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Yank Page 13

by Selena Kitt

  She grinned at me, wiping her chin, her eyes bright. “Mmmm…more?”

  “You’re bad,” I whispered, stroking her hair, feeling my cock waning wetly against my thigh.

  “You like me that way.”

  She was right.

  “Oh fuck!” I grabbed for my underwear and trousers, yanking them on. “I’m late.”

  “What for?” Dawn pulled a cover over her, looking disheveled and distracting with one thigh peeking out from under the sheet.

  I sighed. “My date.”

  “Oh right.” She rolled her eyes. “Jules the twat face?”

  I reached for the doorknob, not wanting to look back at her. “Button it!”

  “Don’t you want to stay here with me?” Dawn pulled the sheet aside a little—I did look back, I couldn’t help it—and I caught a glimpse of the sweetness I’d been buried in moments ago. “Your mum and dad are supposed to go out later.”

  I actually considered it. I stood there and weighed my options, but knew if I stayed—I’d never leave again. Then I shook my head, grimacing, and told her, “Dawn, no. I have to go.”

  I turned away from her pouty look, tried to block it out as I shut her door and headed down the hall. I went into the washroom, did a quick shave, brushed my hair and washed my teeth. I didn’t notice my mum on the landing until I started down the stairs. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sight of her sitting there—just…sitting there.


  She looked up at me, and I knew. She knew. Fuck. Her eyes were blank. “Going out, Davey?”

  I nodded, swallowing past a lump in my throat. “You all right, Mum?”

  “Fine.” Her voice was distant. “Your dad will be home soon.”

  “I’ll be late,” I said, stepping past her on the stairs. “Real late.”

  “That’s fine.”

  I wanted to escape. The thought that my mum knew—what had she heard? Anything? Did she really know? Why else would she be sitting on the landing, practically catatonic? I glanced back when I hit the bottom of the stairs. She was looking my way, but it was like she was looking past me.

  What could I do? Undecided, I stood there another moment longer, looking at the front door, then back at my mum. Then it occurred to me—she was right. Dad would be home soon. If she had heard something…suspected something…and she told Dad when he came home? I didn’t want to be anywhere near the house when that happened!

  I put on my shoes, grabbed my jacket, and headed out the door.

  Chapter Ten

  I was supposed to meet Julie at the club and she was standing outside waiting for me when I got there—decidedly late.

  She didn’t see me at first and I looked at her, leaning against the side of the building, her head turned the other way. Her dark hair fell in long, loose curls around the curve of her face in profile and it naturally led my eyes downward to the curves of her body. She was slender and soft, the size of her breasts a delightful surprise, a continental shelf—the woman had two delicious, sizeable sweater muffins under there!

  I was amazed she didn’t seem annoyed I was late. She wasn’t tapping her foot or pacing. She didn’t even look bored—she was just there, in the moment. There was even a half smile on her face.

  “Hey Jules!” I slipped my arm around her waist and she turned to me, that half-smile filling and brightening immediately. Even her eyes smiled.

  “Hey sexy!” She turned her face up for a kiss expectantly, not doubting for a moment I would give her one—and I did, a long, soft kiss that deepened into something else as I pressed her against the wall, leaning my weight fully against her. She gasped when we parted, her eyes shining. “Wow! I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Let’s not go in.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Not go in?”

  “I want to be with you.” I nuzzled her neck, feeling her melt against me, the soft press of her breasts against my chest making me ache to touch them without any barrier between us. “Just you.”

  “Well…I was going to surprise you…” Her breath moved across my ear, making my cock twitch. “Joanna’s gone to stay at her mum and dad’s for the weekend. She’s standing up in a wedding.”

  I perked up—in more ways than one. “We have your whole flat to ourselves?”

  “That’s right.” She waggled her eyebrows.

  “What are we waiting for?” I kissed her again, harder this time, sliding my thigh between hers and wondering if she was wearing knickers—she still hardly ever did. I pushed her skirt up a little with my hand, feeling the impossibly soft skin of her thigh. She sighed and shifted against me, not protesting at all, even though people were all around us.

