Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga)

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Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga) Page 6

by TJ Star

  Ryan felt a pull towards his omega, but didn’t want to draw any undue attention that way. “We had discussed the merits of the plan and how it would work with the landscaping I was planning in comparison to the others but I was not made aware of such a file.” Ron growl showing his displeasure while looking straight at Jeff, who held up his hand as if to say he didn’t know. Ron then turned smiling, “Why don’t you take Seth into this back room for a session he can draw your picture and work up the details he needs for the painting that should have been done for you initially. Seth.” The alpha beckoned.

  Ryan countered before Ron could speak again, “I’ll agree to the portrait and giving you the extra time, but I must insist it be done in the gardens with the fountain across the street. It is just too nice out and I might as well enjoy part of this city while I am here.” The man turns to have Seth get the things he needed then he texts a number and in a few minutes two betas were up here and in the door to escort the omega.

  “These are his guards for today when he is not in my presence, I am sure you understand the safety issues.” Ron said as he petted Seth’s hair and put one hand on his shoulder with his fingers near the base of his throat. “You make sure you don’t get no more bad ideas, understand omega?” He whispered in his ear. “Yes Alpha!” Seth replied nodding.

  The Tom guy came over and took him by the elbow escorting him from the room towards the elevators. The other beta had been introduce as Dan and didn’t seem any more pleasant than the first. So he kept to himself and once off the elevators lead the way to the area he wanted for the picture.

  He stopped them not far from the area he though he might sit and asked Seth what he thought. Tom released the omega and gave him a stern warning that they would be watching, as he and Dan separated and spaced themselves out. Finally alone he watched Seth take a deep breath.

  “I-it is a very pretty area.” He heard him softly speak then he seemed to draw in some more confidence and said, “I think you were right about the fountain but if we set you just a bit in front of it say…” Then he walk over to the side a bit to a planter awaiting plants, put his sketch pad between his knees and took off his shirt putting it inside out over the plantar that was on the sandy area in front of the fountain. Then he turned to Ryan and said, “Alpha Ryan if you could just sit here and I will pose you then I can start the picture.”

  Ryan let himself be posed, though he was not sure how well he responded he was having trouble focusing again. Just like when he first walked into the meeting room and saw Seth in such a deploring position. While he would never approve of an omega being treated that way ever and it had been hard to rein his temper, he couldn’t help but stare.

  Now as he walked over he seen there were more scars on Seth’s back. His leg and foot was shifted and arm propped certain way, and then was told to look a certain direction. Then Seth backed up and looked from a couple angles then made a couple adjustments and sat on his heels not to far off to get the basics on the paper.

  As he looked up and back to the paper Seth asked him various questions, some of which Ryan thought may have been out of the blue. Others however seemed practiced and like they had a purpose so he evaded giving direct answers to those.

  Ryan decided to try a tactic of his own and ask him some questions as quietly as he could so the betas would likely not hear he asked, “Why guards out here but not for the room upstairs, had we done a portrait there?” he heard a quick intake of breath and Seth looked up again. Then came over towards him adjusted his hand then squatted down putting a hand to adjust his foot while using a stick to write in the sand. A simple statement ‘Rooms have locks.’

  Ryan risked one more question whispering, “What did Ron ask you after seeing the pictures of the mansion?” He saw how hesitant he was but the word in the sand was ‘plans.’ He wiped the sand clear and put the stick aside picking up his pencil and pad. As he was rising Ryan risked one more for curiosity sake, “You told him even you weren’t talented enough, but you could do it from memory if you tried I bet couldn’t you?” He smiled big adjusting Ryan’s head back into position, seeing his eyes dart over his shoulders he masked his face before turning and going back to his spot.

  Seth sat back down and started adding more finishing touches on his portrait as he felt someone approach from behind. Knowing already it would be Tom only he walked passed him and went towards the alpha. He tensed but kept drawing and looking up then drawing some more, until he seen Tom bend over and pick up a stick and break it in two. He tossed it aside as he walked back toward him he just kept sketching up until Tom grabbed him by the throat and lifted him partway off the ground. Seth dropped his pad and pencil grabbing his arm instead.

  Tom leaned in close to his face speaking fast through gritted teeth, “Ron will be royally pissed at your behavior so soon after running away. You better start treating me and Danny boy a lot kinder when we make you earn your food or Alpha’s going to hear about this. Do you understand me?” He then shook the omega and dropped him back down. “Yes Sir!” Seth whimpered while trembling beneath the beta until he moved off again.

  Ryan so needed to get this omega out of this situation somehow, he just didn’t know how, though he had no mating bite so he was not bonded to anyone. He saw Seth was trying to pull himself together and was taking some deep breaths. Then he stood to finish the picture rather than sitting, he didn’t even repose him and he knew he had moved out of position. He looked adorable with one pencil in his mouth while drawing with another. Then he stopped looked at it then at Ryan and back again and closed the tablet of paper and bent to retrieve his other pencils. Then headed over toward to get his shirt from where he was now standing.

