Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 9

by Susan Coventry

  “Well, how is everything?” he asked.

  “Delicious! I’ve never had waffles this good.”

  “You’re welcome to come to my buffet anytime.”

  There was no mistaking the double meaning there! They polished off their breakfast with relish. Nate was probably extra hungry because of his morning run, but Nikki’s appetite had been fueled by last night’s activities. She helped him clear the dishes, her body zinging with awareness as they worked side by side.

  “So, I know we had planned to go horseback riding today, and I know how excited you were about that, but something came up, so we’ll have to postpone it,” Nate said apologetically.

  She wasn’t disappointed about not going riding, but she had planned on spending the day with him. Nikki wasn’t sure if they were at the point in their relationship where she could ask what had come up, but once again, Nate read her mind and filled in the gap.

  “Tess left a message last night—when we were occupied—and asked for a favor. Apparently, she’s attending some women’s charity luncheon today, and she wants me to make an appearance.” Nate’s tone of voice indicated that he wasn’t too excited about the change in plans.

  “You don’t sound too thrilled about it,” Nikki commented.

  “It’s for a good cause, but I’d rather hang out with you. Besides, these events can be draining, between answering questions, posing for pictures, and having to make small talk with strangers. After it’s over, my jaw will be sore from all the fake smiling.”

  Nikki chuckled at his vivid description. “Another hazard of the job?”

  “Exactly, plus I’d rather spend time with this hot babe I know.”

  “Hmm, I didn’t realize Eva Longoria was in town.”

  “Very funny,” he said as he backed her up against the kitchen island.

  “Oh, am I the hot babe?” Nikki feigned surprise.

  “Oh yeah.” Nate nuzzled her neck, placing a series of tantalizing kisses there.

  Instant toe-curling. “Don’t you have to get ready to go?” Nikki’s breathing was already becoming labored.

  “I have a little while.” He nibbled on her left earlobe.

  “I don’t know if it will be enough time,” she teased as she pulled him tighter against her.

  “It will never be enough time.” With that, Nate scooped her into his arms and carried her into the living room. He laid her gently on the couch and untied his apron. She expected him to strip out of his jeans and t-shirt too, but he didn’t. Instead, he joined her on the couch, stretched out alongside her, and rested his hand possessively on her hip. He pinned her with his gaze as she squirmed with anticipation.

  Nate buried his right hand in Nikki’s shiny auburn locks as his left hand caressed her, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. She silently begged him to kiss her, even though she was revved up from his touch alone.

  “Remember how good it felt to make out when you were a teenager?”

  She nodded, curious as to where he was going with this.

  “Remember how exciting it was just to be close to someone even when you were fully dressed?”

  “Uh-huh.” She wasn’t really concentrating on his words because now his left hand was teasing her breasts over her t-shirt.

  “Remember the sweet agony of waiting for the other person to kiss you?”

  His left hand had drifted to the hem of her shirt now, barely untucking it from her jeans. Nikki was completely under his spell.

  “Remember how good you imagined it would be when the person finally touched your bare skin?”

  Nate’s fingertips brushed the sliver of skin that was exposed between her shirt and her jeans, causing an involuntary shudder. Nikki was mesmerized by the sound of his deep, rich voice and could barely contain the heat that was building inside her.

  Nate’s hand travelled further south, making her wish he would just rip her clothes off already! His eyes were hooded, and beads of sweat glistened on his forehead, but he still hadn’t made any move to kiss her.

  “Sometimes anticipation is just as exciting as the main event, don’t you agree?”

  Nikki wanted to yell, “HELL NO!” but if he could handle the torture, then so could she. Just to test his theory, she decided to move her right hand from its resting place on his chest to a more enticing position. He watched her hand slowly descend down his black tee and across his wide belt buckle before it rubbed against his straining manhood. Now it was his turn to squirm!

