The Neighborhood Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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The Neighborhood Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 10

by Jason Lenov

  She came off me right away and to my surprise still had a mouthful of my cum. Staring at me with a lewd grin she rolled it around on her tongue. A tear shaped drop oozed out of her mouth, ran down her chin and dripped down onto her breast.

  That was so fucking hot. I must have reacted in some way because Lorelei raised an eye. She looked down at her tits, pursed her lips, then spat the big glob of cum out of her mouth. She looked back up at me, mouth open, tiny drops of semen still clinging to her lips and chin. “You like that, huh?”

  I could not stop staring at her messy tit, slack-jawed and wide-eyed. It was such a filthy thing to do, let me cum in her mouth then spit it onto her own breast, so unlike my Lorelei! I nodded, wondering whether she was drunk to be acting like this or what?

  To my utter astonishment, instead of bursting into giggles and running off to the bathroom, Lorelei crawled over until her breast was above my mouth. Cupping it with her hand, she leaned forward and shoved it into my mouth. “Somebody’s got to clean up this mess,” she whispered.

  What in the fuck?!?

  I mean, don’t get me wrong it was delightful in the lewdest way. But still. It was fucked. This did not seem like my wife.

  At first I nearly gagged as the first slow drips of cum rolled down Lorelei’s breast and touched my lips. Just like Lorelei wasn’t really into crazy sex, I was not into anything this crazy. I’d definitely never tasted my own cum.

  But now that she was above me so dominating and apparently turned on by what she was doing, I though what the hell? You only live once.

  Opening my mouth a little wider I let the still-warm sauce ooze inside. The first acrid sting of semen on my tongue made me gag. I’d never tasted it before and had no idea what it tasted like.

  The taste and smell of it burned up into my nose the more of it dripped onto my tongue. I thought I’d never be able to swallow it and I almost pushed Lorelei off.

  Then, as it started to drain down into the back of my throat, something very foreign but very primal happened in my mind.

  This was so not the picture I had of myself or of Lorelei or of us, for that matter. And something about that made the moment extremely hot. It felt like I’d been trapped by some Amazonian who did not doubt for a moment the fact that she was the boss.

  And I fucking loved it.

  I started to suck on Lorelei’s breast, licking all the rest of my own spunk off of her and wishing there was more.

  Her nipple got so hard that I thought she was going to come from just that. Before I knew it I was hard again and Lorelei was swinging her leg over me to mount my cock.

  She fucked hard and fast, like an animal in heat and with a wild look in her eyes. She didn’t look at me for most of it which was even hotter. It was like she was using my body like her fuck doll the same way she’d used my face the night before.

  Only when I heaved my hips up to get even deeper inside her did she seem to notice I was there and that it was me, her husband.

  “Don’t come inside me remember?” she asked in between gasps and pants.


  So, I calmed myself down and tried to relax.

  Lorelei’s pussy leaking all over me and her body riding me like I was a bucking bronco didn’t make it too easy.

  It was a relief when I finally felt her pussy start to squeeze my cock. She shrieked, the same way she’d shrieked the night before and came, hard and fast.

  My suddenly unashamed Lorelei shuddered on top of me, then kind of shook her body like she was trying to shake the orgasm out.

  Then she stopped.

  She put her hands on my chest and leaned over me breathing hard. She’d brought me so close that I knew just a few more wiggles would send me over and I desperately wanted to feel that again.

  “Baby, I’m almost there. Do you mind?” I asked.

  Lorelei cracked a grin, then squeezed my cock with her dripping snatch. Then she pulled herself off with a loud slurp and reached down with her hand.

  She’d squirted so much my cock was slick with her juice. As she pumped my body tightened up and a few moments later we were both watching the few spurts of cum my body had left splatter over her hand and my stomach.

  As I lay recovering with Lorelei’s hand still around my cock I noticed there was something even more different about her. It wasn’t just how carefree she was about sex. There was something in her eyes now. A wild and hungry look. She looked… unsatisfied.

  “Lorelei,” I said, smiling. “You alright?”


