Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

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Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Page 60

by Burns, David D.

drugs as treatment for, xx–xxi

  effects of, 28

  environmental influences role in, 428–31

  Freud on, 144

  genetic influences role in, 428–31, 460–62

  hopelessness and, 387, 405–6

  identifying silent assumptions downward-arrow method, 264–88

  medical science’s approach to, 403–4

  mild chronic, 24

  National Institute of Mental Health on, 16–17

  negative self-evaluation, 54–56

  negative thinking and, 28–29, 47–48, 58–59

  physical symptoms of, 25–26, 432

  prevalency of, 9

  as product of mental slippage, 13

  psychotherapy for, xxi–xxii

  realistic, 233

  relapses, xxvii–xxviii, 492

  sadness and, 231–32

  schizophrenia and, 57–58

  self-dislike and, 53

  sexual drive and, 58

  suicide and, 383

  willpower and, 81

  see also antidepressant drug therapy; suicidal individual

  Depression: Causes and Treatment (Beck), 53, 383n

  Depression: Clinical, Experimental & Theoretical Aspects (Beck), 53n

  Descartes, René, 455

  desipramine (Norpramin, Pertofrane), 518

  side effects, 531

  Desyrel, 451–52, 484, 521, 599

  doses, 600

  drug interactions, 603–5

  side effects, 600–3, 601

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), xxvi

  disapproval, 301–9

  fear of, 290–92

  self-respect and, 301–9

  disarming critics, 137–42

  disarming technique, 117–19

  disattribution, 225–26

  disqualifying the positive, 34–36, 42

  divalproex sodium (Depakote), 522

  do-nothingism, 81–130

  coercion, 92

  examples of, 83

  fear of disapproval or criticism, 92

  fear of failure, 90–91

  fear of success, 91–92

  guilt, 93

  hopelessness, 82

  jumping to conclusions, 89

  low frustration tolerance, 92–93

  overwhelming oneself, 89

  perfectionism, 90

  resentment, 92

  self-activation methods, 94–130

  self-blame, 93

  self-labeling, 89–90

  undervaluing the rewards, 90

  doxepin (Adapin, Sinequan), 484, 518

  side effects, 531

  DSM. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

  Dunton, William G., xx

  Dyer, Wayne, 162–63

  Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS), 270–89, 296

  interpreting your score, 285–89

  scoring, 281–84

  Dysfunctional Thoughts, Daily Record of, 65–67, 66, 100–4, 101–3, 106–7, 170, 208

