Dead Witch Walking (Demon Isle Witches Uncut): Hi-Ho Black Magic-O, A Cursing We Will Go (A Wicked Good Witches Paranormal Romance Book 10)

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Dead Witch Walking (Demon Isle Witches Uncut): Hi-Ho Black Magic-O, A Cursing We Will Go (A Wicked Good Witches Paranormal Romance Book 10) Page 16

by Starla Silver

  “So, um, not to state the obvious,” started Michael, “But, Charlotte?”

  “Gone,” Mathew confirmed. Everyone breathed out a sigh of… they wanted to say relief, but it was more like, the world isn’t falling into chaos and we just might all live to see another day.

  “So what now?” asked Melinda.

  Charlie approached Mathew. “Nina told me this is when the war begins.”

  “It has been… delayed. The darkness has suffered a great blow tonight.”

  “So Lizzy not only isn’t possessed, but the war isn’t starting either?” Charlie needed to hear this all confirmed.

  “Yes. It is nothing short of a miracle. However,” he added ominously. “Evil will regroup. The war is still coming.”

  “So you’ll be staying?” hoped Lizzy.

  “For a time, yes. I wasn’t just sent to help with Charlotte. I am, for the time being, meant to be a liaison between you and the Guardians. To aid in this battle that will come.”

  “Well, I’m not excited about any battle,” said Lizzy. “But I am glad we will get to catch up before you have to go.” She caught Lucas staring between her and Mathew and stepped over to him. He had his arms around her in a flash.

  “Welcome back.”

  “It’s good to be back. Are you okay?” she sensed something was wrong.

  “Am I okay? You’re the one who was in a coma and just went through, whatever the hell that was and…” he took on a poise of sheer misery. “I know I’ve been fighting magic. Everything inside me, still tells me to. But, I’m starting to see what good magic can do. I um, I guess I’m sticking around too. I won’t be trying to get away.” He averted looking at Mathew, knowing all he’d see there is genuine joy over this decision. And he wasn’t ready to see that in his ex-lover’s eyes. But everything he’d just witnessed did have a profound effect on him.

  “You can count me in to stick around and help out,” added Courtney. “I got nothing better to do until Stricker shows his ugly ass head.”

  “Thank you,” said Charlie. He didn’t need to hear it from his family, or Mack. They were already all in. Although, it wasn’t like they had a choice. If there was a magical war coming to the Isle, they’d be on the front lines.

  “But how about, before this war breaks out,” started Melinda, “you, my dearest, most pig-headed of brothers, go home and get some rest. Don’t think for a minute I won’t force a sleeping potion down your throat. Or ten, since your werewolf blood will burn it up fast.” She was lighthearted, but dead serious. And to Charlie’s slight amusement, very much like his mother right now. But no matter how correct she was in what he needed, he wasn’t about to… Mathew snapped his fingers and Charlie went down. Out cold.

  “He wasn’t going to listen. Stubborn man, that one. Dedicated to a fault I’m afraid, and we do need him at full strength, so we’ll let him sleep for a couple of days.”

  “I think we can manage without him for that long,” Michael agreed with a quick chuckle.

  Lizzy got down to her knees and stroked his head, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Stubborn, lovable man. “Rest now.” She looked up at Mathew, giving him a weak smile. It was going to take some time to sink in that her ordeal with Charlotte was over. She’d never been more grateful in her entire life. And at the same time, dreading this other terrible thing she had to do.

  “Good thing we have a super strong vampire around to help carry him,” muttered Mack, eyeing Courtney. “Handy trick though,” she nodded her approval at Mathew. “I was about ready to try a frying pan over the wolf’s head.” There were a few chuckles at that picture. It seemed wrong to laugh, or smile, but what else could they do, fall apart over the impending doom sure to come?

  Plus, Lizzy was back. Riley had made contact. Emily too. And William, although only Lizzy and Charlie were aware of that one so far. But it gave everyone a slight feeling of, all is going to be okay, mixed in with all the crazy they expected was just waiting around the corner, ready to spring at any moment. A calm before the next storm, as Mack would remind them.