  “You’re looking a little… crazy over there.”

  She laughed, let go of my cock and looked down at her naked body. It was as if the real Lorelei were re-inhabiting her own skin after being absent.

  What the hell was going on?

  “I’m fine!” she laughed. “Totally fine!” But as she crawled off the bed and staggered towards the bathroom, the laugh took on a sort of maniacal note that mirrored the look I’d seen in her eyes.

  Thankfully the door to the bathroom slamming shut made me come to my senses. “What the hell are you talking about?” I muttered to myself.

  I was being crazy. Lorelei wasn’t being maniacal or not herself. She was a person who had changed a bit because of some crazy stuff that had happened. Sure, it had happened in a short time but that didn’t mean anything. There was no point in driving myself crazy thinking about it or wondering why it was happening.

  We were just two consenting adults having a good time.

  I laughed at myself, then closed my eyes and laced my fingers together behind my head. That’s how Lorelei found me when she came back.

  Freshly showered, hair dried and make-up done, Lorelei looked especially radiant in stark contrast to my naked, sleepy ass. “Come on!” she said, yanking the pillow out from behind my head. “Let’s get this day started! I want to go to breakfast!”

  “Great idea!” I said, leaping out of bed and bounding for the bathroom.

  “After that we can swing by the Jackson’s and see if they want to come over tonight!”

  My smile faded a tiny bit. Man, she really was into those Jacksons, huh?”

  Chapter 15

  We went to breakfast. It felt a little hurried, or rather, Lorelei made it feel that way. She kept her sunglasses on, which was strange because she never did that but she said the sun from outside was too bright.

  We ate in near silence and after I’d payed Lorelei practically raced out to the car. When we pulled into the driveway, she was out the door before the car had even stopped walking towards the Jackson’s house.

  Reg answered the door without his shirt on. He was wearing sunglasses and orange swimming shorts and flip flops. As soon as he saw us his mouth turned up in a big grin. “Well if it isn’t Jake and Lorelei!” he said, his voice booming over us and out onto the street.

  For some reason I had the thought to turn around and look back. I just caught sight of Mrs. Gibbons peeling back the window shade across the street. She smacked it back into place as soon as she saw me look back.

  Glancing at Lorelei, I found her eyeing Reg with a wide smile. Looking closer I realized she wasn’t looking at him, his eyes, at all. She was staring at his hard, dark chest.

  He had no hair and his pecs and his abs looked like he crushed dumbbells for breakfast at the gym. The guy was cut.

  I looked away sheepishly as I realized he had caught me staring. Thankfully, Lorelei spoke up.

  “Hey Reg,” she said, her voice sunny and sweet.

  “Hey,” Reg replied.

  “We were just wondering if you and Shanice wanted to come by for dinner tonight? We want to get you back for last night.” Lorelei’s voice faltered slightly as she spoke, making me realize she was nervous talking to Reg.

  Which was funny because she never got like that.

  “Hmm,” Reg replied, furrowing his brow and rubbing his chin. “Let me check with the missus. Come in. Come on in.”

  As he turned to let us step in
side, Lorelei fluttered by him, then I squeezed past his large frame. I caught a whiff of his oakey musk.

  “Shanice!” Reg called out.

  Shanice “mmm-hmm’d” back from somewhere inside the house.

  “Baby what do we have going on tonight, anything? The Winters’ want to know if we can come over to their place for dinner?”

  Shanice appeared at the top of the stairs looking just as glorious as she had the night before. She floated down, the long, white sheer scarf she was wearing making it look even more like she was walking on a cloud. She greeted us with a warm smile. She looked over at Lorelei, then back at me. “Oh you can’t fool me,” she said, turning her head to Lorelei again with a smile sly.

  Lorelei looked genuinely confused. “Fool you?” she asked.

  “I know what it is you want, honey,” Shanice said, pointing a finger at Lorelei.


  “You want some more of that black lovin’, huh?”

  The question made both of us turn red.

  A low, easy chuckle rolled out of Reg. “Come on, baby,” he said, “no need to be like that. You made them embarrassed.”

