas.”

  Cody did the Charm School bit, dimples and all, and one eyelid fluttered in a conspiratorial wink. “I wouldn’t dream of it, ma’am.”

  She didn’t know whether to spank him or kiss him, and she tightened her lips so she didn’t appear flustered. “And don’t be summoning any demons to my hotel.”

  “You don’t have to summon demons. If they want to be here, they already are.”

  Janey left Cody to his meter and note pad, acutely aware of the subtle noises of the hotel: air sluicing through the central ductwork, the distant creaking of the old elevator, the muted music from the kitchen, the rumbling of washers and dryers. She had a sense of the hotel as an organic, living thing, with its own circulatory system, breath, and skeleton.

  And its own memories.

  Its own desires.

  And perhaps a will to live.

  She hurried to the dining room, a chill settling on her skin. She kept her eyes dead ahead.

  Chapter 12

  This was exactly what he’d wanted, the main reason he’d set up the ghost hunt. He’d even prayed for it, in such awkward fashion as he could undertake that act of humility. But maybe it wasn’t so wise to ask God for things, because He might deliver them.

  Wayne had brushed Burton off with a mumbled story about the Ouija session reminding him of his wife because they’d played the board game together in college. Burton hadn’t bought it completely but hadn’t pressed for more details.

  We played, all right. Only it wasn’t in college.

  Wayne checked the monitor system. The guests who had signed up for early hunts were already making the rounds of the most notorious rooms, led by members of the SSI team. Wayne and Burton had charted out the rotation schedule to ensure that everyone would be able to spend time in 318, 202, and 218, with the dining room optional. Little history had been gathered on the dining room, though supposedly a spirit dubbed “The Waiter” still offered service in the wee hours of night.

  Wayne turned to the group of six that had assembled for the next hunt. Two were old ladies who looked wiry and clear-eyed, knotty hands clutching meters labeled “Ghost Detector.” Such devices were usually sold on the Internet by enterprising paranormal sites, run by entrepreneurs who bought basic EMF meters at wholesale and decked them out with a few stickers and a marketing image at double the cost.

  A younger couple, who appeared more interested in each other than in Wayne’s explanation of the hunt logistics, carried no equipment besides digital cameras. A balding man in a plaid jacket projected an unhealthy eagerness, as if ghosts were the only entities that could endure his company for long. Martin Gelbaugh, the final member of the group, hovered around the edge like a wolf waiting to cull the weakest from the pack.

  “Okay, folks, here’s the drill. We have one hour in 202. First I want to give you a little history on–”

  “Excuse me,” Gelbaugh said. “Wouldn’t it be preferable to go in with a blank slate rather than a head full of suggestions?”

  “Not necessarily,” Baldy said. “If you know the stories, then you know what to look for.”

  “Exactly,” Gelbaugh said. “You find what you’re looking for.”

  Baldy wasn’t sharp enough to pick up on the sarcasm, but one of the old ladies said, “If there’s a ghost in the room, I want to know before I step foot in ther

  Great, Wayne thought. A hunter afraid of ghosts.

  “For the record, 202 features anomalies such as tobacco smoke from nowhere, an alarm clock that turns on and off by itself, and a moving cold spot,” he said. “The EMF levels are fairly stable and consistent with the room’s wiring. Multiple reports suggest an entity lingers in the room, but I won’t go into details. You can read the Ghost Register at the front desk if you want to know the rest. Now let’s head out so we can stay on schedule.”

  One old woman, the one whose slumping posture made her resemble an undersize Quasimodo, said to the other, “Maybe the ghosts wait until after bedtime.”

  Wayne led them down the hall, where they passed a group led by The Roach. Wayne gave a casual salute, impressed by the military precision The Roach had drilled into his charges. The small MAG lights clipped on the bill of his cap gave him credence and furthered his insectile demeanor. Wayne was glad they’d selected the black jump suits as uniforms, because they conveyed organization and competence and also a slight suggestion of danger.

  Spiritual storm troopers, armed and ready.

  The door to 202 was open, with wires running along the baseboard of the hall and feeding into the room. Burton had rigged surveillance cameras in each of the hunt locations, arranged to capture evidence but also help Wayne track the progress of the various groups. Any guest that wanted to drop out and conduct armchair hunting could sit in the control room and get their money’s worth, imagining shadows on the tiny monochrome screens.

  Room 202 was a honeymoon suite, with a renovated kitchenette and a spacious bathroom with a sunken tub. The windows faced east, and dusk was already settling on the rippling hills in the valley below. Night came suddenly in the mountains, especially in November with the solstice approaching. Wayne had almost forgotten the magical aura of the Blue Ridge, with its gray shroud of fogs and ancient, mute granite slabs.

  “Okay, folks,” Wayne said, instinctively lowering his voice as the group entered the room. Hunters whispered on a scene, and they assembled with all the reverence of devotees entering church. After all, this was a mystical act of faith and belief. They came to see the unseen and know the unknowing, and they were eager to eat the invisible wafer.


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