Home for the Weekend

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Home for the Weekend Page 6

by Ryan, Nicole

  “I might take that one up.” Beau said and peered back at her, she winked as she tossed her mane of perfect red ringlets over her shoulder and bent to fill a glass with beer giving a perfect view of her hourglass figure. “Damn.” He finished before shooting his whiskey, slamming it on the bar and wondering over to the opposite end of the bar.

  “Oh boy.” Jesse said.

  “He’s going to have a good night isn’t he?” I asked.

  “I sure hope so.” Jesse said, and shot his whiskey, wiped his lips on the back of his hand and slid off his stool. “Alright miss Meridian. Take that shot.”

  I looked at the amber liquid, and took a deep breath before tossing it back, and blowing the air out fast, bypassing some of the nettling burn of the rot gut whiskey as it warmed my insides. Jesse took my hand and pulled me from the barstool, and led me out to the wooden dance floor. It was shaking and rumbling with the weight of others who were dancing enthusiastically.

  “I don’t know how to dance like this.” I said frantically. I’d only been to rock concerts.

  “Don’t worry, you’re a natural,” He said.

  I lifted my hand and covered my smile, my cheeks flared as Jesse tipped his hat lower, shading his face and sauntering toward me, pulling my hand from my mouth and twirling me into his chest.

  “Yeah Jesse! Let’s see some!” A woman called.

  I looked around to see who it was but there were so many people around us dancing and watching, she may as well have been a needle in a haystack. I grinned as Jesse grinded his hips against my ass, holding his hands over my arms, pinning them between my legs and making me crouch down a little. He spun me around by my waist as the twangy music swelled, and the keyboard roared to life with a chipper addition to the guitar and drums, and then caught me by the fingertips and twirled me back to his chest and ground on me sexily again.

  Before I knew it I was keeping time with the music easily, and all of my prior apprehension was gone. Jesse stood back from me when the music eased into a little acoustic jig, he spun and taped his feet, all rhythm, and others were doing the same steps in time with him. I clapped and laughed as he sauntered back over to dip me low and swing me back up, my curls sailing into the air and then falling around my shoulders in a big mess. When the song ended I jumped up and wrapped my legs around Jesse’s waist. He held me tight and kissed me under his wide brimmed riding hat, the whiskey on his breath was somewhat intoxicating, and I sucked the remnants of it from his warm tongue, my pussy clenching in response, desperately wanting him.

  We returned to the bar and took another shot with Beau, who was still flirting with the red head, calling her Betty. I wondered if it was the same Betty they’d mentioned earlier.

  “Come on home with me tonight sugar.” He said seductively and her breasts and neck flushed attractively before she winked at him and slid two overflowing glasses of beer to a man down the bar.

  “Hey there, boys.” A voice said behind me, and I turned to see Jessica standing beside Beau, her hands on her hips.

  “Get on out of here Jessica, don’t start anything today.” Jesse said behind me, it was a warning but Jesse said it politely.

  “I aint starting no trouble.” She said, drunkenly. “Who are you?” She asked me, her eyes trying to focus on my face, “Since there aren’t any men with manners around here.”

  “I’m Chastity.” I said and held my hand out to her but she only stared at it, then slowly she twisted her lips into a look of disgust, and her gaze slid slowly up my arms, and across my tattoos.

  “You met this one in California I’d bet.” She said with a snort, her gaze shifting to Jesse, and his jaw flexed as his eyes flared with anger.

  “Get!” Jesse shouted at her, and she flinched away from him.

  “Jesus Jesse! You don’t have to shout.” She said, and fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Just say please.”

  “Jessica, so help me if you don’t get out of here I will pour this beer over your head.” Beau said calmly beside me, without looking up from the whiskey in his hand, motioning at a full glass of beer in front of him.

  “You wouldn’t dare.” She said, but she took a step back anyway. “Anyway, I’ve got better things to do.” She wobbled a little before she found her footing and left us.

