Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 7

by Susan Coventry

  “Wow, I can’t believe you’re really here. I love all your movies!”

  “Thank you very much. I appreciate the compliment.” Nate remained cool and waited patiently for the girl to hand him his change, but she wasn’t done with him yet.

  “My friends are going to absolutely die when I tell them you were here. Would you mind taking a selfie with me?”

  A man came through the swinging door behind the counter just as the clerk pulled out her phone. “Jessie, what’s going on out here? I could hear you all the way in the back.” The man looked from Jessie to Nate, and a flicker of recognition passed over his face too. “You’re Nate Collins, right? I heard you were in town shooting a movie.” Up until now, Nikki had remained quietly in the background, but she knew the owner, Don, and decided it was a good time to speak up.

  “Hi, Don,” she said, stepping in front of Nate. “I was just showing Nate around town and thought I’d bring him here. We’re just waiting for change, and then we’ll be on our way.”

  A look of disappointment crossed Jessie’s face as she realized she might not get her picture with Nate after all.

  “Thanks for bringing him in, Nicole. Jessie, give the man his change. I’m sure he has more important things to do than stand around talking to you.” Don’s tone was firm, but Nikki knew him to be a kind, soft-spoken man. He was obviously embarrassed by his employee’s behavior.

  Jessie resignedly counted out Nate’s change and handed over their ice cream cups.

  “Thank you,” Nate said, pocketing his change and handing the ice cream to Nikki. “I think I have time for a quick selfie if you still want it.”

  Jessie couldn’t pull her phone out fast enough. She raced around the counter and stood as close to Nate as she could get, held the phone in the air, and snapped a few photos. “You are awesome! Thanks!”

  After they said their goodbyes, Nate placed his hand on the small of Nikki’s back and whispered, “Why don’t we eat this in the car?”

  “Good idea,” she replied.

  They enjoyed the ice cream in silence for a few minutes, tucked away in the privacy of the SUV. “Do you ever get tired of that?” Nikki asked.

  “Sure I do, but I can also understand why people do it. The publicity given to celebrities makes them appear larger than life. It’s not warranted, but that’s just how it is. That girl, Jessie, wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just excited. Once she got her selfie, she was over it.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m sure you gave her some juicy dream material for tonight.”

  Nate chuckled. “I’m more interested in you. Do I give you juicy dream material?”

  Toes curling over here. “Maybe,” she answered, averting her eyes.

  “I guess I have my work cut out for me, because I want more than a maybe. I want a yes.”

  If he only knew how close he was to getting a yes… and then she wondered how many women had said yes to him in the past.

  “I’m sorry if all that attention bothered you, Nicole. It’s one of the reasons I don’t date much. Unless I’m out in the middle of nowhere, I get recognized. It’s even worse in big cities, especially L.A. and New York, where the paparazzi like to congregate.”

  Was he warning her? She had no intention of ever living in L.A. or New York, so it really wasn’t an issue. “I didn’t mind, but I could see how it could be really intrusive on a larger scale. I was impressed by the way you handled it, though.”

  He shrugged. “You get used to it.”

  They were quiet on the drive back to her house, each lost in their own thoughts. Nikki was still thinking about what had happened with Jessie and wondering about Nate’s love life. He said he didn’t date much, but she found that hard to believe. She recalled all the images on Google of him with various actresses on his arm. Was that all for show? Surely he would have had some real relationships by this point in his life. Dating was hard for Nikki because of the walls she had built around herself, but Nate was available for public consumption. He was surrounded by beautiful women all the time; how could he not be tempted? She was still deep in thought when Nate pulled up in front of her house and shut off the engine.

  “I would like to invite myself in, but it’s late, and I have to get up at five tomorrow morning.”

  “Why so early?”

  “I like to work out in the morning. It gets my blood pumping.”

  Nikki knew what got her blood pumping, and it wasn’t exercise. Well, not the traditional kind anyway. Sitting in a car with Nate, in the dark, away from screeching fans, that’s what got her blood pumping.

