Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 18

by Susan Coventry

  “I haven’t done anything yet,” he said, his hands firmly planted on her hips.

  Nikki entwined her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts against his unyielding chest. She was acutely aware of their breathing, which became more ragged with every whisper.

  “You want me to lose this bet, don’t you?” Nate gave her a half-smile, half-grimace, as if she were testing his control.

  “Oh yeah,” she said, moving her hips suggestively against him.

  That was all it took, and Nate’s lips crashed against hers, demanding and urgent, as he lifted her partway off the floor. His hand was sliding up the front of her shirt when the loud chiming of the grandfather clock startled them.

  “We can’t do this here,” Nikki said, trying to be the voice of reason.

  Nate grabbed her hand and led her down the short hall to her assigned bedroom. Jean had set Nikki up in the “guest” room, which contained a twin-sized bed and a small desk. The guest room was the furthest away from his parents’ room, but that wasn’t saying much. It was a small house, and any loud noises would surely be heard.

  Nate closed and locked the door, leaning against it. “Don’t worry; they’re sound sleepers,” he said, sensing her hesitation.

  Nikki didn’t need to be convinced. At that moment, she had one thing on her mind and one thing only. She just had to get Nate naked first.

  “Strip,” she ordered.

  Nate’s eyes flooded with desire as he pulled his shirt up and over his head in one swoop. Nikki ran her eyes over the defined muscles in his shoulders and arms before zeroing in on his six-pack. Nate’s hand went to his belt buckle, and her breath hitched as he unbuckled and slowly pulled the leather belt from its loops. She knew what came next, and she licked her lips in anticipation as his jeans and boxers hit the floor. Nikki stared at his magnificent manhood as he emitted a deep chuckle.


  “Um-hmm,” she managed.

  “Your turn.”

  Nikki’s hands shook as she lifted her knit top over her head and tossed it on the chair. She had worn her new lingerie in the hopes that Nate would lose the bet tonight, and the satisfaction of being right boosted her confidence. She let her fingers rest on the front clasp of her silky black bra. Now it was Nate’s turn to be mesmerized as she flicked open the clasp and let the bra gap open for a few seconds before pushing it off her shoulders. Desire shone in Nate’s eyes as she stood before him clad only in her new snug-fitting jeans. She sent up a silent thank-you to Julie before unzipping and wiggling out of them, giving Nate a peek of her lacy black thong before it hit the floor too.

  Nikki backed up to the bed, motioning Nate forward with her index finger. The twin-sized bed groaned a little at their combined weight, which put a temporary halt to their movements.

  “We’ll have to be really quiet,” Nate whispered. “No shouting my name out loud.”

  Nikki suppressed a giggle, which turned into a low moan as Nate’s fingers flicked over her nipple. She fought to keep still as his hand continued its slow and torturous descent down her body. The combination of being crammed together on a small bed and the challenge of staying quiet had her aroused before Nate even arrived at her happy place. Not to mention that they hadn’t been together for an entire week…

  “Does this feel good to you?” Nate breathed in her ear as his fingers expertly strummed her.

  “Too good,” she replied.

  “Do you mind if we finish this way?”

  Mind? Hell no! She didn’t trust her voice, so she shook her head no.

  “I’m afraid if I’m inside of you, the squeaky bed will give us away.”

  “Stop… talking… I’m...” Nikki finished her sentence without words as she climaxed around Nate’s magic fingers. All worries about his parents hearing them had vanished as her entire body shuddered with pleasure.

  Nate held her close and stroked her cheek as she drifted back to reality. He opened his mouth to speak, but she shushed him.

  It was her turn to play. Nikki leaned over him, placing a warm trail of kisses between his pecs, over his stomach, and further down, glancing up occasionally to gauge his reaction. Nate’s eyes were closed as he leaned back against the pillow, completely immersed in her ministrations. He sighed as she closed her mouth around his hard length, determined to give him as much pleasure as he had given her. Nikki was tentative at first, since she was a little rusty, but Nate’s moans encouraged her.

