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Refraction Page 3

by BA Tortuga

  “I won’t tell. Promise.” He managed to get his hand wrapped around Calvin’s asscheek, testing the firm muscles.

  Calvin finished with the buttons and pushed the shirt off Tucker’s shoulders, moving his lips to Tucker’s neck.

  “Mmm….” Tucker lifted his chin, vibrating, he wanted that hot little buzz and burn so bad.

  Calvin turned Tucker’s shirt inside out, working to get the cuffs over his hands, and tossed it on the couch. That green sweater landed right alongside, and then Calvin started untucking Tucker’s T-shirt, tugging it out of his belt, and slid warm hands up underneath. Tucker sure as shit hoped Calvin didn’t expect waxed like a surfboard, because he wasn’t.

  “Oh my God.” Calvin lifted the shirt up to Tucker’s armpits and ducked a little, sticking his face right into the thick curls that covered Tucker’s sternum. “Look at you.”

  Fuck-a-doodle-doo. His nipples went so hard they burned, and he wanted to just eat this guy up in three bites.

  Calvin moaned softly and swirled his tongue against Tucker’s chest, tangling it and tugging gently.

  “Jesus, honey.” Didn’t that little sting derail his train? He still had ahold of that tiny ass, and he wasn’t intending to let go for love or money.

  “You’re into that, huh?” Calvin pushed his T-shirt higher, up and over his head, and dropped it where they were standing. “Tell me something else you like.”

  “I like a hungry man. I like your ass. I like… seeing my lovers.”

  “I like that you know what you like.” Eyes on Tucker’s, Calvin took a few steps back, opened his belt, and popped the button at the top of his jeans. “A lot of people get this view,” he said, tugging off his boots. He slid his jeans to his ankles and stepped out of them, revealing bright yellow trunks. “Magazines, billboards, internet.” He hooked his thumbs into his waistband and slid out of the trunks too. “But not this one.”

  God, his fingers itched. He wanted to touch, to sketch, to know Calvin’s planes and angles so well they were burned into his muscle memory.

  Calvin stood there awhile, giving Tucker time to look all he wanted, not even blushing—not the least bit body shy.

  Finally he shifted his pose and smiled. “Come on to bed, cowboy, and let me get a look at you too.” Calvin turned slowly and headed for a doorway, giving Tucker a nice long look at his ass before he disappeared into the next room. “I’m starving.”

  “Yessir. I got something for you, swear to God.” He followed like Calvin had a leash around his balls and was tugging nice and steady.

  Calvin’s bedroom was white. The walls, the shag carpet, the furniture, everything. Everything except his bed, which was on a low platform, took up most of the room, and was covered in a huge, thick, magenta comforter and a hundred pillows in various painfully contrasting colors, like tangerine and turquoise.

  He stood there a second, processing colors and lines and the curve of Calvin’s cock. “Nice bed.”

  It wasn’t “nice boots,” but it would do.

  Calvin laughed. “I like it. It’s comfy as fuck. Or for fucking. You’ll like it too, when you’re naked enough to get in it.” Smoothly, Calvin stepped close and melted against him, tilting his head up. “I want another one of those kisses.”

  “I’m on it.” He had a wild second where his hands didn’t know where they needed to land, but he settled on cupping chin and ass so he could focus on giving Calvin what he asked for.

  “Mhm.” Calvin gripped the back of his neck, and the kiss shifted quickly into high gear, with Calvin’s tongue pressing right past his lips. Tucker sucked in a lungful of air, loving how it was flavored with someone new, something to explore, and then he slipped his tongue alongside Calvin’s, letting them have their back-and-forth.

  Moaning for him, the sound warm and laced with need, Calvin slid a hand across the front of his Wranglers, right along the ridge where his cock pressed against the denim. It took a second for Calvin to reckon his belt, but once that was loose, all it took was a good, hard tug and Calvin had slipped the button open and lowered his fly one-handed.

  If his mouth hadn’t been otherwise occupied, Tucker would have told Calvin how impressive that was. As things stood, he had to show it.

  Calvin let go of his neck, both hands roaming now—across his shoulders, down his chest, around to his back, and farther down, straight under the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Calvin’s fingers dug into his ass with surprising strength, pulling their hips together so tight he nearly lost his balance.

  “Damn, honey, that’s hot.” His toes curled in his boots, his cock aching in his suddenly too-tight briefs.

