Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 3

by Susan Coventry

  “How close is the nearest neighbor?” asked Ron.

  Nikki was perched on a barstool at the kitchen counter and braced her hands against the counter’s edge. “Well, gentlemen, there’s actually a path through the woods that comes out on the neighbor’s property. If you didn’t know it was there, it would be very difficult to find, but I happen to know where it is because… I’m the neighbor.”

  Her sentence hung in the air for a moment as Ron glanced at Nate and then at Nikki. “Hmm, very interesting,” Ron muttered.

  Nate stood a few steps away, but he might as well have been right on top of her. She felt her face flush at the thought, and then she noticed the twinkle in his eyes as his face lit up with a boyish grin.

  “Well, what do you know? Looks like you and I are going to be neighbors!”

  Chapter 5

  Nikki wasn’t sure how to feel about them being neighbors. She wasn’t concerned about Nate bothering her as much as she was concerned about his fans. She valued her privacy just like he did and wasn’t too keen on the idea of Nate’s groupies parked outside day and night just trying to catch a glimpse of him. In spite of this, he was her client, and she was about to make a sale.

  “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about living next door to an overzealous fan.” Oops, that didn’t come out quite right.

  Nate just laughed. “So, I take it you’re not a fan.”

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that…”

  “No worries, Ms. Branson. I understand what you meant.”

  “Since we’re going to be neighbors, you may as well call me Nicole.”

  His eyes twinkled again. “Ok, Nicole it is.”

  “Do you have any other questions about the property, or should I go ahead and prepare the documents?”

  “I do have one question. Where exactly is the path that leads to your house?”

  Nikki looked up at him in surprise, trying to determine if he was teasing her. Before she could respond, he continued. “I’d like to know in case I need to borrow a cup of sugar or something.”

  Ok, now he was definitely teasing her, and two could play at this game. Nikki put a hand on her hip and said, “Don’t tell me you bake. Don’t you have assistants who do that for you?”

  Nate was obviously used to women falling for his charms. He oozed confidence and sexuality as he casually leaned back against the kitchen counter, piercing her with his steady gaze. “I do have an assistant; however, sometimes I like to bake. It relaxes me, and at the risk of sounding cocky, I’m pretty damn good at it. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie.”

  Nikki found it hard to believe that this man ever felt stressed, let alone turned to baking for relief. She could think of plenty of other ways to relieve stress that had nothing to do with the kitchen. Ok, Nik, get back on track here. No naughty thoughts about your new neighbor.

  “I enjoy a homemade chocolate chip cookie as much as anyone. However, you might have better luck finding sugar at the party store at the end of the road.”

  Nate’s grin couldn’t possibly get any wider as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and raised an eyebrow at her. “You don’t bake?”

  “Not very often. Besides, if I get the urge for a cookie, there’s a bakery a block away from my office.”

  “I’d be willing to bet that my chocolate chip cookies are better than the ones you get from the bakery. Maybe I’ll let you taste one after I move in.”

  Were chocolate chip cookies becoming a metaphor for something else? Oh, he was smooth, no doubt about it. Nikki would have to watch herself around this guy. She refused to get sucked in by his good looks and charm. However, they were going to be neighbors, so she might as well be neighborly toward him.

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m wearing high heels, which aren’t conducive to traipsing through the woods. But if you come over to the window, I can point out the general direction of the path.”

  “Fair enough,” Nate said as he followed her over to the bay window.

  “There’s a break in the trees at the back right edge of the property. Do you see it?”

  Nate leaned in a little closer, giving Nikki another whiff of his masculine cologne. “I think so,” he replied as his arm brushed up against hers.

  Nikki took a step back. “Ok, so the next step is for me to prepare some forms for you to sign. I can have them ready in a couple of hours, or I can email them to you if you have to catch a plane.”

  “I’m flying out tomorrow morning, so we could grab some lunch and then sign the papers if that works for you.”

