Rock God_Book 1_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

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Rock God_Book 1_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 6

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “I’m coming. Oh my god. Don’t stop. Don’t stop!” she yelled as she grabbed the pillow and pulled it over her face, like she had the first time she climaxed with me. I could hear her muffled scream through the pillow as her bucking increased to a frantic pace. Timing it as well as I could judge, I pushed my cock into her as deep as it would go, while I pulled down on her hips. I felt my tip push against her cervix and I held it there. Her pussy clamped down hard on my dick, and, for a few seconds, I couldn’t really tell where she ended and I began. Then her pussy started to spasm around my cock as her body thrashed. Her climax seemed to last five minutes, all the while her body tried to pull away from my penis, but I had a death grip on her hips, and my dick didn’t move from the spot against her cervix.

  Finally, her body relaxed, and her hips fell back onto the bed. She pulled the pillow off the head and looked up at me with complete adoration on her face.

  “Wow” was all she could get out between deep breaths. I smiled down at her and moved to reposition my body.

  I slipped half way out of her, but I hadn’t come. My dick was still rock hard, and I needed some release. I sat back on my shins and pulled her butt down to touch my knees. I was kneeling on the bed with my body straight up, so I moved my hands to her thighs and gently pulled her legs straight out in front of me. This allowed me to get my cock deep in her at an angle that was more comfortable for me. I started off slow again, pushing it in very deep, and then slowly pulling it all the way out. Her pussy was so wet that it made amazing sucking sounds as my cock left her and then slid back into her. Within half a minute, her eyes were closed and she was moaning again.

  This position was still missionary, but I was able to lift her hips off the bed and get better access. It felt amazing, but I kept the thrusts agonizing slow, and deep. I wanted to enjoy her pussy as much as I could tonight, and I knew if I picked up the pace, I would come really quickly.

  “Ohhh, Kelly, your pussy feels so good. Your body feels so nice against mine,” I said, to her while I slowly slid in. I hadn’t been doing much talking during this session, so I figured she may like to hear me compliment her. I was right. She opened her mouth as if she was in pain, and gasped out a response.

  “Your cock is so fucking hard. Oh my god. You are going to make me come again. Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhh!” she cried out as her hips started to buck. Wow. I wasn’t close yet, but her coming again put me over the edge. I started to slam into her again, but, at this better angle, the wet sounds of our bodies’ lovemaking became urgent as we raced toward orgasm. When it hit both of us, we moaned in unison. I felt my cock spasm four or five times as it filled the condom with my cum. Her orgasm lasted longer than mine, but not as long as one she enjoyed ten minutes ago.

  I lay panting on top of her, recovering from the work out. She was moaning soft, mewing sounds of contentment from underneath me. I looked down into her big, brown eyes and gave her a deep kiss. She returned it with a zealous passion. My dick was still hard in her, so I carefully grabbed the base of the condom and pulled out. I heard her shift in the bed and saw her reach for the glass of water.

  “Would it make you feel weird if I told you that you were the best lover I’ve ever had?” she said as she finished a huge gulp of water.

  “Ummm, I guess that is a great compliment. Unless I’m the only guy you have been with.” I peeled the condom off and threw it in the trash. She eyed my dick hungrily from the bed.

  “Holy crap, you are still hard.”

  “Yeah. It doesn’t like to calm down till like, twenty minutes after sex.”


  “Well, it feels like that, but I am probably exaggerating. I just get excited easily and stay that way forever.”

  “That’s good for me. Ummmmm.” She sighed again. “I’m going to sleep like a baby. Let’s just eat breakfast in bed and then screw all day tomorrow?” She arranged the covers of my bed around her and turned off the lamp on the nightstand.

  “Sounds good to me. I’m going to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Be right back.”

  “Oh yeah, I guess I need to do that, too. I’ll go after you,” she said sleepily.

  When I got out of the bathroom, she was already passed out.