  “Fuck yeah.” Calvin yanked his hands away and gave Tucker a little shove before dropping to his knees.

  Tuck was forced off-balance just enough that he had to take a step back. Calvin tapped him on the calf.

  “Boots,” he said, hooking one hand behind Tucker’s left heel.

  “Good man.” It always sucked, getting caught with your jeans down and your boots on.

  “Vermont boy.” Calvin helped him with one boot and then the other, giving a little whistle. “They’re nice.”

  “You know it.” Life was too fucking short for shitty boots. He skinned out of his jeans and undershorts, his socks. Oh, it was chilly in here, and the snow was just coming and coming.

  Calvin looked up at him, sitting back on his heels. “Oh, that is much, much better.” He ran warm hands up over Tucker’s thighs and followed them with his tongue before nuzzling into Tucker’s hip and nipping at the skin there with his teeth.

  His eyes went heavy-lidded, and he spread a little, enough to be able to rock forward and keep his balance.

  Calvin gripped the backs of his thighs and kept at him for the next little bit, kissing and licking his other hip and then moving that hot tongue to his balls and bathing them thoroughly.

  Jesus. Was this fucking real? Any of this? “You’re making me dizzy, honey. Come here before I fall down?”

  Because that was classy as all get-out.

  Calvin’s laughter rang loud as he stood, bouncing off the high ceiling and filling the room. “I’ve been dizzy since the subway. Maybe since I met you.” He went up on his toes again, begging another kiss, and just like that, the laughter was gone. “Put your hands on me, Texas.”

  “Yessir.” That he could do. He started with the curve of Calvin’s shoulder, his thumb finding the end of one collarbone while he cupped the joint, fingers trailing behind. Then he dragged his palm along Calvin’s arm, his right hand coming up to meet the left, and he massaged Calvin’s hand a moment before repeating the caress on the other side.

  This time Calvin caught his hand. “No, Tucker. Here.”

  Calvin pressed Tucker’s fingers around his shaft, hissing softly. “Get out of your head and into me.”

  Oh. Right. “Right here.”

  Hot. He weighed the heavy prick, then measured it base to tip before exploring the slit, the slick wetness he found there. He licked his fingers clean, the hint of salt there a tease.

  He heard Calvin moan—well, the last part of it for sure—and then whimper softly. “Tucker? Jesus Christ, please don’t… don’t stop.”

  Calvin reached out and gripped Tucker hard, giving his cock a few fast strokes. Tucker’s ass clenched tight as his balls drew up.

  “I ain’t gonna stop, honey.” He got himself a double handful, squeezing hard enough that Calvin had to feel it.

  “Oh!” Now that was an appreciative sound, sorta seemed like it started down in the guy’s soul someplace and just moved on through. Calvin swayed, and his hands flew out and gripped Tucker’s shoulders for balance. “Fuck!”

  “Mm-hmm. I got you.” Well, look at that—hot, fine motherfucker. He kept going, tugging and pulling, working the tip with every upstroke. It was damn near like dancing, when you got right down to it.

  Calvin’s eyes drifted closed, and his head rolled back on his shoulders. His skin started to pink, rising from
his nipples and over his neck, where a blush bloomed across his cheeks. He was enjoying Tucker’s touch, and he sure had some decent stamina, because Tucker’s arm had started to tire by the time Calvin came back to the room.

  Calvin stopped his hand and kissed him despite being breathless. “I love your hands.”

  Calvin stepped, or more like stumbled, back a step and climbed up onto his bed, throwing off the comforter. Underneath was more white, the sheets showing off the heat in Calvin’s skin.

  Tucker followed right along, bowing his head to lick a line along the curve of Calvin’s ass, the dip of the lean waist, smooth belly.

  Calvin’s fingers dove into his hair and tangled in it, pulling it back from his face. “The way you move… mmm.” Calvin hummed at him. “Smooth. Like a cat.”

  “A cat? Me?” That was a thought, but it made him smile, made him slow down, drag his cheek along Calvin’s ribs. “I’ll take it.”

  That earned him a gasp and a shiver. Calvin’s belly rolled, muscles rippling, and Tucker watched as goose bumps blanketed Calvin’s arms. “Your whiskers are a little rough there, tiger.” Calvin laughed; this time the sound was hot and dark. “Do that again.”

