Rancher Bear Complete Series: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK: Rancher Bears' Merry Christmas

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Rancher Bear Complete Series: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK: Rancher Bears' Merry Christmas Page 15

by Candace Ayers

  “He works alone. This is the end. And the cops aren’t coming either. He doesn’t deserve anything resembling a proper burial. Is there a place here where we can get rid of his body?”

  Michael came forward, still looking shaky. “You can call the cops, Sammie. I killed him. I didn’t mean to, but I did. I killed a human and that’s outside of the boundaries.”

  I had to grit my teeth and hold my bear in when she turned to him and cupped his face in her hands. I knew she could tell he was hurting and just wanted to comfort him. If she could do what we couldn’t, I’d let her. Even if it was making me crazy watching her touch him.

  “Michael, he wasn’t human. He was a monster. He came here to kill a little boy. You did what you had to do and I would have done the same. Even if he hadn’t come here, I would’ve found a way to end him. You protected my mate and you protected my boy. I’m forever grateful to you for that. There’s no way I would bring cops here to poke around. I’ve got all the answers I need already.”

  He nodded and walked into the woods behind the house, still looking haunted.

  Sammie turned to Alex and Matt. “Is there a place to get rid of him?”

  Alex nodded. “We know a place. We’ll take care of it.”

  She tilted her head and then shook it. “I’m not going to ask. Just make sure all traces of him are gone.”

  As they both moved to follow her orders, she came to my side. “Are you the only one who got hurt?”

  I nodded but didn’t say anything. I was fluctuating between anger and lust so strong that I could barely see straight.

  “Is there somewhere we can be alone for a few minutes?”

  I looked down at her and nodded again. “Follow me.”

  CHAPTER 13: Lucas

  I led Sammie through the trail in the woods that led to my house on the other side. It was small and cozy, just big enough for a little family to start out in, if my mate ever chose to stop running from us.

  I let us inside and then shut the door behind her. “My house.”

  She looked around and smiled. “I love it. Rustic and cozy. Mason will be very happy here.”

  I turned to face her and pinned her with a look. “You left.”

  She nodded. “I did.”


  “I had a job to do. I needed to make sure Mason would be safe. Turns out it was all for nothing.” She hesitated. “I… I thought I had to.”

  I frowned. “But?”

  “I am miserable without you and Mason. I couldn’t think of anything else. All I wanted every second of every day was to come back here and be with you. I knew I messed up. I know I messed up.”

  I edged closer. “And?”

  “And I took some time off. I was planning… to come back here tomorrow.” She gave me such a goofy grin at the end of her declaration that my heart skipped a beat.

  I’d never seen her look so light. “You were coming back?”

  She grinned again and nodded, sending her hair flying around her head. “I don’t have all the answers here, but I know that I want to be with you and Mason. You two are my heart.”

  I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer. I was still naked and it took me no time to strip her down to nothing. When her bare breasts were smooshed against my chest, I felt something uncoil in me that had been wound up tightly for as long as I could remember. “Mine.”

  She nodded. “Hopelessly.”

  I kissed her then, ending the conversation. I needed to possess her, be inside of her. I needed to mark her. I slid my tongue into her mouth and stroked hers. It was a messy kiss, full of teeth and nips, but it told me how eager she was to be with me too.

  I picked her up and groaned as my dick rested right up against her already damp core. I wanted to plunge into her, but I also wanted to give her more the second time around, take my time a little, so I carried her to my bed and placed her on top of it.

  She crawled backwards until she was in the middle of the bed and then spread her legs wide for me. “Come on.”

  I growled and crawled up the bed until I was hovering over her. While she trembled with need, I lowered my mouth and took one long lick from her. She bucked and cried out like she’d never experienced anything like it before. Wanting to give her more, I pressed my face between her thighs and inhaled her scent before working her over with my tongue.

  She came before I was ready to be finished, so I kept going, working her to another orgasm before stopping and crawling the rest of the way up her luscious body. I sucked her nipples into my mouth, one at a time, and teased them while she writhed under me.

  “Stop playing with me, Lucas!” She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me higher so she could kiss me. Her teeth bit down on my bottom lip and then my chin and neck before she raked them across my shoulder. “I need you inside me.”

  I grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her neck to the side, exposing her neck. Then, I plunged my dick and teeth into her at the same time.

  Sammie screamed and tightened on my dick almost painfully as an orgasm shook her. She raked her nails down my back and clung to me as the power of it rocked her.

  I was struggling not to come so soon. I didn’t want to embarrass myself, but her walls were doing everything they could to milk me dry. I waited until she’d relaxed slightly to start moving.

  I licked the mark on her neck, knowing that it would be extra responsive, and then gripped her ass as I thrust into her. Sammie moved under me, lifting her hips to meet mine, rolling them in a way that damn near had my eyes crossing. Her chest moved against mine, letting me feel her soft breasts and pebbled nipples over and over again. Her nails found a new home buried in my back, but I liked the sting.

  Thrusting harder and faster into her, I felt the heat gathering and reached one hand down to gently stroke her clit so she would come with me again. She clenched around me tightly as she cried out and locked her legs around me. My body gave in instantly to a climax more powerful than I’ve ever felt before. I filled her with my seed as I continued to thrust into her a few last times.

