The Neighborhood Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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The Neighborhood Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 4

by Jason Lenov

  I nodded and smiled politely and started thinking about what to ask next.

  "But mostly she's in the business of keeping Mr. Jackson happy, if you know what I'm saying?"

  Because of the high it took longer than normal for my mind to register that what he'd said wasn't exactly polite conversation. I flashed him an awkward smile, then looked over at Lorelei.

  She was fucking high as a kite. Her mouth was open, her eyes were bloodshot, the lids droopy, and she was wearing a big sloppy grin on her face.

  The whole situation hit me like a flower exploding in slow motion and I started to chuckle, then outright laugh.

  Lorelei cocked her head and furrowed her brow but a few moments later dove right into my pool of insanity and started to laugh right along with me.

  Reg, who looked like he wasn't affected by the pot at all, sat there watching us and smiling until we calmed down, then took another puff of the tiny stub and butted it out.

  "Mmm, that's good shit," he said. He looked across the table at Lorelei and made absolutely no bones about letting his eyes crawl down her body, enjoy the fleshy curves of her breasts, then rake down to her where her legs were poking out from her dress.

  A sharp pang of jealousy tore through my hazy high. It cut down my throat and settled in my gut as I watched Reg checking out my wife. A part of me wanted to tell him to stop, to tell him that he had to leave, that he couldn't just come into a man's house and do that kind of thing.

  But there was another, much stronger, part of me that couldn't keep my eyes from shifting between him and Lorelei.

  It was clear that she knew he was watching her. Not just from the blush on her cheeks but from the way she was trying to hide behind one finger. She, too, couldn't stop glancing at Reg.

  The whole situation spun up the tension so tight between the three of us that I nearly snapped. I felt like something had to be done.

  "So, Reg, what's Shanice doing tonight?" I asked. The question felt like ramming a stick into the spokes of a bike flying down the street. It was a little heavy-handed, I guess, but I didn't know how else to put the brakes on what was happening between Reg and Lorelei.

  Reg's smile widened as he finally tore his eyes away from her and looked at me. "Funny you should ask," he said, chuckling. He pulled his phone out of his breast pocket, swiped at it a few times, then turned it so we could see.

  My eyes felt like they were going to pop right out of their sockets.

  There, staring up at both of us, was a woman who I could only assume was Shanice. She was kneeling on the floor in the picture, staring up with wide eyes.

  She also had a fat, long cock stuffed half-way into her mouth.

  I glanced at Lorelei. She looked... flabbergasted. I think that's the only word for it. Her mouth was hanging open and her eyes were bugging out. Her neck was craned forward and her shoulders hunched, as if she was trying to get as close as possible to the picture to make sure it was real.

  My eyes darted back and forth between the picture and Lorelei, occasionally pausing to glance at Reg's sly grin behind the phone.

  "Y'all aren't prudes or anything, are you?" Reg asked, finally taking the phone back and popping it into the pocket of his shirt.

  Lorelei and I simultaneously leaned back in our chairs and stared at him. We were both so dumbfounded about how casually he'd shown us a picture of his wife sucking cock, a cock that wasn't his, that we couldn't think of a single thing to say.

  Reg picked up his drink, let out a breathy chuckle and took another sip. "If that was... I can still go home. Order pizza or whatever. If that was... too much for y'all?" He swung a finger back and forth between me and Lorelei.

  That shook her from her stupor. "What?!? No. No! No, I just... I've never... I couldn't... "

  Reg started laughing at her stammering, which got me laughing after a few seconds, then finally got Lorelei laughing, too. It was a good way to diffuse some of the tension and we all took a drink and relaxed.

  "You two aren't into the swing then, I take it?" Reg asked in his easy way.

  Lorelei and I looked at each other, giggled, then looked back at Reg.

  "Uh... no," Lorelei replied. Then, to my absolute horror and delight added, "Not yet, anyway."

  And winked.

  Just at me. Just the tiniest flash of a teasing smile that probably Reg didn't even catch.