  Nikki wasn’t sure if the “we” he referred to included her or not. “I’d be glad to recommend a restaurant for you and Ron, and then we can meet after lunch.”

  She was back in business mode, and Nate responded in kind. “That will work,” he replied as he followed her out of the house.

  Ron and Jeff were conversing in the driveway, but they looked up as Nikki and Nate approached, a knowing expression on Ron’s face. Whatever he thinks he knows is wrong. I am not one of Nate Collins’s groupies. I am a professional businesswoman who deserves respect. Nikki was so distracted by her angry thoughts that she didn’t notice the large stick on the downward sloping driveway until her heel caught on it. She felt herself tipping forward just as Nate grabbed her arm.

  “Are you ok?” he asked as she attempted to regain her composure.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Damn heels,” she muttered.

  Nate suppressed a laugh as he tightened his grip on her arm. “Let me help you to the car.”

  Nikki wanted to refuse, but she had already brought too much attention to herself. She reluctantly allowed Nate to lead her to the car. Hmm… handsome, charming, and chivalrous, a lethal combination, she mused as he opened the car door for her. Nikki prided herself on being calm and steady, especially in a business situation, but not today, not with him. Nate’s presence was wreaking havoc on her emotions, but she reminded herself that it would all be over soon. She doubted he would come over to “borrow a cup of sugar” from her, and she didn’t want him to. No good would come from it. Even if they were to become friends, he would be returning to California after a few months, and she would never see him again. Nate didn’t seem like the type of guy who could be “just friends” with a woman anyway, so why was she even contemplating this?

  Ron broke her train of thought as they pulled up in front of Branson Realty. “We’ll be back at two o’clock to sign the papers,” he said abruptly.

  Nikki was in such a hurry to get out of the car that she forgot all about giving them a lunch recommendation. Oh, well, they’ll manage, she decided. Before she had a chance to dig her office key out of her purse, Rosa opened the door to greet her.

  “Rosa, did you forget that today is Saturday?” Nikki had a pretty good idea why Rosa was there, but she wanted to make her say it.

  “Well, hello to you too, boss. I thought you might need help with something, so I’m here to offer my services.”

  Nikki raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “After all these years, you could at least be honest with me. You’re here in the hopes of meeting Nate Collins.”

  Rosa raised her hands in mock surrender. “Ok, you caught me. I thought there might be a chance I could meet him, but I truly did want to offer my help.”

  “Since you’re here, I might as well put you to work. Nate and his agent won’t be back until two to sign the papers, but Rosa, promise me you won’t make a fool of yourself. We are professionals, after all.”

  “I promise not to embarrass you, but tell me everything. Is he as gorgeous in person? What is he like?”

  Rosa sat down in her front desk chair, and Nikki took the chair across from her. She suddenly felt exhausted and welcomed the short reprieve. Unsure how to answer Rosa’s questions without sounding like a gushing teenager, she replied, “He’s a very good-looking man and kind of… unexpected.”

  “Unexpected? What does that mean?” Rosa looked at her l
ike she had grown a second head.

  “I’m not quite sure how to describe him.” Nate had definitely made an impression on her, but it wasn’t because of his star quality. There was something else there that she couldn’t put her finger on. Nikki had just seen a peek of the real person behind the image, but she didn’t expect she’d ever get to know all the facets of Nate Collins.

  Rosa was obviously disappointed at the lack of details. “Did you fall and hit your head today? You’re not acting like yourself.”

  Nikki laughed as she recalled her near spill. “As a matter of fact, I stumbled on the driveway, but Nate kept me from falling.” She gave Rosa a brief run-down of the incident and assured her that she was fine. “Now, let’s get to work. They’ll be here soon, and then you can make your own judgments about Nate.”

  Chapter 6

  The afternoon appointment with Nate went off without a hitch. Other than a slight tremble in her voice and holding on to Nate’s hand a little too long when she shook it, Rosa had been on her best behavior. Nate’s assistant, Tessa McLean, would be arriving next week and would make arrangements with Nikki to pick up the house keys. The news didn’t come as any surprise to Nikki; she fully expected that this would be her first and last meeting with Nate Collins. He thanked her and shook her hand before walking out the door for good. Nikki watched as Nate’s tall frame vanished into the car, knowing the next time she’d see him would be on a movie screen.

