Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 20

by Susan Coventry

That did it! Nicole was in no mood to deal with Chad’s petty jealousy. She was operating on a few hours’ sleep, and her patience was slim to none.

  “Chad, I thought we were past this. The last time we talked, you wished me the best, remember? Was that all for show, or did you mean it?”

  Chad backed down a little. “I’m sorry, Nicole, but from where I stand, it looks like you’re the one making all the sacrifices for this guy, and I wonder, would he do the same for you?”

  “That’s not fair, Chad. Nate doesn’t even know about the chamber dinner. I’m sure if it fell on a different date, he would be happy to accompany me.”

  “Are you sure? Really?”

  Nikki ignored the question. “Chad, I have to go. I have a lot of work to catch up on. I’m sorry I can’t make the dinner, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  “Ok, just a piece of advice, don’t give up everything for this guy. He should have to sacrifice for you too.”

  Chad hung up before Nikki could respond, but his words haunted her for the rest of the day.

  Chapter 42

  Nikki spent the afternoon returning phone calls and making appointments for Mrs. Watson. She also made a lunch date with Cindy to follow up on their previous meeting. Nikki had already decided to hire Cindy. She could use the extra help, especially if she planned to jet off for weekends away with Nate.

  When he called her at eight o’clock that night, she was already in bed.

  “Hey, beautiful, how was your first day back to work?”

  “Busy. How was yours?”

  “Same. Tess set up a meeting for us with the principal of Clarkston High School.”

  “That’s great. When is the meeting?”

  “Tomorrow night at six. Do you want to get together afterward?”

  “I can’t. I have to show houses for the next two evenings.”

  “Hmm, I guess I won’t see you until Friday then.”

  “Duty calls, you know how it is.” Nikki attempted to keep her tone light, but it didn’t have the desired effect.

  “Nicole, is everything ok? You sound… distant.”

  “I’m fine,” she replied abruptly.

  “Well, you don’t sound fine. Talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Nikki sighed heavily; she’d never been good at hiding her feelings. “Nate, can this wait until Friday? I had a very long day, and I’m exhausted. I do want to talk to you, but I can’t think clearly right now.”

  “You’re scaring me, Nik. Just tell me that you and I are ok, and I’ll let you go.”

  “We’re ok,” she said, although not very convincingly.

  Nate paused for a few seconds before responding. “I love you, Nicole.”

  “I love you too.”

  Nikki threw herself into her work over the next two days and felt better for it. She met Cindy for lunch and formally asked her to join Branson Realty. Cindy readily accepted, and they began mapping out a plan for her transition. Nikki also showed Caroline Watson six houses in two evenings, and Caroline was considering making an offer on one of them. By the end of the week, Nikki felt back in control of her life. Now it was Friday evening, and she had plans to meet Nate for dinner at his house. After putting him off about what was bothering her, she decided tonight she would come clean. If she couldn’t be honest with him, there was no point in continuing their relationship.

  Dressed casually in jeans and a cozy white sweater, she took the path to his house with Bentley in tow. Nate had insisted she bring him with her, and she appreciated the gesture. Determined to keep her nerves in check, she took a few deep breaths as she climbed the stairs to his deck.

  Nikki’s senses were heightened the minute she stepped into the warm kitchen. First, there were the mouthwatering smells emanating from the stovetop, and then she noticed the table. Nate had decked it out to make it look like they were in an upscale restaurant, complete with candles and a bottle of champagne on ice. Last, but certainly not least, there was the sight of Nate vigorously stirring something on the stove, the muscles in his back and shoulders flexing with every movement. When he turned around in his “Kiss the Cook” apron, a smile broke out on his face that made a beeline straight to her heart. Nikki didn’t realize how much she had missed him until right then. Their eyes locked, and he crossed the room in two strides, picked her up in his strong embrace, and swung her around playfully. Nikki slid down his hard body, aware of every magnificent inch of him as she regained her footing.