  “I’ll walk you to the door.”

  This must be a thing with him, walking her home. She liked it. He reached for her hand again as they climbed the steps to her porch. Nikki fumbled for the key in her purse with her free hand, and as she went to slip it into the lock, Nate grabbed her around the waist and spun her toward him. She found herself pressed up against him, chest to chest, her legs between his, his grip tightening around her waist.

  Breathe, Nicole. His eyes searched hers, asking the question his lips couldn’t form, and her eyes replied with a resounding yes. Their lips met, hesitantly at first, exploring gently, carefully. They were pressed so tightly together that Nikki couldn’t tell whose heart was pounding faster, hers or his. She parted her lips a little further, inviting him in. Nate’s tongue tangled with hers in a swirling heat that spread all the way down to her toes. Probing, seeking, yearning… they melted into each other’s arms. Someone sighed, it might have been her. Nikki’s arms laced around his neck, and her breasts smashed against his t-shirt. Her fingertips slid into the soft hair at the nape of his neck while his hands rubbed up and down her back before coming to rest on her hips. Nate nipped her bottom lip with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth in a soothing motion. His surprisingly bold move was so sensual, so sexy, that all her lady parts were crying out with glee. Nikki felt Nate’s arousal through his jeans and unabashedly rubbed up against him. Someone moaned, this time it was definitely her. Then a bark, a growl; it was Bentley from inside the house, breaking through the fog of desire that surrounded them. Nate slowly lowered her back to the ground, reluctant to let her go.

  Nikki tugged on the hem of her shirt, suddenly feeling shy. Nate reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re amazing,” he breathed.

  She grinned up at him. “We were amazing,” she corrected.

  “Best first kiss ever. No contest.” His hazel eyes sparkled. “If it weren’t for Bentley, we’d probably still be at it.”

  “Yeah,” she said, nodding, trying to steady her breathing. Her head was still reeling; her toes were still tingling. She wasn’t done with him yet, not by a long shot. Bentley barked again, louder this time, as if to say, “Not on my watch!”

  “Sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”

  “It’s ok. I should go anyway.” Nate stepped close to her again, reached out, and softly traced the outline of her swollen lips with his index finger. He leaned down and placed a feather-light kiss to her mouth and then her cheek. “Thanks for going out with me. We’ll do it again soon.”

  Nikki nodded her assent, inwardly wishing he didn’t have to leave.

  He stepped back, and a whoosh of cool air filled the empty space between them. “Sweet dreams, Nicole.”

  She softly smiled and whispered, “You too.”

  Chapter 14

  The storm rose up quickly on Friday evening, just as the forecasters had predicted all week long. Nikki was hunkered indoors with Bentley, prepared to spend a sleepless night alone. Nate had texted her during the day, letting her know that he was booked up for the night. He and Tessa had a lot of planning to do for the upcoming publicity tour for the movie. He also had a video conference scheduled with Ron for nine o’clock. Nate reminded her about their horseback riding date on Saturday, but for tonight, she was on her own.

  Nikki had mapped out a plan to distract herself from th
e storm that raged outside her windows. First, she would enjoy the pepperoni pizza that she’d brought home for dinner. Then she would take a warm bubble bath, watch another of Nate’s movies, and hopefully fall asleep when it was over. She wasn’t bothered about being home alone on a Friday night; it was the storm that upset her.

