Rock God_Book 1_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

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Rock God_Book 1_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy Page 8

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “I thought she was cuter than…Gina?” She nodded. “But, she isn’t as pretty as you are.” Which was true in my opinion.

  “So, you think I am pretty?” Katherine stopped smiling.

  “Of course, I’m probably not the first guy to tell you that you are,” I fired back.

  “No. Guys tell me all the time. It is still good to hear it. Especially from you.” Her face twisted for a second, but now I was interested.

  “Especially from me?” I leaned forward with my eyebrow raised.

  “Yeah. You are totally hot. But you thought Kim was cute right? I mean, obviously she isn’t as hot as me, but you like her.” She was trying to change the subject.

  “I didn’t really get to talk to her. I just said hi.”

  “Well, she wants your phone number, so I just gave it to her. Maybe, she’ll call you,” she said, with laughter in her eyes.

  “Oh jeez,” I moaned.

  “Haha don’t be such a prude. She has a great body and is crazy in bed. You’ll enjoy her.” She waved her finger in the air like she was trying to test the weather. I almost spit out my tea with how blunt her statement was.

  “How do you know she is crazy in bed?” My brain went a million directions at once. She read the confusion on my face and laughed loudly.

  “Oh Eric, you haven’t been hanging out with enough volleyball girls. We don’t have any secrets. Also, it gets pretty lonely in hotel rooms when we are traveling to matches and there are no boys nearby.” She looked like a cat that had just eaten a canary. I had to pick my jaw off the ground. I felt my cock start to get hard when I thought of Kim and Katherine making out (in their volleyball uniforms of course) on the bed of some hotel room.

  “And the best part about Kim, the part you will really love…” she glanced over my shoulder at the door, and then leaned in close as she started to whisper. I leaned in automatically so she was softly whispering in my ear. “…is that we share everything.” Her breath came out in a sultry whisper. I sat back up in shock and looked at her. Okay. Now I was rock hard and my head filled with me on that bed, with the two of them. Katherine looked at me for a few seconds, with a smug smile on her face.

  Then she burst out laughing.

  She bent back on her chair and grabbed her sides. Her skirt rose to the top of her thighs and I could make out the contours of her sleek muscles. She gasped at me in between laughs.

  “Oh my god! Guys are so predictable. You should see your face right now. I got you so good!” She laughed so hard she actually snorted and covered her mouth in embarrassment with her left hand, but didn’t stop laughing. She had set me up. I started to laugh with her. The intensity of the conversation dispersed. Visions of her, Kim, and I together on the bed evaporated.

  “What’s so funny?” It was Aimee; she and Jack were coming back to sit at the table.

  “It is Eric. Oh jeeeez, he is hilarious. I love him,” Katherine said, with a smile. “I need to go to the little girl’s room before I pee myself with all this laughing. Be back.” She sprang out of her seat and gave me a big smile as she walked past me toward the house.

  Aimee and Jack sat down, and the three of us engaged in small talk. Eventually, the rest of the gang joined us. Samantha and Brent seemed to be into each other now. I figured that was the best outcome of the situation, so I was pleased.

  Reservations were made at the restaurant for seven o’clock, so the girls excused themselves to get ready at five. I thought they all looked stunning, but apparently they couldn’t go out to dinner in the same clothes they wore a few hours before. Patrick told me his car would fit all of us, and he wasn’t going to drink till we got back later tonight. I was relieved. I really didn’t want to drive someone else’s large car, especially if it was my boss’ son. I was used to a tiny Honda and even my new car felt huge to me.

  Six o’clock rolled around and the guys decided we should get ready. I went up to my room and changed into my nicer pair of pants and a dark-blue, button-down shirt. It had thin, light orange-and-white stripes going down it. It was a gift from my parents a few years ago. I briefly wondered if it was still in style. But then I figured guy’s fashion didn’t change as much as women’s.

  I went out to the TV room, and Jack was already out there flipping through channels. I sat down and, within a minute, Patrick and Brent joined us in their new attire. The girls were still getting ready. Jack’s attire was similar to mine, but with a purple shirt. I made a guess; he wore purple for Aimee. Patrick was wearing a pastel-green, long-sleeved collared shirt that showed off his large muscles. Brent was wearing a carefully frayed, gray sweater turtleneck with a huge silver belt buckle at his waist.

