Mistletoe Rodeo (Welcome to Ramblewood)

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Mistletoe Rodeo (Welcome to Ramblewood) Page 10

by Amanda Renee

  “It helps.” Nola looked at the arrangement and inhaled the scent without moving from her seated position. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable last night.” Chase sat in the chair across from her. “The news of this Scott David person just really took us by surprise.”

  “What would you say if I told you I wasn’t surprised?” Nola tapped her pen against a file folder in front of her.

  “You know Scott David?” Chase knew it was part of Nola’s job to be aware of what was going on out there, but he would have thought a cattle baron north of Dallas was out of her news coverage area.

  “I know of him.” Nola opened her folder, turned it toward him and slid it across the desk. “This is a photo of Scott and his trophy wife, Juanita.” Nola flipped the page. “This is his online persona and the avatar he uses when commenting about you and your family.”

  Chase studied the pictures, both meaning nothing to him. “What comments has he made? And how do you know about him?”

  “After your National Finals interview at the ranch, I went online to check the social media sites to see how our segment went over with your fans. That was the first time I saw his comments. Every site I went to, his name was there. And he’s made further comments in more places every day since. They’re all there. I printed them out.”

  “This is what you were trying to tell us when you came into the room last night, wasn’t it?”

  “It was, and I was so annoyed afterward I wasn’t even going to give you this much, to tell you the truth.” Nola gestured to the flowers again. “Let’s just say I had a change of heart.”

  Chase stood and awkwardly attempted to squeeze between her desk and filing cabinet. “Do you think there might be room for one more change of heart?”

  Nola stifled a giggle at his distress. “That all depends on what we’re talking about.”

  “Come to the tree lighting with me and my family. I know you’re on standby, and if you have to leave, that’s fine. But we would really love to have you come back to our house afterward for food and the tree trimming and caroling and—” Chase crouched before her as best he could with what little room he had and took her hands in his. “Nola, it would mean the world to me to spend this time with you. Christmas is a big deal for my family and I’d love to have you there with us tonight. I think you deserve to celebrate the holiday.”

  Nola’s eyes began to glisten. “I don’t know what to say, except...yes. I’d love to.”

  “Since we’ve practically spent the past week together, and I think we both enjoy each other’s company, I have something else to ask you.” Chase squeezed her hands a little tighter, hoping he wouldn’t scare her away. “I don’t know how you’re feeling or where you’d like to see this go, but I’d like to give it a genuine chance. I screwed up last night and that was hard to live with today. So how would you feel about spending the holidays with me and my crazy family? I’d love to show you a real Christmas.”

  Nola didn’t answer in words. Instead, she snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him. Drawing her closer, Chase pulled her to her feet.

  “Is that a yes?” The warmth of her body against his sparked other ideas. He’d much rather skip the tree lighting so they could be alone.

  “Yes.” Nola kissed him again.

  Reluctantly he set her away from him. “In that case, we don’t have much time.”

  “Then, let’s go.” Nola grabbed her red wool coat and her handbag and stood waiting for Chase to lead the way.

  “Oh, hell.” Chase attempted to squeeze past her desk and filing cabinet again. “You really need a larger office.”

  “I’m lucky I have this one,” Nola said as they entered the hallway.

  “And I’m lucky I have you.”

  Nola shook her head at him. “I never took you for the hopeless-romantic type.” Nola pushed open the double doors to the parking lot and began walking to her car. “I’ll follow you if I’m going to the ranch afterward. That way we won’t have to backtrack here later.”

  “Okay.” Chase hated how the temporary separation cooled their moment. He had looked forward to driving to the tree lighting with Nola beside him in his truck. There was something comforting about the idea. It almost had a sense of permanence to it, and for the first time, Chase wondered if he had found the woman for him.

  * * *

  RAMBLEWOOD WAS PACKED with cars, forcing Nola and Chase to park at Slater’s Mill and walk toward the center of town.