  Nikki’s fear of storms came from an incident that occurred when she was six years old. During the middle of the night, she’d been awakened by an ear-splitting cracking sound. She’d raced to her bedroom window and looked out on a sight she’d never forget: the large oak tree across the street had fallen on the roof of her best friend’s house. It had been struck by lightning and come crashing down in the living room where she and Katie had played Barbies and dress-up the day before. Nikki remembered screaming at the top of her lungs, which caused her parents and brother to wake up and rush into her room. They stood there in shock for a minute before her dad and brother sprang into action. They quickly donned coats and shoes and raced across the street, where they found Katie and her parents huddled in the kitchen. The only good thing about that night was the impromptu sleepover that Nikki and Katie got to have when Nikki’s parents invited Katie’s family to stay with them. Nikki had been so relieved that her friend was safe, and even at the tender age of six, she’d realized that things could have turned out very different. She reminded herself that it was a freak accident as she looked out at the trees swaying wildly in the wind. Best to close all the blinds and follow her plan.

  Nikki was in her pajamas, just getting ready to pop in a DVD, when her cell phone rang. Warmth flooded through her when she saw his name on the screen. “Hello, there.”

  “Hey,” Nate replied. “I was just calling to make sure you’re not out in this storm.”

  “No, I’m fine. I was just getting ready to watch a movie.”

  “Hmm, anything good?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Just some action film starring a very handsome actor.” Did she really just say that?

  Nate groaned. “Oh, so you’re a Channing Tatum fan too, huh?”

  She giggled. “Why would you assume it’s him?”

  “Because all the ladies love Chan, that’s why.”

  “Did you just call him Chan? Are you two friends? OMG, you’re friends, aren’t you?” Nikki said, adopting a teenage intonation similar to Jessie’s at the dairy farm.

  Nate’s laughter filled her ears. “I wouldn’t say we’re best friends, but I know him. He’s a good guy, but I don’t plan on introducing you, so get that idea out of your head right now.”

  Wow, Nate Collins is jealous? Nikki felt the need to set him straight. “I’m not interested in Chan, and you know damn well that the movie I’m about to watch is starring you!”

  Nate let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Good to know. Listen, I have to go now, but I’m glad you’re home safe.”

  “Thanks for checking in on me.”

  “Good night, Nicole.”

  She loved the sound of her given name on his lips. She never bothered telling him he could call her Nikki because something about the way he said Nicole made her feel special. “Good night, Nate.”

  The credits were rolling on the TV screen when the loud knock jolted her out of the chair. What on earth? Nikki peered through the peephole to find Nate dripping wet, shaking the water off his umbrella on her front porch.

  “What are you doing here?” Nikki asked as she opened the door wide so he could step inside. Nate’s jacket and umbrella had obviously been of little help; he was completely soaked by the driving rain.

  “I had an inexplicable urge to see you,” he explained as a small puddle formed beneath his feet.

  Nikki stared at him incredulously. “Well, you can’t stand there in those wet clothes. Let me get some towels and see what I can find for you to wear. Hold on a sec.” She hurried down the hallway to the linen closet and pulled out a few oversized towels. She then rummaged around in her bedroom and came up with an extra-large t-shirt with the words Branson Realty printed across the front. The only thing she couldn’t find was something for him to wear on his bottom half. He would have to stay wrapped in a towel until his clothes dried. She returned to the entranceway, where Nate had hung up his jacket and removed his socks and shoes. Nikki was taken aback for a moment at how striking he was, standing there barefoot in his faded jeans and form-fitting t-shirt, his hair damp and his eyes sparkling. “Here,” she said, handing him the bundle. “This was the best I could do. The bathroom is the first door on the left.”

  “Thanks,” Nate replied, running a hand through his hair as he sauntered down the hall. Nikki cleaned up the puddle on the floor as she listened to him moving around in the bathroom. He was probably naked right about now…

  “Um, Nicole,” Nate called out through a crack in the bathroom door.

  “Yes,” she replied, anticipating his next words.

  “There doesn’t appear to be any pants here.”

  “Yeah, I know. I couldn’t find anything that would fit you. Just wrap a towel around your waist until your clothes are dry.”

  “Ok, but remember, this was your idea.” Nate exited the bathroom brandishing his pile of wet clothes.

