Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Tara Rose

  Anal sex had been painful and frightening before now. She knew it was only a finger, but it still felt incredible. And the realization that one day she might be able to let him put his dick inside there sent her over the edge. The climax sent spasms all the way to her fingers and toes. Alexa had never had such an intense orgasm. Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Chase cried out, and she knew he’d come, too. She rode the wave of his contractions, never wanting to leave this room. When he finished, he pulled out, took off his condom, and pulled her into a strong embrace.

  Alexa listened to his breathing return to normal. Their hearts beat in a competing rhythm. Nothing could harm her ever again. She was safe. She’d been flogged and had a finger in her ass, and she’d loved both experiences. She was on her way to healing from the past.

  Chapter Eight

  Alexa’s cell rang, and she was startled out of a deep sleep, thinking at first Brad had found her number. When she realized it was Kari’s ring tone, she grabbed the phone. “Hello? Kari? Are you okay?” Her pulse raced and her palms were damp.

  “I’m fine, hon. Are you okay?”

  Alexa let out a breath, shaking the cobwebs out of her brain. “Yeah. I was sleeping. Sorry.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you. I’ve just been worried about you and wanted to check and make sure you’re okay.”

  She glanced over at Chase, who was still sound asleep. “I’m fine. Chase is here.”


  “Shhh! He’s sleeping.” Alexa scooted out of bed and crept across the hall to Kari’s former room.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m perfect, Kari. Everything is just perfect.”

  “Oh my God. I’m so happy for you. And I want details when I see you again. All of them.”

  Alexa giggled. “You shall have them. Sleep well tonight.”

  “I always do.”

  After Alexa disconnected the call, she went back into her room and snuggled next to Chase. His body was so warm. The wind was howling outside, and she wondered how much snow they’d get. Alexa had always loved winter. She loved the smell of snow and the way it crunched under her feet when it got packed down underneath with ice. Kari had told her their Indiana winters often became brutal, but Alexa was ready to handle that.

  She’d made love tonight, and had allowed herself to be flogged. Chase hadn’t hurt her, and he hadn’t gone past her limits or treated her like nothing but a body to abuse. He’d been gentle and amazing…and just plain perfect. She could certainly handle a snowstorm.

  She was almost asleep again when a noise woke her. Her phone was dark. That hadn’t been it. She crawled out of bed and listened. It was a car motor. Her heart hammering, she walked to the window and looked out.

  Her windows overlooked the back of the shop, and she didn’t see any running cars, only abandoned houses that were scheduled to be torn down, the lights on the water treatment plant a half mile away, and the dark fields of what was left of Skeeter McCree’s farm. There was at least an inch of snow on the ground already, and more fell from the sky.

  She went across the hall to Kari’s former room and looked out. Luke’s truck was parked in the driveway and the motor was on. His headlights illuminated the front yard, and she could just make out his shape in the driver’s seat.

  * * * *

  Luke sat in his truck, jealousy seething through every pore in his body. He hadn’t returned her call. He’d simply driven over here. What the hell had he been thinking? There were no lights on. He kept watching the windows of the living room upstairs, hoping he’d see evidence that the TV was on, but there was nothing.

  It was obvious she was in there with Chase. His car was parked close to the house, as if he’d known when pulling in the driveway that he’d be spending the night here. Kari’s car wasn’t here. He assumed she was at Noah’s place, where she spent most of her nights now.

  He held his phone, debating. What would be the point in calling her if she was in bed with Chase? Damn it all to hell and back. He’d been dying for two days just to talk to her, and now he’d blown his chance at that, and at anything else for that matter. Fuck. He might as well go home and give up his dream of being part of Alexa’s life. How could he compete with Chase?

  Luke had never been able to compete with anyone in this fucking town. Woman loved him as a friend, nothing more. Why should he expect anything different from Alexa? She was from New York. She’d want a guy like Chase with his government job and his expensive clothes that he bought in Chicago. Not a man who lived in a shitty apartment over a damn bar.

  He put the car in reverse just as the lights in the shop went on. He watched in disbelief as the front door opened and Alexa stood on the porch in nothing but a robe, her hand held up to her eyes as if trying to see past the swirling snow into his truck.

  “Luke?” Her voice called over the wind, sweet and filled with hope. It was too much to ask for. Luke sat in stunned silence before putting the truck in park and turning off the motor. He got out and nearly slipped on the gravel driveway, covered in ice and snow already. This was going to be a nasty storm.

  The wind whipped at his face and he pulled his jacket tighter as he sprinted up the stairs. Alexa threw herself into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  He pulled out of her embrace and looked into her eyes. Taking a deep breath, he smelled Aramis. Chase always wore Aramis. “You are?”

  Confusion filled her face. “Yes, of course I am. Come in. It’s freezing out here.”

  She turned to walk inside, but Luke stayed put. “What about Chase?”

  “What? Luke, please. Come inside and let me explain why he’s here. I forgot to put on my shoes. My toes are going to fall off.”

  Could he have misjudged the situation? He didn’t think so. Once inside, the unmistakable scent of sex hung about her like a cloud, mixing with the Aramis. Luke’s stomach turned.