  Lorelei let out a nervous giggle beside me, drawing my attention.

  I bit the inside of my cheek as I realized she’d turned her eyes down and was no longer staring at Reg’s chest but rather at the outline of his cock in his trunks.

  “What?” Shanice asked. “Doesn’t look like it’s too much of a secret to me,” she said pointing at Lorelei with a laugh. “Besides, I’m not being mean. Just telling it like it is.” Shanice stepped between me and Lorelei and put an arm around her shoulder. “You want to see that big dick, don’t you honey?” she whispered.

  I gasped.

  Sure, last night had been fun and wild but the last thing I expected was for Lorelei to come racing over here and for Shanice to be so forward in pointing out that my wife wanted her husband’s cock. It was all a little much.

  “You know guys, I think maybe we should just get out of your hair and let you have some time to decide,” I said with a nervous chuckle. “Lorelei just kind of bolted over here. We didn’t really even have time to talk about the invite so… “

  Shanice waved away my worry. “Oh hush. Nothing wrong with it, Jake. It’s the natural order of things.”

  Natural order of things?

  What was that supposed to mean?

  “It’s one of the… “ she paused, as if searching for the word, then, apparently having found it, carried on. “ …difficulties of being married to this man.” She cast Reg a sly smile.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t call it a difficulty!” Reg boomed, pressing his hand against his stomach and tilting his head back in a laugh.

  Lorelei giggled along nervously but I swear her eyes never once left his dick.

  I was starting to sweat a little bit and not because it was hot. Their house was air-conditioned. No, I will admit that I was starting to get a little worried about Lorelei.

  Last night had been fun. This whole crazy adventure had been fun but her racing over here like that was strange. Her standing there staring at Reg’s dick without looking up was stranger still. I really just wanted to get her home and talk to her about it.

  Shanice stepped away from Lorelei and walked around behind her husband. She hooked her fingers under the elastic of his shorts and yanked them down.

  Reg’s massive cock flopped out, unfurling like a thick, black rubber hose.

  A shudder shook me and I swallowed as I saw Lorelei’s mouth fall open as she gaped at how well-endowed he was.

  It wasn’t that I was jealous. I wasn’t the jealous type. Also I had no penis-envy or anything like that. It’s just that when a guy pulls out a cock like that in front of your wife. Well, shit… Any guy would have felt a little put out.

  Lorelei was mesmerized. Her big, blue eyes were open wide staring at the dark python and, I am sure, thinking the one thing there was to think in the situation. How would it ever be able to fit inside.

  “Go on,” Shanice whispered from behind Reg. “Don’t be shy.”

  The light coming through the window changed as a cloud passed by overhead. It was an absolutely surreal moment. There we were, in the middle of the morning, staring at Reg’s handsome dark cock.

  And there I was, feeling very conflicted about what emotion I should allow myself to feel. I wondered for a moment if I shouldn’t be a little more threatened by what was happening. After all, Lorelei was acting quite weird and the Jackson’s were being so forward about everything.

  I didn’t really have time to contemplate it any more because, without once looking up, Lorelei sank down onto her knees in front of Reg and picked up the head of his cock with both hands.

  The scene was opposite of the night before. Her dainty, alabaster palms were now the chalice holding his dark gift. She brought it up, inspecting it the same way she had mine. “It’s so big.” Her voice was filled with wonder and awe.

  As she lifted the cock head up higher, positioning it just inches from her lips, she turned to look at me and smiled in such a sweet but wicked way.

  I looked up to see Shanice grinning at me, half-hiding behind Reg’s massive frame. She winked, then turned to look at Lorelei. Taking the base of Reg’s hardening cock in hand, she eased him closer to Lorelei and pressed the tip of it against her lips.

  Lorelei looked nervously from Shanice to me and up to Reg, then back to me again. Something had spooked her, it seemed, and now she looked uncertain and confused, even worried about what to do.

  Once again I felt like we were at a special moment in our relationship, Lorelei and I. This was so taboo and so unlike anything she would have ever done before and here she was looking to me for guidance, asking me what she should do next.