  Nate redirected his eyes to Nikki’s face and was met with her smug smile as she continued to tease him through his jeans. Nate’s tenderness transformed into full-blown desire as he finally, finally took her mouth in a ravaging kiss. It felt just as he had described, two teenagers wrestling on the couch, bodies heated, lips and tongue and hands and limbs entwined in a desperate struggle to become one.

  Suddenly Nate pulled back, inhaled sharply, and said, “Now we’ll both have something to fantasize about until next time.”

  Nikki eyes widened as she fought the instinct to punch him in the nose. “Are you serious right now?”

  “Dead serious,” he replied as he heaved himself off the couch.

  Nikki huffed as she sat upright and straightened her clothes. Her desire combined with a touch of anger and surged through her blood. “That was just cruel. You’re nothing but a big tease, is what you are!”

  Nate laughed gruffly as he ran his hands through his disheveled hair. “Sorry, sweetheart. I can’t have you thinking I’m easy.”

  Nikki couldn’t help but giggle as she followed him back into the kitchen. “The joke’s on you, mister, because I think you’re going to have a harder time than me today, pun intended.”

  “Well, yeah,” he said, pointing at the bulge in his jeans. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, pulling her in for a hug.

  “No, just a little surprised.”

  “What, you thought I’d cave?”

  “Hoped is more like it.”

  Nate placed a hand over his heart. “Why, Nicole Branson, I do believe I’ve released the inner bad girl in you.”

  “Don’t get cocky,” she replied, removing herself from his embrace. “I’m on a roll with the puns.”

  Nate chuckled as he glanced at his watch. “I hate to say it, but I need to get ready to go. Can I see you later?”

  “Maybe,” she said as she slipped her shoes on.

  “Oh, I see, now it’s your turn to play hard to get.”

  It would serve him right, but she couldn’t resist the man. She came up on her tiptoes and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. At least she was the one who broke away this time.

  “Thanks for breakfast.” She had one foot out the door and turned around. “Call me later,” she added, and before Nate could reply, she waltzed away, leaving him smiling in the kitchen.

  Chapter 19

  Last night’s storm had left some branches strewn around, but other than that, it was a glorious September day. Nikki decided to take Bentley for a walk before heading to her office to work for a few hours. She wasn’t sure how long Nate would be at Tessa’s charity event, but she had a feeling she wouldn’t be seeing him until much later. Funny how just a few weeks ago, she hadn’t thought about anyone else’s schedule but her own. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that, but she did know that she looked forward to seeing Nate again later. Maybe then he wouldn’t be such a tease and actually give up the goods!

  Nikki changed into sweats and a workout tee, laced up her sneakers, and headed out the door with Bentley, who behaved like he had been holed up for days. When Nikki reached the end of her long gravel driveway, she realized that she had forgotten her sunglasses. Oh, well, there were plenty of trees to provide shade along her route. She turned right on Oak Hill Road and noticed a couple of cars parked in front of Nate’s house. They appeared to be empty, so she continued walking in that direction; curious as to whom the cars belonged to. Suddenly Bentley’s ears perked up, and Nikki felt a prickle of fear at t
he base of her spine. She was almost even with the parked cars when two men wielding very large, awkward-looking cameras emerged from the deep ditch at the front of the property. Bentley immediately started barking as the men aimed their cameras at her and started snapping photos in rapid succession. It took Nikki a minute to react, but by the time she covered her face with her hands, she realized it was already too late.

  “Are you Nicole Branson of Branson Realty?” asked one of the men.

  She cautiously peeked through her fingers at him, but his camera was down at his side, so she removed her hand. “Yes, why do you ask?” Nikki suddenly felt very vulnerable standing on the quiet country road with two men leering at her. Luckily, she had her attack dog at her side, NOT!

  “Is it true that you’re dating Nate Collins?”

  Whoa, she did not see that coming. Her brain whirled with questions. How could they possibly know? Most of her dates with Nate had been in private locations, unless…

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she answered defiantly.

  “We don’t want to hurt you, lady. We just want to ask a few questions.”

  Nikki debated about turning around and running, but she didn’t want to appear afraid. She decided to stand her ground and appeal to reason. “I’m just taking my dog for a walk. Please let me pass.”