  She yanked out her cell phone. “Hiya, Josh. Got a job that needs cleaned up.” She stepped away to explain. They needed to get the graveyard back in order. There was still a giant hole in the ground that had not been filled in when Charlotte had reburied herself. And she’d have to come up with some kind of believable story as to what the heck went down at the hospital, and across the sky that night.

  Somehow, amongst all the crisis, life was moving forward.

  And this almost felt wrong in a way. Melinda wondered if it was because they were just getting used to terrible things happening. Growing numb in a way. Or hardening to the evil.

  Michael picked up that emotion and patted her shoulder.

  “I do not believe that is what’s happening,” he told her.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s us. Accepting who we are. Embracing it. Letting it happen. Not fighting it anymore. And realizing it’s not just each of us doing a job. We are a family, and a team. And we succeed best when we work together.”

  “Geez, you’d think we were all grown up or something.”

  Michael rolled his eyes, and went to assist Courtney and Mack in moving Charlie into the back of the jeep. He was going to be pissed when he woke up, but tough shit.

  When they’d finished, Courtney let out a verbal scowl. “Grayson’s vanished.”

  They all glanced at where he’d been knocked out, and sure enough, he was gone.

  Melinda cast a darting glance at Lizzy, who refused direct eye contact. The prophetic dream would have to be dealt with soon, no matter what the gargoyles detected, or not.

  “How about we deal with the Grayson problem tomorrow,” suggested Michael. “The gargoyles didn’t think he was a problem so, hell, I don’t know what to do about him.” He actually had a few thoughts, but kept them to himself for Lizzy’s sake.

  “He won’t hurt anyone,” Lizzy spoke softly. “The curse is broken.” Broken, but he’ll never heal from it. A moment of panic swept through her. But it didn’t matter, the choice was made. She knew what she had to do.

  Mack strode over. “You,” she aimed at Lizzy. “We got to get you back to the hospital.”

  “No. I’m fine,” Lizzy argued.

  “You might well be. But I need to hear the doctor give you that diagnosis. Meanin’ I ain’t takin’ no, for an answer.”

  Lizzy frowned, looking to Lucas and Mathew for support. They were both suddenly quite busy looking in another direction.

  “Fine,” Lizzy caved. “But I am not spending another damn night in a hospital bed.”

  “Can’t say as I disagree with ya on that one.”

  Mathew’s gaze landed on a headstone. Lucas, ignoring Lizzy, as he did not feel like arguing and agreed with Mack’s assessment, followed the Guardian’s gaze, catching the name carved into the stone. Mathew Bishop… his own plot.

  That had to be strange, to look at one’s own burial plot.

  Lucas sagged a little, and shook his head like what he was about to do next would hurt, but he’d do it anyway. He sauntered over to Mathew. Each step, weighted.

  “So, um, what’s in there?” Awkward question much? he drawled in his mind.

  “In my coffin, you mean?”


  “Nothing. It’s just empty. Once I died, the Guardians claimed my human form and put my soul back inside. At least that’s the easy version of it. The real version is full of a lot of mumbo jumbo I couldn’t possibly begin to understand, never mind explain. It didn’t hurt or anything,” he added at the end.

  “That’s good I guess. Um, look,” he puffed out his cheeks and let the air out slow. “I don’t know how Guardians live, or if you’ll be staying with us full time, or coming and going, but if you need a place to stay while you’re here… the manor is large and mostly empty. I’m sure Lizzy will insist.” He took a glance back at her and she nodded curtly, as if it to say, duh.

hew flicked his gaze to Lucas. “I don’t want my presence here to be uncomfortable for you. Or a burden.”

  “Yeah, you know, kind of too late for that. Truth is though, we need your help. I may not be entirely satisfied with where my life is at the moment, but I’m a big boy. I can set aside the other stuff if it means we get your help.”

  Mathew lifted his arm to touch Lucas but stopped himself. “That is very decent of you. Thank you, Lucas.”

  Michael was about to call out to Melinda who was staring intently at Lucas and Mathew, many pieces of a puzzle slipping together, when her bother sidled up alongside her, shaking his head.

  “Can I not get a break?” his gaze landed on the two men. “If it’s not my siblings’ love lives, it’s someone else’s.”