  Sammie locked her teeth against my shoulder, leaving her own, less permanent, mark on me as we came together.

  I didn’t feel like I could move as I came down from the high of claiming her. I knew I was heavy on top of her, though, so I rolled to the side and brought her with me.

  She rested her head on my chest and ran her hand over my stomach. “Let’s never stop doing this.”

  I stroked her back and pressed my lips to her head. “How about when I’m old and gray?”

  I’d meant the question as a joke, but even as the words left my mouth, I heard the insecurity in my voice. I wanted to laugh it off, but I had to know. Even with the mark on her, I still needed to hear her say that she wouldn’t leave again.

  She looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded. “Even when you’re old and gray. Even when my boobs sag.”

  I looked down at the objects in question and grinned, feeling a world lighter. “You mean they won’t always be this perfect?”

  She slapped my chest and I grabbed her hand and lowered it to my dick, already hard again. “That’s what you do to me.”

  Her eyes widened and then she leapt from bed, grinning hugely. “You can’t keep me here all night, you beast! We’ve got a kid to go see.”

  I jumped from the bed and got ready to give chase. She was right. We did have a kid to go see, but he was asleep and tonight was all mine to show her just how much I loved her. Because I did. Without a doubt.

  “You’d better run, little Goldie Locks, because the big, bad bear found you in his bed and he’s never letting you go.”

  She laughed and ran.

  I gave her a head start because I knew that I’d always catch her.

  She was mine.



  CHAPTER 1: Daisy

  “Your kids are so much sweeter than mine. Look at them!” Maggie Budding pointed to several of m
y children who were gathered around a goat, showering it with love. “I have such a rotten group this year.”

  I smiled at my kids and waved when one of them looked over at us. “They love animals. They’ve been so excited about this trip. I think they knew more about it than I did, honestly.”

  One of my little boys, Davey, pressed a wet kiss between the goat’s eyes and it nibbled his chin. He fell backwards, in a fit of giggles, and then squealed as the goat moved on to nibbling his belly.

  Maggie laughed along with me. “I can’t imagine dealing with five-year-olds all day, every day, but damn, they’re cute.”

  “Don’t let them fool you. Last week, Davey cut off Mary Jane’s ponytail. When I asked him why he did it, he said he wanted it to make a tail for his puppy.”

  She winced. “Yeah, not so cute.”

  I shook my head. It wasn’t. My class of ten five-year-olds was a handful. They had more energy, more stubbornness, and knew more ways of manipulating an adult than any children I’d ever met. Landing, Wyoming sure raised them differently.

  I’d been teaching at Landing Elementary for a little over a month now and I’d learned almost instantly that I had my hands full. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the children, though. Despite their somewhat animalistic behavior at times, they were sweet in moments that stole my heart. Again, manipulative.

  “I’m going to head over to the snack carts. Do you want me to grab you something?” I couldn’t stop looking at the funnel cake sign.

  The Longs had gone all out. I heard they did it up like this every year, and I could certainly understand now why my kids had been looking forward to the trip since the first day of school. I’d probably be the same way in future years. The Long family had turned their ranch into a carnival, full of food, games, animals, and even a photo booth.

  Every grade, from kindergarten to high school seniors, was in attendance and from the looks of things, having a blast. The air had even turned slightly cool, as though it was working in harmony with the Longs to provide the most magical day ever for the kids.

  “No. Go ahead and take a break. You can take over for me later.”

  I looked back at the funnel cake sign and nodded. “That sounds perfect. Thanks, Maggie.”

  I said hello to fellow teachers as I passed by making my way to the food, not wanting to appear rude. They’d been a little closed off towards me, the whole town had, really, but I figured it was just their way. I’d only gotten this job offer because the previous teacher, Mary Ellen Simon, had run off with her boyfriend to Mexico. I was a last minute hire and, from what I’d heard, everyone had loved Miss Simon. I was determined to make them love me, too. I planned to stay in Landing for as long as I could, so they’d get used to me eventually.

  I joined the line for the fried batter and when it was my turn, I smiled at the attractive older woman and winked before speaking. “I’m going to ask for two and say that I’m sharing with someone, but I’m not. I could smell these from across the ranch, even over the animal scent.”

  She grinned and sprinkled powdered sugar generously on both plates. “We all have those days. Would you like chocolate sauce drizzled on top?”

  I thought about it for a second and then nodded. “I’ve never had a funnel cake with chocolate sauce, but it sounds divine. Thank you so much.”

  She passed me the plates. “Feel free to come back through to get more for your other friends, honey.”

  I laughed and headed off towards the picnic tables to eat in peace. As much as I loved children, eating while they were underfoot was a chocolate sauce smeared across the front of my dress disaster waiting to happen. I sat down and hungrily shoveled food into my mouth. I’d skipped breakfast in my eagerness to get to school early to prepare for my kindergarten class’s first ever field trip.

  I people-watched as I ate, taking the time to make sure none of the adults looked like they needed help with any of the students, before relaxing and watching just for fun. All of the students seemed to be having a blast.

