Sweet Seduction: A Billionaire Virgin Romance

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Sweet Seduction: A Billionaire Virgin Romance Page 2

by Winter, Alexis

  “Thanks, Jake. See you in the morning.”

  “See you in the morning. Looks like we got a new kid to break in tomorrow.” He grinned as she let him out the front door and started locking up for the night.

  “Hopefully, she doesn’t need too much breaking in.” Charlotte slipped the keys into her pocket, smiling over at Jake. “Have a good night.”

  Chapter 2

  Preston was waiting in his office for Charlotte to arrive. He knew she was going to be a little later than usual since she was interviewing a new employee for the bakery after it closed this afternoon, but they had a standing date for tonight. It was Friday and Fridays had been their night ever since the two of them had met. They’d make it a habit to meet in his office as soon as both were done with work for the day.

  Usually when they met, it was long after the rest of the employees had left the office for the day. They were keeping their relationship to themselves for the moment, though it was a mutual decision, it was mostly Charlotte being paranoid that people would think she was a gold digger. As much as Preston didn’t really care he wanted to give her the comfort and peace of mind she needed and neither of them had wanted to advertise around the office that they were involved. It also didn’t help that they both knew her uncle and aunt didn’t approve of their relationship, never mind that the gossip around the office would focus on the fact that the boss was dating the girl who used to run the bakery cart downstairs.

  More than a few of his employees had found their way to her new bakery once they’d figured out she had moved. It wouldn’t have been much of a stretch to put together the pieces and assume he had bought it for her. The truth was, her uncle was her only investor. Even after the two of them had decided to give their relationship a try, Charlotte had been insistent that she wasn’t going to take money from Preston. She didn’t want to complicate things any more than they already were by bringing money into the mix. Her uncle Howard had already invested in the bakery and things were going well enough that she didn’t need any more money to keep things going.

  In the end, it made him feel better that the only thing the two of them needed each other for was companionship. He could be sure that she wasn’t using him for his money, at a minimum. Preston had to admit that he was proud of her for doing things on her own, even if she was being stubborn about all of it. He loved that stubborn steak in her. Sometimes, she reminded him of himself when he was young. He’d wanted to do everything on his own as often as he possibly could. He’d managed to pay back his investors long before the deadlines for returns on their investments and he had been just as driven to be successful as she seemed to be.

  They were still very different, though. Preston found Charlotte’s sweetness and innocence more than a little intoxicating. He still struggled to keep from pushing her too far and avoid exposing her to too much too fast, but the urge to dominate her was always loud in his thoughts and actions. He didn’t want to scare her, though the thought of exploring things with her was highly intriguing. He planned to eventually explore that world with her but for now he enjoyed just exploring where things went naturally between the two of them.

  Charlotte was running a little late, but it wasn’t anything he wasn’t expecting. Preston had done more than his fair share of job interviews since he had started running his own business. It was a natural part of the process of being a boss. She’d been nervous about all of this. The two of them had chatted about it the last time they were together. He just hoped she hadn’t had a bad experience with her first go. If she had to turn someone down, he just wasn’t sure she wasn’t going to wind up stressing herself to the point of being distraught when she finally got here.

  The time alone gave him a chance to reflect on the way that things had gone in the last few weeks. Charlotte was a completely new addition to Preston’s life. It wasn’t where he had ever seen himself before she wandered into his office late that one Friday night. Things had changed entirely since that night. He couldn’t have ever pictured himself in a monogamous and meaningful relationship with just one woman, especially one so innocent and inexperienced. Especially one that involved feelings and honesty.

  Preston had moments where he felt guilty for being the one that took any of that innocence from her, though it was bound have happened sooner or later. At least he could say he had done it as gently as he could manage. Though, gentle was far from what was on his mind when he thought about Charlotte. She always made him distracted when she walked in the room. He had never felt that way about anyone. There was more to it than just wanting to entirely consume her. She had a hold on him in a way that even he didn’t understand.

  Preston wasn’t exactly the marrying type. He’d always promised himself he wasn’t going to be the typical man who went and married his high school sweetheart and had three children and a dog with a white picket fence around a house in the suburbs. That wasn’t the life he had pictured for himself and while he was very happy with the way things were going with Charlotte, he didn’t see himself proposing and making her an honest woman either.

  Part of him felt guilty for that as well. She was young and she had her entire life ahead of her. The two of them had never discussed anything about the future, but he could only imagine that she wanted the things that most women her age wanted — a husband, a family, a future. That wasn’t exactly what he was offering her, though she had never complained.

  He was lost in his thoughts, staring out the window at the city beyond, when he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. He recognized that soft sound before he even turned around with a grin painted across his face.

  “Good evening, Charlotte.” She smiled at him, her hands clasped behind her back as she bounced on her heels.

  “Evening, Preston. Guess what?”

  Preston placed his glass on the desk and began to slowly walk across the expanse of the office towards her.

  “I take it your interview went well?” He rested his hands on her waist drawing her into a kiss as she draped her own arms across his shoulders.

