Last Bride, Last Man (Book Three of the Red River Valley Brides Series)

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Last Bride, Last Man (Book Three of the Red River Valley Brides Series) Page 12

by Hestand, Rita

  "I'm not very big there…" She looked down at herself.

  "God woman, don't you know how beautiful you are?" He gasped. "Your hips are made for havin' babies," His hand went over them with determined slowness, "And that tiny waist of yours devours the imagination. You're perfect." He moved to look at her backside in the moonlight.

  Her buttocks shone smooth and soft in the dim light.

  He ran a firm hand over them, liking the way his hand moved smoothly over her. "God didn't make any mistakes with you. I've been with a few women, Nadine, but never…" He shook his head and pulled her gently by the back of her head to fit up against him as he kissed her hotly. "One as beautiful, as perfect, as you…"

  She shivered, and he pulled her against him tighter.

  When he had kissed her lips raw, she came up for air. "Are you gonna stay dressed all night?" She whispered.

  "Help me take these boots off." He suggested.

  He laid on the bed and pushed gently on her backside she pulled them off. He got a good look at her and his lips kissed the round firmness before he turned her around to look at her.

  The way his foot seemed to massage her backside had her tingling for more. How could he make the chore of taking his boots off so erotic?

  She was on fire for her husband.

  But before he could move again, she pushed him on the bed, she straddled him and raised herself above him. "Let me help you…" She purred.

  In a matter of minutes she had spread his shirt open to run her hands over his magnificent chest. Bared to her, it was shiny and smooth and strong. Her head bent so she could caress his hard nipples.

  He jerked.

  Without another word, he picked her up in his arms, loosened his clothes and they climbed in the bed together under the sheets.

  For countless hours there was moans and groans and words of love between them that filled their house.

  Satiated with their love-making they collapsed into each other's arms and slept.

  The next morning, Nadine lay staring at him in the bed, wondering how she could have slept in the same room with him so long without touching him. She studied every inch of his body, her hands going over him thoroughly.

  He was smooth and sleek all over. There wasn't an inch of fat on him anywhere, he was all muscle and brawn.

  When he opened his eyes he saw her staring.

  "Something wrong?"

  "No…something's very right." She smiled at him.

  "Do you think we made a baby yet?" He asked, not at all ashamed to have her look at him.

  "I don't know. I guess we will have to keep tryin' until I know for sure…" She giggled.

  "That won't be hard. That will be a pleasure." He cradled her against him, enfolding her in his arms.

  "I should put some clothes on…" She started to get up but he pulled her back into the circle of his arms.

  "Not yet. Let's welcome the day together like this."

  "Oh Gabe, I'm so happy, for us." She cried hugging him to her. "Don't you ever go and die on me…I couldn't bear it."

  "Hear now, let's not talk about dyin', we are just figuring out how to live." He laughed and kissed her.

  She felt his arousal against her so she settled back into his arms easily. She purposely moved against it, as it teased her senses. The kiss he gave her on the neck, under her hair, lingered and began to build a fire inside her.

  "If you keep this up…I'll never get breakfast on." She whispered.

  "Sometimes food isn't what a man needs." He whispered back.

  "And what do you need?" She questioned looking into his shining happy eyes.

  "I need you!" He said and growled into her ear.

  She giggled, but in seconds the giggle died and she was moaning against him again. The bed made a special music of its own as they made love.

  Later, much later, he helped her put her clothes on, taking his time. She twisted and writhed in his arms for the longing he made her feel. When she went to put her bloomers on, he shook his head. "Don't…you won't need them today…nor that pretty contraption that holds your breasts. Maybe never again. When I touch you, I want to feel you. When I look at you, I want to see you. Around the house, you don't need any of that. When you go outside, you put your clothes on right, but for me…I want to see my lady. Not all that gear you put on. I want to see your breasts jiggle against your clothes. I want to see your hips sway against your dress. I want to know when you bend over that all I'd have to do is bend with you. That's how I want you in this house from now on. Unless we have company. I want the pleasure of your company always."