  Nikki’s heart fluttered in her chest at the sight of him in nothing but her company t-shirt and a white towel wrapped around his waist. He had finger-combed his hair into some semblance of order, but he still looked adorably disheveled. “Why don’t you have a seat in the living room while I put these in the dryer?”

  He smirked at her as she squeezed past him in the hallway on her way to the laundry room. When she came back out, he was seated comfortably on her couch with one arm draped casually along the back of it. It was at that moment that Nikki realized she was in her pajamas, sans robe, and braless. She self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest and joined him on the couch, keeping a respectable distance between them. “I can’t believe you walked over here in this weather. I thought you had plans tonight.”

  “My meetings didn’t last as long as I expected. I thought you might still be up watching one of my movies, so here I am.” He glanced at the DVD case on her coffee table and picked it up.

  “I just finished it before you got here.” Stop thinking about what’s under that towel, Nicole!

  “So, how did you like it?”

  “It was fine…”


  “But I’m not really into action films. I rented it because it was the only one of yours left at the video store. Maybe Jessie checked out all the romantic ones.”

  Nate just smiled and shook his head. “So, what were you going to do next, before I so rudely interrupted your evening?”

  “I was just going to get in bed.” Why did that sound so suggestive? Could it be because there was a half-naked man sitting in her living room?

  “Hmm, sounds good to me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, obviously enjoying her discomfort.

  “I just realized that I’m not being a very good hostess. Can I get you something to drink or eat or anything?” Nikki was prattling on, but she couldn’t help herself. She had to think of something to change the direction of this conversation.

  “I could use a drink,” Nate replied, making a motion to stand.

  “No, no, you don’t have to get up. I’ll get it. How about a beer?”

  “Sure,” he replied, and she scurried to the kitchen. She thought about grabbing her robe but decided against it as she pulled two beers from the fridge and emptied a bag of pretzels into a bowl. Nikki took a few deep breaths and returned to the living room to find Nate reading the book she had left on the coffee table.

  “Thanks,” he said, setting the book down and taking the beer from her.

  “Do you like to read?” Nikki made herself as comfortable as possible given the fact that there was a naked man in her house!

  “I don’t read for pleasure as much as I’d like to. I mostly read scripts these days.” Nate locked eyes with her as he took a long slug of his beer.

nbsp; Nikki found herself drinking a little too fast in an attempt to settle her nerves. “So, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”


  “The other day, you mentioned that you don’t date much, and I was just wondering how that could be true given the pictures I’ve seen of you and your costars…”

  “And because I’m around beautiful women all the time.” He finished her thought. “You’re not the first person to ask me that question. My brothers like to remind me on a regular basis how great I have it.”

  “So, how do you respond?”

  “It’s like this. Have you ever been to an all-you-can-eat buffet?”

  “Yes,” she answered, wondering where he was going with this.

  “Everything looks good, right? The way the food is displayed makes you want to try a little bit of everything. Even when you’re full, you still want to sample the dessert.”

  “Ok, so…”

  “So that’s what it felt like when I first moved out to Hollywood. Beautiful girls everywhere, hanging on me, wanting to be with me just because I was an actor. Parties, alcohol, out-of-control fans, the whole thing. It was all spread out before me like a bountiful buffet, and I won’t lie, I sampled it all. But you know what happens after a while? You feel sick; it becomes too much. The buffet loses its appeal, and you end up longing for a good old-fashioned, home-cooked meal.”

  Nikki let his words sink in for a moment. She wanted to believe him, she really did. “What about the love scenes? Do you get turned on when you’re making out with your costar, or is it truly all an act?”

  He sighed and shifted around on the couch to face her squarely. “I’m a man, Nicole. Sometimes, my body reacts when I’m shooting a love scene, but it doesn’t mean I sleep with every woman I work with. I made that mistake early on in my career, but I learned my lesson.”

  When she didn’t look convinced, Nate tried another tactic. “Have you ever dated a guy you worked with?”


  “Ok, and then, at some point, someone broke it off, but you still had to work together, right?”


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