Whisper In The Dark (The McKinnon Legends-- The American Men Book One)

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Whisper In The Dark (The McKinnon Legends-- The American Men Book One) Page 10

by James, Ranay

  “Oh, so who is the prude now?” she teased pocking him in the ribcage.

  Lightning fast he grabbed her hand.

  “Don’t,” he said shaking his head and stepping away.

  “Sorry,” she said instantly feeling awkward for touching him. Maybe she had misunderstood his signals although she really did not see how that could be. He wanted her. That was evident. And the banter between them was about as subtle as a foghorn.

  “Don’t apologize,” he reached out to pull her back to him.

  She side stepped. “Fine, whatever.”

  She backed away grabbing another piece of bacon while heading for the back door. There was no time for coffee, and the magic of the moment had passed.

  “I’m going to go feed the stock,” she said covering her hurt and confused feelings at his quick withdrawal from her touching him.

  “Already done.”

  He had risen very early considering he had not drifted off to sleep until after three. The couch was bumpy and curvy and so was Kate’s body pressed against him when he lifted her from the tub. The combination was uncomfortable for him on several levels.

  “Then I’m going to rub down Ginger Snap while there is still time. I’m bringing George home today.”

  “Done,” he said removing the last of the pancakes from the stove, turning off the flame.

  Ginger Snap was the horse she had chosen for herself. The mare was a bit skittish. Needing to have more human attentions, the cinnamon-colored mare was her new pet project. The horse had good genes and lots of potential, but she was just too feral at the moment.

  “How did you manage that? She is a little wild.”

  “Never would have known that one,” he commented dryly. “But it is done. And that was how I came away with the bruised ribs I’m nursing.”

  The horse halfheartedly tried to kick him. In his maneuver to sidestep her, he poked himself on a stub designed to hang horse tack that was protruding from the barn wall.

  “Oooh, ouch,” she said wrinkling her nose in sympathy. That explained his reflex reaction to her poking him. He was not shying away from her, but from the pain it would have inflicted.

  “Then maybe the appropriate question would be to ask you what you haven’t done this morning,” she said standing with her hand on the doorknob.

  “I haven’t done this.”

  He could not stand it any longer, closing the gap, he pulled her to him hoping she did not resist. He did not feel like she would given the fact she was just as turned on by him as he was her. He was not the only one affected by their kiss from the night before. He wanted to kiss her, needed to kiss her as he balled his fist into her hair and pulled her against him.

  He was not disappointed as she wrapped her arms around him.

  “God, you taste good,” he said pulling away after drinking his fill.

  “It’s the bacon,” she purred.

  He laughed softly against her mouth. “This is crazy and I should not be doing this, but God if I can help myself.” He went in for another kiss.

  Who knew where this kiss would go? He knew where he wanted to end up with her this morning and to hell with his resolve to keep it purely business. That had gone out the window the moment she had stepped into his line of vision.

  Chapter 22

  “Katherine! How could you?”

  Brice’s accusations stopped Robert only inches from her lips.

  Robert growled in his throat. “Langston, I’m going to kill you one of these days.” His threat was idle and just borne out of frustration.

  She stepped away from Robert as if caught doing something wrong. “How could I what, Brice?” Katherine was confused at his accusatory tone.

  “Consort with the enemy." Brice’s eyes burned with hatred. "Katherine, for God’s sake, he’s trying to take your land.”

  “So did you and your father, so do not try to play all innocent with me.” Kate took a step forward. Her back was definitely up. If the bastard thought for one minute he was guiltless in this mess, she would set him straight right here and right now.

  Robert consciously moved Kate behind him with a push of his arm as he moved in between her and a man he felt even more deeply was a threat. “What do you want, Brice? The lady and I are busy.”

  He knew what Brice was after, and it was more than just the land. Kate was just one more thing coming with the package, however, not if he had anything to say about it. Brice was a user, and he was not going to let him anywhere near her if it could be avoided.

  “I’m here on official business, Robert. Katherine, I need to speak with you alone?” He looked past Robert to Katherine. She was looking to Robert for guidance.

  Brice cut his eyes over at Robert. Even though it was not early, Brice knew she had not been alone last night. They were just too cozy, and the dish towel tossed over Robert’s shoulder was a dead give away that the man was making himself right at home. Well, that was going to change. Robert was not going to get the land and the girl. He would have something for himself. He had spent the last several days thinking, and the key to the ranch really was Kate. The land was Katherine, and Katherine was the land. If he had her, then he could give his father everything he wanted.

  “Brice, what do you possibly have to say that could not be said in front of both of us?” Kate asked. She really did not want to be alone with Brice.

  Robert could feel her hesitation. Good, he thought. The more cautious she was of Brice, the less likely he would pull the wool over her eyes.

  “I’ve been cleared as a suspect in Kyle’s death,” Brice announced.

  “Well, congratulations, Brice.” Kate crossed her arms closing herself off. “At least we know you are one less man I can hang for my brother’s death.”