  His hands, which had been splayed open in complete surrender, reached up and cupped her head, directing her movements as his body tightened beneath her.

  “Nicole, I…”

  She looked up for just a second and nodded her head yes, giving him the permission he sought. Nate’s release gushed forth, his hands still clutching her head, his body bucking in ecstasy. Nikki stayed put until she felt his muscles relax and his grip loosen. She crawled back up his body and laid her head against his chest, softly smiling as he gathered her close.

  “That was… unbelievable,” he said, brushing the hair back from her face.

  “I was pretty good, wasn’t I?” she teased.

  “You made me lose the bet. Was that your plan all along?”

  “What, you think I planned this?”

  “Maybe, maybe not, but you are kind of irresistible.”

  “Kind of?”

  “Ok, very. You’re very irresistible, Nicole Branson.” He gave her a playful squeeze.

  Nikki peered up at his sparkling hazel eyes. “You’re pretty irresistible too, Nate Collins.”


  I love you? She willed him to say it, sensing that it was right there on the tip of his tongue.

  “I should go to my own room,” Nate said instead. Nikki wasn’t sure what disappointed her more, him leaving or him not saying the words.

  They were silent as Nate got dressed and unlocked the door. “Good night, Nicole,” he whispered, placing a soft, chaste kiss on her lips.

  “Good night,” she repeated, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 38

  The next morning, Nikki awoke to the enticing aroma of frying bacon. She stretched her arms overhead and scanned the room in confusion until she remembered where she was. She heard the murmur of voices coming from the kitchen and figured Nate had already returned from his morning run. Images of the night before ran through her head like a series of movie clips until she was interrupted by a sharp rap on her bedroom door.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, are you up yet?”

  “Yes, I’m up,” she grumbled, searching for her robe.

  “You have twenty minutes to take a shower before breakfast is served,” Nate said loudly, just as she opened the door.

  “You don’t have to shout. I can hear you perfectly fine.”

  Nate casually leaned against the door frame, blocking her path to a very necessary shower. “You look adorable,” he said with a grin.

  Nikki put her hand on the top of the head and patted the mountain of hair that had gathered there like a storm cloud. “Ha, ha, you’re hilarious. Now move out of my way.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so grumpy in the morning,” he teased, maintaining his position in the doorway.

  “Well, not everyone has as much energy as you do. Now back away or…”

  “Or what?”

  Nikki couldn’t think of any recourse other than the obvious. “Will you move if I flash you?”

  Nate’s eyes grew two sizes bigger. “Hell yeah.”

  Nikki untied the belt on her robe and pulled up her pajama top, making sure to hold it up for a few seconds to give him a good look.

  Nate smiled like he had just been given the best present ever, and then he graciously stepped out of her way.

  “You’re such a boy!” she said, and she shoved past him. His deep chuckle trailed behind her as she sashayed down the hall.

  Twenty minutes later, Nikki was seated next to Nate at the kitchen table, surrounded by mountains of tantalizing brea
kfast foods.

  “Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?” Jean asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  Nikki looked from Jean to Nate and back again, wondering what she’d missed. “Yes, I slept fine, thank you.”

  “Oh, good, because I thought I heard some noises coming from your room last night.”

  Nate gave her shin a little kick under the table as a warning. “Well, it took me a little while to get settled, but once I did, I slept like a baby,” she said with a sideways glance at Nate.

  Nate turned to Nikki and swiftly changed the subject. “I need to meet Tess and Jeff for a little while to go over some details about my appearance tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?”

  “Sure,” Nikki replied, still pondering Jean’s comment.

  After she polished off a second helping of French toast and thanked Jean for breakfast, they were out the door. As soon as they drove away from the house, Nikki turned to Nate and asked, “Do you think your parents heard us last night?”

  “It’s possible, I guess. You were being kind of loud.”

  Nikki swatted his arm. “I was not. It was you!”

