Bring Me You

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Bring Me You Page 3

by Ryleigh Andrews

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I normally just listen to sports radio and I don't think you’d like that all too much because I get way too engrossed into it,” he said laughingly.

  “No music?” she asked, not believing what she heard. How was that even possible?

  “On occasion,” he replied, effortlessly speeding past a couple of slower cars.

  “What do you listen to on those occasions?” she asked, turning towards him.

  He snuck a quick look at her before returning his eyes to the road. “I just scan the stations for something that sounds remotely good. Normally I land on a rock station. I love Bon Jovi and Aerosmith.”

  “Bon Jovi!” Mia exclaimed. Who doesn’t love Bon Jovi? “Okay, let’s try that scanning thing you do because I don't know the area stations very well,” she said, hitting the scan button to see what would happen.

  “So, how did you get started with music?” he asked as he came to a stop at a red light. He glanced over at her with his piercing whiskey colored eyes, making her stomach flutter.

  “My father was a strong advocate of the value of music in a young person’s education. I started piano lessons when I was four, before I even started school. He loved to hear me play.” She paused, blocking her father from her mind. She did not want to be thinking about him tonight. It would only serve to piss her off and she did not want that, not with this beautiful man sitting beside her. “I picked up the guitar after I moved to Chicago and basically taught myself how to play, though I’ll admit I’ve had some fine tuning help later on.”

  Ethan pulled up in front of the restaurant by the valet. A young man opened the door for her and she exited the truck. Mia stood on the sidewalk, waiting for Ethan. He gently grasped her elbow as he led her up the many steps to the front of the restaurant. Immediately, she sensed that the staff seemed to know him. They were all smiles.

  “Good evening, Mr. Christopher. We already have your table ready,” the hostess said before leading them to an exclusive booth. The leather bench seating went around three sides of the table, each side completely enclosed to the ceiling which provided a lot of privacy. Mr. Football God probably needed it. The only light came from a candelabra hanging from the center of their booth.

  The waiter approached and smiled warmly. “Hi, my name is Nathan and I’ll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

  “We’ll have a bottle of your best Chianti.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be right back with that,” the waiter said, leaving with their order.

  Mia picked up the menu and opened it. As she read through the choices, she began to feel a little overwhelmed. She had no idea what to choose.

  “Ethan, I've got to confess that I haven’t had the chance to have much Italian cuisine in my life,” she said, her eyes still focused on the menu.

  “Now, why’s that?” he asked.

  “Well, my father is French and my mother is Dutch. French and Dutch fare reigned supreme in my home.”

  “Really?” he sounded surprised.

  “I think I’ve had Italian about five times and it was always spaghetti.”

  “In the mood to try something different?” he asked, his eyes sparkling in challenge. She studied his handsome face. He was different than anyone she’d ever been with and so far this different had been wonderful.


  “Definitely,” Mia said as sensually as the smile she gave him. His heart skipped a beat. She made him feel like she might just eat him alive which was totally fine by him. Go right ahead, Mia—eat away.

  As the waiter poured the wine into their glasses, Ethan turned to Mia, soaking in her beautiful profile with her cute little nose and pouty lips. Her hair looked much different than yesterday’s sleek and straight style. Today her hair was fuller, wavier, and more natural. The long chocolate waves cascading down her back were definitely sexier to him. He liked that there was so much of it. Her makeup was very simple and natural. Her skin was creamy, warm, and wonderfully sun kissed. Her eyes were a deep brown with golden flecks sprinkled about.

  “How ‘bout a toast?” Ethan asked, lifting his glass. She turned towards him and smiled again. He could not get enough of her. Her smile was electric and full of sparkle and humor and it drew him to her. It accepted him. It comforted him.

  “Sure,” she replied, a sparkle in her eyes. She raised her glass, waiting, and rendered him brainless.

  Shit, what should I toast about?

  He cleared his throat to stall for a moment, trying to think of something fitting. He smiled when it came to him. “To something different.”