  “What I don’t get to see the picture?” Ryan said as he smiled at Seth dusting his shirt off, before putting it back on. “Y-you want to see?” Seth looked up questioningly, but a smile starting to form. He put his pencils in his back pockets and opened the tablet to show him the various pages. Though they had only been down there for so long he had five very detailed sketches completed all different and unique.

  He realized Seth had mainly posed him in that position for the first picture so he would have a comfortable place to sit and so as an artist he would have a full view of the whole scene around them for the additional sketches he later perfectly superimposed Ryan’s figure into as if he had actually posed for them. “You have an amazing gift; I appreciate you sharing it with me.” He said as he flipped through the pages once more.

  At this point Tom and Dan were at our sides to escort Seth back upstairs with or without me, so I followed deciding to get the rest of this meeting over with and wanting to find a way to help Seth. Once we were upstairs they shoved him through the doors and asked their alpha what they wanted them to do now. Thankfully he sent them off to eat and go wait at the hotel for them to arrive later. He stayed standing hands in his pockets waiting. He knew his people’s work was good and that it had to be damn good in comparison to the other companies in order for this conceded alpha to be putting up such a fuss.

  Ron started talking about that time explaining again the fact his pack had grown so large and popular that they needed to expand their territory. That he had chose to buy a territory nearby that had gone unused for so long it had gone to waste mostly. While he had done construction to a majority of the buildings in the main parts of the territory, he had this last project to do. That he told Ryan was why it was so important for him to have this last piece his mansion. His new home and main business command center.

  He let it go in one ear and out the other; he was not going to try to guilt trip him into anything. Hard work was something that you either appreciated or you didn’t, and Ryan was slowly getting fed up. Knowing the answer already he asked if they had already broke ground on this land they were going to build on to prepare it for the coming construction.

  He knew the cost of the land it was on, a forth of the city they had grown up in, he also knew the cost of the designs he had made
, how many millions it would cost to build the mansion. He wondered how long before Ron’s pack would start to feel it, it was a lot to go from one area to two districts.

  So unless he was a slum lord of an alpha, which at this point Ryan could see him being, he had no clue how he thought he was going to maintain that much control. Especially in the condition he was in as head alpha, he would have to put other alphas in charge of the other districts or outlying areas and soon his kingdom would fall. He was hurting himself not helping himself. Which is why Ryan said nothing. When Ron had finished saying he did not own the land yet he sought the opportunity to ask the question, “Where is this land you are trying to buy, contractors tend to have connections maybe I know the owner?”

  Jeff spoke in then saying roughly, “I doubt you know who owns it, but I know you will recognize the land as it was our old pack lands. That shitty run down section what was it called, ‘The Forgotten Quarter’ the one you and your friends ran and left the pack from when you were teenagers.” Oh yes, Jeff was mighty pissed he was cutting him out as middle man on the design job. So be it he was a liar and he could not tolerate that especially in a business deal.

  “I do at that he said crossing his arms over his chest, I also happen to know who owns it and how much it is worth.” Ryan stated with a smile adding, “I also know my plans are top quality as pointed out by my ex-pack member, I got out of a bad pack and into a good business at and early age. Our company has some of the top shifters in our area on the payroll. Our reputation stands.” He further stated, “Whether you choose to hire his company or not to build is your own problem, but considering his top board members could barely make out the plans. Well I will leave that at your digression.”

  This got rise out of Jeff and his board who were quieted by Ron and told to sit down and shut up until further notice. The alpha was seething and it was not just rage, he was overwhelmed by greed plain and simple. “How much for the land, I have been sending offers for months with no response?” He hissed between his teeth taking breaths to calm himself.

  Ryan simply stated the truth that he had been ignoring them because he had absolutely no plans to sell the land. He chuckled on the inside at the response that got then asked the greed stricken alpha what his top price was for both outright ownership of the plans and the land itself. He then could take the plans and specs to any good contractor get a quote and compare it to the pricing already given in the write up he had made.

  Ron turned away hand to his chin thinking pose stalking towards the window. Ryan chanced a quick glance at Seth and he had his feet up on the bench now arms wrapped around his legs watching the alphas before him. He turned back toward Ron who faced the window hands on the sill now.

  “Well what will it be?” He asked making like he was texting and stating, “There is still plenty of time before my flight to make this deal if not maybe I can catch an earlier plane.” At this Jeff opened his mouth again, “I thought you were staying the night.” Which received him a pointed glare from Ron shutting him up.

  “I decided I didn’t relish the company.” Ryan stated turning to look at Jeff throwing his own hate from earlier right back at him.

  Then facing Ron he was given another quote, Ryan accused him of lowballing it and Ron’s eyes flared. The alpha took a couple deep breaths rethinking since he needed the property then upped his game nearly loosing his shit when he told him not good enough.

  Then holding up his hands he started to state his terms, “Here is my deal you take all of it or leave all of it. I will have my people fax a certified copy of the sell papers for the land from our lawyer in which will state our agreed upon terms. Once received these gentleman can act as witnesses to my signature to said documents as well as yours. They will also send another document that these gentlemen can witness us all sign. That paper will state you and your pack give up your rights to the omega known as Seth, handing him over to take with me as I leave this room today with no interference from anyone on your part to try to get him back. Any said attempts would render your rights to the land null and void returning the property rights back to us including anything on it.” He watched as he spoke and seen the alpha taking in the options.