  The feeling that sent through me, the shiver of excitement and fear her little tease brought was so potent it ripped down my spine and landed in my crotch, hardening my cock.

  Right before she turned to look at Reg again, I smiled back. I don't know why, it just felt like the thing to do. I only realized what it might have meant after I'd done it.

  As the smile faded from my lips I realized that Lorelei might have taken it as some sort of implied consent, some signal that I, too, was into "experimenting" a little.

  "Not yet, huh?" Reg said. His grin widened at one corner of his mouth. He turned to look me square in the eye. "What do you say, Jake? You want to give it a try?"

  I was absolutely floored. You know that feeling when the air leaves your lungs and you just can't get it back in? Like when you land really hard on your back? That's what I felt like in that moment. I just could not get anything out.

  Reg's smile faded into a frown. "Uh oh," he said, turning to Lorelei. "I don't think Jake thinks too much of that idea."

  Lorelei and I turned to look at each other again. Her sly, teasing smile had been replaced by wide eyes and a sad pout.

  My mouth fell open and I reached over to put my hand on her arm. "I was just... " I muttered.

  Suddenly, Lorelei threw her head back and laughed. Leaning back towards me, she pressed her forehead against mine. "I was just joking, silly," she whispered, caressing my cheek with her soft hand.

  It was the most confusing gesture because it seemed so self-assured. Had she forgotten what Reg had just shown us? Or was she just being cool about it because he was there? Was she going to freak out once he'd left?

  "Aw, you to lovebirds," Reg said quietly and with a smile. "Nah, I'm sorry. I thought you two might be into it. You sort of have the vibe, you know?"

  "We do?" I couldn't help but ask.

  Reg chuckled and took another sip of wine. "Yeah. You kind of do."

  "Okay, hold on a second," Lorelei said. "So let me get this straight, you let your wife do that?"

  Reg nodded. "Uh-huh. Sure. It's fun," he replied.

  Lorelei's mouth fell open again. "Fun? Fun?!?" she squealed. "Don't you get jealous?"

  Reg shrugged. "Nah. We're kind of over that. I think we're a little older than you are."

  "What does that have anything to do with it?" Lorelei asked, still sounding somewhat stunned.

  Reg sighed and took another sip of wine. "I don't know. You sort of get over thinking of it as a threat, you know? It's just sex. If you think about it the right way, it's not much different than anything else people do together. Would I get jealous if she had coffee with someone? No. Why would I be jealous if she had sex with them."

  This time Lorelei answered with a loud guffaw. "Um, yeah, coffee is not the same as sex."

  "Why not?" Reg countered, looking genuinely sincere.

  Lorelei laughed nervously again and looked my way, as if for reassurance, before turning back to Reg. "Well, for one, you don't let someone inside you when you have coffee with them."

  One corner of Reg's mouth twisted into a smile. "Alright. That's true, but so what?"

  "So what?" Lorelei squawked. "It's like... it's so intimate."

  "Hey, trust me, it's only as intimate as you make it. Sometimes sex can be just fucking. That's all it is when Shanice have herself another guy. It's just fucking. You know?"

  Lorelei sat there staring at Reg and mulling that over for a little while. "So, what, she let's you, like, do things too, I guess?" she asked, sounding a little nervous.

  It was her tone that sent the third tremor of the evening racing through me. Why was sh
e so nervous? Was she worried that Reg was going to make a pass at her? Or was she worried about how she would react if he did?

  My cock was stiff between my legs again and I shifted in my seat to adjust and hide it, drawing both of their attention.

  "What do you think, Jake? You think you could handle something like that? Or you think you'd get too jealous if you knew Lorelei was getting fucked?" The smile wound its way across his lips again.

  They were both staring at me and my cheeks started to heat up. I swallowed, trying to get rid of the dryness in my mouth. I opened my mouth but had absolutely nothing to say. Again.

  Quick glimpses at Lorelei were no help.