  "Gabrielle! What if we didn't know we had company?"

  "Then they might be a little shocked. But this is my house and you are my wife and I want to love you any time I want. I got a feelin' you won't object. I got a feelin' you want the same things I do."

  She smiled. "Well, that corset is a might confining."

  "I'm glad. You don't need it. Your breast perk up every time I'm in the room."

  "Now that's just downright sinful." She chuckled.

  "It's not sinful to love your wife. We are busy tryin' to make a baby. We can't do it with all those clothes between us. I can unbutton two buttons on my overalls and be ready for you. You have to take everything off. Don't be shy around me. I want you to be free…And I want to look at you. You don't know how beautiful you really are. No one else will see, I'll see to that myself. And I can come in from the field and if I feel like feelin' you, I can. If I want to make love with you, I can. You are my wife, and there is nothin' sinful about that. We are one now and forever."

  She smiled at him. "Alright Gabe, but if someone comes, you let me know."

  "I'll give you a signal, I'll yell at you from the yard, how is that?"

  "That's just fine," She shook her head with a grin. "But wait…don't you wear anything under those overalls?" She grinned.

  "Nope. I sweat a lot, and get chaffed if I do."

  "Now that's interesting." She giggled.

  If this truly was love, she never wanted it to end.

  As a whore she had often gone without underclothes, because it was faster and gave her more appeal. But it felt new and exciting to think Gabe was wanting her that much. She blushed just thinking about him coming in from the fields and taking her, or touching her. She'd be pregnant soon if that happened and that would change things too.

  She rubbed her belly and wondered what it might be like to carry Gabe's baby. Would she get fat and out of shape? No, she wouldn't let that happen. But she couldn't wait to be able to tell him that she was pregnant with his baby.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Now every day she rushed to fix his breakfast and clean the house after they made love in the mornings. It wasn’t a routine, it was a need, for both of them.

  It started her day to have him love her so much. She felt safe and secure and happy. She never dreamed she could live with a man like this, be so open, so free about her feelings, her wants, her needs.

  The feeling of not wearing underclothes became easy to get used to once more. She liked the feel of having nothing tying her breasts down and the air that circulated between her legs kept her cool and comfortable, except when Gabe got that look of pure desire on his face, then she was no longer cool.

  She especially liked the days when his eyes would glaze over and he would reach for her. She would go into his arms easily now. They were comfortable with each other and open with their love. The word content filled her senses.

  The best part was it had taken a real struggle to come to this point, so it was treasured that much more. Now that they took the time to talk and familiarize themselves with each other, life was better than good.

  And feeling his hot skin against her thin cotton dress drove her wild with wants and needs. He saw when her breast puckered, and he acted upon it too.

  How could being married be so perfect?

  "I need to run into town and get some supplies honey. Do you want to go with me?" H
e asked her one morning a couple of months later.

  "Yeah…I'd like that. I want to visit with Jo Ella and the girls. I haven't seen them in a while. Do you mind?" She finished the dishes and turned to look at him.

  "I think that's a good idea." He seemed glad she was coming along with him.

  "Let me get some decent clothes on first."

  He grinned at her. "Okay, I'll get the wagon ready."

  She dressed up a little and checked her hair then scrambled out on the porch to wait for him to bring the buggy up.

  He helped her up and they went to town.

  "You gonna visit with your lady friends?" He asked.

  "Yeah, you don't mind do ya?"

  "Of course not. I'll get the supplies. Anything you want in particular?"

  She thought about it a moment. "I don't know…maybe."

  "Well, if you think of anything let me know." He nodded.

  The town was bustling with people and Gabe let her off at the boarding house. Smoke came from the chimney and she knew Ma was probably cooking the noon day meal for her boarders.

  She practically ran to the porch and grabbed Jo Ella as she came out to greet her. "Nadine…it's good to see you." She hugged her.

  "Oh, Jo Ella…I've got to find out something. Come in the house, we gotta talk."