  dysthymic disorder, 24

  eating disorders, cognitive therapy for, xxiii

  Effexor,450, 521, 611–12

  doses, 612–14

  drug interactions, 614–15

  side effects, 608, 614

  Einstein, Albert, 160, 163

  Elavil, 448–49, 518

  side effects, 499–500, 530

  Eldepryl, 444

  side effects, 573

  Ellis, Albert, 10n, 116

  emotional reasoning, 38, 42, 79

  empathy, 135–37, 207

  accurate, 184–85

  empathy method, 304–6

  Endep, side effects, 530

  endorsing yourself, 109–10

  enlightened manipulation, 177–80

  entitlement, DAS test score and, 287–88

  environmental influences, role in depression, 428–31

  Eskalith, 522

  facts, feelings and, 47–48

  failure, fear of, 90–91

  fairness, relativity of, 160–62

  fear of criticism, 92

  overcoming, 131–44

  fear of disapproval, 92, 290–92

  fear of failure, 90–91

  fear of success, 91–92

  feedback, 141–44

  Feeling Good (Burns), xxix–xxx

  Feeling Good Handbook (Burns), xxix

  feelings, facts and, 47–48

  Floyd, Mark, xxviii

  fluoxetine (Prozac), 449–50, 484, 520

  side effects, 503–4

  fluvoxamine (Luvox), 484, 520

  fortune teller error, 37, 42

  Freud, Sigmund, 55–56, 144, 153, 198

  frustration, 195–96

  gabapentin (Neurontin), 522, 651–53

  doses, 653–54

  drug interactions, 655–58

  side effects, 654–55, 656–57

  Gabitril, 651–52

  Garfield, Sol L., 459

  generic drugs, 516

  genetic influences, role in depression, 428–31, 460–62

  The Gerontologist, xxiii

  Goldstein, Mark K., 178

  gratification, 316–18

  “grieving” method, 308–9

  guilt, 93–94, 198–228

  cycle of, 203–4

  defeating, 207–28

  distortions causing, 199

  inappropriate “should” statements, 201–3

  irresponsibility of, 204–7

  thoughts leading to, 198–99

  habit management, 122

  Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), xxiv–xxvii

  happiness, success and, 329–30

  healthy sadness, 254–55

  helplessness, 88

  coping with, 419–22

  heroin, 330

  Hitler, Adolf, 292, 331

  hopelessness, 88, 472–73

  depression and, 387–88, 404–5

  suicidal individuals and, 386–87, 400, 404–5

  Horney, Karen, 10n

  hostility, coping with, 411–16, 415

  HRSD. See Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

  human worth scale, 235

  hyperpyretic crisis, 575–77

  how to avoid, 577–79

  medications and drugs to avoid concerning, 583–99

  hypertensive crisis, 575–77

  foods to avoid concerning, 579–82

  how to avoid, 577–79

  medications and drugs to avoid concerning, 583–98

  illusions, 31–32

  imaging techniques, 169–72

  imipramine (Tofranil), 13, 448–49, 519

  vs. Prozac, 516

  side effects, 531

  imipramine pamoate (Tofranil PM), 519

  independence, 296–309

  cost-benefit analysis, 296–98

  disapproval and, 301–8

  need for love, 312–13, 314, 324–26

  rejection and, 301–9

  self-respect blueprint, 298–300

  verbal techniques, 300–1

  Inderal, 502

  ingratitude, coping with, 416–19, 418

  internal dialogue, 30

  internalized anger, 153

  iproniazid, 443–44

  irrational statements, 159–60

  Irritability Quotient, 149

  calculating, 152–53

  isocarboxazid (Marplan), 572

  Jamison, Christine, xxiii, xxviii

  Jews, 292

  job, loss of, 240–50

  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, xxiii

  jumping to conclusions, 36, 42, 89

  Kaiser facility, 22n

  labeling, 39–40, 43, 157

  Lamictal, 522, 658–59

  lamotrigine (Lamictal), 522, 658–59

  Lazarus, Arnold, 10n

  learning to expect craziness, 176–77

  Lethargy Cycle, 86, 87

  life, loss of, 233–36

  malignant attitudes toward, 234

  limb, loss of, 237

  distorted attitudes toward, 237–38

  lithium (Eskalith), 26, 522, 617–20

  blood testing, 621–22

  doses, 620–21

  drug interactions, 629–34, 630–31

  medical tests prior to treatment with, 621–22

  side effects, 502, 623–29

  loneliness, being alone and, 313–18

  loss of job, 240–50

  loss of life, 233–36

  malignant attitude toward, 233–34

  loss of limb, 237–40