  She was watching me like a hawk, her eyes darting to every muscle in my face as it moved. As if she were trying to glean how I might really fell about all this.

  "Alright. That's enough," Reg said, finally, relaxing us both. "I didn't come here to spend an awkward evening forcing you two into conversations you need to have alone. I came here for some steak! Now what do you say?"

  I think we both sighed. He'd certainly set the evening on edge with the picture and we were both happy to right it again.

  Lorelei bounced up and into the kitchen while I went to light the barbecue.

  No matter how deeply I breathed, though, I couldn't really get myself to calm down. It felt like something had shifted between the two of us.

  It felt like things might never be the same again.

  Chapter 6

  It was a good dinner. Neither Lorelei nor I mentioned Reg's picture that he'd shown us and he didn't bring it up again.

  Lorelei came off her high and declined when Reg offered her a pick-me-up.

  I took another puff because, hey, pot was fun and it was kind of fun acting like I was in college again, especially with Lorelei.

  After we finished eating we stayed outside and drank wine and smoked one last puff until it got dark and clouds started to roll in giving the air a bit of a chill.

  "Should we go inside?" Lorelei asked.

  "You know," Reg said, standing up, "I would love to but I am bushed after that move. As much as I'd like to stay and while the night away with you fine folks, I think I need to get some shut-eye!"

  Lorelei seemed momentarily disappointed, or maybe it was just my imagination.

  We walked Reg to the door, him and I shook hands, then he leaned in close and kissed Lorelei on the cheek, something which got my blood roiling all over again.

  Lorelei closed the door and turned around. She looked tired but happy. Relaxed and fulfilled by the pleasant evening. She stepped towards me, put her arms around my neck and pressed her forehead against mine.

  Her breath smelled like wine and her skin was hot. The low light coming from the kitchen cast sultry shadows across her smile. "That was fun," she whispered.

  My cock throbbed.

  To be honest, I was just coming off my high and feeling kind of tired. I had even been contemplating asking for a rain-check and having sex in the morning instead of tonight. Well, that idea wilted fast.

  Lorelei pressed a finger against my cheek. She bent it so the tip of her nail was touching my skin, then dragged it slowly down to my jaw, past my chin, down my neck, until she came up against the top button of my shirt.

  I opened my eyes to find her staring at me, searching again. "What's up?" I asked.

  She shrugged, puffing her lips out in a pout.

  It was the first time I sensed Lorelei begin to understand how potent her sexual attraction was. Watching her get a taste for it, watching her start to test it, to use it to move me was incredibly erotic.

  Her whole stance had changed. She was no longer a polite, smiling, charming wife who happened to have sex once in a while. She was a sexual being now.

  Watching the change I couldn't help but think that it was Reg who had brought it on. The thought worried me somehow. After all, why couldn't I be the one who drew this out of her? Wasn't that what husbands were supposed to do?

  Wasn't she supposed to be in love with me enough, or shouldn't she have been at some point, that I inspired that sort of metamorphosis?

  I was distracted from the question by Lorelei trailing her finger slowly down my shirt, the tip of it weaving a slalom around each button until it rested on the edge of my belt.

  "Are you tired?" she whispered.

  I shook my head.

  "Do you... do you want to... you know. Make it?" she asked with a wicked giggle.

  "Who are you?" The words just came out of me. They were out before I'd even thought I was going to say them and I couldn't take them back. A momentary panic that I'd screwed the pooch was relieved when Lorelei smirked.

  That's right. She smirked again.

  "Who do you want me to be?" she purred.


  She didn't seem stoned any more and neither was I, really. Yet it felt like we were still inhabiting that same space. A space where we weren't afraid of each other the way we were in real life. It felt like a space we could play in and nobody would get mad.

  "Are you thinking about him?"

  Her smile faded for a brief moment, then returned but a little more shy. "What do you mean?"

  She knew full well what I meant. I could almost smell it on her. Her feigning innocence was at once troubling and hot. "Are you thinking about Reg? About what he showed us? About what he said?" I asked quietly.