  “Well, I couldn’t help it. You lured me into your trap like a spider waiting in its web.”

  “So dramatic,” she scoffed.

  “I’m an actor, what do you expect?”

  “Well, tonight we’re going to be good. No spider, no web, no nothing. I can’t have your mom thinking I’m a floozy, especially since I’m the first girl you’ve brought home since college!”

  “Ok, fine. I can handle one night without sex. The question is, can you?”

  Nikki tried to look appalled but failed miserably. “Of course I can.”

  “Care to make a bet?”

  “No way, I’m not that dumb.”

  “So, I suppose we have to make a date for me to come over and clean your house.”

  Nikki had almost forgotten about the conditions of their bet. She was every bit to blame as he was for what had happened the night before. “I think I’ll let you off the hook.”

  Nate raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Why’s that?”

  She squirmed in her seat and averted her eyes. “Well, I may have sort of, kind of, stacked the odds in my favor.”

  “Ah-ha! I knew it, you scheming, conniving, sexy temptress, you!” Nate’s face was lit with pure amusement.

  “Guilty as charged,” she admitted. “I was the spider, and you landed right in my web.”

  “Ok, is it me, or is the spider analogy sounding kind of creepy?”

  “Let’s just make a pact that tonight we’ll sleep in our assigned rooms. No funny business allowed.” Nikki put out her hand so they could shake on it, but Nate looked skeptical.

  “This isn’t another trap is it?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Ok, fine,” he said and shook her hand.

  A few minutes later, Nate pulled into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn in downtown Grand Rapids, where they were to meet Tess and Jeff. As Nikki stepped out of the car, she realized that aside from them being part of Nate’s “entourage,” she counted them both as friends.

  When they entered the hotel lobby, heads turned in their direction, and the hotel clerk’s eyes went wide. Here we go, Nikki thought as Nate gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She heard someone utter Nate’s name excitedly, and suddenly, several cell phones were pointed at them.

  Nate continued to grip her hand as he gave a brief wave to the hotel guests with the other. Just then, Tess and Jeff entered the lobby and rushed over to greet them. Nikki felt the intense scrutiny from the small crowd as Jeff hurriedly led them away, making sure they weren’t followed as he ushered them down a long hallway and into a conference room.

  “Sorry about that, man,” Jeff said as they took a seat around a small table. “I meant to have you use the back entrance.”

  “Not your fault,” Nate said, dismissing the entire incident.

  Once again, Nikki marveled at Nate’s calm demeanor. He was the least ruffled of the four of them. True, the crowd was relatively small, but it was still unsettling to Nikki knowing that all eyes were upon them. Will I ever be able to get used to it?

  Tess looked chic as usual in a pair of high-waisted dress slacks and a striped sweater. Her strawberry locks were tucked into a messy bun atop her head, and her short stature was boosted by four-inch heels. She poured them all a glass of ice water from the pitcher in the center of the table before she began speaking.

  Nikki sat back and listened as Tess outlined the details of Nate’s appearance. She was amazed at how much work was involved for Nate to give a one-hour presentation, but Tess appeared to be in her element. With her confidence, poise, and take-charge attitude, Nikki understood why Tess was such a valuable asset to Nate. I hope I get the chance to know her better, Nikki mused.

  “Now for the next topic on the agenda: the L.A. Children’s Hospital charity ball is coming up in two weeks. I need to confirm that you’re attending and whether or not you’ll be bringing a date,” Tess said, shooting Nate a questioning look.

  Nate locked eyes with Nikki across the table. This was the first she’d heard of the charity event, and she wondered if he had planned on going alone or…

  Nate cleared his throat and turned to Tess. “Let them know that I plan on attending, but I’m not sure if I’ll be bringing a date yet.”

  Nikki’s cheeks heated, and she quickly averted her eyes from Nate. She wasn’t sure what to make of his response. Maybe he had intended on asking her but forgot, or maybe he wanted to go alone. She took a sip of water, praying that someone would break the uncomfortable silence.