  He repeated the motion, then swooped down to catch the tip of Calvin’s cock with his chin. He remembered how good that burn felt.

  “Oh shit.” Calvin sucked in air, his back arched, and one knee bent out to the side reflexively. “Good, Tucker.”

  “Yeah?” He let his cheek drag all the way down Calvin’s curved shaft, inhaling the fine son of a bitch’s rich scent on the way.

  Calvin’s abs went hard and tight, and he curled up off the bed for a second before falling back again with a groan. “Ah fuck. That fucking burns.” The hand in Tucker’s hair tightened into a fist.

  “Mm-hmm. Feels like heaven, don’t it?” This time he used his tongue to soothe. It would make the next pass all the worse. Better. Whatever.

  “Fuck yes. I’ve been wasting my time on clean-shaven men.” Calvin sighed, and the grip in Tucker’s hair relaxed some. “I’m serious.”

  Worked for him. He looked along the line of Calvin’s body, and then he slid his chin up again.

  “Tuck! Oh God.” The way Calvin tried to tug Tucker’s hair out by the root and the slightly protective way Calvin’s entire body shivered and tried to curl in on itself made it seem like the guy had probably had enough of that. The long moan and the blissed-out look, though? That was actually way more telling.

  He kissed the tip of Calvin’s cock, then licked the slit, pushing in with his tongue the barest bit.

  “Mmm. Tuck, I… you sh… should….” Calvin’s hips lifted off the bed. “Fuck.”

  Well, well. Mr. Smart Comeback had gone all incoherent and shit. Nice.

  He found a comfortable spot to settle over Calvin’s belly and focused on the swollen head, determined to give Calvin the blowjob of a lifetime.

  “Tucker!” One of those bright orange pillows caught him in the back of the head. It was followed by a handful of condoms that scattered across Calvin’s thighs as they landed.

  “Very nice. A touch overestimating my skill, but nice.” He looked up, winked.

  Calvin snorted. “You never know until you try.”

  Tucker cackled, swooping up to take a hard, happy kiss. “I do like how you think, honey.”

  Calvin was pliant and opened his mouth to Tucker, moaning into his kiss. He reached out to roll one of Tucker’s nipples between gentle fingers, the pressure slowly building.

  Tucker pressed down, his eyes crossing at the steady tug. Okay, that was better than color TV. He returned the favor, but with Calvin’s prick, thumb dragging along the ridge, exploring the slit.

  “Fuck.” Calvin gasped and rolled his hips, getting friction against Tucker’s palm. “Tucker….”

  “Mmm.” Fuck. Suck. Touch. Lick. This man made him a little stupid with wanting.

  Calvin’s hands started moving, gripping his shoulders, pushing at him. “Suck me, Tucker. Please, I….” Tucker felt those hips buck again, and Calvin whimpered, the sound as pretty as it was urgent.

  Hell yes. He licked his way down Calvin’s flat little belly, and then he bent to his good work and took Calvin down to the root in one fell swoop, swallowing once before backing off and focusing on the tip.

  He could feel Calvin squirm under him, heels dragging in the sheets and fingers kneading his shoulders. If the walls in the building weren’t good and thick, the guy was definitely entertaining the neighbors too.

  Tucker let himself go down again, humming all the way. He cupped the velvety ball sac and rolled Calvin’s balls, giving them a bit of pressure.

  “Ah. Good.” Calvin bucked but then pulled back again. “So… sorry. Just fucking good.” His voice was so tight it was a wonder he managed the words. Tucker didn’t figure he was going to hold out much longer.

  He didn’t let his prize go. He just sucked and bobbed his head, making sure the tip dragged over the top of his mouth.

  “Oh!” Calvin moaned long and low, one knee drew up, and his whole body shivered. He cried out as he came, hips rolling gently and his fingers sliding through Tucker’s hair.

  He swallowed hard, cleaning the length of Calvin’s prick before kissing his way up along Calvin’s belly. The muscles jumped and quivered, and Calvin laughed breathlessly.

  “Oh. Tickles. Ohmygod.”

  He chuckled, kissing more firmly but not stopping. “Sensitive, huh?”

  “And your….” Calvin reached down and scratched his fingers against Tucker’s stubbled cheek. “Kind of love this.”

  “Mmm. Thank you.” He rubbed his cheek against one tiny pink nipple, then went to beg a kiss. The motion made his cock drag along Calvin’s thigh, and he moaned as his balls throbbed.