  “Welcome home,” Nate said, his arms locked firmly around her waist.

  Nikki took one look at the love shining in his eyes and knew she was a goner. She laced her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, melting even more as their lips met. What made her think she could ever resist this man? They were both breathless when they parted.

  Nikki stepped back in an attempt to regain her bearings. “It looks like you went to a lot of trouble tonight. I feel like I’m underdressed.”

  Nate chuckled gruffly. “You look gorgeous as always, and this was no trouble. I wanted to do something special for my lady. Is that ok with you?”

  “It’s more than ok, it’s wonderful. So, tell me, what’s for dinner?”

  “Take a seat, and you’ll find out momentarily.”

  Nikki felt like a queen as she slipped into her chair, and Bentley, having just returned from his exploration of the house, curled up at her feet.

  Nate brought over plates of steamed rice and vegetables topped with succulent grilled shrimp. He took off his apron, poured them each a glass of champagne, and sat down next to her.

  “So this is what I smelled when I first walked in. It looks delicious!”

  “Before you dig in, let’s have a toast.”

  “Ok,” she said, enjoying the special treatment.

  Nate picked up his glass and said, “Here’s to the woman I love. I’m looking forward to many more romantic dinners with you.”

  They clinked their glasses together as Nikki battled to hold back the tears. She hoped that Nate would think the shimmer in her eyes was from the candlelight, but no such luck.

  “Hey, no crying at dinner; you haven’t even tasted it yet.”

  Nikki laughed as one tear escaped and descended slowly down her cheek.

  Nate reached over and swiped it away with his thumb. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Nothing, nothing’s wrong, Nate. I’m just so touched by all the trouble you went to, that’s all.”

  “Ok, well let’s eat before it gets cold. If you’re still crying after that, I’ll know it’s my cooking!”

  Over dinner, Nate told her all about his meeting with the principal of Clarkston High School. As Nikki expected, they were thrilled with his offer to speak to the drama club. The date was tentatively scheduled for two weeks from today, and Nikki promised she’d be there. When she shared the news that she had hired Cindy, Nate seemed particularly pleased, and then she made him laugh with some amusing anecdotes about Mrs. Watson.

  They cleaned up the kitchen together, put out a bowl of scraps for Bentley, and then Nate pulled her into the living room.

  Once they were settled on the couch, Nate reached for her hand and said, “Ok, so let’s talk. What’s been bothering you, and don’t say nothing, because I’m not buying it.”

  Everything she had been stewing about over the last few days came out in a rush; she spilled it all, including her latest conversation with Chad. As she relayed his words, Nate’s teeth clenched, and the vein on the side of his neck pulsed rapidly. She could practically see steam coming out of his ears.

  “I’m going to kill that guy, I swear. I don’t even know him, and I hate his guts.”

  Nikki grinned at the childlike phrase, but Nate didn’t soften. “I mean it, Nik. How come you let that asshole get to you? He’s obviously pulling out all the stops to turn you against me. Don’t you see that?”

  “I had my concerns before I even talked to Chad. Don’t put all the blame on him.�

  “Oh, so now you’re defending the guy? This is bullshit!” Nate stood up in a huff and started pacing the room, reminding her of another time she’d seen him angry.

  “I’m not defending him; this isn’t even about him. You wanted to know what’s on my mind, and I told you.”

  Nate stopped pacing and stared at her incredulously. “Do you honestly believe that I’d ask you to give up your career and your home for me? Do you really think I’m that egotistical? I thought you knew me better than that.”

  “Well, what do you propose, Nate? How are we going to maintain a relationship when you’re on the other side of the country, and I’m here?”

  It was a legitimate question, but Nate didn’t let it deter him. “I have some ideas, but I don’t have all the details worked out yet.”

  That got her attention. “Since this involves both of us, can you at least give me a hint?”

