The Neighborhood Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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The Neighborhood Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 2

by Jason Lenov

  She turned her head and looked up at me from where she was standing by the counter. She bit her lower lip, the way she always did when she was feeling shy, then looked away again. "I'm a terrible person," she said quietly.

  I furrowed my brow as I walked towards her. This was so unlike her, she was normally a very cheerful woman and not prone to speaking poorly about herself. "What are you talking about?" I said putting a hand on her shoulder again.

  Lorelei turned around and we locked eyes. She sighed through her ever so slightly parted lips, then licked them with her tongue. "You know that house two doors down that was for sale?"

  "The Kazinski's place?" I asked. "Yeah. Sure. What about it?"

  "I think someone bought it."

  I was still very confused. "Yeah? So?"

  Lorelei's eyes got shifty and she started looking side to side and up and down, anywhere so she didn't have to look right at me. "So... "

  I took a step back and gave her some time. Sometimes when she got in these moods she just needed some space to fish herself out. I didn't prod, just waited for her to sort it out.

  After a lot more humming and hawing, Lorelei found the courage to try again. "So I think that the guy that bought it... I think I just saw him. I recognized the real estate agent from the sign and he was there with a guy giving him the keys."

  Still wasn't sure what she was getting at. "Okay? What's so bad about that?"

  "Jake," Lorelei whispered. At that moment she looked straight at me with her big, blue eyes and gripped my arm. "He's black."

  For a few moments I didn't understand the significance of this. Until it dawned on me that Lorelei had not much to do with black people or people of any color for that matter.

  She'd been raised in the suburbs and we moved to the suburbs shortly after college. It's not that we sought out an all white community or anything like that, we weren't racist, it just happened that that's where we ended up.

  Lorelei's experience with black people was limited, to say the least.

  I resisted the urge to snicker because that would not have made her feel very good, but it was hard. Poor sweet Lori was acting like a very privileged girl indeed. "Lori what's so bad about that?" I asked instead.

  Her eyes darted around the room a few more times until she mustered up some more courage to explain herself. "What about the property value?" she asked quietly, as if someone might hear.


  Okay, this I had to address. "Lorelei! That's a terrible thing to say!"

  "Oh! I know! I'm a terrible person!" she said, yanking her hand away and stomping off to the front room.

  I followed her out there and came up behind her as she was staring out the window.

  The sky had begun to darken with some ominous-looking storm clouds that were moving in.

  I peered out the side of the bay window to see if I could see the man that had disturbed my wife so much.

  Indeed, there he was. He was tall and bald and his skin was very dark. He was wearing suit pants and a white shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, exposing a good bit of his hard chest and the gold chain he wore around his neck.

  I watched him smile, shake the real estate agent's hand, then help the man take down the "Sold" sign on the front lawn.

  A glance at Lorelei revealed that she, too, was staring at what was going on.

  That was the moment it all began. It was as if a switch had been flipped, two parts of my mind previously unrelated coupled with a satisfying click as my eyes moved from our new dark neighbor to my wife and back.

  Something animal, something primal began to call out from the deepest, darkest part of my mind. Something that wouldn't go away.

  "Let's go say hello," I said, with just a little too much excitement in my voice.

  "What?!?" Lorelei squawked from beside me. She jumped back from the window, as if scared that the man had heard and would look over to see us spying.

  I didn't care. I just stared and stared, my mind spinning up all sorts of lascivious thoughts. "Come on," I said grabbing her by the arm. "Maybe we'll catch him before he goes inside."

  I had us both storming out through the front door before Lorelei could protest. By the time she started squirming and whispering for me to stop it was too late. We were a few dozen feet away from the freshly sold house and our approach had been noticed by our new friend.

  The closer we got, the taller he seemed until we were both standing in front of him and seemingly staring up to meet his eyes.

  I put on a big grin and shoved out my hand. "I'm Jake Winters. Looks like you bought the place?"

