The Therapist (7) (Chase Walker)

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The Therapist (7) (Chase Walker) Page 2

by J. A. Belfield

  “So, I don’t need to get undressed?” she asked, stepping into the room behind him.

  “No,” he said quickly—a little too quickly. For a moment, he wondered if she understood the effect she had on him. Closing them in together, he turned to her, and he had to order his brain away from the thought of her stripping before him—for him—as she stood staring back wearing an expression he couldn’t decipher. “We’ll only be exploring the different ways it can be performed—different positions. We won’t actually be participating in the act itself.”

  Abi glanced away as he spoke, her eyes cast toward the floor. On anyone else, the gesture would’ve spelled disappointment. Chase had no idea what to make of it when coming from Abi.

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  “Right, well … we should begin, then,” he said, watching her closely. “Do you have a preference for where we should do it?” He inwardly cringed at his choice of words.

  Abi’s gaze swung back up to him. “I thought we were doing it in here.”

  “We are.” He smiled—just about, anyway. His body felt on the verge of twanging, the closer it got to having Abi’s face near his crotch. “I meant, would you prefer using the bed? Or we could take the floor.” He gestured toward the thick rug set before the fake fireplace.

  Abi’s body swayed between the two choices as if she gave careful consideration to the decision. Giving a sharp nod, she said, “The bed.”

  The bed. Meaning he’d be on the bed. With Abi.

  Chase had no bloody idea if that’d be better, or worse, than floor. Or maybe either way’d end up being an unholy nightmare.

  Trying to school his features into an expression that didn’t give away the war his head waged with his eager body, he waved a hand toward the circular bed just waiting and beckoning and promising a world full of torture. “After you,” he said.

  With a few glances his way, as if checking he approved, Abi crossed to the bed.

  And Chase approved, all right. He approved a whole lot.

  She lifted a knee up onto the mattress, followed by the other. As she shuffled on until about a foot from the edge, Chase wondered if she even realised the inward placement of each shoulder, the way each arm pushed at her breasts until their upper mounds fought against the buttons of her blouse. Had she any idea of her body language, or the effect she could have on a man?

  Did have on a man.

  “Here okay?” she asked, only innocence seeming to radiate from those stunning eyes of hers.

  “Yes,” he said. There, just as she was, was very much okay.

  Fighting the urge to lose his tie and loosen his collar, he traced her steps until he stood before where she knelt. “Option number one for oral sex is a simple position.” He had no idea what he was doing when he reached out and grabbed each of her knees. Sliding her around brought her to fully face him, and he slid a hand around each thigh, gently tugging until she took the hint and unfolded her legs. As soon as she had, he drew them forward, hooked her knees over the mattress, letting her feet overhang toward the floor.

  Her gaze burned through him throughout the entire manoeuvre.

  Allowing himself to be drawn right in by those oceanic blues, he placed a hand either side of her thighs and lowered himself to the floor. His chest butted her knees as he crowded in around her—the closest he’d permitted himself to get so far.

  “This position can work well whoever’s receiving the pleasure, whoever is giving it.” For a moment, he mentally argued that he hadn’t planned to put himself in the giving position. At all. He reached for her knees anyway, gently encouraged them apart.

  If he’d been expecting any resistance from her, he didn’t get any. She just swung her legs aside like a damned invitation, leaving nothing but a few scraps of clothing separating Chase from her core.

  “And with the woman, or man, in this position, it allows the recipient stability and a modicum of comfort …” Clearing his throat a little, he continued, “And at the same time, it allows the man, or woman, giving pleasure easy access.”

  “The bed doesn’t get in the way?” she asked, more innocence spilling into the room.

  “Not unless you let it.” When she frowned down at him, he slipped his arms beneath her thighs and pushed through far enough to grip her ass in his hands. At his sharp tug toward him, she let out a tiny squeak. Forcing away his smile at the sound, he balanced her on the edge of the bed, and before he could talk himself out of it, he grabbed the hem of her skirt and shoved it high against her waist. Confronting himself with the white cotton of her undies.