  Nate sat back down on the couch, leaned forward, and pierced her with his gaze. “What’s going to happen to this house when my lease runs out?”

  Nikki wasn’t sure what that had to do with them, but her curiosity was definitely piqued. “The owner will most likely put it up for lease again. Why?”

  “Is it possible the owner would consider selling it?”

  Now she was really confused. “I suppose it’s possible. Where are you going with this, Nate?”

  “If he’s interested in selling, I’m interested in buying.”

  Whoa, she had not seen that coming! “But why, how…”

  “I like it here, Nicole. Not just here in this house, but here in Clarkston.”

  “But why not just stay at my house when you’re in town?”

  “Your house is great, but I was thinking we might need more space. This house is perfect for entertaining, and there are plenty of extra bedrooms for when we have guests. I’m not asking you to give up your house; I’m suggesting we keep both.”

  Nikki’s head was seriously spinning now. What exactly was he trying to tell her? Was he planning on moving here permanently? She must have had that deer-in-the-headlights look on her face, because Nate ran his finger over the crease in her forehead.

  “You’re looking at me like I’m crazy.”

  “I feel like I’m missing some key information. Like, how much time do you plan on spending here?”

  “As much as possible,” he answered, his expression turning serious. “I want to be with you as often as I possibly can without asking you to uproot your life for me.”

  “What about your career? How often can you be here if you’re filming a movie?”

  “I told you before that I’m particular when it comes to choosing my movie roles, remember? Well, now I’ll be even more particular. I won’t take the job if it means being apart from you for too long. We can decide together whenever something comes up.”

  Nate’s plan sounded too good to be true. “You would do that just for me?”

  “No, I would do it for us, Nicole. Starring you and me, remember?”

  “What if you get bored? You love acting; it’s your passion. You can’t give it up.”

  “I don’t intend to give it up. I would simply be making some adjustments so that we can be together more. When I’m not shooting a film, I’ll schedule some local speaking engagements. I even thought of conducting some acting workshops for kids who are interested.”

  Nicole was blown away. Nate’s ideas sounded plausible, but she had certainly not been expecting this. For him to live here part time in this tiny little town, away from the glitz and glamor of Hollywood… who does that? Then again, he had told her from the beginning that he didn’t love living there; he did so out of convenience, not because he had a true attachment to the place. Still, it wasn’t fair of her to expect him to give up everything either.

  “You know, now that I hired Cindy, I’ll be freed up a little more too. Maybe I could come out to L.A. with you some of the time.”

  “God, I was hoping you would say that.”

  “Fair is fair,” she said around her big smile.

  “I love you so much, Nik. I know we can make this work.”

  And, at that moment, more than at any other time, she believed him.

  Chapter 43

  “Stay with me tonight,” Nate said, and it wasn’t a question.

  Nikki nodded her head yes, and Nate swooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He didn’t bother turning on the light, but the blinds were cracked open, bathing the room in a moonlit glow.

  Nate set her down next to the bed and raised her arms above her head. He started to lift her sweater, and the instant his fingertips grazed her skin, she heated up. Tonight, Nate’s pace was slow and sensual, and Nikki was happy to oblige for now.

  Once her sweater was removed, Nate trailed a hand right down the center of her chest, lingering on the front hook of her revealing, lacy pink bra. Instead of unhooking it, he teasingly brushed over her breasts before moving his hand downward until it rested on the button of her jeans.

  Nikki shuddered as he deftly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans but didn’t remove them. Such a tease! Nate slid his fingertip just inside the top edge of her silky pink panties and left it there while he stepped back to look at her.

  Nikki’s eyes were glazed over with desire, and while she enjoyed his thorough perusal, she silently begged him to touch her.

  “I can’t believe you’re mine,” Nate breathed before plunging his hand further down.

  The sudden movement made Nikki gasp, which caused Nate’s lips to curl up in a satisfied grin. He continued to tantalize her through her panties as she squirmed beneath his touch.