  Chapter 12

  The next day was Sunday. We did have breakfast in bed; we did screw each other right after breakfast, and then we went for a drive through the Malibu Canyon area and had dinner at a little hamburger joint on the beach.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you something,” she said between a mouthful of french fries. I looked at her around my burger, with an eyebrow raised. “I’m going to be out of town next weekend. We are playing Fresno State on Saturday and then Cal Poly on Sunday. So, I won’t be back till super late Sunday night.”

  “Ahh, that sucks. Can we see each other this week?” I really was disappointed.

  “I really want to, but I am going to be swamped with practices and getting my school work done.” She must have seen the disappointment on my face. “I totally want to see you though. Ummm, how about coming to one of my practices? We are having a scrimmage against those bear-loving bitches from Westwood on Tuesday night at our gym. It isn’t a real game, but you could come hang out, and we could probably do some extra-credit physical activities afterwards.” She looked pleased with this idea. “The game is at half past seven, in the second gym.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I’ll totally come and see you.”

  After the burgers, we took a long stroll on the beach. The water of the Pacific was too cold to walk through, even though it was a warm November night. When we got back to my apartment, we fucked like rabbits again, and she spent the night.

  Chapter 13

  I was on the way to Kelly’s game, when Jack called me.

  “Hey Jack, what’s up? How was Catalina?”

  “Oh man, it was really fun!” He launched into an in-depth description of what he did each day. Aimee’s parents sounded richer than the Catholic Church. They took a private yacht over there, stayed in a mansion on the beach, complete with maids and cooks. Then they spent the days snorkeling, kayaking, and eating.

  “Was Aimee’s family cool with you?” I asked him.

  “Dude, they were totally awesome. Her dad and mom are down to earth, and I was able to get to know them really well. I think they like me, a lot.” He sounded like he was walking on a cloud.

  “That’s because you are so likeable dude. Everyone loves you! Wasn’t it Aimee’s sister’s birthday or something?” I had forgotten why they took a trip over there, during an off season.

  “Oh yeah. Check it out. They got her into this, like, crazy art school in Italy. She is going there next year to study.”

  “Whoa. Are they looking to adopt? I’d love to go to Italy.”

  “Haha yeah, they can adopt me too. They are really cool dude. I guess Beth has, like, three or four degrees in heavy sciences, like biology and engineering. Apparently, she is on this art kick and just got back from Oxford, doing painting and shit there. They pay for her to go to a different school every year.” Ahh, so the sister’s name was Beth.

  “I recall Aimee telling me she was pretty smart.”

  “Yeah, she was nice. Didn’t talk to me much, but that was fine. She probably thought I was some dumb jock. I was just happy to be invited to hang out with them.”

  “Sounds like you had a great time, dude.” I just parked my car and was walking toward the campus gyms. I had never been to the kinesiology area of school, so I didn’t know exactly where I was going. I hit the button on my keychain, and the car beeped and locked. New cars were sweet.

  “Oh shit, dude, I forgot to tell you; I got a new car.”

  “Awesome! What did you get?” And I told him about the day at the auto mall. I left out the part with Kelly. In retrospect, I just didn’t feel like telling him about it while I was en route to the game. Maybe if I had been talking to him when I was on the couch at home. We small-talked for a bit longer about clas
ses and his LSAT study course. Then I found my way to the second gym.

  “Hey dude, I just got to the volleyball game, so we’ll have to talk later,” I interrupted him.

  “Volleyball? You don’t like volleyball.”

  “Yeah, but I like girls. And girls play volleyball,” I said with a smirk.

  “Hahaha, that’s true. Oh crap, I totally forgot the reason I called you. We’re going to be hanging out this weekend. My parents are out of town and asked me to house-sit their new place. They said I could have a few friends over. I figured we could hang out Saturday, BBQ or something, then hit a club at night, maybe we could all spend the night. Their new house has, like, six bedrooms.”

  “Hmmm, that could be fun.” I thought about Aimee being there, but the way he said it meant he probably wanted his new group of friends to be there. Kelly was going to be gone, so I figured it would be fun. Besides, the last time I hung out with them, I had a great time and ended up getting a sweet job out of it.