  "Well sure tell me all about it." Jo Ella encouraged.

  Ma was busy cooking, she done a full day's wash already and her hair was mussed, but she stopped long enough for a cup of coffee and to gossip a bit.

  "How do you know for sure if you are pregnant?" Nadine whispered between the three of them.

  Jo Ella stared at her a moment then got wide eyed. "Are you?"

  "I don't know. I never been that way. I need you to tell me."

  "Oh…honey. " Ma took her hand. "You'll begin to notice things if you are. Usually that your clothes don't fit the same. Some women get sick at their stomach's early in the morning, or late at night or all day long, for that matter. Most women miss their monthly right off and so they suspect something. Your breast will change, get bigger. You'll see you are thickening in the middle. Eventually you will feel the baby kick. Do you think…"

  "I don't know. The way we been goin' at it, I can't imagine not being." Nadine laughed.

  Jo Ella blushed at the way she said it. "Are you wanting a baby now? I mean the last time we talked you were pretty skeptical about your marriage working."

  "Oh yes, we both do…" Nadine cried out and looked at them both. "And things have changed considerable between me and Gabe. Once we started talkin' we found out we liked a lot of things about each other."

  "I'm glad of that. So tell me, do you have any of the symptoms I mentioned?" Ma asked.

  "The only thing I noticed was that I can't stand the smell of bacon in the mornings." She said with a frown. "I don't know if that has a thing to do with anything."

  "It's a pretty good sign. Have you missed your monthly?"

  Nadine tried to count up the days. And then she nodded slowly. "I guess I have. I was due two weeks ago. I remember spotting but then it went away. I couldn't even call it a monthly."

  Ma nodded. "She's pregnant. But don't take my word for it. Go see Doc Frazier about it."

  "But I don't want Gabe to know until I know for sure. We came into town for some supplies. He doesn't even suspect yet. If he sees me gadding about town he'll know what I'm up to."

  "Oh that's simple enough. The doc can come here. He can examine you upstairs." Ma insisted.

  "Could he? Today?"

  "Shore he can. Now rest easy. We'll fetch him. I'm sure you want to tell your man yourself."

  "Yes, I'd like to." Nadine said looking from one to the other. But she grabbed Ma's hand as Ma was about to go back to stirring her potatoes.

  "I'm scared…a little." Nadine confessed.

  Ma turned to stare at her and smiled with understanding. "Aw now honey, ain't nothin' to it. Besides, you got the hips to accommodate the baby easy like. Havin' a baby is just part of bein' a woman. It's natural. The more you realize that, the easier it gets."

  "I'll change a lot, won't I?" Nadine asked.

  "Your body might. Your temperament might. But you'll still be our doubting Nadine. You and Trish you take the cake. Trish don't trust men. I hated to see her marry that good for nothing Chester Smith, and I worry about her every day. We don't hear from her regular. I sent several letters, but haven't had a reply."

  "Have you seen her or talked to her lately?" Nadine began to relax and sip her coffee.

  "Not in some time. She moves around a lot these days. I think she might have left Chester. He didn't strike me as the kind to move anywhere."

  "I hope she is alright." Nadine thought about Trish and how hard it had been for her with men. "He was too old for her, and I’m sure as beautiful as Trish is, she could have found herself a better man. I just don't know what she saw in him in the first place."

  "None of us did." Ma remarked. "But maybe she saw a safe haven in him, that gave her a sense of safety. I mean he was a big man, not at all handsome. But I'm sure he could take care of her, that is if he was a mind to."

  "I'll go fetch the doc now," Jo Ella sent them a nod as she headed toward the door. "I'm so happy for you Nadine."

  Nadine stared up at her quizzical like. "Well let's wait to see what he says first. It might even be too soon to know yet."

  "Alright, I'll be right back."

  Jo Ella flew down the steps of the porch and out into the street.

  "She's as excited as you!" Ma chuckled.

  "Ma…I'm a little scared too. Is it natural to be scared?" Nadine admitted, glancing up at Ma.

