Security Breach

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Security Breach Page 1

by Evan Grace

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  Security Breach

  Rogue Security and Investigation Series

  Book One

  By Evan Grace


  Copyright © 2018 by Evan Grace.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: March 2018

  Crave Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Crave Publishing, LLC

  ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-328-3

  ISBN-10: 1-64034-328-8

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  To Jim, just because I love you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  Chapter One


  I pull into the underground parking garage of my new job, Rogue Security and Investigation. After climbing out of my car—my pride and joy, a red 1967 Shelby GT500—I make my way to the elevator and ride it up to the top floor.

  The place is seriously incredible. It’s all modern: glass, black, and chrome. There’s a woodsy scent in the air. A beautiful blonde sits behind the desk just outside the elevators. “Good morning,” she says. “You must be Mr. Meyers. Mr. Mackenzie said you’d be joining us today.” She holds out a couple of what look like credit cards to me. “Here are your keycards. The black one will get you on the elevator in the future—they kept them unlocked when they saw you coming on the monitors. The silver card will get you through any door in the back.”

  I take the cards from her. “Thanks.”

  “Mr. Mackenzie knows you’re here and said to go on back to his office. It’s down the first hall, last door on the right. Welcome to Rogue Security and Investigation.”

  “Thank you, um…”

  “My name is Carrie. My husband, Egan, is one of the computer specialists here.”

  I stick my hand out and she shakes it. That’s when I see she’s pregnant. “Nice meeting you, Carrie, and congratulations.”

  She gives me a bright smile before I use my card to get into the back. The first thing I notice is that it’s real quiet here. I was expecting it to be bustling, but instead it seems laid-back. I turn to the right and see closed office doors with nameplates on them. I find Jack’s and give a knock.

  “Come in,” I hear, muffled from inside.

  When I open the door, I find Jack standing behind his desk. Jack Mackenzie is a buddy of mine from my Army days—we were both Special Forces and did two tours together before he was honorably discharged for taking a bullet to the hip, shattering it and leaving him to get it replaced at thirty-eight years old. That was three years ago.

  When I left the Army a year ago, I’d been aimless while I tried to readjust to civilian life. Luckily, I had a nice little nest egg saved while I figured out what the fuck I wanted to do with my life. My parents, being the sweet people they are, let me stay with them temporarily in my hometown of DeWitt, Illinois. Was I thrilled to be living with my parents at thirty-three? No, but it was only temporary, so I could deal.

  Six months ago, Jack contacted me, and I drove up to Chicago to meet him for dinner and to discuss his business. At first, I had assumed I’d be a glorified security guard—and if that was the case, I wasn’t going to take the job—but then he showed me all the information about his company. In three years, he’d taken it from three employees to a group of fifteen. There are two computer experts, three bounty hunters, and ten private investigators. He also uses off-duty law enforcement officers when needed.

  I went home and thought about it, then drove back out a month later to sign my contract. I’m just now starting because I had to get licensed as a private investigator. I found a house and moved to Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago. I would’ve loved to live in the city, but for what I would pay for an apartment I could easily buy a house, so that’s what I did.

  Now that I can size him up face to face again, I see my former Army buddy still looks great. His hair is more silver than blond since he was discharged, and the crow’s feet around his brown eyes are a little more pronounced. He comes around to greet me with a back slap and a hug. “Glad you’re finally here, brother.”

  “Thanks, man. I’m happy as hell to be here and ready to get started.”

  “Come have a seat.” I sit in the chair next to him, turning it until we’re facing each other. “Did you get all unpacked?”

  Jack and some of the guys helped me unload the moving truck and set up my furniture. “Yeah, I did. Thanks again for bringing the guys to help. I appreciate it.”

  “Not a problem. We were happy to help. Erik’s going to take you with him today and just kind of show you around. My plan is to have my daughter get your paperwork all together to fill out.”

  “Daughter? I didn’t know you had any kids. Especially one that’s old enough to work here.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I was twenty when her mom got pregnant. We were young and it didn’t last, so it’s not something I like to talk about.” A solemn expression crosses his face, but then he shakes his head. “But Delilah moved here two years ago, and it’s been great. And I’m going to be a grandpa in about four months, actually.”

  “Congrats, man. Does that mean we should expect to see you in big old man cardigans and bifocals?”

  He laughs and gives me a shove. “Fuck you, asshole. Let’s go. I’ll introduce you to Erik.”