  “Yeah, I’ll come. Can you text me their new address and what time you want me to come over?”

  “You got it, dude. Love ya!” and he hung up.

  I closed the phone, checked the time, and walked into the gym. I saw the net up and about thirty tall girls practicing drills. I looked for a place to sit and saw that the bleachers on one side were not extracted, so I went to sit on the other side, where there were observers. Since this wasn’t an actual game, there were only a handful of people observing in the stands. Maybe like twenty or so, most of them seemed to be parents or younger volleyball players from the local high school.

  I just grabbed the closest seat in the second row near the door, and I ended up on the same side of the court as the Westwood girls. I contemplated moving, but then reasoned this way I could see Kelly’s face when she was hitting the ball. It might be funny to see how similar her facial expressions were when she was concentrating on hitting the ball to when she was doing other… activities. I found her in the crowd of girls. Her hair was too short to be tied back, like most of her teammates, but she seemed to be hitting the ball back to her partner easily. I really had no idea how this game was played.

  After fifteen more minutes of warm up, both sides paused and got into a tight circle. They each wrapped their arms around each other and leaned their heads in. Okay, that was kind of hot. Then they broke up, and all but six girls left each side. Looks like there were six on each team.

  “Hi Eric!” someone yelled at the top of her lungs from the other side of the court. I looked over and saw one of the girls who was on the court getting ready to play, jumping up and waving to me. It was Stephanie, a girl who was in a few of my classes, and I think she was a sorority sister of Kelly’s. Stephanie was the closest thing you could get to a class clown in my business classes, and she had been in a couple of my study groups. All of the girls from my school looked over at me and erupted into laughter. Kelly had a big smile on her face as she waved to me. I tried not to turn eight shades of red when I realized even the girls on the other team were looking over at me, with a puzzled expression.

  Kelly’s coach barked an order, and the girls put on their game faces instantly and bent half-way at the waist. Kelly was up front, near the net. A whistle blew and one of the Westwood girls served the ball.

  I couldn’t really figure out what was going on during the game, and I felt like a bit of an ass for not even looking up the rules online, but I could tell you one thing for damn sure: Girls’ volleyball was awesome. All the girls were tall, in great shape, pretty, and made sexy grunting noises when they threw their bodies around the court to smack the ball over the net. I looked around and couldn’t believe I was the only college-age guy sitting in the stands.

  Kelly seemed to be really good at the game. She had this cat-like leap where she would bend her whole body backwards like a bow and then snap it forward, slamming her fist into the ball, spiking it down where none of the other team’s girls seemed to be standing. I lost track of how many times she did this, but she did it way more than any of the other girls playing. She also seemed to be able to jump higher than most of the Westwood girls, and she blocked them from spiking the ball over the net many times.

  The game lasted a bit over an hour. I didn’t see any score board, but it seemed to end suddenly when Kelly spiked the ball one last time. Her teammates let out a cheer and the other team seemed depressed. I guess we won.

  The girls crossed through the net and shook each other’s hands, then they retreated back to their respective sides to talk to their coaches. My phone beeped with a text. I flipped it open, hoping it was Jack with the address. It was Aimee.

  I am so excited you are coming this weekend! We are going to have tons of fun.

  Okay, I am going to choose to take this to mean she is just really excited to see me, and not that she is hitting on me. I quickly typed one back to her.

  Should be fun. Make sure Jack gets me the address!

  “Eric?” a voice called to me from above. I looked up and was surprised to see Katherine standing in front of me. She was wearing a blue and yellow volleyball uniform. I hadn’t even noticed her playing, but I had been concentrating on Kelly, only sparing a glance to Westwood girls when something interesting happened. Katherine was flanked on each side by a teammate. A tall, good-looking blonde with her hair tied back in a tight ponytail and an equally-tall, cute Asian girl in short pigtails. Katherine looked surprised to see me too.

  “Hey Katherine! How is it going?” I scrambled for something to say. I closed my phone and smiled at her.