  An easy smile formed along his mouth as he took my hand. He had a strong grip and gave it a good shake. "Pleased to meet you," he said, his low voice rolling out of him like the distant thunder of the coming storm. "Reginald Jones."

  He gave my hand a few more pumps and squeezed it hard enough that I had to suck in a breath and try not to wince. "Uh, this is my wife Lorelei."

  Reginald's eyes swung slowly towards her. He turned and reached out to take her outstretched hand.

  Her face was a fierce crimson and I knew I was probably going to get an earful when we got back but I didn't care.

  Reginald picked up her dainty palm with his but instead of shaking it, he turned it so the back was facing up. He leaned forward and for a moment I caught my breath because it looked like he was going to kiss her. He didn't. Instead, he leaned even further forward and brought up her hand and pressed his dark lips gently against her pale, white flesh.

  Holy shit.

  I had no idea why then but I was hard as a rock and I had to shift around a lot because I was wearing sweat pants. If either of them had cared to look they would have seen the huge erection I was sporting. I squeezed my ass cheeks to try and drain the blood out of my dick.

  "What a pretty name," Reginald said, smiling at Lorelei as he stared into her eyes.

  And Lorelei? Lorelei looked like she was rooted to the ground. She was so stunned, her mouth hanging slightly open and her blue eyes wide and shiny and curious about this handsome, chivalrous stud that had just kissed her hand.

  The two of them stared at each other for far too long and I stared at them until I felt like the tension between the three of us was going to snap.

  Thunder rumbled overhead.

  The three of us looked up.

  "Look's like it's going to rain," Reginald said before turning to me with his wide smile.

  "Uh... yeah. Sure does," I replied, sounding somewhat breathless.

  "Well, I best get going. We move in tomorrow but Shanice won't be here for another week. That's my wife. She's finishing up some business in Philadelphia."

  And just as quickly as that strange feeling, that tugging need to race out and introduce myself and particularly Lorelei to Reginald had welled up inside me, it receded just as quickly back upon hearing about his wife.

  "Of course," I said, feigning my own easy smile to mask my disappointment. And as I glanced at Lorelei who was still blushing a little but less now, she, too, looked like there was something about what she'd heard that had made her a little sad. "Are you moving in yourself then?" she asked.

  "Oh we've hired movers. I swore after our last move that I wasn't lifting another damn box. That's a young man's game." Reginald let out a low chuckle. "But yes, I'll be here supervising and getting in the way."

  "Then you must come over for dinner tomorrow night," Lorelei said.

  My jaw nearly dropped open. That was extremely forward of her. She was friendly but it generally took her some time to warm up to people. Was this some sort of atonement for what she'd said about him being black and the property values?

  "Oh that's very kind of you but I wouldn't want to intrude and... "

  "I insist. I won't take no for an answer."

  I looked over at Lorelei to see her standing straight and tall and proud and certain and I couldn't believe that this was my wife acting like that.

  Reginald let out another low,
rolling chuckle before replying. "Well, alright. If you're sure it's not too much trouble," he said.

  "It's absolutely no trouble at all. Six o'clock then," Lorelei said.

  The first fat drops of rain fell with wet splats on the sidewalk and we all looked up at the sky.

  "Well, I best get going on," Reginald said. "It was nice to meet you Jake, Lorelei." His smile warmed as he said her name.

  "It was nice to meet you too, Reginald," I said, still a little breathless, a little stunned.

  "Oh, call me Reg. All my friends do. I'll see y'all tomorrow night."

  Reg got into his car with a wave.

  Lorelei and I waited and watched him drive off. Then we ran home right before the downpour came.

  Chapter 3

  "That was unlike you," I said as I finished towelling off my hair and handed the towel to Lorelei.

  "Hmm?" she asked, but she seemed absent staring off into the dark hall outside the bathroom.

  "To just invite him over for dinner like that, I mean."

  "Oh, that. Was it?" she mused but still from far away.