  “She’s lovely.” I said, and poked Beau with my elbow, he smiled a little, but it looked more bitter, and sad than anything. I wondered what had happened between them.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Jesse said, clapping Beau on the back.

  Beau nodded and stood, leaving a twenty on the bar. The red head jogged over to us, her boobs bouncing and wobbling under her white tank that had be snipped in the center for them to bust through.

  “You leaving already Beau?” She asked.

  “Yeah, you coming?” He said, staring down at her and rested his thick hand on her shoulder, stoking the side of her ivory face with his thumb.

  “Let me make sure Craig doesn’t need me. I’ll meet you outside.” She said, and hurried toward another female bartender and the man I assumed was Craig.

  Beau popped her bottom as she turned and he winked at Jesse, who placed his hand at my lower back and led me outside. We followed several feet behind Beau and Betty, Jesse sat behind me, his hands holding the reins firmly in front of me as he trailed kisses along my neck.

  “I don’t want the weekend to end.” I sighed.

  “Neither do I. Lucky for us we both get to see each other at work on Monday, and then get to road trip Tuesday, to work again on Wednesday.” My tummy fluttered at the thought.

  We were going to be heading to San Francisco Tuesday for a shoot at Dungeoness Live. It was nothing but kink and fetish there, and films they shot there were usually uploaded to their site the same week and they had live streaming porn available twenty four hours a day. They were the hottest thing in the business right now, and they wanted us. Jesse and I were booked solid with five shoots a week for the next two months, after someone mentioned the chemistry we had on cam, it seemed like everyone was calling Jesse to see if he’d be willing to work with the new girl again. I was booked with Jesse for Monday morning at Misty’s Mistique, their specialty being romantic encounters between couples, they were very vanilla, and very glitzy as Jesse liked to call it. But I was much more excited for the one with Dungeoness… which involved me being locked in a cage.

  “I’m wet just thinking about it.” I said.

  “Really?” He asked and slid his hand down my stomach, and into the front of my panties. “Oh, yes you are.” He said softly by my ear as he began to circle my clit slowly.


  I stood at the window in Jesse’s room that faced the woods, watching him in the corral with the Mare. It was just before sunrise, the sky was pale, and gray, it illuminated his skin and gave it an ethereal glow. His movements were precise and agile; he hopped from one boot to the other with the mare, as if dancing an ancient dance with her.

  She was beautiful, a flash of long hair and thick rippling muscles, the air from her nostrils whooshing like clouds of smoke as she hopped to and fro, the impact of her hooves thudding powerfully. When Jesse wanted her to move to the right he pressed toward her from the left until she was uncomfortable enough to change direction, immediately he’d ease up and give her loving strokes and pats, running beside her around the corral and talking to her, though I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  I fingered the necklace that hung between my breasts, chewing my lip and moving the glittering pendant along the delicate chain with my finger and turned from the window. I pulled on a sweater, a long skirt, and picked up my boots before hurrying down the stairs. The house was silent, and dark, and my feet were whispers across the hard wood floors as I made my way outside, pulling the boots on and jogging around the back of the house. Jesse didn’t notice me approach, and I remained quiet, watching fascinated as he worked with the Mare, talking to her in low soothing tones. He caught my gaze and looked up with a handsome smile as h
e patted the mare’s side and stroked her lovingly.

  “What are you doing awake?” He asked.

  I shrugged, “Couldn’t sleep. Do you need any help?” I asked draping my arms over the rails.

  “Nah, I was just working with her a little before we have to leave today.”

  He stepped up to where I stood on the lowest, weather worn post that enclosed the corral, I had my waist through the middle and top posts, I was at eye level with him this way.

  “I love when you don’t wear all that makeup.” He said, and slid his thumb across my lower lip before tipping his head sideways to kiss me.

  He wrapped his strong arms about my waist and gently pulled me all the way through the beams and into the corral. Holding me to his chest tightly, nearly crushing the wind from my lungs, and pressed me back against the railing, his hips flush with mine as his cock began to harden against me. I moaned into his mouth as he slid his hands up my thighs, dragging my skirt with his fingers, and then lifted me to place my ass on the cold beam behind me.