  Robert followed her lead. She was making no moves to invite Brice in, so neither would he make the man welcome. Brice was beginning to act like a jilted boyfriend and that made him very uneasy. Crimes of passion were hard to predict, but the outcome was usually always ugly.

  “Giving Kate this news was not all you came out here for, was it, Brice? You would have called if you really thought she cared you were no longer a suspect. What else do you have up that designer shirt sleeve of yours?” Robert asked moving one arm behind his back, taking a stance of defense. He wrapped is his fingers around the butt of his gun flicking off the safety.

  It was the first time Kate noticed the gun sticking out the back of the waistband of his jeans. Not surprising and actually very comforting.

  Robert knew deep down Brice was up to something. He was not as smooth as his old man, and Kate was not as gullible as Kyle, but still she was vulnerable and if Brice wanted her, which Robert suspected Brice did, then Brice had to get through him first. A prospect Robert was sure Brice would not wish to take lightly upon himself. Robert might be easy going, but below that surface of congeniality the blood he shared with hundreds of past generations of McKinnon men flowed strong and true. Each and every one of those men was solid in his standards and built of steel. He was just carrying on the family tradition.

  Brice was having a hard time with the fact Robert was here and barring his entry. He needed to get into the house and have a look around. He also wanted to see Kate. After seeing her again, he knew he still had feelings for her. If he could get her to agree to see him, there could well be multiple rewards to be gained. He had his sources and knew about the agreement with Robert and his accepting whatever treasure was discovered as payment for the note. If he could lead them on a wild goose chase and bury something of value, then Robert would have no other choice other than to take it as his payment. Kate would still be in possession of the Golden Circle. If he could get her to agree to sell part or the entire ranch, he could help fulfill his father’s dream, and if he could get her to marry him then even better. He knew he was not in love with her. However, in their circles love was not a requirement for marriage. She looked good and was capable of coherent thought, so it was enough for him.

  “Kyle has something belonging to me. I loaned it to him before he died. I’ve come to get it back.”

  Brice was lying. Robert picked up on it immediately. Kate missed it entirely.

  “What was it, and I’ll go get it for you. Come in.”

  Damn it, Kate. Robert sighed inwardly.

  He had no choice other than to step aside and let the man pass. He wanted to beat the look of triumph right off Langston’s face. Robert did not like the fact Brice was now an invited guest. Warning signs popped up making him edgy. Some men you never invited into your home no matter how polite it would be to do so. Brice was one of those men. He should have warned Kate. Brice was not all he seemed to be. Actually, more correct would be the fact Brice was more than he seemed on the surface. To someone who did not know what to look for, he was just another normal guy. Robert knew differently. Brice was a born criminal no matter how polished the exterior might appear.

  Katherine walked into the living room and picked up the reference material Robert had been looking through, then neatly tucked it away from sight. She definitely did not want to give Brice any clue to what they were about to undertake. It was none of his business.

  “I’ve been taking stock of the house and making a rough inventory of what I’m finding in the rooms. If you can tell me exactly what it was Kyle had of yours, I might be able to put my hands on it quickly. If not, then I’ll have to get back to you with it as soon as I can,” she offered picking up the tablet Robert had seen on the desk in Kyle’s office the night before. It was her inventory file, was his guess.

  “It was a book,” Brice offered not quite meeting her eyes.

  “Could you possibly be any more vague, Brice?” Robert asked with dry sarcasm.

  The Brandenburg library was extensive and books were scattered all over the house. Kyle was an avid reader, and his tastes ranged from Roman history to modern feats of NASCAR racing. George was unusually well-read, too, for a ranch hand with less than a high school education. However, his tastes were very explicit. Significant wars such as the Civil War and the great leaders like Genghis Kahn were his preferences.

  “No need to worry your pretty little head over it. I’m sure I can find it myself. May I have a look around? I cannot remember the exact title, but I’ll know it if I see it.”

  Robert snorted, placing his hand firmly in the middle of Brice’s chest blocking any further advancement into the house. “Nothing personal, but no, Brice, you may not have a look around. Kate is my client and any security person worth their salt would never allow a suspect, even if cleared for the moment, to have free range of a domicile.” Robert was not about to let him have free run of the house. “You can be more specific. If you have the ability to recognize it on sight then you can describe it from memory.”

  Brice looked cornered, but just like a cat he always landed on his feet in Robert’s experience.

  God, Robert thought, he hated this smug son-of-a- bitch. If he did not know for a fact Kate would toss him out on his ass for doing so, he would deck Brice right there on the spot.

  “Let me see. It was red, around this thick and was an antique,” he held his index and thumb apart.

  “Hmm,” Kate thought for a moment before answering. “Not ringing any bells with me. Sorry, Brice. I do not recall seeing anything like that which belongs to you.” Kate was careful to add the last part to her sentence. It kept it from being a lie.

  “We will keep our eyes open,” Robert volunteered cheerfully as he began to move Brice back toward the kitchen door. There was no longer any valid reason for him to remain.

  “You just do that,” Brice snarled.

  “Langston, there is no need to get testy. Kate has been doing her best to take stock of the estate. If it is here, I’m sure she will eventually find it. Knowing Katherine as I do, I feel certain she will return your property if it is here to be found.”