  We chatted about the current college basketball brackets. I wasn’t that into sports, but their school was playing Florida next weekend, and they were pretty excited.

  “We are ready to go!” Aimee called out from the hallway. I heard the clicking of heels as the girls came out of the hallway and into the TV room.

  Damn. We were lucky guys. They all looked fantastic.

  Katherine had been my interest so far today, so my eyes drank her in first. Her hair was pulled high on the back of her head with a silver clip that had a large piece of turquoise in it. It fell down her neck in soft waves that made a nice back-drop for her matching turquoise earrings. She had on a tight-fitting, chocolate-brown dress which scooped low enough to show the cleavage of her small, firm breasts. From her neck was a long necklace with more turquoise accents. The dress ended sensually, high on her upper thigh, and I couldn’t imagine it would be easy to dance in or bend over in. There was a silver charm bracelet on her left wrist and a chocolate leather band on her right that had another piece of turquoise in it. Her shoes were leather, strappy things that had three-inch heels and bits of metal charm material dangling from where they wrapped and tied at her shins. Her eyes met mine as she smiled and winked at me through long eyelashes. She had dusky green eyeliner that was expertly applied.

  Daya had her black hair loose and down over her shoulders. She had huge, silver loop earrings and a matching sheer, silver-colored dress that was tight on her upper body but then flared out at the waist to fall around her ankles. There was a long slit on the left side of the dress that ran up to a high spot on the thigh. It looked flowing and graceful, like something a dancer would wear. Her shoes and jewelry all matched the dress, silver in color. The only color that accented her body was a large, green jade medallion which hung around her neck and settled between the dark, tan skin of her breasts.

  Samantha’s hair fell to her shoulders in the same style she had worn that afternoon. She had gold, dangly earrings containing four separate strands of chain. She was wearing a dark-green, matte, jersey-material dress that had criss-cross straps in the back and a low dip in the front. The dress tightened at her ass, then formed a “V” down the front and back with the hem, so that each of her legs and thighs were exposed. The dress definitely showed of her two best assets: her large boobs and her full ass. She was wearing a pair of matching green suede boots that were loose around her ankles. She had a gold, white, and green bracelet with Celtic knots running through it. Her dimples showed as she smiled at all of us. She was looking at Brent as he checked her out.

  Aimee had her dark-brown hair braided back tightly. She had small, gold loops with sparkly diamonds hanging from her ears and a thick, gold and diamond choker around her long, creamy neck. Her dress was a dark burgundy, tight-ruche style that pushed her breasts up high on her chest, and the hem fell down to her knees. Like Katherine’s dress, it was extremely tight, but the ruche material made the dress look thicker than Katherine’s. She had three thick gold loops around her right wrist, and a thin diamond tennis bracelet on her left wrist. The heels of her black and gold, open-toe stilettos looked impossibly high; I couldn’t imagine them being comfortable for the whole night, but I think women’s feet were impossibly tough. She had dark-gray eyeliner that added some sultry contrast to her light-blue eyes. When I was
looking at her eyes, they locked with mine.

  “Wow, you all look great,” Jack exclaimed. The guys nodded. I felt underdressed, but the other guys were wearing attire similar to mine, so it seemed okay.

  “Let’s get going! We didn’t get all dressed up to sit around the house,” Daya said as she turned toward the front door. We all followed her out.

  Parked next to my car was a black Porsche, next to that was a huge silver Cadillac Escalade, and then a Mercedes sedan. I assumed the Porsche was Brent’s, the Escalade was Patrick’s, and the Mercedes was either Aimee’s, Sam’s, or Katherine’s.

  “Oh Eric, I forgot about your new car! It looks cool dude,” Jack said as we walked past it.

  “Thanks!” I said. Everyone congratulated me as we walked toward the Escalade. I was thankful that Patrick wasn’t going to be drinking, so I didn’t have to drive. The thing was massive.

  “Ummm… How is this going to work?” Katherine said, with skepticism as she approached the side door. Everyone stopped.

  “What do you mean?” Patrick said.