  For a long moment, he stared at them—mainly at the wetness spreading across the cotton. And his entire mouth seemed to dry up as heat spread through his body and hardened his cock. “Pretty much unrestricted access,” he said roughly.

  “Okay,” she said above him. He could’ve sworn her voice wobbled.

  “If a guy wants to get closer still …” He dared peek back up at her face and almost groaned at the way her lips had parted, the way her left hand had lifted toward his head like her soul already understood the motions of the act they discussed. Dipping his face again, Chase worked a shoulder beneath one of her legs, gritting his teeth against the audible hastening of her breaths. “By a man simply positioning a woman’s legs over his shoulders …” He shrugged his other shoulder beneath her other leg, but as he ducked his face closer to her crotch, his own breaths stalled in his throat.

  Because Abi was wet wet. Really fucking wet. Far wetter than she’d been only a moment before.

  His tongue swiped across his lips, before he finished with, “… usually does the trick.” His voice bordered on being a low growl, and he knew if he didn’t remove himself—and fast—he’d be acting in a way he’d never be able to undo.

  A part of him didn’t care—a big part. That same part wanted him to stay exactly where he was and show Abi the true high of getting her cunt licked out, the unadulterated pleasure of having her clit drawn so deep into someone’s mouth, she wouldn’t know whether to beg him to stop, or cry for more.

  A feather-light ruffling of his hair had his body freezing all over. At first, he considered that her breaths had stirred the strands, but at the next brush of the hairs, he knew. She’d touched him. Without provocation, she’d taken one of those pretty hands of hers and initiated contact.

  And Chase had no fucking idea what to make of that—or what to do about it.

  As chastely as the touch began, it ceased. “You said there were other positions?” she said quietly.

  He nodded, mostly because he didn’t trust himself to speak. Pushing up to his feet took him away from the heat of Abi’s body. He allowed himself a quick scan of her face, took in the way her eyes shone, the deepening of the colour tinting her cheeks. “Instead of the recipient using a bed for support,” he said, glancing away, “they can use a wall.” He pointed to the nearest uncluttered patch. “They lean back against the wall, but standing instead of sitting, and the same principle applies to the one giving what we’ve just looked at.”

  “They do it on their knees,” she said.

  His lips curved at her gentle tone, and he nodded. “And just as I demonstrated here.” He pointed from the spot he’d just occupied toward the wall. “Depending on the physics of the couple involved, the whole hooking of the woman’s legs over the shoulders thing works in that position, too.” He silently groaned at his oh, so fucking eloquent wording.


  He turned toward her again then. “Yeah. Body weight. Strength. Endurance. Personal balance. Those kinds of factors.”

  “Have you ever done it that way?” she asked, and he could tell from the evident mortification drawing her features down that she probably hadn’t meant to enquire out loud.

  Even so, he answered, “Yes. I like it that way.”


  His smile slipped free again. “Because it gives me more control.”

  Her lips shifted, like she had more to
say, like she wanted to probe further, but she quickly closed them as if changing her mind.

  To make sure it stayed that way, Chase nodded toward the bed. “Lie back. Get comfortable.” As she went to sink straight back from her position at the edge, he shook his head. “Legs up on the bed, too.”

  With her eyes on him, she obeyed, swinging her legs up and settling herself down on the soft throw covering the bed. “Like this?”

  “Exactly like that.” Climbing onto the bed alongside her, he slipped a hand between her rigid legs. “Except, these need to be more relaxed if you want a guy to get close enough to pleasure you—and if you want us to continue exploring positions today.”

  Once more as accommodating as ever, she drew her heels toward her butt and let her legs ease to the sides.

  He gave a sharp nod. “Better.” Moving into position at her feet jostled the bed, and he stretched an arm between her parted knees, his torso following, until he’d planted the hand down beside her hip and his face hovered over her pelvis. “Again,” he said, peering up at her, “Easy access.”