  Jesse grunted as he unzipped his jeans and swiftly shoved himself into me. I buried my face into his shoulder, breathing in his scent and the smell of this beautiful place that I secretly dreaded leaving. Jesse slid in and out of me slowly, agonizingly stroking my swollen pussy into frenzy as I wrapped my ankles around him tighter and gripped his neck in my arms, rocking my hips to meet each of his thrusts. He slid his hand between our stomachs and gently slid his fingers along my swollen clitoris, massaging lightly until I shuddered around him.

  I gripped his flannel shirt in my hands and felt tears flooding my eyes as he kissed my neck and clavicle. I swallowed the lump in my throat back and closed my eyes tight, committing this moment in time when I felt so loved and cherished to my memory forever, I would never let it go.

  “I love you Chastity.” Jesse said at my ear, and I came undone.


  “Well we sure loved having you here.” Charlie said as she closed the door of Jesse’s truck and handed me a brown paper bag. “That’s got some sliced meat and cheese and some apples and peanut butter in it. No use wasting money on that crap they call fast food on your way back down there.” She smiled and I returned it easily.

  “Thank you so much for having me Charlie, I’ve never been anywhere so beautiful in my life. I hope I can visit again. You have such a lovely home.”

  “I’ll be upset if you don’t. Jesse comes home every summer and I don’t think he’ll be able to stay away from you for that long… we’d love to have you too,” She leaned closer and lowered her voice, “Lord knows we can use the help with John getting along in age and all.”

  “If he invites me there is nothing that will keep me away.” I grinned and she leaned in the window to hug me quickly as Jesse climbed in beside me.

  “Drive safe you two.”

  “We will. Love you mom.” Jesse said as he turned the ignition.

  As we pulled away from the ranch, I watched in the mirror, an odd feeling in my stomach. We bumped and bounced along the gravel roads, the clear blue sky sent sun beams though the trees and there were birds chirping as we made our way along. Once we were back on the main roads, and headed for Interstate five, I turned to face Jesse.

  “This weekend was amazing, just… so incredible. Thank you for bringing me here, and showing me all of this, and introducing me to your wonderful family.” I said softly.

  “Thank you for coming with me. I’m glad you could.” He took my hand and held it to his lips, kissing my knuckles softly.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked after a moment.

  “Of course. What?” He asked, looking at me with a smile before turning his gaze back to the road.

  “Coming from such an incredible place, so full of nature and love, why porn?”

  “Why do you do porn?” He asked instead of answering.

  I shrugged, “I always wanted to be a model… I suppose I love to show my body. The money helps.” I admitted.

  “There you go. I went to California for college, ended up doing a film to pay some past due bills, and ended up coming back again, and again. It sort of stuck, put me through school, and it pays great. I don’t think I’ll do it forever, but I enjoy it now.” He said.

  “You’re not telling me something. I saw in Beau’s face too. Your dad is sick isn’t he?” I asked softly. Jesse’ eyes darkened.

  “Yes and no. Mom thinks he is deteriorating.” He tapped his temple with his finger.

  “But he’s so young.” I said, confused.

  “Not as young as he looks, he’s sixty two. Had Beau when he was thirty, and mom was twenty four.”

  “Is that why beau came home early this spring?” I asked, and Jesse nodded.

  “I’m heading back early this summer too, mid June. I’d really like you to come with me Chastity.” His face flushed a little and I smiled warmly, placing my hand on his thigh.

  “I can’t wait.”

  The drive seemed longer on the way back than it had on the way there, and once the sun had dipped below the horizon I seized my opportunity. Slowly I slid my hand up Jesse’s thigh, and began to caress his cock; he grinned but kept his eyes on the road.

  I looked behind us, the road was dark and empty, I ducked down quickly and undid Jesse’s jeans, pulling him free and quickly wrapping my lips around his head, stroking his shaft with my hand.