  “Come on upstairs.”

  He followed her, but only because he was so relieved to see she was all right. This had been the worst two days of his life. Her voice on the message she’d left earlier had sounded frightened. Obviously Chase had taken care of whatever had scared her.

  She led him to the living room and sat next to him on the sofa. “I heard a noise downstairs earlier. That’s why I called you both. Your phone went to voice mail, so I called Chase.”

  Luke blinked several times. “You called me first?”


  He let out the breath he’d been holding. “What was the noise?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Probably the wind. I just freaked. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry, cariño.”

  She looked down at her bare legs as if noticing for the first time she was barely dressed. “Look…I…it just happened, Luke. I didn’t plan it.”

  He held up a hand. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “Yes I do. Luke, I know this is crazy, but I want you both.” Alexa’s gaze was intense, searching. “Nothing has changed since Sunday.”

  “Nothing has changed? You haven’t returned my phone calls since then.”

  She was close to tears, and the urge to pull her into his arms and comfort her was strong, but jealousy got the better of him.

  “I didn’t return Chase’s either.”


  “She said she didn’t return mine either.” Chase stood in the doorway, wearing only his jeans.

  * * * *

  “It’s true,” said Alexis. “I thought you didn’t want me. Neither of you. When you sent me home…” She glanced at Chase. “I thought you were both were disgusted with what I’d told you, and that you didn’t want to waste your time on me. That’s why I didn’t call either of you back until tonight.”

  “Alexa.” Chase crossed the room and knelt in front of her. “Nothing could be further from the truth. Surely you know that now?” He looked hurt, and she felt like a prize idiot again.

“I know it, Chase.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Luke. “I jumped to the wrong conclusions tonight.”

  “No, it’s okay. I would have done the same thing.” She glanced at Chase. “I called you both tonight, but Luke’s phone went to voice mail.”

  “When I checked my messages I came right over,” said Luke. “I didn’t know Chase was here.”

  “Alexa, the only reason I let you leave Sunday is because I thought you needed time and space,” said Chase. “Believe me...I was dying inside.”

  “Same here,” said Luke. “It took all my willpower not to beg you to let me stay here when I drove you home that night.”

  Alexa shook her head. She hadn’t realized that. She’d jumped to quite a few wrong conclusions as well. “Thank you so much for telling me. I’ve been so foolish.”

  “No you haven’t,” said Luke. “Don’t say that. You shared a very painful memory with us. You didn’t have to do that.”

  They hadn’t wanted her to leave, and they hadn’t been rejecting her. Chase’s presence here tonight proved it, and now Luke had come over as well. What’s more, he hadn’t left immediately when he’d seen Chase’s car in the driveway. If that didn’t prove how much both wanted her, nothing would.

  Chase pulled her close. “Do you believe us, Alexa?”

  “Yes. Yes I do. Thank you for being so patient and understanding.”

  Chase glanced from her to Luke, and back again. “You’re more than welcome. So, now that we have that all squared away, what should we do?” asked Chase. “Suddenly I’m not tired.”

  A big grin spread across Luke’s face. “That’s up to Alexa, no?”

  “You two are beyond silly, you know that?”

  Luke spread his hands apart. “Hey, we’re just big stupid guys. Our dicks take over thinking for us and that’s it.” He smacked his forehead. “Brains go dead.”

  “No shit,” said Chase.

  She giggled at the looks on their faces. “That storm is wicked. You two might get stuck here with me for a couple of days.”

  “Do you have food?” asked Chase.

  “Plenty of it.”

  “And we have an entire shop of sex toys downstairs.” He waggled his eyebrows at Alexa, and she laughed.

  “That’s right,” said Luke. “Or have you two already raided it?”

  Alexa searched his face to make sure he wasn’t upset, but she only saw humor and playfulness. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Only condoms and a flogger.”

  Luke raised his eyebrows and cut his gaze to Chase. “A flogger, eh? I’d like to see that.”

  Alexa shivered. She stood up and took his hand. “Well, come on then.” She took off her robe as she entered her bedroom, smiling at the noises Luke and Chase made at the sight her bare ass.

  “It’s still red,” said Chase.

  She hummed deep in her throat. “I can still feel the sting.”

  Strong arms encircled her from behind. She moaned as Chase nuzzled her neck, his breath hot against her skin. “Are you okay with that, love?”

  “Yes. Yes I am. In fact, why don’t you and Luke go downstairs and pick out a few more things?”

  “Anything in particular?”

  She turned in his arms, her common sense suddenly taking over. “Maybe I should put something on and come with you.”

  “Maybe you should,” said Luke, giving her a tender look. “That way you won’t have to feel afraid again.”

  Alexa was overcome with emotion. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Luke pulled her into his arms and held her close. Warm desire raced through her body. She’d missed holding him. “We’re the lucky ones,” he whispered. “Now put your robe back on before I say to hell with the toys and just kiss you everywhere.”

  Alexa pulled out of his embrace and put her robe back on, then took their hands and led them down the stairs. Just before she flipped on the bank of lights, they all caught a glimpse of the snowfall outside, and gasped.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said. They sat on the stairs and watched the snow swirl around the trees out front.