  To demonstrate—or maybe because he secretly loved the personal torment—he dipped his head in closer, taking his nose to within an inch of her cotton-covered clit, his head brushing her skirt where it’d bunched around the tops of her thighs. And fuck, if the scent of her arousal hadn’t begun to pulse its way free of her pussy.

  Once more, all moisture vanished from Chase’s mouth.

  “This same position applies to both sexes,” he said, all too aware of how much his voice had deepened. “Whoever’s giving. Whoever’s receiving.” He couldn’t help but ponder for a half-beat, whether it’d be more torturous doing as he was—or being the one lying on his back while guiding Abi into positions that’d have her mouth really fucking close to his erection.

  Because he was definitely erect. His cock swelled into a solid mass, like it could break through his trousers using sheer bulk alone.

  Daring to glance up at her, he found her gaze directly on him again. She’d scarcely looked away since the session began. And beneath that heated and inquisitive stare, her chest made a tremulous journey upward before bouncing its way back down.

  Maybe she was as affected by their closeness as he was.

  Fuck that. She was affected. Her scent, her colouring, her soaked undies. Why should he discount signs he’d never question on another woman? All signs he’d seen a thousand times before.

  Abi O’Shay was well and truly turned on. And that only amped up Chase’s own arousal by a whole heap of trouble.

  Pushing up from her, he lifted her left leg and slid his own legs out to the side beneath it, and still she watched him, concentration creating a slight frown across her brow. “Whoever’s at the giving end of the deal has more options for position from this angle. They can come on from the side, like this—allowing them to move the recipient’s legs where they want, or need, them. Or …”

  He scooted out from beneath her leg, placed her foot back down against the throw, and shifted around to her side.

  “Or the giver can just as easily come in from this angle.”

  Nudging her legs wider apart with his fingertips, he reached across her torso and braced a hand down on her other side. Using that for support, he crooked his other arm around her nearest thigh and pushed over her body until his face, once more, hovered over her cunt.

  “It looks uncomfortable for you,” she said, her voice carrying a definite tremor.

  “Nobody gives a damn about comfort while they’re doing something that feels right and good, Abi.”

  His voice came out sharper than intended, and for a long pause, neither of them spoke. Neither of them moved, either. Which left Chase staring down at a pussy he really fucking wanted but would never have.

  “Often, in this position …” He cleared his throat to rid it of the gravel it clung to. “If the woman is the recipient,” he continued, “her lifting a leg up to hook over the giver’s shoulder will increase the access because it tilts the pelvis upward.”

  Without provocation, the thigh he held onto lifted, before the weight of Abi’s ankle hit his shoulder blade.

  “Like this?” she asked.

  Yeah. Totally like that.

  Except, Chase couldn’t quite get the words out, because all he could focus on was the proximity of her pussy to his mouth, and the lack of barrier, from her skirt sliding even farther out of the way. The dampness of her underwear had evolved into full-out saturation—hell, even the crooks of her thighs had begun to glisten—and Chase wanted nothing more than to dip his face a couple of inches so he could taste her.

  Would her essence be as sweet as she, herself, appeared on the surface?

  Or would it hold a whole unexpected level of darkness that could bewitch its taster as easily as Abi seemed to have bewitched him?

  Not even trying to formulate a decent sentence, Chase grunted his approval, lowering her leg from his shoulder, and ordered his salivating tongue away from the goods. Pushing up until he knelt at her side again, he twisted until he faced her, hoping she couldn’t see in his expression the thoughts he’d just had.

  “Ready for the next position?”

  She gave a short nod, her gaze still on him.

  As soon as she had, he grabbed her hips, flipped her onto her stomach. Ignoring the way his cock surged at her squeak of surprise, he flipped his hands beneath her hips again and hauled upward until her knees supported her and she had to press her palms into the mattress to avoid kissing the throw.

  “You could have warned me,” she said, her voice a little breathy.