  Melinda grinned, her theory confirmed. Though something was clearly broken between the two of them. But…

  “Melinda,” her brother groaned in warning.

  “What?” she returned innocently.

  “It’s not our business. Do not play matchmaker. It never goes like you want. And like we have time for that?”

  “But look at them, they’re so obviously in love.”

  “Then they’ll work it out.”

  “Fine,” she caved grumpily.

  Michael eyed her hard. Caving, is not the emotion he was getting off her.

  “Someone should get to be happy,” she mumbled. She had him there.

  “But I still stay, don’t interfere.” This was also based on other emotions he was getting from Mathew and Lucas. A lot of hurt, sadness and misery. Whatever happened between them, it wasn’t going to be an easy fix. Hell, what was? He was beginning to have doubts that he’d ever get his happily ever after with Emily. Or Charlie, with Lizzy. Or Melinda with… who the heck knows?

  “Maybe they are not allowed?” wondered Melinda. “Although, Nina and Charlie had a relationship.”

  Michael smirked. “They were not in love. It was never like that for them.”

  “I guess. It’s sad though, if they’re not allowed.”

  “Just let them sort through it all. Seriously, do not interfere.”

  “Fine,” she grumbled.

  Lucas turned to rejoin everyone but twisted around when there was a gasp right behind him. He reached out and caught Mathew before he tumbled over.

  “Stupid feet! You’d think after a couple hundred years they’d know to get out of my way.”

  Lucas got him straight again. “How is it, that a Guardian is so ridiculously clumsy? You’re going to break something one of these days. And most likely, your skull.” Heartbreakingly, the clumsiness was an endearing quality he’d fallen in love with almost the minute he’d met Mathew.

  Their meeting, something he now realized, was not coincidental at all.

  How much of their time together had even been real?

  Mathew smiled, thinly. “We keep many of our human traits, even after we…”

  “Shed your human life,” Lucas assumed.

  “It’s not such a bad thing to keep hold of. Something I’m glad of actually.” Especially if… he refused to finish that thought. No use thinking about a future undecided. Lucas Deane had many human years left to live before he’d shed his human skin for that of a Guardian, or a Demon. Mathew shuddered at the mere idea of that possible outcome.

  Lucas realized he was smiling and let it wither a little. Yup. He was welcoming in a world of trouble. Heart was about to get broken, permanently. The crack was already widening. He thought he’d started to get over Mathew after coming to the Isle. But seeing him had brought it all right back. And he was in love with a man who was not capable of sticking around.

  Yeah, this was definitely going to hurt.

  But they did need Mathew’s help, so he’d suck it up and let himself break if that’s what it took. His smile fell even more when he looked up to see a tight, but smug grin, on Melinda’s face.

  Shit. Perfect. Does everyone know?

  It wasn’t that he was ashamed. Or keeping a dark secret. Or being a coward.

  It just wasn’t something he spoke of, openly. Or at all. Not even with Riley, his own brother. Although he knew about it. They just didn’t talk about it. Like, ever.

  Wasn’t being a Deane curse enough, without adding another strike against himself? An inner battle he’d had all his life. Why couldn’t he just be a regular guy? With a regular job, and a regular life? Why did everything about his life have to make him stand out in some way?

  Hell, being gay shouldn’t make him any different than anyone else, and he knew this, and yet somehow, he always let it. He needed to get away for a while and clear his head, so he started toward Michael’s jeep to get a ride home. He forgot the guy’s ability to sense emotions and Michael winced as he got in the passenger side.

  Lucas went four shades of red.

  “Dude, you really do believe you’re cursed, don’t you?”

  Lucas opened his mouth but all that squeaked out was, “Aren’t I? Not so long ago you would have agreed.”

  “My bad on that count. But look around you. We are all cursed in some way. And look, it’s none of my damn business, and God knows I’d rather stay out of it. But don’t be ashamed of who you are. No one here cares who you love. I know it’s not like that everywhere but, just, if you get a chance to be happy, take it. You’d be an idiot not to, just because you’re afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “I call’em as I sense’em. You are terrified. A feeling I know well.”