  “You suck like you love it, tiger,” Calvin whispered to him and gave him his kiss, flirty and teasing. Calvin bent his leg, offering more pressure. “You want me?”

  “Yeah. Fuck yeah. You’re… you’re something special, man.” He reckoned loving having a hard cock in your mouth was all good, given he was queer as a three-dollar bill.

  “Thank you.” Calvin smiled against Tucker’s lips as he fished around and came up with one of those rubbers he’d tossed out earlier. “Got it.”

  Nimble and gentle fingers slid between them and smoothed the condom down his shaft. Calvin pulled a bottle of lube out of nowhere like a magician and waved it in front of Tucker’s nose.

  Okay. Okay, so. Right. He grinned at Calvin and took the bottle. Lord knew, he might never have known anyone who wanted him inside like that, but he sure as shit wasn’t going to look a gift fuck in the… hole? Whoa, that metaphor had gone to hell quick.

  Calvin leaned up, smashed their lips together in a hot kiss, and levered one foot over his ass.

  He got his fingers slicked and pushed them behind Calvin’s balls, hunting that tiny little hole.

  Calvin arched to meet his fingers, helping him, and let him breathe, falling back into those blinding pillows and looking into his eyes. “You feel good, cowboy?”

  “Good don’t begin to describe it, honey. This was not how I saw my day ending. This is magic.”

  “It is magic. It’s like you just fell out of the sky… like one of your birds.” Calvin reached between them and guided one of Tucker’s fingers inside him with a soft moan. “Day isn’t ending. God. Not yet.”

  “Mmm.” He took another kiss, then another, fingerfucking Calvin careful, adding a second finger when Calvin’s leg drew up.

  “Oh,” Calvin said on a sigh between kisses. His fingers found Tucker’s cock again and stroked him. “So good.”

  “Uh. Uh-huh. Fuck, I want you.” Ah. Incoherence. He couldn’t help it. He was trying for suave, but he didn’t think he was making it.

  Calvin’s little gasp barely registered. “Yes, Tucker. Please.”

  “You ready, honey?”

  “Yeah.” Calvin kissed him quickly. “I’m so ready, tiger. Come on.” />
  Tucker got himself settled in between Calvin’s legs, and he rubbed his gloved cock over the tight, slick ring of muscles.

  “Yeah,” Calvin whispered, looking down between them. He ran a hand over Tucker’s shoulder and across his chest, taunting him. “Come on, huh? Man up and fuck me!” He gave Tucker’s nipple a twist.

  “Goddamn it!” His hips jerked with the sting and he slammed in, burying himself with a hard thrust.

  “Yes!” Calvin cried out, and his hands flew to Tucker’s ass, where they dug into the muscle. “Fuck, that’s good,” he panted. “Better when I don’t let you think too hard, huh?” He moaned and rolled his hips, thrusting back at Tucker hungrily.

  Tucker let his body have its head, hips driving like a piston, his whole universe shrinking down to right now, right here.

  Calvin’s knees had pulled up high, and Tucker was making him grunt with each thrust. Tucker watched Calvin as he arched, eyes closed and hand pumping at his rekindled erection.

  “So fine,” he whispered. His thigh muscles screamed at him, but he ignored it, slamming into Calvin again and again.

  “Tuck! Tucker!” Calvin whimpered, and his hand stopped, fingers pulling away and gripping Tucker’s arms instead. His hips bucked and his belly went tight, every sculpted line from Calvin’s belly to his shoulders going rigid.

  “Fuck yes.” That set him right off, knowing how good he was making Calvin feel, and he shot so hard that his fucking bones rattled, the world shifting off its axis for a second.

  Calvin lifted up and kissed Tucker. “Yes, yes,” he whispered between sharp breaths, his body vibrating.

  Tucker reached down and stroked, determined to bring Calvin off again, to watch as he shot.

  “Oh fuck, Tucker! Fuck!” He arched for Tucker again, his spine just bowing upward. He gasped, and Tucker watched his orgasm roll right through him, his belly like granite and the veins in his neck popping.

  Fuck yeah. That was hotter than a two-dollar pistol and twice as dangerous.

  Calvin whimpered, and his hips jerked as he shot, hot liquid coating Tucker’s fingers, his ass locking down on Tucker’s cock tighter than a hangman’s noose.


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