  A bold statement for Abi, and Chase seemed only capable of a low rumble of laughter that was a whole lot darker than it should’ve been—telling him he should probably pull back from whatever depth his mind had devolved to.

  “You’ll thank me if you ever experience it this way.” He moved down the bed until kneeling behind her, staring at the sweet mounds of her arse. Her skirt had slipped back into place with her new position, but Chase could still see the curves of her body, and all too easily remembered what hid beneath.

  Being the fucking idiot he was, he took hold of each of her thighs, his fingers splayed enough to brush the undersides of her ass cheeks, his thumbs outstretched toward what he’d just denied himself. “This way allows the giver to find a position that works for him. He can either dip in close from where he is.” He just caught her glancing back at him over her shoulder before he demonstrated by pushing in close. If not for her skirt, he’d have had the bridge of his nose crammed between her ass cheeks and his hot breaths breezing all over her cunt. “Or he can come in sideways.” He dropped down until he’d propped an elbow between her knees and muscled a shoulder between her thighs, and his face halfway peeked beneath the hem of her skirt at underwear she’d definitely need to change before going home.

  Shuffling down onto his back switched his point of view to a prime one. Chase wanted nothing more than to dive upward and steal a taste. Just one. What the hell would it even hurt, beyond giving Abi a short fucking thrill?

  “How strong are you, Abi—you feeling sturdy there?”

  “I’m stronger than I look.”

  Chase didn’t doubt it. “Then, brace yourself, because you’re about to take some of my weight.”


  Grabbing hold of her ass, Chase hauled himself upward before he could talk himself out of it. With his arms clinging to her hips, his muscles gave a small pang of protest before settling into the task. Somehow managing to have aimed his head right beneath her skirt, Chase balanced with his mouth about a hairsbreadth from Abi’s cunt.

  “Depending on how long the couple can hold for …” Chase deliberately let his lips brush the fabric of her undies as he spoke. He knew she felt it by the slight twitch of her hips and the quiet gasp he caught above his head, and he wondered if she peered down the length of her body. Watching him. Waiting. “… this can be a great position for the woman,” he finished, a
small thrill rippling along his spine at her tremor.

  Resisting the beseeching of his mind for him to stick out his tongue and lick the damned goods, he relaxed his hold on Abi and dropped back to the bed.

  She didn’t move as he wriggled free and got back onto his knees, but she let out another sound of surprise when he gripped her hips and rolled her onto her back.

  Legs akimbo, mouth a perfect ‘O’ of what the hell, she stared up at him as if waiting to see what he’d do next.

  Fucking. Adorable.

  “Up against the pillows,” he said, taking hold again and guiding her. As soon as he had her propped where he wanted her, he stretched out each of her legs until he had them straight and tucked between his own.

  Still, she just stared up at him. The surprise had left her eyes, though, making way for what looked very much like heated anticipation.

  “This next position serves mostly the man in the situation.” On his hands and knees, he slowly crawled his way up her body. He loved that she didn’t recoil or complain, but just kept those damned hypnotic eyes on him the whole time. She didn’t even try retreating when his face closed in on hers and he had to shift his hands to the pillow to continue, then the wall behind her head—giving her a close-up of first his shirted chest then lower abs.

  “From this position, a man can guide himself into a woman’s mouth. Or guide her mouth to his cock.” To demonstrate, he tangled his fingers around her hair and gave a small tug toward himself. Not too much, though. He didn’t want to scare her off. “Or the woman has enough access to make a man pray for all that is holy that she never stops.”

  Her quiet laugh breezed across his stomach, tightening the muscles there as warmth seeped through his shirt to caress him.

  “Scoot down,” he said, his hand pressing against her head where his fingers remained entwined.

  She went to look up, but he held tight, preventing the action. After a moment’s hesitation, she obeyed, and the wiggling of her body between his thighs was like the devil himself had thrown down a temptation, one upon which he expected Chase to act.


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