  The week flew by as she buried herself in work as usual. Nikki barely gave Nate a thought, but that all changed on Friday afternoon when Chad called.

  “Hey, Nik, a little birdie told me that you found a rental home for Nate Collins.”

  Nikki tramped down her irritation, reminding herself that Chad was the one who’d recommended her to Ron in the first place. “That’s right, I did. He’ll be moving in sometime next week.” Nikki was careful not to give Chad too many details.

  “Good work. How about I take you out to dinner to celebrate?”

  Nikki rolled her eyes and prepared to turn him down, but suddenly, she changed her mind. What would be wrong with going out for a nice dinner with a man? Sure, they were only business acquaintances, but it might be fun. She would just have to make sure not to give Chad the wrong idea.

  “Ok, I’ll have dinner with you. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about some advertising ideas I have, so we can do it then.”

  Chad was silent for a moment; he was probably in shock that she’d said yes! “Great. I’ll call The Woodshop and make a reservation for us right now.” The relief in his voice was practically tangible.

  “I have some things to wrap up here, but I can meet you there at six o’clock.” It wasn’t an official date if you met someone at the restaurant, right? Chad might think otherwise, but Nikki had plenty of practice thwarting his advances. It wasn’t that Chad was a bad-looking guy, but she didn’t feel any zing around him—unlike her reaction to Nate… plenty of zing there!

  “I’ll see you at six.” Chad hung up the phone before Nikki could even say goodbye. He was probably in a hurry to make the reservation before she changed her mind.

  After Rosa left promptly at five, Nikki sat down to make a few notes about her advertising ideas but was interrupted when her cell rang with an out-of-state number. Even though the number was unknown, in this business, it was always a good idea to answer the phone.

  “Nicole Branson speaking. How can I help you?”

  “Hi, Nicole. This is Tessa McLean calling, Nate Collins’s assistant.”

  Just hearing his name again caused a nervous twinge in her stomach. “Hello, Tessa. I was told you would be calling to pick up the keys. Are you in town?”

  “I’m actually at the airport in L.A. about to board a plane for Detroit. Is it possible for me to pick them up tomorrow afternoon?”

  “Absolutely. Do you want to meet at my office or at the rental house?”

  “If we can meet at the house, that would be great. I have a lot to do to prepare for Nate’s arrival.”

  “No problem at all. What time is good for you?”

  “How about three o’clock?”

  “Ok, I’ll see you there.”

  Nikki still felt butterflies after she hung up the phone. Just knowing that Nate would be living next door to her in a matter of days stirred her blood. Now, why couldn’t she feel like that around Chad Johnson? She pondered the question as she locked up the office and got in her car. The restaurant was within walking distance, but Nikki wanted her car available for a quick getaway if necessary.

  Chad was already seated when she arrived, and as Nikki weaved her way through the tables, she waved her folder as if to remind Chad that she was there on “official” business.

  “I took the liberty of ordering a bottle of wine. I hope you don’t mind,” Chad said as she sat down.

  Nikki studied his eager face for a moment, hoping to feel a zing, but nope, not a one. She wasn’t typically a wine drinker, but to spare his feelings, she acquiesced. Chad poured them each a glass as she perused the menu. Within minutes, the waitress arrived with a basket of warm rolls and took their orders. As soon as she walked away, Chad started talking.

  “The whole town is buzzing about this movie with Nate Collins. That’s all anyone is talking about at the chamber.”

  “Well, I can understand why. The publicity is great for business, and the store owners will definitely profit from it.”

  “I agree, but that’s not what my co-workers are talking about. They’re more interested in getting a look at the movie stars.”

  Nikki could understand that too, having met Nate, but she wouldn’t let on to Chad. “Well, it’s a pretty big deal for our little town.”

