Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 15

by Susan Coventry

  “I changed it,” he said, placing the hat back on his head.

  Nikki didn’t have to ask if he’d changed it because of her; she instinctively knew that he had. It looked as though Nate had come straight to her house from the airport, but he didn’t have any bags with him.

  “Jeff dropped me off and took my luggage next door.”

  “How long were you sitting here?”

  “About an hour.”

  “Oh,” she said, wondering how long he would have waited for her. “I have a trunk full of groceries. I should probably get them inside.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  Nikki hated the formality that had crept in between them. Unspoken words hovered in the air, but neither one knew where to start. Nikki missed easy-going Nate, his humor, his exuberance. Subdued Nate made her feel off kilter.

  They sidestepped around each other as they put away the groceries, which was difficult because Nate took up a lot of space in her small kitchen.

  “Is all this for the party tomorrow?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Pretty much. My family likes to eat, what can I say?”

  “Am I still invited?”

  Nikki set the cake on the counter and turned to face him. “Of course you are. Do you still want to come?”

  The corners of his mouth twitched just a fraction of an inch. “Yes.”

  “Ok, then.”

  They put away the last of the groceries and faced each other again. Nikki longed for him to pull her into his arms, but he didn’t move a muscle.

  “I really need a shower,” he said instead, removing his hat and running a hand through his disheveled hair. “How about I go next door and clean up, and then we go somewhere for a while?”

  “Ok. Where do you want to go?”

  “I don’t know, a park or something. Somewhere quiet where we can talk.”

  Nikki didn’t question why he wanted to go somewhere else; if they stayed at home, it would be too tempting to solve their problems without words, and that wasn’t going to work this time.

  “There’s a county park close by that has plenty of space to get lost in. Nobody should bother us there.”

  “I’ll pick you up in an hour. Ben can come too.”

  Nikki resisted the urge to correct him. “We’ll be ready,” she said and closed the door gently behind him.

  Chapter 32

  Nate pulled up fifty minutes later, looking clean and refreshed, although still somewhat reserved, as he helped Nikki and Bentley into the SUV. They didn’t talk much on the way to the park other than for Nikki to give him directions. She was glad for the short drive so they didn’t have to endure the awkward silence for long.

  They made it through the entrance gate without any trouble; the teenage girl who collected the park fee didn’t recognize the movie star behind the dark sunglasses with a woman and dog in tow. Nikki directed Nate to a gravel parking lot at the rear boundary of the park, where they set off on a hiking trail through the woods with Bentley excitedly leading the way. The path led to a peaceful lake in the middle of the park, and they walked quietly along the water’s edge until Nate motioned to a picnic table tucked in the trees.

  Once they got settled, Nate didn’t waste any time. “What happened yesterday has to stop if we want this to work.” He motioned back and forth between them. “I know that you got burned in the past, but I’m not that guy, Nicole. I’m not going to cheat on you. It’s as plain and simple as that.”

  Nikki paled at his reference to John, but she couldn’t deny that she still carried the hurt in her heart. “You’re right, and I’m sorry for the way I treated you, but I can’t pretend that it’s easy to see you with another woman.”

  “I’m not asking you to pretend, but there has to come a point where trust takes over, where you believe that I want to be with you and no one else. It doesn’t matter which actress I’m paired up with; it’s you that I want.”

  Nikki softened at his words and the sincerity in his eyes. “I want to trust you, Nate, and I’ll work harder at it, but sometimes, the little green monster is hard to control.”

  Nate grinned and shook his head. “The little green monster?”

  “You know, as in jealousy.”

  “I understand jealousy, and I’m not immune to it, believe me. I can’t stand the thought of you with another man. Not after the way we’ve been together, not ever.”

  Ever? As in forever? If only she could get over her past and trust him, then maybe they would have a shot at it.

  “I promise to work on my trust issues. Now, in the meantime, how can I make it up to you?”

  Nikki’s words had the desired effect; the sparkle was back in Nate’s eyes as he reached for her hand. “Walk with me,” he said, pulling her to her feet.