  “Hey, ya randy bloke!” The sound of a voice behind me made me stop any further exploration. “Get a room!”

  “We’ve got one!” I called back over my shoulder and then turned to Julie and whispered, “Let’s go use it.”

  Julie shared a nice flat with a former classmate of ours, Joanna, on Forest Road. I didn’t fathom how they could make enough between them to afford it, but I think Julie’s mum and dad helped her out with groceries and such. We walked from the Tube, Julie swinging my hand and banging on about her late hours, and how hard her employer was working her lately. I paid only peripheral attention, the question of what was going on at home knotted like a viper in my belly.

  “David, are you listening?”

  “Huh?” I glanced at her as she unlocked the door to her flat and let us both in. The place smelled like roses and cats, a strange combination. They had a cat, even though they weren’t supposed to have any pets.

  “What can I do to get your mind back here?” Julie pondered, shutting the door and tossing her purse and keys on the foyer table. Her tone was teasing as she shrugged off her jacket and let it drop to the floor. She was dressed to the nines, ready for a night of dancing, and the sight of her breasts pushed up in some silky material transfixed me for a moment.

  “That helped,” I said, leaving off my shoes and stepping over her discarded jacket.

  “What did?” She slid up onto the arm of a big, cushy chair, unbuckling the little straps on her heels and letting them clatter to the floor. “Oh, you mean this?” Her fingers worked the buttons on her blouse, pulling it free of her skirt to get the lower ones. Her blouse was sheer and black, her bra the clear decoration beneath. She stood and let her shirt drop to the floor too, and went to work on her bra. “Is this helping get your mind back on…things?”

  “More than my mind…”

  The bra joined the growing pile of clothing on the floor and I stared as her breasts bounced free, their small, dark nipples already hard.

  “Unzip me?” Julie turned, bending over the arm of the chair. Their cat—he was named something—Seymour? Simon? I couldn’t remember—jumped up into the chair and mewed at her. She pet him, cooing and making soft noises that made my cock jump. I moved closer, running my hand along the smooth curve of her back as I slowly worked the zipper of her skirt down. She had a terrific set of arse antlers on her lower back, a tattoo like black lightning that met in the middle to form a heart-shape. I hadn’t noticed it the first time we were together in my bedroom in the dark, but we’d managed to find other times this week to fuck like bunnies, squeezing it in between her work schedule and her flatmate’s. I’d only seen Joanna a few times—a startling shock, since they were identical twins. But Joanna didn’t have that hot tattoo on her back where Jules did.

  If she was wearing knickers—and you never knew with Julie—I thought they would be black. Instead, they were white cotton with a little lace edge, quite prim. They made me smile. It was somehow even more alluring, those little girl-like panties underneath all the sexy outerwear. I slid her skirt down her slim hips, watching it pool at her feet.

  “Nice knickers.” I pulled them down to reveal all of her tattoo. Damn, that was hot.

  “You like ’em?” Julie hooked her thumbs in and pulled them all the way off, turning and letting them da
ngle from her finger. “You can have ’em!”

  I laughed as she tucked them into my jacket pocket, pressing herself against me. She was completely naked and my cock was uncomfortably hard as I grabbed onto her arse and pulled her close.

  “Well, you’ve succeeded.” I took her hand and placed it over my crotch, letting her feel how hard her little striptease had made me.

  “I said I wanted your mind back.” Julie giggled, squeezing the length of my cock through my trousers and making me jump. “Oh wait! I guess I did succeed, didn’t I?”

  I snorted. “All men think with their dicks, is that it?”

  “What are you thinking now?” She sank slowly to her knees in front of me, letting every inch of her naked body rake down my fully clothed front and I watched her, feeling dizzy with lust. She unzipped me quickly and I was in her hand before I could even take another breath.