  “There is no way I can get in this thing without showing you all my ass!” she said, and the girls started to giggle. I realized that to get in the back seats, the girls would have to step up into the car and then bend over to squeeze in. Aimee’s dress was pretty short, but Katherine’s was almost showing all the goods without her bending over. I looked at Patrick and he seemed puzzled over what to do.

  “Patrick drives, Jack sits shotgun, Brent and I get in before the girls. Then you wouldn’t be flashing anyone but the girls, and I’m sure plenty of girls have seen your ass before. After all, you are a volleyball player.” The words shot out of my mouth as I stepped past Katherine and climbed into the far corner of the back-most seat. I didn’t give her a chance to argue. Moving to the back seat was an awkward procedure, and I didn’t envy the girls doing it with heels and dresses on.

  The seats were plush leather and very comfortable. There was dark-wood trim accenting the panels. Brent climbed into the corner of the seat in front of me, as Patrick and Jack jumped into the front. Sam slid in next to Brent, Daya slid into the seat in front of Brent, Aimee in front of Sam, and finally Katherine, who practically fell into my lap as she tried to sit next to me. Once she got her seatbelt on, she leaned in close and whispered into my ear.

  “I wouldn’t have minded showing you my ass. Maybe later tonight?” Then her teeth grazed my earlobe, sending shocks through the right side of my body.

  Aimee tried to reach the opened door but couldn’t, so Jack got out of his seat, closed the back door, and jumped back into his seat. Then we were off. The Escalade was pretty impressive. Even in the back seat, the ride was very smooth and comfortable. Everyone started up individual conversations with the person they were sitting next to.

  “So I was thinking…,” Katherine started, as her body curled up against mine on the seat. Her left hand reached up the back of the seat and started to lightly rub the nape of my neck. “We’re going to be sitting in the Jacuzzi after dinner. Maybe I should invite Kim over. What do you think?” She said it softly, so no one could hear. I was confused. She seemed to be flirting with me, but also seemed hell-bent on setting me up with Kim.

  “Well… remember what we talked about earlier?” She must have been reading the confusion on my face.

  “You are just shitting me again. I’m not going to fall for it,” I said. Then I stuck my tongue out at her to emphasize that I was way too mature to fall for her games anymore.

  “I am so not shitting you. Want me to prove it?” she asked. I looked into her eyes and read the challenge there.

  “How are you going to prove it?” I started to think of Kelly. What did she think of our relationship? Would she be angry with me if she saw me snuggled up with Katherine? Would she feel like I betrayed her? Yeah, we were sleeping together, but I had slept with girls in high school and during my first year in the music program, and then we had parted ways easily. It seemed like, the way things were going today, Katherine and I were on a collision course. Unless she was going to just make an attempt to set me up with Kim.

  “Here, look at my phone.” She tapped a few buttons and handed it to me. “These are texts with Kim today.” I grabbed it. “Mine are in the green boxes.”

  I got you Eric’s phone number. You owe me.

  Oh thank you! I’ll have to make it up to you ;-)

  Ready to be jealous? We are going out to dinner and dancing. I look sexy.

  With Eric? I hate you. j/k. but reallllly I hate you. I bet you look sexy. Grrrr.

  Lol. Yeah and then after dinner we are going to sit in a Jacuzzi with some friends and spend the night. I’m going to fuck his brains out.

  Bitch. I want him. Why are you so mean to me? Don’t you love me?

  Of course I do! Maybe you can crash the party? The house we are staying at is in Calabasas. Are you busy tonight?

  OMG. I’ll cancel everything. What time? Give me the address.

  Lol. I gotta ask the host to make sure it is cool.

  How soon will you know??????

  Give me like an hour

  Okay. Excited! Kisses!

  The last message was sent a few minutes ago. I didn’t know what to say, so I reread it quickly. Yep, I wasn’t smoking crack. I wordlessly handed the phone back to her.

  “Soooo?” She looked at me with a smug smile. I realized Katherine was pretty used to getting her way, and I wondered if she was only doing this because she saw me with Kelly. Was she flirting with me the first time I met her at the party? I couldn’t recall because Brent had her cornered, and I hadn’t talked to her that much. “Earth to Eric? You are thinking about it right now aren’t you?” She was whispering urgently in my ear. “I am getting hot thinking about what we could do tonight.” She was practically panting in my ear now, and I felt my dick start to get hard.