  “That’s it? That’s your only request? You’re easy.”

  “I didn’t say that’s my only request. When we get back home, I’ll tell you what I really want.”

  Nikki’s heart skipped a beat, and suddenly she was in a big hurry to get home!

  After their walk in the park, they returned to Nate’s house just long enough for him to throw a few things in an overnight bag. They jogged down the path to Nikki’s house and tumbled into each other’s arms the minute they got in the door. They filled the night with hot kisses, warm sighs, and passionate whispers as they came together time and again until well after midnight.

  Nikki barely registered the soft kiss that Nate placed on her forehead before he left for his morning run. They had agreed that Nate wouldn’t return until it was time for the birthday party, so that Nikki could get her house in order. She had also given him strict instructions about what time to show up, so she would have time to tell her family about him first.

  Nikki woke not long after Nate left and hit the ground running, tidying every room in the house. Living alone made the job a little easier; she didn’t have to pick up after someone else, although she found herself missing Nate’s company while she worked. Satisfied that the house was clean, she set to work in the kitchen. Luckily, her family didn’t care for fancy meals, so her menu was simple: make-your-own tacos and cake and ice cream for dessert. While the meat simmered in the crockpot, she cut up onions and tomatoes and filled bowls with cheese, tortilla chips, and salsa. The only thing left to do was to take a fast shower and get dressed. As she reached for the shower door handle, she saw the Post-it note that Nate had left for her.

  Wish I was showering with you. Last night was awesome. See you soon. Nate

  His words were simple, but they warmed her to the core. As Nikki massaged shampoo into her scalp, she recalled Nate’s hands brushing her hair back while they’d made love. When she ran the shower pouf down her arms, she imagined him caressing her, his hands large and gentle, loving. Sliding the pouf over her breasts, she recalled his mouth on them, licking and tugging, bringing her such intense pleasure. She moved the pouf down each thigh, picturing his hard length wedged between them, his heated eyes locked on hers. By the time the shower pouf reached her toes, she was completely aroused and wished Nate was still there. Maybe later, if she felt brave enough, she would relay her shower fantasies to him. Maybe he was in the shower fantasizing about her too. Before Nikki got too carried away with naked images of Nate, she shut off the water, stepped out, and wrapped herself in a thick white towel that, of course, reminded her of their first time together: the night of the storm. She would never forget the way Nate had looked emerging from her bathroom with this very same towel wrapped loosely around his hips, and then later, when the towel fell to the floor…

  The vibration of her cell phone on the bathroom counter jolted her back to the present, and Dylan’s name flashed on the display. Hoping she sounded “normal,” she answered, “Hey, Dylan, what’s up?”

  “Hey, little sis, we’re getting ready to head over. Do you need us to stop for anything on the way?”

  “Nope, I’m good. Everything’s ready, well, except for me.” If I hadn’t been dayd
reaming about Nate, I’d be ready too.

  “What is it about chicks? Why do you take so long to get ready?”

  “Ok, first of all, don’t call us ‘chicks.’ And, second, it takes time to look this beautiful.”

  Dylan let out a raucous laugh. He loved to tease his “baby” sister. “We’ll see you in a few. Bye, butthead.” He hung up before she could retort, as usual.

  After trying on and discarding several outfits, Nikki finally chose a casual pair of white Capri pants and a striped t-shirt, realizing that she hadn’t paid that much attention to her wardrobe until Nate had come along. She made a mental note to ask Julie for a shopping date, and she was certain her sister-in-law would be happy to oblige.

  Her doorbell rang promptly at one o’clock, and everyone shuffled in at once: her mom, dad, Dylan, Julie, and her five-year-old niece, Alexa. Bentley went crazy sniffing everyone as they walked in and hugs were exchanged all around. It always amazed Nikki that for such a small family, they were extremely loud! You’d think she had twenty people over instead of five.

  Nikki kicked into hostess mode right away, offering up drinks and chips and salsa. While her family got settled in the living room, Julie cornered her in the kitchen. “You look different,” she said, examining Nikki from all angles. “What’s different about you?”