  “You met the lead actor, so what was your impression?”

  Ok, this dinner was going much differently than Nikki had expected. Chad seemed more interested in talking gossip than in her. Figures. I finally agree to go out with him, and he spends the time talking about some other guy! “He was nice.”

  “Nice? That’s all you’ve got? Come on, Nik, give me something juicy to bring back to the office ladies.”

  Just then, the waitress arrived with their food, and Nikki really wanted to dig in, but Chad was still waiting for more details about Nate. Frustrated with the turn of events, she decided to give him the truth.

  “You can tell the ladies that Nate was seriously hot! He was also charming, polite, and friendly. In fact, he was so easy-going that I almost forgot about his celebrity status. How’s that for details?”

  Chad’s chin almost dropped into his heaping pile of mashed potatoes. Nikki felt a twinge of regret for having said all that, but only a twinge. So far, this was one of the worst dates she’d ever been on. Nikki wanted nothing more than to eat her pasta marinara and walk out of the restaurant. Perhaps she would have to ask for a to-go box instead.

  “I think the ladies will be more than satisfied with that,” Chad said dryly. He then calmly picked up his fork and knife and cut into his steak. The rest of their conversation was strained at best. Nikki tried to bring up sports, a subject near and dear to Chad’s heart, but he didn’t have much to contribute. When the bill came, Nikki offered to pay her portion, but Chad insisted on paying. When they stepped outside, Nikki turned and put a hand on his sleeve.

  “I’m sorry, Chad. I didn’t mean to say all that.”

  “No, it’s not your fault. I just suck at dating. I’ve been looking forward to this all afternoon, and then I went and botched it up.”

  “For the record, I’m not so great at dating either. This is actually the first date I’ve been on in quite some time.”

  That seemed to perk him up a bit. “Seriously? I would have never guessed that.”

  Nikki was fairly sure Chad meant that as a compliment, and she was relieved that he wasn’t angry with her. They weren’t meant to have a romance, but she wanted to stay on good business terms with him.

  “Well, it’s true. I work so much that I forget to go
out and have fun sometimes. So, thank you for inviting me.”

  Chad smiled for the first time since they’d eaten dinner. He bent down and placed a brief kiss on her cheek. “You’re welcome. Have a good evening, Nicole.”

  “You too,” she whispered as they both turned and went their separate ways.

  Chapter 7

  Tessa McLean was a petite strawberry blonde with the most striking Caribbean blue eyes Nikki had ever seen. She was stylishly dressed in a white pant suit with a wide black belt that showcased her tiny waist. The very expensive brand-name handbag Tessa carried was almost as big as she was, Nikki noted as she approached the house. Nikki was glad she had decided to dress in business attire for this meeting, even though all she was doing was dropping off the keys.

  Tessa held out her hand in greeting as Nikki climbed the porch steps. “Tess McLean. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Nicole Branson. It’s nice to meet you too.” This was now the second person from L.A. to shatter Nikki’s preconceived notions about “Hollywood” types. Tessa definitely looked like Hollywood, but she exuded warmth and friendliness, as evidenced by her wide smile.

  “I really appreciate you meeting me here. I’m staying at a friend’s house in Rochester, but I’m not really familiar with this area.”

  “Where are you from?” Nikki asked.

  “Grand Rapids.” Noticing the look of surprise on Nikki’s face, she continued. “I met Nate in college and became his assistant a few years ago.”

  It crossed Nikki’s mind that Nate and Tessa might have more than an employer/employee relationship. She wouldn’t be surprised at all; they would certainly make a stunning couple. Despite the thought, Nikki felt completely comfortable around Tess; she seemed like the type of person Nikki could be friends with. “So, how does it feel to be back in Michigan?”

  “I have mixed feelings about it. I haven’t been back to visit since my parents’ divorce several years ago. My mom and I have been living in L.A., but my dad still lives in Grand Rapids. At first, it was a rough transition, but I’ve really grown to love California.”


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