  “I don’t think we’ll make it in time.” Chase took her hand in his and led her toward the sidewalk. “Want to make a run for it?”

  Although Nola had worn pants to work, she was in heels. “I don’t think that’s going to happen in these shoes. Give me a second to grab my sneakers out of my car.”

  Chase checked his watch. “There’s no time.” He turned around, squatted and looked over his shoulder. “Hop on.”

  Nola laughed at him and continued to her vehicle, unlocking it quickly. “You’re insane, you know that? The last thing your shoulder needs is me holding onto it for dear life as you run us down the street.” She slipped on a pair of black running shoes, tossed her heels onto the backseat and shut the door. “Let’s do this.”

  Hand in hand, they ran toward Main Street, laughing hysterically along the way. She was impressed that Chase could keep up with her—not many people could. Running was a holdover from her military days and it helped keep her grounded.

  “Chase! Nola!” Tess called out through the sea of people. “We were beginning to wonder if you’d make it.”

  “So were we,” Nola said as Tess pulled her into a warm embrace. One day she’d get used to this hugging thing, but it was still new to her. She waved to Chase’s brother over Tess’s shoulder. “Hi, Cole.”

  “Good to see you.” The man gave her a quick hug. “They’re running a little late, so you haven’t missed anything.”

  Relieved that there didn’t appear to be any lingering suspicion from last night, Nola began to relax. An enormous white spruce stood in the middle of Ramblewood Park. Nola hadn’t imagined the place would be this full. She’d heard of small-town tree-lighting ceremonies before, even seen them in holiday movies, but none of them compared to the sheer magnitude of people who’d come out for this one.

  A man stood on the back of a decorated flatbed trailer and tapped the microphone. “Welcome, Ramblewood!” The crowd erupted in applause. “Thank you all for coming out this gorgeous evening. If you wander near the fountain, please help yourself to a free hot chocolate, generously donated by The Dog House. I apologize for the delay, but we had to wait for a few members of our opening act to arrive. Please join me in welcoming the first and second grade classes of Ramblewood Elementary as they lead us into our Christmas celebration.”

  The crowd applauded again as a large group of children climbed the staircase onto the trailer and faced the crowd. Chase stood behind Nola, wrapping his arms around her like a warm blanket, erasing any doubts she had about him earlier. His nearness heightened her senses, making it easy to get lost in this moment.

  “We love you, Ever!” Tess waved to her daughter onstage while Cole recorded them on his phone. Nola had been one of the child’s biggest fans since the day they’d met. Ever’s cerebral palsy had made walking difficult back then, but her continued hippotherapy and leg braces allowed her to easily walk onstage with the rest of her class tonight.

  “They’re adorable.” Nola clapped and waved along with the crowd as the children sang “Jingle Bells” and “Here Comes Santa Claus.”

  “I never in a million years would have thought that coming home for Jesse’s wedding would take my life in this direction.” A tear spilled onto Tess’s cheek, her face shining with pure pride for her daughter as she spoke to Nola. “Cole and I dated in high school, but we went our separate ways. When I saw him again, I knew this was where I belonged. Ramblewood was home.”

  Cole kissed his wi
fe on the cheek. “I’m going to go get Ever. Be right back.”

  Nola glanced around the large crowd, wanting for once to capture a moment in her mind instead of on camera. The chill of the night air didn’t stand a chance of penetrating the warmth that radiated off the people there. She may have avoided the event in the past, but she silently vowed never to miss another one in the future.

  After Cole and Ever joined them and a few more performances by local children, everyone began to light the single white candle they had received when they entered the park.

  The emcee once again took the stage. “If you would all be so kind, please join me in singing “Silent Night” as we remember those who are no longer with us.”

  It was a touching gesture, and Nola was aware of a few people wiping away tears. She looked down at Ever standing between Tess and Cole, and then squeezed her eyes tight, willing herself not to cry.

  “Are you okay?” Chase whispered against her cheek from behind.