  She giggled again and then ran the tip of her tongue around the head of my aching cock, making me groan. We’d squared away the sucks-like-a-Hoover issue on our second “date”—and she had made great progress in the blowjob department since. I loved the way she looked up at me when she did it, stopping now and then to ask, “Like this?” or “Good?”

  All I could manage to respond was, “Fantastic! Fucking fantastic!” closing my eyes and letting the pleasure take me completely out of myself. She was actually making my knees weak!

  “Jules,” I gasped, pulling my cock out of her grasp. “I need to sit down or I’m going to collapse!”

  She laughed and pushed me back toward the chair. I shrugged off my jacket and stepped out of my trousers on the way while she followed me on her knees. Her mouth seemed to follow my cock and she latched on the moment I sat down, working up and down with a fervor that was going to make me blow way too soon for my liking.

  “Wait.” I reached for her, pulling her up so I could kiss her. I could taste myself in her mouth as she splayed herself between my legs. I couldn’t help grabbing her arse and grinding my cock against her belly as we kissed. Julie wriggled and moaned when I spread her open with my hands.

  “You didn’t like my mouth?” she whispered, sucking on my neck—damn, she had a hard suck! I was going to have love bites in the morning. If she could only learn to use her powers for good!

  “I love your mouth.” I kissed her again, sucking at her lips, running my tongue along the sweet open flesh of her mouth. “But my cock is in the mood for some…brain food.”

  She giggled at my attempt at a joke, my fingers eagerly probing, her pussy hair soft and curly, giving way to the wetness beneath. There was nothing I wanted more in that moment than to be buried inside her.

  “Come on, luv,” I urged, helping her up so she was fully in my lap, straddling me. “Give my poor cock some nourishment.”

  “Only if you promise to give my little clitty some too.” She smiled again as she positioned herself, her hair a dark curtain around us as she grabbed hold and aimed me. I was falling in love with that smile.

  “You couldn’t keep my hands off it if you tried,” I murmured as she sank down onto the length of my cock—fuck, that was good! Her breasts swayed slightly as she began to rock, balancing herself on the arms of the chair—they were ripe and luscious and I wanted to cup them but I restrained myself, using one hand on her hip to steady her and the other to find and focus on her clit.

  “Ohhh yes.” Her eyes closed, her hips pushing forward, making my cock shift to a delicious angle inside of her. “Rub it faster, Davey…faster…”

  Hearing her call me Davey made me instantly think of Dawn and I didn’t want to go there. I tried closing my eyes against it, but that brought her nearer—I could see Dawn’s eyes glinting, the turn of her mouth and that mischievous smile. I’m not fucking Dawn. I said it over and over in my head. Not Dawn. Julie. Julie. Julie.

  “Julie!” I grabbed her hips, surprising her I think. She was catching a good rhythm and losing herself and I had stopped that. “I…my…” What the hell was I going to say? Stop, because I keep thinking you’re someone else? Christ! “I’m getting a cramp…can we…?”

  “Oh!” She moved off me quickly, still startled, looking like she didn’t know where to go, what to do, whether she should kneel or stand. She crossed her arms over her chest, biting her lip, and looked at me. I realized I was supposed to have a cramp and started rubbing my thigh.

  “How about the bedroom?” I suggested, standing too, and pulling her against me. She looked so awkward and alone, and I wanted one of us, at least, to feel at ease. “Soft bed…soft music...soft skin…”

  She grinned, reaching down to grasp my length. “As long as I get a hard cock.”

  “One hundred percent guaranteed.”

  “I’ll meet you in my room.” She kissed me softly on the cheek. “I have to use the loo.”

  Her room was twice the size of mine with a bed big enough for three. I turned on a lamp sitting on the nightstand, tossed my shirt aside and flopped on. I heard the sound of water running in the washroom next door and wondered what she was thinking. I wondered if she was thinking about what I was thinking. Hell, I didn’t even want to be thinking what I was thinking.