  “Really good! I saw you walk in and I thought I’d come say hello. Oh, this is Gina and Kim,” she said, nodding to the blonde and Asian girl. I stood up and shook both their hands.

  “Nice to meet you both,” I said to them. They checked me out and smiled back at me.

  “I was really surprised to see you, but then I remembered you went to this school… and maybe you knew some of the girls we played against?” Her statement bent into a question at the end, and I could see her fishing for info. Her green eyes met mine, and I realized they had tiny flecks of brown in them. The perspiration on her forehead made her look even sexier than I recalled, and she probably wasn’t wearing any make up.

  “Yeah, I am dating one of the girls on the team. She invited me to see the game tonight since she is going to be traveling this weekend.” I didn’t know if I was using the correct terminology. Were they matches or games?

  “Oh, that is really nice of you to come see the match. Who are you dating?” she asked innocently, while she broke eye contact with me to glance over at Kelly’s team, which was still huddled around their coach. I didn’t realize I was answering till the words already left my mouth.

  “Kelly Anderson. I don’t know if you kn-”

  “You’re dating Kelly Anderson?” the Asian girl, Kim I recalled, said a little startled. The three of them looked shocked, and I was suddenly confused.

  “Yeah… Umm, why the surprised look?” I said, searching their faces for a clue.

  “Oh, nothing bad,” Katherine said quickly, with an apology. “She is just really good. She’s on your varsity team and is only a sophomore. She is probably going to make Big West Honors this year.”

  “Yeah, she is fricking killing us,” Gina moaned. I noticed that fact during the match.

  “So, how long have you been dating?” Katherine said. It was a prying question, and I was actually surprised she asked it, but I couldn’t think of a way of not answering without pissing her off. I also figured I would be hanging out with her and Jack’s crew this weekend, so I wanted to be on good terms with her. So telling her it was none of her fucking business probably wouldn’t be a smart move.

  “We went out a few times last semester and just started hanging out again last week.” The three of them bobbed their heads as they listened to what I said.

  “Oh, so it is not that serious,” Katherine said. It was a statement and not a question.

  My p
hone beeped. It was in my left hand, and the three of them looked at it as I glanced down. It was Jack with the address. I slipped it into my pocket. My face looked annoyed as I realized they must have thought I was annoyed at the phone and not at them. Or maybe they figured I was annoyed with them, but they just didn’t care. Women.

  “Hey sweetie,” Kelly said as she stepped in from my left side and wrapped her arm around my waist. She kissed me on the cheek and then looked at the Katherine and her friends. The look was not friendly. “I invite you to a game and you end up distracting the other team. I think I found a new secret weapon,” she said coyly.

  “Hi Kelly,” Katherine said, flatly. “See you around, Eric.” She looked back to me and winked, so Kelly could see. Then they turned and walked back to the other girls on their team, packing up their gear.

  “So, what did you think about the scrimmage?” she asked me, but she was looking at Katherine’s back. It seemed like she was trying to figure out how to shoot lasers out of her eyes.

  “It was impressive. You are really good!” I said. I squeezed her hand and her attention turned back to me. Her eyes twinkled, anger forgotten, as she looked at my face and smiled. She loved being complimented.

  “Of course I’m good! I kick ass at everything I do.” I laughed with her. “Let’s get out of here. I’m starving! Let’s go grab giant burritos or something.” She slung her gym bag over her left shoulder, waved to her giggling friends. She locked her right arm with mine as we walked toward the door. I noticed she glanced over her shoulder at the blue-uniformed girls before we got out the gym. Probably to make sure they were watching us leave.

  Chapter 14

  The week went by quickly. Eliminating the study groups really helped, and I felt like a weight had been released from around my neck. I was kicking ass at work too. I started making cold calls and was actually able to get ten appointments my first week. This was better than they expected. I was introduced to all of the advisors and started to get to know most of them. They all had their own style when they worked with clients, and I made sure I asked them as many questions as I could. I even fixed some of the computers in the office that hadn’t been working; I just reformatted the hard drives, and reinstalled the operating system, something Jack and I learned one summer in high school when we built a pair of computers.


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