  I had a feeling like I was sitting on the very thin edge of something and if I didn't balance right I would fall. The incident with Reg had been confusing because of how aroused I'd become and how quickly I'd acted on it.

  Now I wanted to know what Lorelei was thinking. I wanted to know what was behind those wide eyes. Had she been attracted to him as much as I'd been attracted to the sight of them together? Did she feel any of what I felt? Or was I just making this all up in my mind?

  A thought struck me and I'm pretty sure I started blushing just from thinking it. I could go the usually way and try to slowly coax Lorelei into telling me how she was feeling or what she thought of the whole thing.

  I could tease and goad the answers out of her about why she'd invited Reg over for dinner and why'd she'd blushed so hard when he kissed her hand.

  Or I could find out right now in a much easier way.

  As Lorelei threw the towel in the hamper I stepped up behind her, put my hands on her hips, then tilted my head and kissed the side of her neck.

  To my surprise she responded instantly by tilting her head, too, and exposing the soft part of her neck.

  My heart pounded as I kissed her and worked up the courage to do what I wanted to do. I let my fingers slide around to her trim tummy and then, quickly enough that she couldn't react, I shoved my hand down her pants and in between her legs.

  The gasp Lorelei made at my intrusion along with the sopping wetness drooling from her cunt made my cock harden right back up. I ran a finger the length of her slickness and ran it back before she jerked my hand back out.

  "Jake! What are you doing?!?" she yelped, spinning around.

  Now normally I would have bowed down and begged her forgiveness for doing such a bold thing. Actually, normally I would have never done something like that in the first place.

  But this time I just stared into her eyes, smiling slightly at the secret I'd discovered and how clever I'd been about it.

  "What is wrong with you?" she demanded, still staring at me, her cheeks burning an angry red. "Why did you do that?" she snapped.

  Fuelled by the feeling that had blossomed inside me again, the memory of Lorelei staring into Reg's dark eyes and knowing it had made her so incredibly wet, I dared myself to keep going with the crazy new me. "You're dripping wet," I said quietly.

  Lorelei's eyes darted around the bathroom. The angry red on her cheeks turned to shame but she was speechless. She couldn't think of a single thing to say!

  I moved closer to her and pressed harder. "Why are you so wet?" I asked.

  "What are you talking about?" Lorelei muttered. She had the energy of a cornered animal that wanted to bolt but had nowhere to go.

  "I mean your pussy." Oh God it felt good saying that! I'd never said anything out loud like that to her before! "Your pussy's dripping wet. That means your turned on. What turned you on?"

  Lorelei let out an exasperated sigh and tried to move past me to walk out into the hall but I stood my ground.

  Then, in an act that was stunningly out of character, I lifted her chin with my finger so I could look into her eyes.

  As our eyes met I let my hand fall down her body. I unbuttoned her pants with a slick twist of my fingers, then zipped her zipper down and pushed my fingers into her panties again.

  Except this time Lorelei didn't resist. This time Lorelei not only moaned her satisfaction but lowered herself a little so she could grind her pussy against my hand.

  I pressed up closer to her as I slid two fingers along her hot, wet slit. "I asked you a question."

  You don't know this but I would never talk to Lorelei like that. Something had changed in me, though. I felt the need to assert myself, to display my dominance over her.

  This was no longer an equal partnership, at least not in that moment. I needed to show her I was the boss.

  Lorelei let herself be pressed up against the wall and moaned again as I found her hole with my fingers and her clit with my thumb. "I... "

  I eased two fingers into her pussy just as I started spinning my thumb around her engorged nub. "Tell me," I whispered, my face next to her cheek.

  "I... "

  The wet sounds of me finger fucking her pussy and flicking at her clit slapped noisily around the hard bathroom tile.

  "Tell me," I repeated, growling this time.

  Lorelei gasped. Her hands gripped my arm and her hips bucked against my hand.

  Fuck I wanted to hear her say it so badly. "Tell me."