  “You may have been right, Alexa,” said Luke. “We might be stuck here with you.”

  “What a tragedy,” said Chase, giving her a grin that would melt steel. He rose and flipped on the lights, then headed straight for the paddles and floggers.

  “I have a better idea,” said Alexa. The flogger he’d used earlier was about as much as she felt ready for, as far as impact play went. He was fingering a riding crop, and she wanted to distract him without making it obvious. The last thing she wanted was a repeat of Sunday night.

  She walked past the nipple clamps and butt plugs, and then ran her fingers over a set of soft leather bondage cuffs that closed with Velcro and locked together with a quick-snap mechanism. Alexa glanced behind her to find them watching her with anticipation in their eyes. She lightly touched each item, and their gazes followed her hands, as if they were wondering which one she’d choose.

  She already knew what she wanted, but she lingered on purpose, even going back to the nipple clamps and butt plugs, letting them wonder for a few moments what they were going to be able to play with. It gave her a thrill to tease them this way, and fresh desire coursed through her body at the way their eyes glazed over and their lips parted slightly as they watched her.

  Chapter Nine

  Finally, she walked back to the bondage cuffs and picked up the pair she’d originally wanted. These would ensure that they wouldn’t have to worry about what to attach them to, and she could break free of them if necessary. Baby steps. That was the way to handle this. Julie would be so proud of her right now.

  “Those look like fun.” Chase walked over, and Alexa breathed a sigh of relief at the realization he’d abandoned the riding crop.

  “So does this.” Luke picked up a tickler and ran it over her arms. She shivered and whimpered.

  “Oh, yes,” said Alexa. “Definitely bring that upstairs.”

  Luke continued to brush it over her back, her ass, and her bare arms as Chase looked over the bondage apparatus.

  “I think we can get a bit more creative than just a pair of cuffs.” He glanced at Alexa. “Tell me what you want. Tell us how far we can take this tonight, Alexa. I don’t want you afraid, and I don’t want you to have to use a safe word. I want to make you come so many times you lose count. I want this to be intense but erotic…fun and sexy…and the best time you’ve ever had.”

  Her breath caught in her throat at the look of molten desire in his eyes. She swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. Luke ran the tickler over her bare legs and she could barely form coherent thoughts to try and answer Chase.

  “Um…I’m okay with my wrists and ankles being bound as long as I know what you’re each going to do to me. I’m not ready for anything other than the flogger, and I don’t want to try nipple clamps or a butt plug tonight.”

  Once again, Alexa realized that Julie would be very proud of her. She’d verbalized exactly what she wanted, and what she felt she wasn’t ready for yet. She set soft and hard limits, and she did so without guilt or her voice trembling.

  Luke and Chase both beamed at her as if she’d just won a marathon. Chase especially looked very impressed. He’d been to Maddox’s club, and she still wasn’t sure if Luke ever had been, but Chase for certain would know the magnitude of what Alexa had just been able to do.

  The emotion running through her as Chase picked out two pairs of cuffs with short chains was overwhelming. She was so excited, and so relieved to realize there was no fear, only intense desire. Luke encircled her from behind and Alexa cried out as he ran the tickler over her breasts. He opened her robe to expose one, and Chase bent over to kiss her nipple.

  “Let’s get upstairs.” His voice was gruff and sexy. He grabbed a box of condoms as they walked past the display, and the three started up the stairs.

  “We have some up there already.”

  Chase chuckled. “Yeah. Exactly how lon
g do you think those will last in this snowstorm?

  Alexa laughed as another shiver ran through her.

  “Is Kari going to be upset we used all this?” asked Luke.

  “No. We have more stock on order.” Alexa flipped off the downstairs lights but left the upstairs hallway one on. She wanted them to watch her walk. Slowing her ascent, she wiggled her ass as she climbed the stairs.

  Luke smacked her ass, hard. “Tease.”

  “I’m not teasing.” She felt wicked and wanton, and totally unafraid. Their seduction was like a drug, and she had to have more. She tried to remember the last time she’d felt so unafraid to have sex and couldn’t. The anticipation tingling through her right now was wonderful and marvelous, and she couldn't get enough of it.

  “She won’t be able to tease us when we tie her up,” said Chase.

  The tone of his voice sent a fresh wave of desire straight to her throbbing clit. Alexa struggled to take deep breaths as she mounted the last of the stairs. When they reached her bedroom, she threw off the robe and stood naked in front of them, her hands behind her back.

  “You don’t have to do that,” said Chase gently.

  “I want to, sir. I want to submit to both of you. I need to, Chase.”

  “Alexa…I have a confession to make.”

  She raised her gaze to meet his.

  “I’ve never had a sub. When I go to Maddox’s club, it’s either to help him keep things in line, or to play by permission of others. That’s how I learned about the lifestyle.”

  Alexa closed her mouth when she realized it was still open. “But you are dominant, right?”

  “Yes. I’m quite certain of that.”

  “Do you want a sub?”

  “I do, but I’m a bit wary from past experience. I was married. Did you know that?”

  She shook her head. Chase took the tickler from Luke’s hand and ran it over her breasts. Alexa shivered.


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