  Her plea fell on deaf ears. “Is it true that you’re the real estate agent who found this house for Nate? Is that when you first met him? How long after that did you start dating?”

  Ok, forget reason, now she was getting mad! “What business is it of yours?”

  “So you’re not denying it, then?”

  “I’m done talking to you, and I suggest you leave, or I’ll be forced to call the police,” Nikki replied, sounding braver than she actually felt.

  The tall, skinny guy, who had been doing all the talking, smirked. “I can see why Nate has the hots for you. You’re a feisty one. Enjoy your walk, Nicole.” He turned and motioned to his silent sidekick to let her pass.

  Nikki stomped past them and didn’t look back until she was a safe distance away. The men, who reminded her of Abbott and Costello, were still in the same spot, and it didn’t look like they were leaving anytime soon. She cursed herself for not having her cell phone with her. She must have been in such a fog from her lusty encounter with Nate that morning that she’d forgotten her phone along with her sunglasses. Get it together, Nik!

  To avoid another encounter with the reporters, she would have to take the long way to get back home, which gave her plenty of time to ruminate. How had the reporters found out about her and Nate, when she hadn’t told anyone that they were dating? Nikki was pretty sure that Rosa knew, but she wouldn’t have told anyone, would she? Nikki reflected on all the places where she and Nate could have been seen together. There was the time in Depot Park, but no one seemed to have noticed them that day. Then there was the riding stable, but she hadn’t seen any strangers lurking about. Certainly Stacy’s ego would have prevented her from gossiping about Nikki, but what about Stacy’s sister, the quiet one with the notebook? Their next outing had been the ice cream shop, where the clerk had asked for Nate’s photo…

  Oh no, Don, Jessie or one of the customers might have mentioned that they had seen Nate and Nikki together, and the rumor could have spread from there. The last possibility was one she didn’t even want to consider. A member of the paparazzi could have taken photos of her and Nate outside either of their homes from a hidden location in the woods. She flashed back to their first kiss on her front porch and the night Nate had grilled dinner for her on his deck.

  By the time Nikki returned home, she had worked up quite a sweat. She gave Bentley some water and gulped down some herself before seeking out her cell phone. She decided to call Nate first, but when he didn’t answer, she chose to make good on her threat and contact the police. Nikki knew a few guys on the force, and one in particular flirted with her every time she ran into him. When the secretary answered, “Clarkston Police,” Nikki asked for Ryan Kowalski.

  “Kowalski here,” he answered.

  “Hello, Ryan, this is Nicole Branson calling.”

  Ryan traded his rough cop voice for a gentler one. “Hello, Nicole. What can I do for you?”

  Not what you think! “I’m calling to report an incident that occurred this morning near my home.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well…” Nikki suddenly felt unsure about her decision to contact the police. How could she tell Ryan the details without giving herself away and Nate too? Dating a celebrity was quickly becoming very complicated!

  Ryan sensed her hesitation and attempted to reassure her. ”Whatever it is, I’m here to help.”

  Nikki took a deep breath and rehashed the story without confirming or denying that she was dating Nate. She finished with, “Is there anything you can do?”

  “Technically, no. These guys didn’t threaten you or touch you in any way, correct?”

  “No,” she admitted.

  “Plus, Oak Hill Road is public, so they aren’t really trespassing. The best I can do is drive by and give them a warning. I’m sorry, Nicole.”

  Aside from his flirting, Nikki knew Ryan was a good cop, and she respected him. She was disappointed, however, that there wasn’t more he could do.

  “I appreciate that. Thanks, Ryan.”

  “Oh, and Nicole, may I make a suggestion?”


  “If you are dating this guy, make sure you keep your blinds closed. I’m just saying, with a celebrity in town, people are bound to get nosy. I don’t think you want to see pictures of yourself plastered all over the gossip magazines.”

  Nikki’s face flushed crimson. Thank goodness Ryan couldn’t see her right now, or there would be no denying what she and Nate were up to.