  I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes, willing Julie to come back, because I was afraid to be with my own thoughts. I kept seeing the disappointment on Dawn’s face when I left, the strangely catatonic look in Mum’s eyes as I passed by. The guilt filling my chest threatened to choke me and I wanted to throw open a window and yell until my lungs felt free of it. I felt some sort of huge pressure, something weighing me down. It felt like everyone wanted a piece of me, wanted me to be something or do something for them. My head hurt. It felt like it was going to explode.

  “Hey, luv.” Julie sat on the edge of the bed on the other side. She had put on a t-shirt, a long one with Betty Boop on the front. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I stared at her, feeling a lump growing in my throat. “About how I keep all my brains in my dick, you mean?”

  “I suppose.” She smiled when she turned to look at me, but it wasn’t the Julie smile I’d come to recognize. It was sadder, and full of a deeper understanding than I’d experienced with anyone I’d ever known. “She told me, David.”

  My heart stopped. Literally fucking stopped. “Who…what?”

  “Dawn.” Julie sighed, crawling up next to me and resting her head on the pillow beside mine.

  I didn’t want to know. I asked anyway. “She told you…what?”

  “She told me she was fucking you.”

  “Oh Christ.” I covered my eyes with my arm, my stomach lurching. This couldn’t be happening. What in the hell was Dawn thinking?

  “And she told me to leave you alone.”

  “Oh…god…” I remembered my jealousy about Ken, how I’d fantasized about killing him. Had Dawn really felt the same? “You must think…”

  She touched my arm. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  She was. The woman knew the worst possible thing I’d ever done (it isn’t, it isn’t, you love her, you know you do, admit it, you love her and it isn’t just a sisterly sort of love) and still she was here. The next question that came to me made me sad: Why?

  So now I was judging Julie for not judging me? What was wrong with me?

  “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t sure who I was apologizing to—her, me or…everyone.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked again.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Why don’t we just lie here, then?” She reached over me and turned out the light, snuggling up to my side. Her breath smelled like toothpaste and I realized she’d brushed her teeth.

  ”All right.”

  “Things might look different in the morning.”

  Morning? That was my last thought before I drifted off.

  * * * *

  It wasn’t quite dawn yet when I woke from terribly conflicted dreams filled with painfully archetypal unseen monsters and long ques
ts. I knew immediately I wasn’t home in my bed, but for a moment I forgot everything entirely, the disorienting feeling of being in nothing, lost, not knowing where or even who I was, completely overwhelming. Then I felt her shift beside me, her breath against my shoulder, her arm folded in behind me like a soft wing, and I remembered—Julie.

  “Morning, sexy.” Her arm unfolded and she slid a hand down my belly.

  I swallowed, afraid of my own voice. “How can you even look at me?”

  ”How could I not?” Her hand snuck slowly south, petting my skin, making me shiver. “You’re a mighty fine sight in my bed in the morning.”

  I blinked, stunned. “You’re quite something.”

  “Thank you.” Her hand moved lower, finding me at a quarter-mast—I was always at least a little hard in the morning. “Now, I think I remember someone promising me a hard cock and a little attention on a certain part of my anatomy…”

  “That’s right, isn’t it?” I turned and kissed her, trying to put every grateful feeling I had into that kiss. She arched and sighed and pressed her naked thigh between mine, like the slide of satin, her breasts full against my chest.

  ”I dreamed about fucking you,” she whispered, her hands in my hair, leading me—as if I needed leading—to the rising mounds of her breasts. Her nipples were hard already and I licked and sucked them, listening to her moan as she told me about her dream. “I was bent over the kitchen table and you were spanking me, telling me what a bad girl I was.” The thought made my cock spring to full attention and I traced faster circles with my tongue around her nipple. “And every time you spanked my bottom, I felt it in my pussy.”

  I groaned, slipping my hand down to her mound, rocking it over the fullness of her pussy. She moaned too, getting a little more breathless, but she didn’t stop telling me.

  “You kept saying I needed to be punished,” she murmured, pressing with her hips against my hand, begging with her body for more. “And then you spread my legs and put your cock inside me.”


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