  “Mmmhmmm.” She got a little lost in the kiss as she leaned into him, resting her weight against his chest. Her fingers threaded their way into his hair as they got lost in the kiss together, not worried about anything else for the moment.

  The thoughts that swirled in his head were a little dark and possessive for the moment. He could push them down most of the time, but when she was wrapped in his arms it got harder to keep himself in control. His grip on her waist tightened, fingers digging into the soft skin on her back as he drew her in more firmly. The gentle whimper that she let out in response drove him on further. If she kept this up, there was no way he was going to be able to keep himself from claiming her completely. He wasn’t sure how she was going to feel about that, whether she would enjoy it or slap him and run away from him, but there wasn’t going to be any way he could keep denying it for much longer.

  Even now, he couldn’t help but to push her back against the wall just behind her, though the two of them were still in the entrance of the office with the door open to the remainder of the floor. They were the only two left in the entire place, he’d made sure of that and thankfully the janitorial staff had already cleaned this floor. With how busy the two of them had been, he had wanted to have her entirely to himself for the night, even if they didn’t manage to make it out to dinner.

  As a matter of fact, the more her body molded itself into his as he pressed her into the wall, the less he was certain that either of them would make it out of the door tonight. It had been a long few weeks and his body missed hers more than he had realized. Every move of hers drove the conscious, rational part of his mind deeper and deeper into the depths and further brought out the hungry, animalistic version of him to the surface. She was in for more trouble than she might have realized when his hands slid down along her arms, wrapping around her wrists. He moved to kick the door beside them closed with the side of one foot, not caring how loudly the noise of it slammi
ng echoed in the empty offices beyond.

  The soft sound that escaped her lips as they were pressed against his was reward enough for pinning her hands to the wall behind her. She was clearly enjoying this just as much as he was, even if it might not have been what she was expecting when she walked in the door. Preston knew that there was almost no way he was going to be able to stop himself now that he had started. Charlotte was absolutely intoxicating on the average day, but right now with her body so close to his that he could feel her heart thundering just beneath her breast bone, it was more than he could bear.

  His lips didn’t leave hers though he began to speak. He murmured in a voice low enough that even if someone else had been in the room, it would have only been heard by Charlotte.

  “You look good enough to eat, Charlotte.” He had to avoid the urge to half growl out the words as the blood thundered through his ears. Preston could feel the heat between them building with each tiny motion that moved her body against his.

  “You look pretty good yourself, Preston.”

  He pulled away from the wall and Charlotte moved with him, keeping her arms wrapped around his shoulders as he walked the two of them fully into the office. There were a lot of places that he could have taken her right about then. The chairs and couch that sat in one corner of the room were always a possibility, along with the door to the bedroom that waited just beyond, but what he knew he really wanted was to have her draped across his desk with its view of the city beyond.

  It wasn’t far, but it seemed like it took far too long to get to the desk for Preston’s liking. He was impatient and swiped an arm across the desk, sending any of the papers that had been on it fluttering to the floor. He didn’t care that he’d have to pick it all up later. He had a much more pressing concern in the young woman that he picked up and sat on the edge of the desk.

  It only took a moment to slide the dark blue skirt she had been wearing up her hips and leave it in a crumpled heap around her waist. The motion gave his hands access to her thighs, fingers dancing over the smooth skin for a moment before they moved to grip her hips and drag her roughly to the edge of the desk. Charlotte looked up at him, pulling her lip between her teeth and let out a soft moan when Preston tugged her firmly into his hips, her legs wrapping around his out of instinct.

  “Preston…” Her voice was pitched lower than normal and full of the same need that he could feel rushing through him every time she moved against his throbbing cock. Preston reached out to cup her chin and tilt her gaze up to meet his as his free hand pulled her body more firmly into his.

  “What is it, Love?” Preston had no idea where the nickname had come from, but it was something he had picked up during the time the two of them had spent together, though he rarely used it. It just came up unbidden during moments like this.

  “I want you to just let go tonight.” The words stumbled out of her mouth as if she were scared they wouldn’t come out if she didn’t just spit them out at once.

  He furrowed his brows a little at her suggestion, “What do you mean Charlotte? Tell me what’s in that head of yours.” He said as he leaned in again and kissed her gently.

  “I—I, know you usually hold back because you’re afraid you’re going to scare me, but I’m not as fragile as you think I am. So, I don’t want you to try to protect me tonight.” It wasn’t what he had been expecting to hear from her, but giving him permission to do as he wished was probably the sexiest thing he had ever heard her say. She was right. He did usually hold himself back around her, he hadn’t realized though that she had caught on. He didn’t want her to be scared by him and he hadn’t wanted to hurt her. But, the fact that Charlotte knew and was encouraging him to let go was more than he had imagined either of them was ready for at this point.

  Preston tightened his grip on her hip, fingers curling around the elastic waist of the pale, pink lace panties that she had worn under the skirt and giving a sharp tug until he heard the thin fabric rip beneath them. He then repeated the process on the opposite side until the last tug and rip left them falling to the floor on top of the stack of papers that he had knocked down earlier. Preston let his fingers drift between her thighs, gently teasing across the nub of nerves at the apex of her labia and leaning into her more closely.