  Erik is a tall Viking-looking motherfucker. I’m a big guy, but he makes me feel like a shrimp. His blond hair is shaved close to the scalp, just like my own dark brown hair. I’ve never seen eyes more intense than this guy’s piercing ice blue ones. He reaches his hand out. “I’m Erik. Nice meeting you.”

  “Reece. Nice meeting you too.”

  “Come on, I’ll take you around.” Side by side, we make ou
r way toward the elevator and head down to the parking garage. He spots my car and freezes. “Is that a Shelby?”

  I grin. “Yep, that’s my baby. You wanna take a look at it?” He’s like a kid at Christmas; he actually runs toward it. As he trails his hand lovingly over the red paint, he walks around the car slowly. I unlock the door and pop the hood. “Take a look at the engine. My dad and I rebuilt it.”

  “If you’re not doing anything tonight after dinner, you ought to come by my place. I’ve got a 1970 Chevy Impala.”

  “I’m still unpacking, but fuck yeah, I want to see it. Let’s do it soon.”

  I lock up my baby and we move across the garage to a souped-up black Explorer. We drive around, and he shows me different areas and the businesses we do the security for. During the ride, Erik tells me he’s a Marine who served two tours before he got out.

  “Most of the guys are former military, except for Carrie’s husband,” he says. “He used to do freelance work for the government. The guy is fucking smart. I figure if their kid looks like her with his brains, he or she will rule the world.”

  We stop at Portillo’s for lunch. After picking up our food, we grab a table and conversation is stalled while we eat. This is the best Italian beef I’ve ever had, and if I were alone, I’d probably moan around each bite.

  “So, is Egan the only one married?” I ask after wiping my mouth and tossing my napkin down.

  “No, Scott and Will are both married, but the rest of us are single. What about you?”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m not married, and very single.”

  “Good. We all tend to go out a lot together…have card games and what have you. You’ll notice we’re a close-knit group. It’s just like the military: we’re brothers.”

  “That’s why I came to work here. That’s one thing I miss about my Army days…the brotherhood.”

  “I hear you. I met Jack through a mutual friend and we got to talking. He asked me about my future, and to be honest, I had no fucking idea what I wanted to do. Him offering me the job came at the right time, because I was just sitting around with my thumb up my ass—unsure about everything and missing the hell out of my brothers. I’m now the head of investigation and surveillance, and I fucking love it.”

  We take off and head back to the office. I use my keycard to get us on the elevator and upstairs. He then takes me around to meet some of the guys.

  Egan is not what I pictured at all. I assumed that, him being the computer expert and all, he’d be nerdish, not built like a brick shit house. He’s certainly not as big as Erik, but he’s bulky.

  Marcus is ex-Navy and African-American: tall, with compact muscles, light-brown skin, and hazel eyes. He does a lot of the bounty hunting and is covered in a lot of badass ink. Dalton is the next guy I meet. He’s tall, on the leaner side, sports a beard, and doesn’t look threatening at all, but he’s some sort of martial arts expert and runs surveillance with Erik.

  Most of the other guys I met when they helped me move my furniture. Erik, Marcus, Dalton, and Egan had been working at the time, so they hadn’t been there.

  Erik leads me into the conference room and tells me to have a seat. “I’ll go grab Del for you, so she can get you started on the paperwork. And just to warn you: there’s a ton of it.”

  I reach out to shake his hand. “Thanks for showing me around today.”

  “You bet. We’ll talk later.”

  On a cart by the door are bottles of water. I grab one, open it, and slug down half of it before I even sit down. I hear footsteps approach and assume it must be Jack’s daughter.

  The door swings open. I take one look at her, and all I can say is, “It’s you.”

  Chapter Two


  “Is your dad still trying to convince you to tell him who Junior’s dad is?”

  I turn away from the mirror to look at my best friend, Brandon. We met in kindergarten and became tight right away. He’s been my rock through each bad relationship my mom has been in, and when I’d be stressed about my dad when he was overseas fighting. Then when he came out to me, I was his rock when he told his family.

  When I moved here to be close to my dad, Brandon didn’t hesitate to come with me. And when four-and-a-half months ago I realized I’d missed two periods and was pregnant from my one and only one-night stand, he was there, and has been ever since. His green eyes gaze at me with a love that always warms me. His light-brown hair is coiffed perfectly, and he’s dressed in a fitted suit that shows off his lean frame. Black eyeglasses finish off the outfit and give him the hot, nerdy look.

  “No, thank God. I don’t see what the point is. I never got his last name and he was here on business.” It had been the best night of my life, but when I woke the next morning, he was gone. No note…nothing.