  She laughed boisterously and clinked glasses with his. “Something different.”

  He watched her as she sipped the wine and all he could imagine was tasting it on her, trailing his tongue along her lips before slipping inside. He’d wanted to kiss her since the first time he saw her smile and being with her was making that want an almost obsession.

  She put the glass down. “Is there something wrong with the wine? Why aren’t you drinking?” she paused and looked at him suspiciously. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Nothing is wrong … not a thing,” he said, quickly gulping down some wine. Not like he could tell her how much he wanted to kiss her right now. He reached over and squeezed her hand to reassure her.

  He saw the waiter approach. “Would you like me to order for you?”

  She nodded thankfully, a sweet smile transforming her face. God, she really was stunning. That wide smile had him hooked. It instantly changed her from sexpot to the girl next door and his mind couldn’t stop picturing her as both in his bed.

  After the waiter took their orders, silence reigned. Could she see the thoughts he was having about her playing across his face? That thought made him a bit nervous. Ethan didn’t want her to think he was some dog just out for sex. Though, to be honest, he desperately wanted to have sex with her and if that was ever going to happen, he needed his brain to switch gears.

  His mind shouted at him, talk to her! He wanted to know all he could about Mia Devereux but he didn’t know what to talk about. She had evaded his attempts to talk about her upbringing. He found that interesting. Maybe that's a topic for date number eight or something.

  And there would be date number eight. He was very confident about that.

  Okay, focus. Maybe a less intimate topic.

  “Do you like sports?” Ethan asked, hoping that the change of subject would draw her back to him again.

  “I do. I blame Luke. When he was a sports reporter, he dragged me all over to see all different kinds of sporting events—college sports, hockey, baseball, basketball, and, of course, football. I learned to like them. Some I enjoyed right away; others I’m still in the dark.”

  “Like?” he asked, intrigued and glad that she liked sports.

  “Baseball. I know it’s America’s pastime, but all I want to do at the games is get drunk because I am so bored!”

  “Yeah, baseball was never my favorite,” he said in agreement. “Do you play any sports?”

  “I try. Can’t say that I’m any good at them, though. I love to run and swim, but I suck at throwing a ball.”

  “I'll teach you. I'm a very good teacher. Ask my backup QB,” he laughed.

  Mia turned the tables on him and started drilling him with all her questions about his childhood, his hometown, college, and his UFL beginnings.

  “So,” she started, taking a sip of water before pointing at him and continuing. “What’s life like for you outside of football? What do you like to do? What interests you?”

  “Well,” he started, just as the waiter arrived with their food. He remained quiet while the waiter placed their plates on the table. Mia’s eyes widened in surprise at the large amounts of food in front of them.

  “Dig in,” he said.

  He observed her as she got her first bite ready. He followed the fork as it traveled from the plate to her gorgeous mouth, which he st
ared at while she chewed and as the flavors hit her tongue, he grinned as her eyebrows quirked in surprise.

  “Oh wow! This is delicious!” she exclaimed, a smile covering her face. “Score one for you!”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he said, smiling briefly at her before returning his focus to his own food and not her luscious lips.

  “So, you didn’t answer my question …” she reminded him.

  “No, I didn’t,” he admitted with a laugh.

  “You going to?” she asked, taking a sip of her wine.

  “Would you like to try a bite of my chicken?” he asked, knowing he frustrated her just a little.

  “I would like that. Thank you.”

  Ethan put some meat on his fork and held it out for her. He waited for her to open her mouth and held her eyes as she accepted the bite. Then he proceeded to her question.

  “I like to travel and try out local cuisines. Probably the past five off-seasons I’ve done this. This year though, I decided to take a break,” he said, slowly removing the fork from her mouth. His own mouth watered as she swiped her tongue along her bottom lip.

  “I do a lot of charity work too—locally and some national stuff. I enjoy that, especially the charities for children. I also spend quite a bit of time in meetings. Not so fun.”