  “You know what, I think I will walk home. I need some air.” Lucas rushed off, Michael wanted to feel bad but the guy needed a reality check. Kind of like the one he and his siblings had gotten recently. Guess it was going around. It was like the guy wanted to let magic in, had moments of clarity, like earlier after Lizzy came back to them, when he saw what good magic could do. But then it did not take long for the doubts to creep back in.

  But Michael understood getting dragged in, and being stuck in, a world he didn’t want to be a part of. He’d only recently started to accept his heritage as a Howard Witch himself. He only hoped Lucas could find his way too. It wasn’t something that could be forced. It was something each person had to grasp onto and embrace.

  Charlie was sprawled out in the back of the jeep, sound asleep. Courtney said she’d help lug him inside once they were back at the mansion. Mack was going to stick around and help Josh with the cleanup. Melinda was exhausted, but fidgety, so she offered to help too. Finn stayed behind even when the other gargoyles dissolved into the shadows heading back to the mansion. Josh got a kick out of watching the thing keep an eye on Melinda.

  She kind of wished the gargoyles would have followed Grayson and kept an eye on him. Melinda worried about this more so than anyone else because of her dream. Stupid prophetic dream. Now that the curse was broken, and Lizzy was awake, she’d have to tell everyone what she’d seen. It was going to suck. But she didn’t think anything would happen tonight, so she’d let it wait until Charlie had awakened from his much needed slumber.

  Back at the mansion, Courtney plopped Charlie into his bed and slapped her hands together in a job well done. She left him there and joined Mathew in the kitchen. Neither knew what to do with themselves, exhausted, and yet wired. Courtney decided the man needed a drink, and he did not turn her down when she poured him a shot of tequila.

  There wasn’t much else to say. Or do.

  Tomorrow would be another long day in the life of a Howard Witch.


  Charlie slept, like death had found him. No dreams. No thoughts. No worries.

  Only darkness, and a blissful, nothing.

  For hours. And hours. And hours. No manner in which to tell how much time had passed, until another dawn later, when a dreamy haze filtered into his mind. Or was it his mind? It had to be a dream, but his vision focused on one thing. Lizzy, straddling his stomach, her long hair falling down over her shoulders. Her eyes fixed on his. Her skin, bare, and soft.
She was whispering something, but it took his mind a minute to understand her words.

  “I pick you, Charlie. For as long as we have in this life, I pick you.”

  The only words he wanted to hear. The only words to make his life complete. But for real, not just some hazy dream he’d probably not even remember when he woke.

  “I pick you, Charlie,” her voice echoed enticingly out at him.

  This was a dream he wanted to let play out, and prayed he never woke from. He lifted upward and in fluid motion had Lizzy beneath him, kissing the hell out her perfect honey and bourbon lips. “Please don’t let me wake from this dream,” he mumbled between attacks.

  “Don’t wake up, Charlie. Claim me. Make me yours. Make me yours, right now.”

  “I want to. You have no idea how much I want to. I don’t even care anymore about all the unanswered questions. I just want you, Lizzy.”

  “Then take me, Charlie. Claim me. You say you’re all in, or all out. So make up your mind. Decide, now.”

  He growled, silver raging his eyes, and lifted to his knees, rolling Lizzy to her stomach. He gripped her thighs yanking her to her knees and she gasped at the steel trying to sneak its way inside. But Charlie didn’t push inside her. He didn’t want to lose himself to the frenzy. Not yet.

  In another blink she was on her back again, Charlie, blurry-eyed for a moment, his addled brain soaking in every sweet inch of her. He’d give almost anything for this to be real. She opened her neck, silently begging him to bite her, and claim her. But he was stalled out for a moment, caught up in the emotion swarming her gaze. Complete certainty. No doubt about what she wanted. He needed to see that, not just hear it. And that confirmation did something to him he didn’t expect.

  It calmed the wolf. Tamed it, stripping away its need to dominate, because this woman splayed out in front of him was already submitted, fully. There was nothing to fight for. There was only love, to stake his permanent claim on.

  He was spread back over her small frame kissing her like it was the first and last time their lips would ever meet like this. His length lay hot and heavy so very close to where she wanted it, but not close enough.


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