  “Hmm… nothing. I haven’t changed a thing.” Julie had the uncanny ability to read her like a worn-out paperback book.

  “No, there’s definitely something different,” she insisted, crunching down on a chip.

  To change the subject, Nikki interjected, “We need to go shopping. I think it’s time to update my wardrobe.”

  “It’s a guy,” Julie said without missing a beat.

  “What’s a guy?” Nikki tried her best to look completely dumbfounded, but Nate was the actor, not her.

  “Ah-ha! That’s why you look different. You met a guy.” Julie looked extremely pleased with herself.

  “Shh, not so loud,” Nikki scolded. “Let’s go out to the living room, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “Yay,” Julie trilled as they joined the others.

  Nikki smiled at the scene of domestic tranquility in her living room. Alexa sat cross-legged on the floor, petting Bentley, who was planted firmly on her lap. Her parents nestled side by side on the couch, her dad’s arm draped affectionately over her mom’s shoulder, still very much in love. Dylan was sprawled out at the opposite end of the couch, his eyes glued to his cell phone with a smirk on his face. Knowing her brother, he was probably looking at the latest selfie of Kim Kardashian. He might be older than her, but she was definitely more mature!

  “Nikki has an announcement to make,” Julie blared, causing everyone to look in their direction.

  Nikki rolled her eyes at Julie as she felt a wave of heat creep up her neck. Why was she embarrassed? She was a grown woman, not a sixteen-year-old girl who had just been asked to the prom. She cleared her throat and said, “It’s really no big deal, but I’m seeing someone.”

  They all started talking at once, except for Alexa, who found Bentley much more interesting than the adults. The doorbell rang before Nikki could answer any of the questions that were fired at her.

  She glanced at her watch. Oh my God, he’s early! I specifically told him two o’clock, and it’s only one-thirty.

  The scene unfolded in slow motion. She opened the door to her smiling, hot hunk and gestured for him to come in. Nate bent down and placed a brief kiss to her cheek before turning toward her family and announcing, “Hi, everyone, I’m Nate.”

  The look on Julie’s face was priceless. If Nicole hadn’t been in such a tizzy, she would have snapped a picture with her cell phone. Julie’s hands flew up to her mouth, and her eyes, which were already big to begin with, bulged out of her head. Her eyes weren’t the only pair on them as the room went silent.

  Nate turned to Nikki and whispered, “Bad timing?”

  She had to laugh. “I hadn’t finished telling them yet.”

  “Oh,” he replied, understanding dawning in his eyes.

  Julie pointed at him accusingly. “You… you’re Nate Collins, the movie star.”

  If Nikki’s parents hadn’t recognized him before, they certainly did now. Even Dylan was staring at Nate in awe.

  Julie was not to be deterred. “Seriously? Nate Collins is dating my sister-in-law?”

  Nate put his arm around Nikki’s waist, pulling her closer. “True story,” he said, flashing his mega-watt smile.

  Before Julie could make an even bigger fool of herself, Dylan intervened. He stood up, approached Nate with his arm extended and said, “Nice to meet you, man. I’m Dylan, Nikki’s big brother.”

  Nikki smirked at Dylan’s use of the term, “big brother,” grasping his meaning even if Nate didn’t. As much as he liked to harass her, Dylan was her best protector, and always had been. When they were kids, no one dared mess with her, because they knew Dylan would kick butt. He always looked out for her, and she loved him for it.

  “Nice to meet you too,” Nate said, clasping Dylan’s hand firmly and looking him directly in the eye. The two men seemed to be communicating without words, a skill specific to their gender.

  Nikki’s parents stood as she introduced them next. “Nate, this is my mother, Elizabeth, and my father, Graham.”

  “Good to meet you,” her father said gruffly, sizing him up as he shook Nate’s hand.

  “You can call me Beth, and it’s a real pleasure,” her mom said, grinning from ear to ear.

  Oh no, not mom too. Is there no woman on earth immune to Nate’s charms?