  She took a sip of wine and then dabbed her napkin at her mouth. “What do you do to relax?”

  “Relax? Uh, I run. Play other sports. Read.”

  “What do you read?”

  “Pretty much history books. That’s really it.”

  “Did I tell you my major?” she asked with a hint of a smile.

  “No,” he answered, now curious to know.

  “I was an anthropology slash history major.”

  “Really? You definitely did not mention that last night. What period?”

  “I focused on European history. Mainly fourteen to seventeen hundreds.”

  “And why anthropology?” That was an interesting choice and he was curious as to why she chose it.

  “Uh, well, I studied linguistic anthropology. I was very interested in the role of language in society and culture. And, as you can see, I am doing absolutely nothing in that field.”

  “Why not?”

  “Can I just say an overbearing father and leave it at that?”

  “You can … for now.”

  Mia smiled sweetly. “Thank you,” she said, turning her attention back to her food. They ate silently for a little bit. He watched as she enjoyed her food, savoring each bite. When she was finished, he asked her if she could cook, because that was very important to know. His stomach certainly needed to know this information, especially if they moved past the first date.

  “I am very proud to say that I can. Do you?”

  “Uh, not very well. Easy stuff. Mac and cheese is my specialty. What do you like to cook?” he asked, wanting to shift the focus back to her and find out more about these cooking skills. His were of the popping the box in the microwave or picking up the phone variety.

  “Lots of different recipes passed down from my grandmother and all kinds of breakfast. I could eat breakfast any time of day!”

  “Breakfast is good.”

  “It really is!” she exclaimed, very animated. Her eyes grew wider as did her smile. “I love to make omelets with all different kinds of yummy things inside, pancakes, and bacon.”

  “Mmm. Bacon.”

  “I know, right?”

  Ethan loved her animated reactions. Mia was passionate, easy-going and from what he had seen so far, she had a fantastic sense of humor. He felt very comfortable with her and he hoped she felt the same way towards him.

  “I kind of want bacon right now.”

  She laughed. “Finish your food.”

  “I’m saving room for dessert.”

  “Well, while you’re saving room, I’m going to the ladies’ room, so if you would excuse me …” she said, sliding out of the booth.

  His eyes followed her. He couldn’t believe how very sexy she was. She was definitely short but had curves in all the right places. And her breasts … WOW! He couldn't wait to get his hands on them. She had worn dresses both times he had seen her and he really had not been able to check her out from behind, until now. Her fine hips tapered into mile long legs and all he could imagine was them wrapped around his waist.

  Ethan shook his head. Cool yourself down, he thought. He really hoped she was available and not seeing anyone. Luke had said she wasn't seeing anyone but his track record had been shit and Ethan was just a bit skeptical.

  He considered inviting her back to his place after dinner. He wanted to order another bottle of wine and continue talking with her, but he had to drive and if he got pulled over for being under the influence, things would definitely not go well. Plus, he wanted to get her alone for dessert. He laughed at that.

  Mia was dessert.


  Checking her reflection in the mirror, Mia smiled at the flushed cheeks given to her by the very charming and very hot Ethan Christopher. She reapplied her lip gloss and pondered how well her trip to Indy had been going. She just hoped it continued at this pace. Her time with Ethan had been amazing. She found it so easy to speak with him. He was constantly making her laugh. He also made her heart flutter with just a simple look, a simple word. Total sensory overload.

  During quiet moments at dinner, Mia had sat there, debating whether he looked better in his uniform or in the slacks and dress shirt he’d been wearing. Both had their benefits. The uniform had those very tight pants going for it as well as the intensity he showed while he wore them. In the dress pants and button-up shirt, he seemed so easy going and relaxed. Reachable. Normal.

  Either way she wanted to jump on his lap and attack him with her mouth or her hands. Heck, both at the same time would work, and she was pretty confident that he’d happily have her there as well.

  She tucked the stray curl behind her ear yet again and returned her lip gloss to her hand bag. She quickly chewed on a mint—just in case she would be kissing him tonight. Who was she kidding? She would be kissing him, one way or another, even if she had to throw herself at him.