  Kate turned to guide Brice back the way they had come and back through the kitchen.

  “I’ll let you know if I find it, Brice.”

  Brice captured her eyes holding her gaze uncomfortably before kissing her on the cheek. He leaned in and whispered to her. “I’ll call on you later this week.”

  “Sure,” she found herself agreeing.

  “Call me, Katherine, if you need anything,” Brice said looking over her shoulder at Robert.

  “Thank you, Brice, but I’m fine.”

  Robert closed the door as Brice was getting into his car.

  He wheeled around after watching Brice leave the immediate area of the house. “Kate?" Robert could feel Kate was humming with anger as it felt like a low frequency vibration deep in his stomach. "What is wrong?”

  Chapter 23

  "What are you not telling me, Kate?" Robert asked just as soon as the door was closed and locked.

  “Robert, he cannot remember the name of the damn book because the red book does not belong to him, and it is not a book at all. The bastard was trying to steal my property again,” she wanted to hit something, but settled for stomping her foot.

  “Fortunately, you saw through him.” He followed her back through the house to the study.

  “Of course I saw through him, and I think Kyle did as well. I knew the minute he opened his mouth that he was lying through those De Vince porcelain veneers.”

  “So you do have it.” It was a statement.

  “Yes, I have it. It is a reference book, Robert, but not just any reference. I came across a letter Kyle was writing to me referring to the ‘red book’. I never got that letter because Kyle never finished it. It was dated the night before he died.”

  “What did the letter say, Kate? Do you still have it?”

  “No, I destroyed it right away,” she said shaking her head.

  Kyle sent the book to her in New York by way of the same fruit vendor they used to pass letters to each other when she was at the finishing school. She had befriended the man and kept in contact through the years. She was grateful she had, for it had paid off. She called him from the hospital while waiting on George to recover. He was sorry to hear about Kyle and confirmed he had received the package addressed to her, but he had no idea what was inside. It felt heavy and he was waiting for her to come pick it up. She had him priority ship the box to Mr. Lyles’ office.

  “No one would think anything about a law office receiving such a delivery,” she added.

  “Good thinking.” Robert admired her forethought.

  “I picked it up last week on the guise of signing some papers. Kyle had packed fruit inside to deceive anyone following the paper trail and had listed the contained materials as perishables."

  All of Kyle’s notes were still neatly stuffed inside. That was what she was working on the previous night, trying to decode it when Robert called to talk.

  “I wonder how Brice knew? Could it really belong to him? Could Kyle have gotten his hands on it and Brice was just afraid to say for whatever reason?”

  She shook her head leaving Robert in little doubt he was way off course.

  “No. It does not belong to Brice, Robert, nor does it belong to anyone even remotely associated with the Langston Family, at least not that I can piece together. It is in a handwriting I did not recognize right off, but the pages tucked inside definitely belonged to Kyle, that I am sure. He was decoding it and coming very close to cracking the code.”

  She had been going back through the family archives, and the closest thing she managed to detect was Nathaniel himself wrote some of the pages, but not all. Thaddeus wrote some, and then there was another she was unsure of.

  "It has three distinct handwriting styles, not including Kyle’s."

  Kate went on in detail how the transcribers were probably all men, and the first fifty-eight pages were all written around the same time from 1863 to 1865. The entries were written by two of the three men, Nathaniel and someone else. Then there were several entries placed later, many years later by her estimation.

  “Thaddeus?” Robert wa
s following her train of thought.

  “Right,” she confirmed with the nod of her head.

  “How can you tell that?” Even if he believed her it was astounding she was answering with such certainty. He needed to hear her independent resource. Speculation was not acceptable in this instance.

  “I went to Austin,” she said sheepishly, knowing the response it would solicit from Robert would be fiery.

  “You did what?” Robert was stunned at her lack of fear for her life.

  Then something else dawned on him. How had she slipped past his guards?

  “Katherine, how can I keep you safe if you slip off? Promise me you won’t do that again, or I’ll be forced to cuff you to me at all times.”

  He went to her. If he could not beat her for her crazy stunt, then he would just kiss her instead. And kiss her he did.

  “Hmmm, that is not much of a threat. With punishment like that you’re tempting me to run,” she teased leaning into him.

  “I swear, woman. You will drive me to drink before this is all said and done,” he said running his hand over his jaw.

  She softly laughed knowing she was safe. “Just settle down. Nothing happened, Robert.” She suggested he think about it. “If your men did not even miss me, then who else was going to find me?”

  “If you think that logic is going to make me feel better, you had better rethink it. Don’t do that ever again, Kate, ever." He gently admonished. "I’ll go with you should you feel the need to traipse all over the great State of Texas.”

  He dragged the promise out of her.

  “So what was in Austin worth exposing yourself to the same killers who got to Kyle?” He was much calmer now.

  She debated telling him exactly where she went.

  “I took the book to Miranda Gillman,” confessing sheepishly.

  “My cousin Richard’s old girlfriend?” He sounded surprised.


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