  “I will be if you continue to hold me.” Chase tightened his arms around Nola and sang into her hair. When the song ended, they blew out their candles as the mass collectively observed a moment of silence.

  Kay and the rest of the Langtry clan made their way toward them as they waited for the lighting of the tree. Afraid she might cry if she spoke, Nola managed to hug everyone without uttering a word.

  “Ramblewood.” The host began to rile the crowd once again. “Please join me in wishing your friends and neighbors a merry Christmas!”

  The Christmas tree instantly began to sparkle with thousands of colored lights reflecting off red velvet bows. It might be smaller, but to Nola, this tree beat the one she’d seen online at Rockefeller Center. A seemingly endless stream of strangers hugged and wished her a merry Christmas to the point where Nola thought her heart might burst with happiness.

  Chase turned her around in his arms and kissed her. His tongue parted her lips and in the fervor of the moment, Nola forgot where they were. She wasn’t big on public displays of affection, but with Chase, all her previous rules seem to fly right out the window. She was breathless when their kiss broke, and when she looked into his eyes Nola felt her heart lurch madly. She didn’t know if it was because their relationship was moving on to the next step or if it was the magic of the Christmas spirit surrounding her. At this point, she didn’t care. All she knew was that she didn’t want it to end.

  * * *

  NOLA DROVE BEHIND Chase on their way to the ranch. He’d never been one to speed, but tonight he couldn’t get home quickly enough. He wanted to park his truck, pull Nola from her car and disappear, spending the rest of the night making love to her. His family might kill him, but it would be worth it. He needed to feel Nola in his arms, with nothing between them. He craved that closeness more than he had ever wanted anything in his life.

  He pulled up next to the house and Nola parked beside him. “Were we in the Indy 500?” Nola asked as she stepped from the car.

  Chase didn’t answer her. Instead, he grabbed her hand before she had a chance to retrieve her coat from the car and led her to the rodeo school, knowing no one would be there at this hour.

  “What are we doing here?” Nola asked as Chase unlocked the door and held it open for her.

  He locked up behind him and tucked Nola against him. “Nothing you don’t want to do. I just needed time alone with you. Whenever we’re together, there’s somebody else around and I wanted a moment for us.”

  His heart hammered against his rib cage. A hot ache grew in his chest. Dipping his head, his lips brushed hers softly. There was no rush. Chase wanted to take his time and enjoy the feel and the taste of her.

  He took her hands in his, encouraging her to explore his body. Following his lead, Nola brushed her fingers against the bare skin under the waistband of his jeans. A shiver of anticipation rocketed through him. Fumbling with the buttons on her shirt in the dark, he opted to lift it over her head. The lace of her bra grazed the pads of his thumbs as they encircled her nipples.

  “Tell me to stop and I will,” Chase whispered.

  “Don’t.” Nola’s voice was thick with desire. “Whatever you do, please, don’t stop. I need you.”

  So much for taking his time.

  Those were all the words Chase needed to hear. He unfastened her bra and let it slide slowly from her arms. He was barely able to make out her body, but the moon shining through the building’s skylights revealed all he needed to see.

  They both took off their shoes, then Nola unhooked his belt buckle with deftness, unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down past his thighs. He stepped out of his pants and reached for hers, easing them down, trailing kisses between her breasts. Nola lifted his chin before he could kiss her any lower.

  “I want to feel you.” Her whisper echoed in the darkness of the building’s stone entryway. Nola slipped her hand beneath his boxer briefs and wrapped her hand around his arousal. “Good God, you feel amazing.”

  Chase’s mouth hungrily claimed hers as he removed her panties. Shrugging out of his boxer briefs, he growled against her mouth, crushing her against him. He widened his stance to meet her height; his hardness flattened against her sweet spot. Aching to lose himself inside her, Chase shifted Nola until her back was against the door.

  Grabbing her thighs, he lifted her, ignoring the pain in his shoulder. Her legs wrapped around his waist, imprisoning his body with hers, replacing any discomfort he felt with desire.