  “Well, I can’t wait to meet my nephew. He’s going to be the best-dressed baby out there.” I smile and walk into his waiting arms. “You know I’ll always be there for you. Even as your coach when you’re pushing him out.” He makes a disgusted face that makes me laugh.

  “I know you will—that’s why this baby’s middle name is going to be Brandon.” He tears up the way he always does when I tell him that. He’s also going to be my son’s “fairy godfather,” or at least that’s what he’s calling himself.

  When my dad first met him, he didn’t know what to make of him. Brandon is very flouncy and charismatic, and he loves laying it on thick sometimes. Now…well, now my dad, Mr. Big Bad Former Special Forces, loves him. I think it’s because my dad knows that Brandon keeps an eye on me. Hell, we keep an eye on each other.

  “Does this look okay?” I signal to the form-fitting dress I’m wearing. My belly has popped out a lot in the last couple of weeks, but I’m not quite ready to start buying maternity clothes yet. The dress is emerald green with capped sleeves and a v-neck that shows off my ever-growing cleavage. My breasts have always been on the smaller side, but now they’re full. The dress hits me right above my knees.

  “You look gorg. That color has always looked so great on you. Wear your hair up in a messy knot. Show off that rack.” He kisses my cheek and then leaves to get to his internship at the advertising agency where he hopes to work when he graduates.

  I finish doing my hair and then slip a pair of heels on before grabbing my purse and heading out the door. It’s nice being close to the L train and not having far to walk. Luckily when I step on, there’s a seat that’s open. It normally takes about fifteen minutes to get to my stop, and while I wait, I pull out my phone, opening my Kindle app.

  Reading romance is about the only romance for me these days. I’ve dated a little bit, but it never amounts to anything more than friendship. Plus, when they find out I’m pregnant, I pretty much become undesirable, like pregnancy is a disease or something.

  The L approaches my stop and I stand up, holding on to the back of my seat. As soon as the doors open, I’m the first one out. I make my way down the stairs and to the street.

  When I graduated from my online two-year college program with a degree in office management, my mom told me I was wasting my time and that it was a stupid choice. “You’re not smart enough to manage an office,” she said. Obviously, she enjoys making me feel like an idiot.

  That’s why I moved to be by my dad, my biggest cheerleader. As soon as I graduated, he hired me to run his office. My dad is the best at what he does, but when I started, his office was a mess. It took me over a month to get everything cleaned up and organized.

  I spent so many years separated from my dad, and now that we work together, I get to see him all the time. He knows what I dealt with living with my mom, and I know a part of him still feels guilty, but he was serving our country and I can’t be mad about that. When he got shot, I lost my shit. Especially since he was being treated overseas and I didn’t get to see him until he was finally back stateside.

  When I found out I was pregnant, my mom screamed at me over the phone for two hours about how I was screwing
my life up and I should abort it. Dad was upset, but got over it really quick when my morning, noon, and night sickness started freaking Brandon out and he called him.

  For a month after my mom found out, she called me at least once a week asking if I’d had the abortion yet, and I’d just hang up on her. Finally, my dad got tired of seeing me so upset and told my mom that if she couldn’t be happy for me, or at least fake it, she didn’t need to bother calling.

  That was two months ago, and I haven’t heard from her since. It hurts, but that’s what she loves doing—hurting me. Never physically, but she’s been the queen of emotional and mental pain for most of my life.

  I enter the building and use my keycard to get on the elevator.

  “Hey girlie, how are you feeling?” Carrie greets me. She’s two months further along than I am, and she and her husband are possibly the cutest couple I’ve seen.

  “I’m good,” I tell her. “I actually feel great.”

  “That dress looks so great on you. Your little belly is just the cutest.”

  I smile and rub a hand over my tummy. “Thanks. I’m just not ready for a maternity wardrobe yet.”

  “This little man likes to stretch his legs and poke me in the ribs.”

  Since we’re both having boys, we’ve already decided they’re going to be best friends. I promise her we’ll have lunch later this week, then head toward the back and step inside my office. I’ve got HR stuff to do with a new employee today who also happens to be a friend of my dad’s. He’s currently out with Erik, the office flirt. He’s harmless, and I swear he only hits on me because it pisses my dad off.

  Time to buckle down and get some work done before it’s time to do my HR gig.

  Most of my morning is spent paying bills and setting up appointments for the guys. I love that part of my job is bossing around huge ex-military men. They listen, that’s for sure, and do what I say. Of course, it’s probably because they’re scared of my dad.


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