  Lorelei lowered her eyes and bit the bottom left corner of her lip. Her eyes darted side to side and I knew the answer even before she whispered it. "Kind of."

  A lust welled up from the deepest part of me, hardening my cock and making my heart thump. My wife, this woman standing in front of me who'd somehow been so suddenly changed by our new neighbor, was admitting that she was thinking about another man.

  "Would you ever do it?" I whispered. It felt more like a confession of my fear than of my desire.

  Lorelei furrowed her brow but her eyes stayed lowered. "I don't know. I don't... I don't think so."

  Maddeningly unreassuring and mind-bendingly hot. I almost fell over from the painful way my insides twisted at what she'd said. This couldn't be real. Lorelei couldn't actually be having a second thought about whether she would sleep with another man, could she?

  "You want me to, don't you?"

  The question caught me off guard and tore me out of the thoughts reeling through my mind.

  She was suddenly staring straight at me with piercingly inquisitive eyes.

  "I... I... I didn't... " I stammered.

  "No, I know you didn't," she whispered. Her fingers fumbled at my belt until I felt it release.

  I shook my head because, yes, I actually could not believe this was happening. I stared at her as she sank to her knees, her eyes staring up into mine. I actually gasped as she yanked my pants and boxers off.

  This didn't feel real. Even as my cock sprang out in front of her and she leaned back in surprise, I felt like I was in a dream, floating on a cloud somewhere high in the sky.

  Lorelei eyed my bouncing cock with something between amazement and skepticism.

  You have to remember that with the exception of a few drunk times, we always did it in the dark. I didn't even remember if she'd ever seen my cock.

  Slowly, gently, she lifted her hand up. Her long fingers grazed the veiny flesh along my shift. The diamond on her engagement ring, which she still wore, glinted as it caught the light.

  I swallowed, held my breath and hardened as she wrapped her hand around my throbbing shaft. My cock swelled even more as her lips parted in what looked like pleasant surprise.

  Lorelei looked up. "It's so hard," she whispered, like she'd never really felt it that way before now. "And so hot."

  Oh my fuck.

  Between thinking about her thinking about Reg, this new revelation of her going down on me in the middle of the hall, and just... everything, I was four fifths of the way to unloading all over her face.

  Shouldn't have thought about that.

; Lorelei ran her hand towards the head of my cock, then back down towards my balls in two long strokes.

  I clenched my jaw. No! I didn't want it to be over this fast!

  "Are you okay?" she whispered, staring up at me with her big, blue eyes again.

  "Fuck, Lori, careful... " I managed to grunt as I felt my shaft swell with cum.

  Her mouth fell open even more as the realization dawned on her of what was going on. She eyed the tip of my cock with wonder as her fist squeezed tighter and pumped.




  My dick throbbed in her hand as the first swell of spunk spat out.

  Lorelei gasped.

  The sound accelerated my race up the massive wave of orgasm that was running up my body and I sailed up and over the top. "Fuck!" I roared.

  Lorelei's hand pumped in quick, rough jerks, sending streaks of hot white cum splashing from my cock onto the cold, tile floor. Every few strokes she would look up with wonder, her lips twisted in a sort of half smile, like she couldn't believe it was her doing this to me.

  I reached out and braced myself against the wall as my hips bucked.

  One side of Lorelei's smile curled wider as her eyes darted from mine to my now flagging cock in her hand, the tip drooling cum.

  Suddenly, Lorelei burst into giggles. She let go of me, her fingers wide and sticky with seed. She stood up, covering her laughter with her other hand. "I can't believe I just did that!" she laughed.

  I just shook my head. My dick was still hanging out but I didn't care. Just watching my prudish wife transform into this powerful vixen left me exhilarated and stunned.

  Lorelei spun around on her heel and looked back over her shoulder, taunting me with her smile. "You better not think I'm done with you," she said.

  Then, she darted off down the hall and up the stairs.

  Chapter 7

  We didn't talk about it any more that night. Maybe we should have, I don't know.


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