  Mia exited the restroom and searched for their booth. She located it and when she did, she found Ethan looking at her, the intensity of his gaze knocking the wind out of her. She paused mid-step and glanced down shyly for just a moment before finding her smile and continuing to him.

  “Welcome back,” he said, smiling at her.

  She slid across the booth, her leg accidentally brushing against his thigh, the contact sending a wonderful, body-tingling jolt through her. Ethan put his arm on the top of the bench, his fingers lightly touching her shoulder. She couldn’t stop the heart pounding shivers that his feather-light caress caused. Glancing up at him from behind her long lashes, she found him still smiling deliciously at her. His eyes traveled over her face before landing on her lips. He moved in closer to her, his eyes still focused on her mouth.

  Oh dear God! Go ahead and kiss me already, she thought, her heart rate increasing while her breathing decreased. He didn’t physically kiss her, but damn, it was close.

  “Mia, I’d like to sit here, drinking wine with you all night, but I have to drive,” he paused. “I know this might be a bit forward, but would you consider coming over to my place so we can continue our conversation, have a few more drinks, and maybe some dessert?”

  The butterflies in her stomach caused her to hesitate but only for a moment. She definitely did not want to say goodbye to him just yet, nor did she want this wonderful time to end. Mia wasn’t so naïve that she didn’t know what he meant by dessert—well, at least, that’s what she hoped it meant. The more she thought about it, the more she kind of hoped it would happen. She hadn’t had sex with someone other than Luke in the past six years and who better to get back into the saddle than the man seated next to her.

  “I’d really like that, Ethan,” she said, her eyes focused on his mouth as his lips stretched int
o a wide smile, showing off his perfect white teeth.

  “Great!” he said, taken aback, like he had hoped for her to agree, but not expecting it. She chuckled as he motioned for the waiter.

  “Yes, sir?” the waiter asked politely.

  “Could I get our bill please?”

  The waiter opened his pad, pulled out the bill and handed it to Ethan who motioned for him to wait. Ethan scanned the bill and reached into his pocket, pulling a few bills from his money clip and handing them to the young waiter. By the look he gave them, Ethan had been very generous.

  “Thank you, sir. Thank you very much,” he said, turning to leave.

  Ethan turned to Mia and he smiled. “Ready?” he asked.

  With her nod, he slid from the booth and waited for her to join him. He grabbed her coat and, like a gentleman, held it out for her. Slipping her arms in, she smiled warmly as she peeked up at him from over her shoulder.

  He placed his hand on her back as they exited the restaurant. When they reached the valet station, he handed his ticket to the attendant who sprinted to get his truck. Ethan reached out for her hand and entwined his fingers in hers as they waited.

  Mia liked how he just did that, taking her hand. His hands were strong and big and they made her feel petite and protected—safe. She hadn’t felt that way in a very long time and that thought caused her to smile.

  “What are you smiling about?” Ethan asked, regarding her with amused curiosity.

  “Oh, nothing and everything,” she said, squeezing his hand.

  His mouth opened to say something but the valet attendant pulled the truck in front of them. The eager young man hurried out while Ethan opened the passenger door for Mia. She seated herself, thankful for the warmth of the interior.

  She regarded Ethan as he tipped the attendant. He caught her eye and smiled warmly at her before rounding the car to enter. He let in a burst of cool March air when he opened the door. He sat down and glanced over at her, the smile he gave her melting her insides. He overwhelmed her, but in the best of ways. She loved the way he made her feel—alive.

  He shifted the truck into gear and headed off to his home. The ride was quiet. The sun had set while they were in the restaurant and the stars were shining bright, like little diamonds in the sky. She hadn't seen such a brilliant display since she had lived in Michigan. It was so hard to see the stars in the city with all the competing lights from the street lamps and the buildings. She stared out the window, not really seeing what they passed, just focusing on the beauty of the stars.


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