  Enough of this slow dance! Nikki reached out and tugged at the hem of his t-shirt, forcing him to remove his roving hand in order to yank the shirt over his head. She felt too confined in her jeans, so she hastily wiggled out of them and tossed them aside.

  “In a hurry much?” Nate smirked.

  “Patience isn’t my strong suit,” she replied, working the button and zipper of his jeans. Nate’s abs sucked inward as Nikki slid her hand down his pants and boldly stroked him. It was her turn to play the tease.

  He studied the movement of her hand until a sense of urgency overtook him too. In a flash, Nate yanked off his jeans and tumbled onto the bed with her. There was a tangling of limbs, a symphony of sighs, and a heating of bodies as they thrashed about. Somehow, the rest of their clothes disappeared, and the dance continued, the rhythm rapidly building.

  Nikki thought sex with Nate had been explosive before, but now they were making love, and it was even hotter. His caresses were sweeter; every touch, every lick, every kiss held more meaning. They tore at each other to get closer. Even as Nate buried himself deep inside her, she wanted more.

  Nikki flung her arms overhead in complete surrender, Nate’s hands clasped tightly in hers. The friction between their bare chests shot off sparks that lifted them higher. Every sensation was magnified, every thrust a promise.

  Nikki’s muscles clenched as she arched up to meet his urgent movements. Nate broke off their kiss to let the moans escape as they climaxed together, pulsing and rocking until all their energy was spent.

  Bodies still connected, Nate rolled them on their sides. He gently brushed the hair back from Nikki’s damp forehead before resting his hand on her hip.

  “I love you,” he said, his hazel eyes beaming.

  She traced a fingertip around the outline of his swollen lips. “And I love you.”

  They stayed that way a little longer, soaking each other in, reluctant to break the connection. When Nate left to clean up, Nikki continued to lay there, sprawled out in the middle of the luxurious king-sized bed, staring up at the ceiling.

  Her body was sated, her mind was relaxed, and she felt completely at peace. “How did I get so lucky?” she whispered aloud, unaware that Nate had crept back into the room.

  He rejoined her on the bed and drew her close. “I’m the lucky one,” he said, pulling
a blanket over them.

  Nikki just smiled, rested her head against his chest, and fell asleep to the beautiful beat of his heart.

  They spent the entire weekend together, talking, laughing, baking cookies (chocolate chip, of course), and making love. They walked around the perimeter of the property with Bentley, who eagerly sniffed out squirrels and birds, while they discussed the possibility of Nate buying the house.

  Nikki told him what she could about Jack, the homeowner, without compromising her duties as a real estate agent.

  “The reason there’s a path between the two houses is because the homeowner’s son and grandkids used to live next door. When his son took a job in another state, Jack started leasing this house. He and his wife spend the majority of their time in Harbor Springs now, but they stay here during the winter months.”

  “Why wouldn’t they go to Florida or somewhere warm for the winter?”

  “Maybe they will, now that their son lives in Atlanta.”

  “Do you think they may want to sell?”

  “I can’t speak for them, Nate, but I can tell Jack that you’re interested, although I’m still a little confused about why you would want to buy the house. If we plan on spending all our time together, what’s the point of having two houses?”

  Nate stopped walking and turned toward her. “I know how much you love your house, and I won’t ask you to give it up. If we own both houses, we won’t have to worry about nosy neighbors and we’d have plenty of room for guests, like when my family comes to visit. How does that sound?”

  Was it possible to love someone more every day? Nikki answered her own question as she took a step closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Sounds perfect, and I love you for thinking of me,” she said, sinking into him.

  “I think we need to go back inside before I demonstrate my love for you right here,” Nate said, his eyes twinkling.

  They stood at the very back edge of the property and had ceased worrying about reporters and cameras. Now that their relationship was a matter of public record, some of the interest had waned. However, there was still the possibility of being seen.


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