  “I don’t know Katherine. Isn’t this weekend like, supposed to be a private thing? Just a small group of friends?” I didn’t know if I wanted Kim to come over. Part of me was interested, no, fantasizing about it. Part of me was thinking about Kelly. Am I cheating on her?

  “I’ll talk to Jack and figure it out. I’m sure no one will mind if another hot girl joins us tonight. I mean, everyone is attached. Samantha would have been the only one who cared, but she and Brent are totally going to fuck tonight. I’m sure everyone thinks you and I are going to hook up. No one will care if she comes after dinner.” Her body was pressed up against mine like she was trying to sit in my lap, and her left hand was deeply massaging my neck, as her voice turned into a husky breeze in my ear.

  “Okay” what else could I say? No, don’t bring your hot Asian volleyball player friend with the perfect body over to sit in a Jacuzzi with me and have a threesome. It sounded completely insane to deny her.

  Then why was my stomach in a painful knot? It was because of Kelly. I didn’t normally feel this way. It wasn’t logical. We hadn’t made a commitment to each other. We were just fucking. Was I falling for her after a few weeks of dating? I thought about Kelly talking about the hordes of women who apparently wanted me at school. The nonchalant way she described how she would brag to them that she had fucked me. No, Kelly didn’t want to commit to me. She liked hanging out with me and screwing me; she just wanted the status it gave her at school. Right?

  “You all okay back there?” Aimee turned around and looked back to Katherine and me.

  “We are really good,” Katherine sat up and answered for us. Aimee’s eyes flashed to mine and Katherine’s before she turned back around. Katherine leaned back into me and sighed, she had light flower-scented perfume.

  Ten minutes before seven, we arrived at the restaurant. There was valet parking, so we pulled up to the front door. Samantha left the back seat first, then Brent, then Daya, then Aimee (who looked over at me and waved a finger not to look), and then Katherine. Katherine bent over double as she rose from the seat. Her dress slid up to the top of her thighs, and I could see h
er perfect ass wearing a tight, green thong that almost didn’t cover the lips of her pussy. I could see her underwear was slightly damp over the entrance to her vagina. She wasn’t lying about getting turned on. As she stepped down onto the street, she wiggled her ass a bit so the dress slid back down into place. Compared to the girls, I got out of the SUV with little trouble.

  The place was pretty busy at the door, and I saw almost every guy checking out our group of smoking-hot girls. Jack held the door open as everyone walked in front of me.

  “Dude, I have to make a quick phone call. I’ll be right in. If you guys sit down, I’ll find you,” I said to him over the conversations people were having outside.

  “Sure dude. Everything cool?” I nodded, and he walked inside.

  I pulled out my phone and dialed Kelly. Maybe I would feel less conflicted after I talked to her. It rang a few times and then went to voicemail.

  “Hi, this is Kelly’s phone. Leave a message!”

  “Hey Kelly, it’s Eric. I was just calling to see how your game was. I hope you are having fun. Soooo… Yeah. Talk to you later.” Ugh. What a terrible message. Why did I call her?

  I walked into the restaurant in time to see the gang being escorted back to a table. Aimee waved at me to get my attention, even though I had already seen them.

  My phone buzzed with a text.

  Sorry I missed ya. We crushed them this morning. At a party right now. Talk to you Monday.

  Ugh. That didn’t really help me; she probably didn’t want to talk to me if she was at a party. Oh well, I guess I should stand by my earlier decision.

  I weaved my way though the tables and patrons toward the dance floor. Brent had gotten us a prime booth in a dark corner that was close to the dance floor and kitty-corner to the stage, where I assumed the instructors would demo the dance steps.

  Jack and Aimee were still standing, waiting for me to get to the table; I slid in next to Katherine, and then Aimee sat on the other side of me. The waiter showed up after a few seconds and took our drink orders. Brent, Katherine, and Daya got hard drinks and the rest of us got water or soda. I was glad Patrick kept his word and didn’t get anything, since I’d insist on driving and it would have been a difficult conversation. I think only Aimee and Jack knew about my parents, and I didn’t feel like being the object of everyone’s pity.


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