  Lorelei's mouth fell open. Her claws dug into the skin on my arm. She threw her head back like she was going to scream. Her eyes closed and her body tensed. She drew in a breath. Right before the first violent shudder ripped through her, she let out some air and along with it came the single word I'd been waiting for. "Reg."

  My cock hardened as I felt the first powerful tremor of her orgasm rush through her body.

  Her pussy squeezed around my fingers sending a spurt of her hot juice onto my hand. She groaned loudly as the climax gripped, then released her. Her nails dug into the skin of my arm.

  I revelled in my new-found power and dominance over my wife as I rubbed her pussy through the rest of her pleasure.

  A moment of panic gripped me when it was over and I felt her pulling my arm up from between her legs. Would the prude return? Would she push me away and leave me hanging with a huge hard on in the bathroom as she ran to the bedroom to embarrassed to look at me or speak.

  I needed to come and the force of that need was overwhelming. Before she could do any of those things, I yanked my belt open and pushed my sweats and boxers down, freeing my cock to come bouncing out.

  Lorelei's eyes went wide. For the first time in our marriage and probably her life, she indulged in staring directly at my hard member.

  I took her hand in mine. I guided her to it, then closed her palm and fingers around my throbbing cock. The heat of her soft skin alone nearly made me come.

  Lorelei looked up. Her eyes were filled with fear and wonder but she didn't stop.

  Staring at her, I showed her how to stroke up and down my shaft and once confident that she'd found a rhythm, let go and braced myself against the wall.

  Lorelei looked down again as she rubbed my hard cock.

  Cum pulsed up my shaft as my nuts seized up. I grunted and looked down.

  Lorelei squeezed me harder but kept up the pace I'd set.

  "Slow," I whispered. "Slow down."

  She looked up at me. Just as the beginning of my climax neared, she slowed her strokes stretching out the approach like a roller coaster climbing that first hill.

  Pleasure squeezed the space between my legs. The first spurt of cum shot out, covering her arm.

  "Go," I whispered. "Please, go faster!"

  Those words transformed my shy and prudish wife into a stroking machine. Her hand started to piston around my cock. Splash after splash of sticky see
d flew out of the head landing on her arm, her clothes, the tile floor.

  The whole time Lorelei pumped me hard, her hand choking my shaft and milking the seed out of me.

  The whole thing ended with a massive groan and a shudder and I leaned forward, panting, pressing against Lorelei.

  And still no shame, no trying to run away, no giggling even. Just Lorelei, who'd never done anything like this in her life, holding my slowly flagging cock.

  It felt like heaven.

  "Are you mad?" Lorelei whispered.

  "Mad?" I asked.

  "Are you mad about what I said?"

  "You mean his name?" I was still pressed against her so I couldn't look into her eyes but I think it was easier for us that way.


  Oh sweet summer child.

  "Baby, I'm not mad," I whispered, feeling a new ease between us. "That was really damn hot."


  "I only said it because he was married."

  Her voice shook me out of slipping into sleep. For a moment I wondered if I'd dreamed it.

  "Did you hear me?" Lorelei asked.

  "Uh, yeah. What do you mean?"

  We'd managed to extricate ourselves from what had happened in the bathroom. Lorelei had jumped into the shower and by the time she came out I didn't really feel like bringing it up again and having a long talk about it.

  We went about our first evening free from kids in relative silence. We made some popcorn, watched a movie, then, as I started falling asleep on the couch, Lorelei suggested we go to bed.

  Like I said, I was almost in la-la-land when she brought this up.

  "I mean that I only said his name because he's married."

  "You mean Reg?" I asked.

  Duh. Who the hell else had she moaned about lately?

  "Yeah. I still... I just... I don't want you to think that... "

  "That what?"

  "I don't want you to think that I want to cheat on you or something."

  Great. Now I was never getting to sleep. Not necessarily a bad thing, considering the reason for it.

  I rolled over onto my side so I could try to make out her face in the darkness. "Would you?"


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