  “Well, if you decide to bring a date, I need to know very soon,” Tess said, barely containing the annoyance in her voice.

  “Understood. Next topic,” Nate replied.

  Tess went over a few other items, but Nikki was no longer listening. Her mind was whirling with possibilities, not all of them good. She assumed Nate had known about this event for some time, yet he hadn’t mentioned it to her. Not that he was required to tell her everything, but still, he had called her his girlfriend. Shouldn’t his girlfriend be aware of such things? Maybe he didn’t think she’d be interested in going to L.A., since she had turned him down before. Maybe, maybe, maybe, instead of all the conjecture, she would just have to ask him!

  “Nicole, are you ready to go?”

  Everyone was standing but her. Get it together, Nik!

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “I’ll bring your car around back. It was nice seeing you again, Nicole,” Jeff said as Nate handed him the keys.

  Tess stepped forward and gave Nikki a brief hug. “I wish we had more time to talk,” she said sweetly. “Let’s make a lunch date soon.”

  “I’d like that,” Nikki said, smiling for the first time in the last fifteen minutes.

  Jeff re-entered the room a few minutes later and declared that the coast was clear. He quickly ushered them out the back door and into the waiting car.

  Silence descended over Nate and Nikki like a heavy cloak as they drove away.

  Chapter 39

  Nikki was the first one to break the silence. “So, do you attend the charity ball every year?”

  “I’ve attended for the last few years. It’s a pretty big deal; a lot of stars come out for it.”

  For someone who was usually so open, Nate seemed to be holding back. She was surprised and disconcerted by his curt response.

  “Are you ready for lunch?”

  “Not yet; I’m still full from breakfast,” she replied stiffly.

  “How about if we drive over to Lake Michigan and find somewhere to eat along the water?”

  “That sounds good,” she said, softening a little.

  They didn’t talk much after that, but when the first views of Lake Michigan came into sight, Nikki felt herself relax. One of her favorite things about living in Michigan was enjoying the beauty of the Great Lakes. As a child, she had spent many happy summers
on the lakeshores, splashing in the water and building sandcastles with Dylan until their skin was pink from the sun. No matter where else she travelled, this would always be home.

  They ended up at the resort town of Grand Haven, and Nate parked near a long pier that jutted out over the water. He donned a hat and sunglasses before stepping out of the car, and Nikki grabbed her jacket. The wind had picked up, and the air was cool, but the sun shined brightly, and the waves lapped against the shore, creating the illusion of summer. A few people passed them as they strolled out on the pier, but nobody gave them a second glance.

  Who would guess that a major movie star is walking on this pier, holding hands with a small-town girl from Michigan? Nikki could hardly believe it herself.

  When they reached the end of the pier, Nate penned her in against the railing, his chest pressed to her back. Nikki’s hair whipped around and hit Nate’s face, but he didn’t even flinch. They gazed out at the water in silence, acutely aware of the chasm between them. While Nate’s physical closeness was comforting, his emotional distance disturbed Nikki, and she racked her brain to figure out what might be wrong.

  Finally, he twirled her around to face him, and after making sure that no one was within hearing distance, the words tumbled out.

  “I want you to come to L.A. with me, but I was too much of a wuss to ask you,” he admitted, his eyes penetrating hers.

  “Why?” It was hard to believe that this cool, confident man was too intimidated to ask her anything.

  “Probably because I didn’t want to be disappointed if you said no. The charity ball is a huge event, and if we go together, you’ll be in the spotlight. I know that you’re uncomfortable when people see us together, so I didn’t want to put you in that position. I was trying to…”

  “Stop! You’re making it sound like I’m ashamed to be seen with you, and you couldn’t be more wrong.” Nikki was so worked up that she felt the blood rush to her head, and she tightened her grip on Nate’s forearms for support. “I admit that I get nervous when cameras are shoved in my face, but it’s not about you, Nate. Don’t you get it? I love being with you in spite of all that stuff. I love…”


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