  “I’m not certain you know exactly what you’re asking for, Charlotte.” His voice was low and filled with need, but he was going to give her this one last chance to have an out before he gave her exactly what she was asking for.

  “Oh, I know exactly what I’m asking for.” She stated, trying to sound confident even though the expression in her eyes gave her away. Her eyes found his again and he gave up trying to hold himself back, his hands moving to rip open her blouse and send the buttons skittering across the floor, leaving her in nothing but her skirt, heels and bra perched on his desk. She was picture perfect like that. He could have studied her for hours if his body hadn’t been roaring to be close to hers. Instead, he moved to grab her hands and slide her body backwards, pinning her wrists just above her head as he hovered over her. He dragged his mouth up her body, pausing at her breasts to inhale her scent and pepper them with kisses and bites.

  Preston was too needy to bother with fully removing his own clothes. He left one hand to hold her wrists in place as he pulled down the zipper of his suit trousers with the other freeing his fully erect cock and guiding it between her thighs to tease it across her pussy for a moment. He continued to lick and suck his way up her neck as he stroked himself as he teased her.

  “So, is that what you’re asking for?” He dipped the thick tip of his cock inside her heat for a moment before pulling back and savoring the sound that the motion drug from her lips.

  Charlotte just nodded, biting down on her lower lip again as her hips moved involuntarily, trying to get him inside her again, though her motions were restricted by the way he pinned her to the desk. She whimpered and let out a frustrated moan.

  “Please…” That was all the encouragement he needed. In fact, the sound of the single word on Charlotte’s lips drove him nearly mad. He wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from driving his full length into her even if he had wanted to hold back and tease her even longer. His fingers wrapped more tightly around her wrists as his other hand moved to pin her hips roughly down against the desk, fingers splayed across her lower stomach to hold her in place as he took her.

  The sounds that Charlotte made were absolutely more than he could bear. They were wanton and wild, nothing like he had ever heard before from the tiny young woman he had first met on the bottom floor only a few months ago. Before long, she was crying out his name, fingers curling and until her arms were straining beneath his grasp. Preston didn’t let up for even a moment. She’d asked him not to and while there was much more he could have done with her, he was still a little deterred by her inexperience, even if he was growing more comfortable with letting go with her.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, keeping him pulled in close until he joined her in another orgasm, she writhed and screamed out his name as her arms pulled beneath his and her back arched up from the desk top. Preston waited until the climax washed over him and leaned down to rest his weight on top of her, claiming Charlotte’s lips in a deep kiss as he wrapped her up in his arms.

  Chapter 3

  Sunday afternoon was the first time that Charlotte had been to see her aunt and uncle since opening the bakery. She closed the bakery on Sundays so she could get a day off, but she had been spending every weekend since the business opened doing prep work for the next week that she hadn’t had time to get done during the week.

  Riley’s first day had been yesterday and she had done excellent, especially considering it had been a couple of years since she had worked in a bakery and was just learning how Charlotte liked having things done. She’d even had a couple of suggestions about ways to do a few things more efficiently around the bakery. Charlotte was planning on implementing them when she could figure out how to make so
me of the logistics work out. For now, it was enough that she had someone working behind the counter long enough to let her successfully get some of the paperwork and day to day finances of the bakery taken care of during the work day. It meant she finally had time to accept her aunt and uncle’s invitation to join them for dinner again this Sunday. It was the least she could do considering her Uncle Howard was the reason that she had been able to open the bakery in the first place.

  Charlotte had even brought her aunt and uncle a bottle of their favorite white wine as a way of apologizing for missing so many Sunday lunches over the past few weeks. She stood nervously on the doorstep, waiting for someone to answer the door after she pressed the doorbell. She was unsure of what to expect or how much explaining she was going to have to do to her family about why she had barely seen them. Hopefully, the two of them would understand.

  She was relieved when she saw her Aunt Amelia at the door. Her aunt was always a little easier to talk to than her uncle. He could be brisk and businesslike on a bad day, even with his favorite niece. Amelia was usually much more gentle and kind and Charlotte’s frayed nerves needed the confidence boost that came with the way her aunt fussed about how good she looked.

  “Charloooootte!” Aunt Amelia said, dragging out the last syllable as she threw up her hands in excitement. “It’s so good to see you, it’s been ages. Come in, please.” Aunt Amelia held open the door for her to let her inside and immediately pulled her in to a tight squeeze.

  “Hello, Aunt Amelia. I know. I’ve been so busy at the bakery and I just haven’t gotten a chance to get away before now, but I just hired someone new, so I had a little bit of free time on my hands” The words rushed out of her mouth in a jumbled heap as she nervously explained her absence. “I’m so glad I could finally make it out for dinner this weekend.” Charlotte tugged down the pink skirt she had picked out for the day and passed the bottle of wine over to her aunt. “I brought you both something. I know this one is your favorite.”


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