  I’d worried that the older students might find it boring, but the Longs were a smart bunch. I guess the ranch was run by several brothers who all appeared to be quite good looking. I spotted at least three of them, positioned at activities, with long lines of teenage girls waiting to do whatever they were offering.

  I couldn’t help but giggle at one little girl who demanded one of the Long brothers hold her in his arms the whole time. She was probably eight, but she seemed to know quality when she saw it. The rancher was being a team player and going along with it.

  I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and turned to catch a very tall, very muscled man disappearing behind one of the barns. Something about him startled me and I suddenly felt a rush of heat spread over my skin and a crackle of something like an electric pulse surge through me. Wow. I continued to stare at the spot where he’d disappeared until I’d convinced myself that he wasn’t going to reappear.

  A few minutes later, though, I spotted a few older kids walking off in the same direction. No one had specified that any part of the ranch was off limits, but it worried me nonetheless to see them going off by themselves.

  I quickly downed my funnel cake and tossed the plates in the trash barrel before heading off after them. I’d worn flip flops and I had a hard time not announcing my arrival with click clack they made.

  It turned out that I didn’t need to worry. The kid’s laughter was more than loud enough to conceal my sounds. I rounded the corner of the barn and spotted them, leaning against the barn wall, lighting cigarettes, and staring at the hunk I’d seen earlier.

  He was a distance away from them, completely ignoring them as he chopped wood like a madman. His T-shirt clung to his back and shoulders in a way that made my body pulse a little harder. He had longish, dirty blonde hair that was partially covered by a large cowboy hat. As I watched, he stopped what he was doing, pulled off the hat, and pulled up the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face free of sweat.

  I nearly gasped as the move left the bottom few inches of his defined abs showing. Instantly, I felt my panties dampening. I sucked in a sharp breath. That had certainly never happened to me before.

  Almost immediately, the cowboy tilted his head back and took a deep breath in with his eyes closed. Then, he turned and focused on me. His eyes bore into me with a fierce intensity, his expression was… something that I couldn’t quite place.

  Even from where I was standing, I could see how stunningly handsome he was. If that word even covered it. Just watching him sent sparks of flaming passion to every nerve ending in my body as though, at the slightest breeze, I’d become a blazing inferno. Wowza. I’d never experienced an attraction on that deep a level before.

  “Look at that scar. Jesus, he’s like Frankenstein.” One of the teens was making fun of him as she lifted the cigarette to her mouth.

  They hadn’t noticed me yet, but I was about to make my presence known. There was nothing I abhorred more than meanness.

  CHAPTER 2: Michael

  I’d smelled her the second she stepped foot on our property. I had an idea that it was no coincidence that she smelled like strawberries. It was my favorite sweet, after all. I’d felt her presence immediately, and the closer she got, the more painful it was to avoid her. But, I did.

  I kept to the shadows and stayed out of her way, even as she got closer and closer. I never let myself look at her, worried that if I did, I might lose my barely maintained control.

  But, when I’d smelled her arousal, not fifty feet from me, I couldn’t help but look. There she was. Right there. Wet, ready, and… perfect.

  Her long blonde hair curled softly around her angelic face. She couldn’t have been more than a few inches over five feet tall, with soft curves that I desperately wanted to trace with my tongue. Bright blue eyes widened when I looked at her and her cheeks flushed pink. The long dress she was wearing got caught in a breeze and it danced, revealing a slit up the side that teased my cock more
than any lover had ever been able to do with hands or mouths.

  I wanted her. My bear came to life in that instant and I damn near shifted right then and there. Mine.

  My bear was a nasty bear, dark and unable to remember that we were part human, as well. I gritted my teeth and did every breathing technique I knew to keep the change from happening.

  Just as it passed and I dropped my hat back on my head, she turned a hard look on the kids who were smoking against the barn wall. I’d heard them laughing about my scars, but it had barely penetrated the lust-filled fog she created around me.

  I watched as she stomped her little feet over to them, her breasts swaying in a way that made me feel like I could shoot my load just from watching them.

  “You know, it’s bad enough that you snuck away to smoke a cigarette, but to hear you making fun of someone, too? You should be ashamed of yourselves. Being nasty to other people isn’t cool. It just makes you look trashy and ugly. Put the cigarette out and get back out there with the rest of your class, or I’m taking names and having your teachers assign you detention.”

  Her voice was sweet, too sweet to scare a rowdy bunch of bear shifter teens. They just stared at her with blank expressions before laughing and rolling their eyes.

  My blood boiled and I dropped the ax I’d picked back up. There was no way they were going to treat her like that and get away with it. My bear foamed at the mouth at any chance for violence.

  “Are you kidding me? Don’t be jerks, guys, go back to the carnival.” She put her hands on her hips and frowned, her lips going ridiculously pouty.

  They still didn’t listen to her, but I stepped up behind her and growled at them. “Now.”

  My voice was hoarse from not being used often and the order came out more like a deep bark, than an actual voice. It did the job, though. Every one of them could sense my dominant bear. The kids scattered faster than bugs in the light, leaving me alone with a woman that I shouldn’t be alone with.


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