  distorted attitudes toward, 234

  loss of a loved one, 251–54

  love, 286–87

  DAS test score and, 285

  need for, 311–26

  love junkie, analysis of the presumed “advantages” of being a, 314–15

  loved one, loss of, 251–54

  low frustration tolerance, 92–93

  Ludiomil, 519

  side effects, 536

  Luvox, 484, 520

  magnification, 37–38, 42, 158

  maladaptive anger, 164

  mania, symptoms of, 26–27

  manipulative rejection, 303–4

  Manson, Charles, 292

  MAO, 438

  MAO inhibitors, 444–48, 514, 520, 564–67

  doses, 567–69

  foods to avoid when taking, 579–82, 580–81

  medications and drugs to avoid when taking, 583–98, 584–90

  names, doses, and costs, 520

  side effects, 569–75, 572–73

  toxic reactions caused by, 575–79

  maprotiline (Ludiomil), 519

  side effects, 536

  Marplan, 572

  Marshall, E., 18n

  medical science approaches to depressive illness, 403–4

  mental disorders, major, symptoms of, 26

  mental filter, 34, 42

  mid-life crisis, 400–3

  mind reading, 36, 42, 143

  minimization, 38, 42

  Minnet, Ann M., xxix

  minor tranquilizers (benzodiazepines), 671–73

  mirtazapine (Remeron), 452, 521, 615

  doses, 615–16

  drug interactions, 617

  side effects, 609, 616–17

  mislabeling, 38–39, 43

  monoamine oxidase. See MAO

  monoamine oxidase inhibitors. See MAO inhibitors

  Monroe, Marilyn, 57

  Mood Clinic (University of Pennsylvania), 10, 10n, 13, 412,413

  mood-control techniques of cognitive therapy, 11

  mood stabilizers, 515

  carbamazepine (Tegretol), 640–51

  gabapentin (Neurontin), 651–58

  lithium (Eskalith), 617–34

  names, doses, and costs, 522

  side effects, 624–25

  tiagabine (Gabitril), 651–52

  valproic acid, 634–40

  vigabatrin (Sabril), 651–52

  mood swings, 263, 385, 399

  Moorey, Stirling, 223

  Moorey moaner method, 223–24


  action and, 125–27

  coercion and, 92, 116–17

  motivational paralysis, 86

  “Mourning and Melancholia” (Freud), 56

  Murphy, George E., 459

  musterbation, 39, 116

  Nardil, 444, 520

  side effects, 572

  National Institute of Mental Health, 17–18

  need for love, 311–26

  attitude modification, 320–26

  dependency and, 311, 312–15, 324–25

  independence and, 313–14, 324–25

  Pleasure-Predicting Sheet, 318–24

  nefazodone (Serzone), 451–52, 521, 599

  doses, 600

  drug interactions, 603–5

  side effects, 600–3, 601

  negative self-evaluation, 53–54

  negative thinking, 244

  depression and, 28–29, 48–49, 57–58

  negotiation, 142–44, 182–84

  neuroleptics, 675–76

  Neurontin, 522, 651–53

  doses, 653–54

  drug interactions, 655–58

  side effects, 654–55, 656–57

  nihilism, 394

  nondirective therapy, 60

  Norpramin, 518

  side effects, 531

  nortriptyline (Aventyl), 519

  side effects, 532

  Novaco, Raymond W., 150n

  obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 484

  OCD. See obsessive-compulsive disorder

  Oedipal incestuous fantasies, 198

  omnipotence, DAS test score and, 288

  operationalization, 339

  original sin, 198

  overcoming perfectionism, 352–80

  absurdity of all-or-nothing thinking, 372

  advantages and disadvantages, 354

  Antiperfectionism Sheet, 356–58

  benefiting from failure, 361–66

  developing process orientation, 367–69

  focusing on happy memories, 378–79

  focusing on positive side, 372

  learning to make mistakes, 370–71

  learning from mistakes, 380

  lowering one’s standards, 354, 379

  personal disclosure, 374–78

  as a realistic goal, 358

  Response-Prevention Form, 361–62

  the role of fear, 360

  setting time limits on one’s activities, 370

  overgeneralization, 33–34, 42

  overwhelming yourself, 89

  Parnate, 444, 484

  side effects, 573

  paroxetine (Paxil), 520

  passive-aggressive type, 85

  passive death wish, 386

  Paxil, 520

  PDR. See Physician’s Desk Reference

  perfectionism, 90

  DAS test score and, 285

  overcoming, 352–80

  personal inadequacy, 53–55

  personality disorders, cognitive therapy for, xxii