  “Fuck that feels good.” He said above me, slipping his fingers into my hair and gently moving it across my back, resting his hand between my shoulders.

  I began to stroke him harder and slid my tongue along the cleft of his head, his right hand slid down to my lower back, and he began to squeeze my jeans as he let out a low, slow groan. I hollowed my cheeks, sucking hard and pumped him fast until he came, and I swallowed quickly, sucking him lovingly before tucking him back into his pants.

  After another hour of driving, we were finally pulled up to the curb in front of my apartment; Jesse grabbed one of my bags and opened the door to the building for me. We were both exhausted as we rode the elevator up, and Jesse yawned loudly.

  “Are you going to stay over tonight?” I asked him.

  “I’d love to, I’m so beat.” He said softly, pulling me to his side and kissing my temple.

  “I am too. I just want to go straight to bed.” I said suggestively as the elevator rang and the doors slid open.

  “Agreed.” He smiled.

  I sat my bag down on the ground and fished my keys out of my purse to unlock my door, and when I swung it open, I was greeted by a sight that made me stumble backward a couple steps.

  “What the fuck?” I gasped, my mouth hanging open in shock.

  “Jesus.” Jesse said beside me and stepped over the overturned lamp that was across my entryway. “Stay in the hall.” He ordered.

  I started to argue, but closed my mouth for once to listen when I saw him pick up one of the thick wooden candlesticks that had been beside my fireplace. It was nearly eighteen inches long, and was too big around for me to close both my hands around. I looked at my walls which were bare of all the photos that had previously hung there, photos of my friends and I, one of my mother and father… all were on the floor, and as I stared at my daddy’s handsome face smiling at my mother when she was so free and happy tears filled my eyes.

  “It’s empty.” Jesse said as he came back around the corner.

  I fell to my knees and wiped my nose as I gingerly picked up the photo and tears spilled onto my cheeks. Jesse rubbed my back soothingly as I took several deep breaths and set it on my kitchen counter before checking the rest of the house. Everything was destroyed, the crystal decanter set that Jerry had given me had been hurled at the wall, shattered in a million pieces. My sofa was overturned and a long slash went across it’s back, I ran to it and fell to my knees before shoving my hand inside.

  “Fuck. Fucking damn it!” I cried.

  “What?” Jesse stared at me wide eyed.

  “I had money in here. Savings
for an emergency… it’s a long stupid story, because I don’t trust banks, I have a stash I keep separate from the rest of my money and it was in here. Ian is the only one who knew about it. He did this.” I knew it was true, even if I wanted it another way.

  I stood up and gazed at my ruined apartment. How could Ian do this? Maybe I had been wrong all this time. Maybe Ian was dangerous.


  Check my blog nicoleryanauthor.blogspot.com for more stories and updates!

  Follow me on twitter @NicolRyanAuthor

  Chastity’s story continues in Home for the Summer…

  Misty’s Mistique was in a large building around the corner from where Jesse and I had done our first shoot. We took the elevator up several floors and when we arrived on the pretty set which consisted of a large bed draped in yards of golden silk fabric, we were greeted by a tall woman with mousy blonde hair and a large nose that help thick glasses high on her nose.

  “Hi Jesse, you’re a little early. Help yourselves to some coffee. You must be Chaste, it’s so nice to meet you, forgive me but I have to run downstairs for a moment, we are running a little behind schedule. Excuse me.” She said and smiled warmly at me as she hurried past us and down the hall we’d just come from.

  When she returned she had Anthony with her and he grinned hugely as he sashayed over to me and took my hands in his, hissing my left cheek.

  “You look beautiful. Let’s just touch up shall we?” He asked.

  I nodded and before long he was arranging my hair into thick ringlets around my face on the thick pillows around the bed. Jesse was waiting behind the camera for his cue to come in and wake the sleeping beauty, I lay there naked, except for the thin silk golden sheet that peaked where my hard nipples pressed against it.




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