  Probably the hottest thing about it was the power that I felt from her submission. I took a deep breath and nodded at her. “It’s okay. Go ahead,” I whispered.

  Lorelei’s chest heaved with excitement as she turned her full attention back to Reg’s now stiff cock. Popping her mouth open she stuck out her tongue as Reg stepped forward again.

  With Shanice still holding onto him it looked like it was Shanice that was feeding my wife her husband’s cock.

  How fucked up is that?

  Though it stretched her mouth quite a bit, Lorelei took about a third of his thick shaft in.

  Shanice let go of her husband, walked around him and came towards me.

  I was mesmerized, staring at Lorelei as she started pumping and choking on the cock, gurgling noises emanating from her throat as she turned her filthy on.

  Shanice stood next to me.

  For a moment I hoped that she’d take me out and maybe give me a hand job while I watched but I felt a little shy about asking so I just stood there and gaped.

  “I guess you two talked about it and decided everything was alright, huh? You gave her the go-ahead?” Shanice asked with a smile.

  The question took my mind off of Lorelei trying to force more of Reg’s black cock into her throat.

  We hadn’t really talked about it. We’d been too busy fucking. And I hadn’t really given any sort of go-head. “It’s sort of implied, I think,” I answered so as not to leave the question hanging.

  “Oh,” she said, her smile widening a little. “That’s alright.”

  It was a weird exchange but I forgot about it almost immediately. I turned my attention back to the gurgling sounds of Lorelei choking on cock.

  Reg was staring down at her, one hand on the small of his back, the other at the base of his shaft. “What do you say, Reg?” he asked, turning up to look at me. “You ready to see your wife take another man’s cock?” He punctuated the question with his characteristic grin.

  It was a sobering and terrifying thing to hear. While I’d fantasized about that very thing, hearing it said out loud, as Reg had done, brought a whole new element to it.

  This was for real. We weren’t fucking around any more, so to speak. He was really
asking if he could put his cock into my wife.

  I nodded, my mouth hanging open a little in disbelief at what I was about to let him do.

  Reg smiled and Shanice gave an approving nod beside me. Reaching down, he put his finger on Lorelei’s chin and gently pushed her away, removing his cock from her mouth.

  Lorelei slumped down onto her haunches, panting with her tongue hanging out. She looked like a lap dog that had run too hard.

  And she could not take her eyes off of Reg’s cock. She reached up and tried to wrap her hand around it, even leaned forward licking her lips like she wanted it back in her mouth.

  Reg let out a low chuckle as he helped her up to her feet. “I know, baby, I know,” he said quietly.

  I wondered what it was he knew, exactly? Did he know what that look in her eyes meant? Did he know why Lorelei was acting so funny, like the only thing she could think about was having him in her mouth again?

  I turned to Shanice, hoping she might provide some explanation without being prompted.

  Reg took Lorelei by the arm and led her towards the stairs.

  I moved to follow but Shanice put her hand on my arm and held me back. “Say, Jake?” she said.


  Shanice looked at me with a sort of placating smile. “Can I ask you something before we go up?”

  “Uh, sure. What is it?” I was getting pretty impatient. I could already hear Lorelei moaning quietly up the stairs and I didn’t want to miss any of what was happening.

  “Have you ever heard the expression ‘once you’ve had black… ‘” A shudder rushed down my spine, prompting me to burst into a nervous laugh.

  Shanice gave me a puzzled look.

  “You’re… you’re joking, right?” I asked.

  “Joking?” Shanice replied. “About what?”

  “About that saying. You don’t really expect me to believe it’s true, do you?”

  Shanice’s smile returned and she shrugged. “I’m just saying, Reg has had a funny effect on the some of the couples we’ve shared, particularly the women.”

  Lorelei’s moans grew louder from the upstairs. I looked towards the staircase. All I really wanted to do was run up there and see what was going on. Yet, something compelled me to stay and finish talking to Shanice. “Funny, how?” I asked.


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