  “And who’s this little lady?” Nate squatted down next to Alexa and Bentley.

  “My name is Alexa Branson,” her niece stated proudly.

  “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Alexa Branson,” Nate said.

  Ok, it’s official. There are no women or girls on the face of the earth who aren’t enamored by Nate Collins. Alexa smiled shyly at Nate as he stood among her awestruck family members.

  To spare Nate from the barrage of questions that were sure to come, Nikki loudly clapped her hands together and said, “Ok, let’s eat.”

  Chapter 33

  Once her family had gotten over the initial shock of who Nikki was dating, they accepted Nate’s presence in their midst and settled down to eat. The conversation flowed from Nate’s movie to sports to everything in between. Nate earned extra points when he talked about being a native Michigander and an avid Detroit Tigers fan, which started a lively discussion about the team. Through it all, Julie stared dreamily at Nate, and Dylan shot her annoyed glances, but Nate remained cool as a cucumber.

  “So, how much longer will you be in town for?” Beth asked innocently, but Nikki blanched at the question.

  “Probably until Thanksgiving,” Nate replied matter-of-factly.

  Nikki kept her head down and studied her piece of chocolate cake as if it held the solution to all of life’s problems. Her mother had just asked the one question that she really didn’t want to hear the answer to. Thanksgiving was less than two months away; it would be only two more months until Nate moved back to Los Angeles.

  Julie glanced at Nikki, sensing her distress. “What happens after that?” Julie asked, her meaning evident to Nikki but seemingly lost on Nate.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve been reviewing some movie scripts, but I haven’t made any commitments yet.”

  Nikki finally looked up from her cake and met Nate’s eyes across the table. He seemed to be waiting for her to say something, but she wasn’t sure what. To change the subject, she stood up abruptly and proclaimed, “Time for presents.”

  Julie gave her a knowing glance as they moved into the living room.

  After Beth opened her presents and thanked everyone profusely, Nate stood up and announced that he had to leave. Apparently, he had a meeting with Tess that Nikki didn’t know about.

  “It was really nice meeting all of you,” he said. “Happy birthday, Beth,
and thanks for letting me crash your party.”

  Graham and Dylan shook Nate’s hand again, and the women waved goodbye as Nikki accompanied him to the door.

  “I’ll be right back,” Nikki called over her shoulder as she closed the door gently behind them.

  Nate took her hand, and they strolled around the side of the house toward the path. “I had a good time. Thanks for inviting me.”

  Nikki enjoyed the feel of his fingers entwined with hers. “I’m glad you came, but I should probably apologize for my sister-in-law. I think she was a little bit star-struck.”

  Nate chuckled. “She wasn’t that bad, but your brother would probably disagree. I thought I saw him kick her under the table a few times.”

  Nikki giggled. “Oh yeah, she’ll be in trouble tonight for sure. So, what are you and Tess meeting about?”

  “We’re reviewing my schedule for the week. She’s trying to set up a date for me to speak to the drama club at my high school in Grand Rapids, so you might get to meet my parents sooner than later.”

  So, he still wanted her to meet his family even though he was leaving in a couple months. Interesting. “How soon?”

  “Maybe next weekend; are you available?”

  “I could be,” she replied, smiling up at him.

  “You should get back to your family,” Nate said, and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  Oh, no, he wasn’t getting away that easy. Nikki entwined her arms around Nate’s neck and pressed her body tightly against his. He opened his mouth to protest, but she silenced him with her tongue. They kissed hungrily, greedily, until Nikki remembered that she had a houseful of guests.

  “I’ll call you after Tess leaves,” Nate said, somewhat breathlessly.

  Nikki was breathless too, so she just nodded in agreement and watched as his fine form disappeared down the trail.

  Julie bombarded her the minute she entered the house. “Oh my God, Nicole, why didn’t you tell us about Nate before now?”

  “I don’t know. Probably because I wasn’t sure what would come of it. You heard Nate say that he’s leaving in a couple months, so it’s really no big deal.”


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