  Ron spoke at last calmly, “One stipulation, I require one painting from Seth each year. That needs to be added to the contract, he has prophetic abilities I will not totally loose.” Ryan turned to Seth and seen him nod and text the instructions to his team told them asap and he was using the 911 exit strategy and would explain all when he got home the typed ‘mate’ at the end of the text so they would brook no arguments.

  “The lawyer said it would take about twenty minutes so you could all order in your dinner while I confirm my flight and have my office arrange another ticket.” Ryan stated, then looked over at Seth saying, “Are those your only bags? If so please go put them by the door next to mine. I will text so the office knows you have two carry-ons.” He watched as Seth nervously did so, unsure what to do, he just sat near the bags. Ryan saw him jump at the knock on the door fifteen minutes later.

  “Mr. Rivers?” the office assistant asked, handing them to him as he stood.

  “Thank you! Could you arrange for a cab to meet me out front to take me to the airport in about ten minutes, thanks?” Ryan said. He walked over to the table they signed the papers each taking their own copies all having been signed by Jeff and his board as witnesses. He used his phone to take pictures of the signed copies and sent them directly back, and then at Ron’s pleading about the mansion plans he took a zip drive out of the back pocket of his pants.

  “You had the plans on a zip file this whole time and let us go through looking at paper blueprints and having the omega draw up the mansion by guesswork when we could have just stuck this in a computer and seen it all for ourselves?” Ron was angry and holding up said drive now. I took it out of his hand and put it in the nearest laptop on the table. Brought up the plans then went into the drawing file of the 3D generated view of the mansion.

  “Guesswork my ass, Seth has real talent; beside I have little trust in people I barely know with plans that are worth that much. Enjoy your new home. Come on Seth let’s go catch a plane.” Ryan put on his backpack and grabbed what looked like the heaviest travel case. Seth grabbed the other and they left out the door walking fast towards the elevators. “I don’t trust them for shit so we need to haul ass my friend.” He said moving both of them even faster along.

  Chapter 13 Seth

  Seth was so confused, nervous, scared and excited all at the same time. He felt so many things as he sat patiently by the door with their bags. He knew Ron and his alpha was evil so there had to be a trick in there somehow, but yet they signed papers with witnesses and his new alpha mentioned all the paperwork had notary signatures on it.

  Soon they were rushing down the hall he was carrying his bag of clothes and Ryan said what he had been feeling as well not to trust them and to hurry. So he did as best he could though he had not eaten all day long and had been treated less than gently most the day.

  On the elevator he noticed Ryan was gripping the railing with his free hand and gritting his teeth, breathing heavier. He reached out and touched his arm with his free hand and tried to comfort him with a questioning look in his eyes. Seth didn’t want to say anything and risk getting hit, not that this alpha had been that way towards him at all yet, but he didn’t want to offend him either. Ryan looked down at him and tried to smile, but it was an obviously forced effort. When the doors opened he grabbed Seth’s arm and rushed out as fast as he could.

  As they nearly ran passed the front desk the lady told Ryan his cab for the airport was right out front. He thanked her and we headed towards the exit as she went back to work her computer screen. Only when we got outside he hooked and immediate right into the parking area and went to the last car in the third row and opened the trunk tossing in our stuff. He unlocked the doors and we got in. “I-I” I started to speak then lower my head and thought better of it.

  Ryan looked at him before looking back to the road, “You can say whatever is on your mind, you don’t have to be scared. Though I can probably answer your question without you having to ask it. I had my brothers, those friends Jeff mentioned, put together a plan B exit strategy since we knew little going in. The only thing I knew was some guy from my old pack that I ran from as a kid because it was so horrid had contacted me out of the blue and several months later emailed me about a bid on a project. At the same time we were getting notifications from our dumby corporation stating that a buyer was interested in our old pack lands we had bought up slowly over the years. I was skeptical but hopeful that I was wrong about this being a bad situation.”

  “S-so all the talk and the cab was to lay a false trail so we would have more time to get away.” Seth asked meekly. Looking over at Ryan’s nod as the alpha watched the road; he thought maybe he just might be okay. Hours later he was still clutching his stomach and jerked when his new alpha reached over to move his hand and arm away as they sat at a light. Ryan said, “Are you okay? Did Ron hurt you more than it appeared, we can find medical treatment somewhere if we need to?”

  He just looked wide eyed over at the alpha not knowing what to say, not understanding why he would care so much having just met him. He looked down and wet his lips asking, “Maybe if it is okay could I eat today please?” Seth asks quietly then hurriedly added, “If not that is okay I had two apples for dinner yesterday.” He then looked out the window in case he was in trouble he didn’t want to see, he preferred his new alpha's smile and happier face, he wasn’t sure he wanted to see him angry. The car suddenly swerved and pulled to a stop.


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