  “Please, Chase,” Nola groaned. “Now.”

  And in that moment, as the stars shone through the skylights above them, Chase found heaven.

  * * *

  * * *

  BREATHLESS AND GIGGLING, Nola fumbled for her clothes in the dark. “Your mother is going to kill us.”

  “Yeah, but it was so worth it.” Chase tugged her back into his arms, his hands immediately seeking her breasts. “Think we could squeeze in another round?”

  “No, I do not.” Nola wriggled away. “I don’t think my shirt survived our little...episode.” Even in the moonlight, she could see how dirty her once-white blouse had become. “Do you think you’d be able to sneak out to my car and grab the bag I keep in the backseat? There’s a pair of black leggings and a denim shirt in it. At least I could change into something a little cleaner. I don’t think anyone will notice—I had my coat on at the tree lighting.”

  “I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee I won’t get caught. There are eyes everywhere on this ranch, especially my sisters-in-law’s.” Nola heard Chase pull on his jeans. “I’ll lock the door, but I suggest you cover up while I’m gone, just in case.”

  He closed the door behind him and the deadbolt clicked into place. Standing in the center of the entryway alone, Nola couldn’t believe what had just happened. She’d just unabashedly had sex with Chase. Incredible sex. The best of her life.

  She had no idea how they were going to explain their absence. Surely, someone would have seen their cars by now. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass him. No one wanted their family to know they’d just sneaked away to get it on with their girlfriend. But every excuse she thought of sounded like an outright lie, and she hated the thought of lying to the Langtrys.

  The sound of the door opening so soon after Chase had left startled her. Flattening herself against the cold stone wall, Nola gripped her blouse tightly to her chest.

  “Where are you?” Chase asked from the doorway.

  Nola exhaled the breath she’d been holding. “You scared me half to death. How did you get back here so fast?”

  “I ran.” Chase closed the door behind him and handed her the bag. “You didn’t think I was going to take my time with you standing in here naked, did you?”

  “Did anyone see you?” Nola reached inside for her shirt and leggings.

  “Not that I noticed.” Chase attempted to pull her into his arms again. “There’s no reason to be nervous. Even if they did, it doesn’t matter.”

  Nola playfully slapped his
hands away. “It does matter. I don’t want your family to think I’m a floozy.”

  “No one is going to think you’re a floozy.” Chase stilled her hands and gathered her against his body. “Why would you even think that?”

  “Your mom’s been so generous with me. I don’t want her to think I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “And here I was afraid you’d think I had taken advantage of you.” His calloused hands cupped her face and held it gently. “Nola, my family will never judge you. I promise.”

  “I trust you.” At least she thought she did. She wanted to. Nola knew one day she would need to tell Chase about her past, but now wasn’t the right moment. There was time, and if Chase was right in thinking no one would judge her, why should her past matter anyway? Love meant acceptance, and although Nola wasn’t sure if they’d ever reach that stage, tonight gave her reason to believe they were heading in the right direction.

  “Please don’t ever doubt me,” Chase whispered against her mouth before their lips met. The comforting strength of his arms melted away her fears of rejection. “I hate letting you go, but we should head up to the main house before they send out a search party.”

  “We don’t want that.” Nola finished dressing, missing his touch as she did.

  She dropped her bag off in the car on the way to the house, still uncertain how to explain where they’d been. Nola wasn’t even sure how long they’d been gone.

  “It’s about time you two showed up.” Lexi looked them both up and down as they walked into the kitchen. “Oh. My. God. You two got into the spirit of things, didn’t you?” She made a tsk sound with her tongue. “Good for you. Come join the rest of the party. I’m sure you must be hungry.”

  What the heck?

  “How did she know?” Nola couldn’t believe her ears. “Did we just get congratulated for having sex?”

  “Yes, we did. And it’s called afterglow.” Chase rested his hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the kitchen to the great room. “I told you there was nothing to worry about.”


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