  personalization, 40–41, 200

  Pertofrane, side effects, 531

  PET scanning. See positron emission tomography

  phenelzine (Nardil), 444, 520

  side effects, 572

  physical handicaps, 237–40

  Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR), 512

  Pleasure-Predicting Sheet, 104–7, 105, 318–22, 579, 349, 350

  polypharmacy, 476–77, 677–81

  positive, the, disqualifying, 34–35, 42

  positron emission tomography (PET scanning), xxii

  pregnant women, antidepressants and, 480

  Prinze, Freddie, 57

  procrastination, 38, 83–84, 86

  productive anger, 163–64

  productivity scale, 235

  propranolol (Inderal), 502

  protriptyline (Vivactil), 519

  side effects, 532

  Prozac, 427, 449–50, 484, 501, 520

  vs. imipramine, 516

  side effects, 503–4

  psychotherapy, 12, 403

  vs. biological treatments, 456–73

  myths concerning, 468–73

  studies concerning, 457–60

  “Psychotherapy vs. Medication for Depression,” xx

  “Psychotherapy Works, but for Whom?” (Marshall), 18n

  rational responses (self-defense), 244

  realistic depressions, 232–33

  reasoning, emotional, 38, 42, 79

  reducing anger, methods of

  accurate empathy, 184–91

  anger hierarchy, 191–92

  cognitive rehearsal, 191–94

  cooling hot thoughts, 167–69

  develop the desire, 165–67

  enlightened manipulation, 177–80

  imaging techniques, 169–72

  learn to expect craziness, 176–77

  negotiating strategies, 182–84

  putting it all together, 191–94<
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  rewrite the rules, 172–74

  “should” reduction, 180

  thought stoppage, 172

  rejection, 301–7

  recovering from, 308–9

  relativity of fairness, 160–62

  Remeron, 452, 521, 615

  doses, 615–16

  drug interactions, 617

  side effects, 609, 616–17

  remorse, 199

  resentment, 92

  response prevention, 360

  Response-Prevention Form, 361

  revenge, developing desire for, 165–67

  rewriting the rules, 172–74

  Rothko, Mark, 57.

  Sabril, 651–52


  depression and, 231–32

  without suffering, 254–55

  Santrock, John W., xxix

  Schatzberg, Alan F., 574, 598, 627, 640, 643, 658, 662, 663

  schizophrenia, depression and, 57

  Schwartz, Jeffrey M., xxi–xxii, 457

  Science, 18n

  Scogin, Forest, xxiii, xxiv, xxviii

  sedatives, 673–75

  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. See SSR inhibitors

  selegiline (Eldepryl), 444

  side effects, 573

  Self-Activation Methods, synopsis of, 128–30

  self-approval, 309–10

  self-blame, 93

  self-criticism, 62–67, 68, 76–77, 134, 243, 261

  triple-column technique concerning, 63

  self-defeating behavior, 84–85

  self-defense, 62–67, 68, 76–77, 134, 141, 244, 248–49

  self-dislike, 53

  self-esteem, 235, 261–62

  accomplishments and, 327–40

  the achievement trap, 345–51

  boosting, 53–80

  four paths to, 341–45

  Pleasure-Predicting Sheet, 349–50

  specific methods for, 62–80

  self-evaluation, negative, 55–56

  self-labeling, 89–90

  self-respect, 296–309

  blueprint for, 298–300

  cost-benefit analysis, 296–98, 297–98

  disapproval and, 301–9

  rejection and, 301–9

  verbal techniques, 300–1

  sense of worthlessness, overcoming, 59–61

  serotonin, 440–41

  serotonin antagonists, 514, 599

  doses, 599

  drug interactions, 603–5

  names, doses, and costs, 521

  side effects, 601

  sertraline (Zoloft), 520

  Serzone, 451–52, 521, 599

  doses, 600

  drug interactions, 603–5

  side effects, 600–3, 601

  sexual drive, depression and, 58–59

  “should” statements, 39, 42, 175, 181, 208–11

  side effects, antidepressant drugs, 492–98

  checklist, 494–96

  preventing or minimizing, 501–5

  reasons for, 498–501

  silent assumptions, 262–63

  cost-benefit method for evaluating, 297–98

  downward-arrow technique, 264–70

  Dysfunctional Attitude Scale, 270–89, 296

  vertical-arrow technique, 263–70

  Simons, Anne D., 459

  Sinequan, 484, 518

  side effects, 531


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