  Two hours later, Nikki pulled into the parking lot of Branson Realty and noticed a few people loitering outside her door. She recognized one woman as Linda Shiffman, a columnist at the local paper. Nikki had worked with Linda in the past when she’d submitted some articles on the local real estate market. Linda was standing next to a man and a woman whom Nikki didn’t recognize. She didn’t connect this group of people with the incident that had happened earlier until she had already stepped out of her car.

  The tall woman in a business suit approached her first. “Nicole Branson, my name is Diane, and I work for the Detroit News. Can you tell me about your relationship with Nate Collins?”

  Oh no, not again. Nikki wondered what Linda’s role in this was as she stood quietly in the background and averted her eyes.

  “No comment,” Nikki replied firmly, wishing she could escape this nightmare.

  Linda looked sheepish as she murmured, “I told them not to bother you on a Saturday.”

  “Ms. Branson, please. All we need is a few comments for our entertainment section. If you oblige, we can be out of your hair in ten minutes.”

  Diane looked harmless enough, but Nikki didn’t trust her for a second. “I already said no comment.” Nikki was dying to get in her office, but the rather overweight man holding a now familiar-looking camera blocked the entrance.

  “Nicole, have you considered that it would be free advertising for your real estate office if we quote you for the paper? If we print a picture of you with your sign in the background, I guarantee that you’ll gain more business than you’d be able to handle.”

  Unbelievable. These people never quit. She had to give Diane props for perseverance, but right now, all she wanted was for them to move the hell out of her way.

  Before Nikki could come up with a retort, Linda spoke up. “Ms. Branson already said no comment twice. It’s best if you go now.”

  Diane sighed in defeat, but she couldn’t resist one more remark as they walked away. “Fine, but we’ll get the story one way or another.”

  Nikki unlocked her door with those parting words hanging in the air. To her dismay, Linda followed her inside.

�Sorry about that, Nicole. I tried to tell Diane that you usually show houses on the weekends so it was a waste of her time to wait here, but then you pulled up.”

  Nikki slammed her purse onto the front desk, her patience way beyond thin. “I don’t get it, Linda. Nate has been in town for a few weeks now, and it’s been quiet. Why, all of a sudden, are the vultures coming out?”

  “Honestly, today was the first I’ve heard of any gossip. A friend of mine at the Detroit News called me this morning and said they had a hot tip that Nate Collins is dating a local real estate broker. He told me that a reporter and a cameraman were being dispatched to your office today to try and get the scoop.”

  “Did your friend say where the tip came from?”

  “No, we don’t always share our sources. It was enough that he gave me the heads up so I’d have a chance…”

  “To beat them to the story?” Nicole was beginning to understand how the world of journalism worked.

  Linda didn’t deny her accusation. “Look, Nicole, I like you. We’ve worked together in the past, and I’d like to work with you again. If you do decide to go on the record about your relationship with Nate, I hope you’ll consider talking to me before anyone else.”

  Nicole inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm herself. “I like you too, Linda, which is why I hope you'll respect my privacy. Now, I have a lot of work to do, and I’ve already been delayed long enough.”

  If Linda didn’t get the hint before, she certainly did now. “I understand. Have a good afternoon.”

  Nicole locked the door behind her, slumped down at her desk, put her head in her hands, and asked the empty office, “What have I gotten myself into?”

  Chapter 20

  Nikki curled up on her couch and tried to concentrate on her novel, but her thoughts kept returning to the events of the day. The more she thought about the reporters, the angrier she became. She would never have imagined being harassed like that in her hometown, in front of her own home and business for that matter! The problem was that Nikki had nowhere to direct her anger because she had no idea who’d started the rumor. The only thing she’d gained from today’s experience was a much better understanding of why it was so difficult for Nate to have a relationship. It would take someone with a strong constitution to ignore all the hoopla surrounding him. As he’d said, this was small time compared to what he dealt with in L.A. She couldn’t begin to imagine what that was like.


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