  "Of course it is, at least the first time. By the second, you know what's comin' and you brace for it."

  "I just don't know what to expect."

  Ma patted her hand. "Well don't be scared. You got good hips, you'll deliver easy. I can tell. After the morning sickness passes you'll feel better. Just go about your day the way you always do. Don't be liftin' things that are too heavy. But you can handle your chores easy enough."

  Nadine sank into the chair and sighed. "I hope so. Of course you are gonna have to learn me all about babies, Ma. I don't know a lot. And should I eat different?"

  "Lots of fresh vegetables, and fruits. Not so much meat or salt. I can teach you anything you need to know. How to diaper, how to feed them and how often." Ma assured her. "If you are, the next time you come into town you come see me, we'll practice diapering, and I'll teach you about nursing and whether you need to get a nurse maid or not. Some women don't have enough milk for their baby. It's all right, we'll make out just fine, honey. Don't you worry your pretty little head."

  "It sounds complicated."

  "It ain't. Oh…granted the first one can set you back and make you think you are losin' your mind, but after that, you become an expert. It finally comes natural." Ma chuckled. "Isn't it funny, but animals become mothers all the time and it is all so natural to them, and they don't have the brains we do, but they can figure that out without any help."

  "You're right, I hadn't thought about that." Nadine chuckled.

  "How long you been tryin'?" Ma asked curiously.

  "'Bout two months."

  "Land sakes, if you are, he's a walking baby maker. That's fast girl. When you took your vows I thought I detected a little hesitation at the altar. As though you weren't sure of him or yourself."

  "I wasn't then. But things have changed. He actually courted me after he married me. I gotta admit it was the first time I've ever been properly courted. At first I was hesitant about it, but he was so right. You have to get to know someone, before love truly comes. And we spent some time learnin' about each other."

  "Do tell. I've heard nothin' but good things about that man of yours. He's respected by everyone I know. Harry really likes him." Ma winked and poured more coffee for her.

  Nadine shook her head. "I can't drink too much, gives me the shakes."

  "Well just
remember to eat good now and take care of yourself. You got a little one to worry over now." Ma smiled as she took her in her arms.

  After a big hug, she continued cooking and a boarder came down the stairs for a cup of coffee.

  "It'll be ready in about ten minutes now, don't go off too far Mr. Johnson."

  "I won't. I wouldn't miss a one of your meals." The little man said as he went to stand on the front porch.

  "Mr. Johnson comes about every six months. He's a traveling salesman." Ma explained as she handled the big iron skillet with ease.

  "Are most of the boarders that come, regulars?" Nadine asked.

  "Oh no, my. Just a few like him. Others are just staying a night or two and I never see them again."

  "Does it ever bother you that they are all strangers in your home?" Nadine asked.

  "No child. Harry would take care of me, if needed, but I enjoy meetin' people from all over. I learn a lot through them. And I like to think they go away from here feelin' better about Vada. Like I'm setting an example for the town."

  Nadine smiled at her, and sipped her coffee slowly. Ma made the best coffee in town. Nadine was sure of it.

  "Ma, I'm gonna need so many things. I don’t' know where to start. I'm gonna have to get to sewin'."

  "So you've taken up sewing now. That's wonderful. A woman should try her skills, that's for sure. Are you pretty sure about being pregnant, or just hopeful?" Ma raked the gravy into a big bowl and placed it on the table.

  "Pretty sure."

  "Don't you fret none about your needs, we'll have you a baby party and you'll get all kinds of gifts. The church does a party for every pregnant lady in the valley."

  "You mean people would give me gifts?" Nadine's eyes rounded.

  "Why shore honey, you can't buy everything you are gonna need. It's tradition. And a lot of mothers who've had all the children they are gonna have will pass things down to you that they no longer need." Ma laughed so hard her body shook. "Land sakes, if we tried to buy everything we'd all be in the poor house. We'll be havin' one for Jo Ella real soon."


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