Security Breach

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Security Breach Page 8

by Evan Grace

  She moans around each bite, and I swear my dick is getting hard. When we finish we clean up and then snuggle on the couch as we watch a couple more episodes of the show.

  Delilah stands up and stretches. Her t-shirt rides up on her rounded stomach, and I can’t help myself—I reach out and touch it. She covers my hands with hers. “He loves Chinese.” A thump hits my hand. Now that she’s twenty-eight weeks, she’s in the beginning of her third trimester, and according to the books I’ve read, she’s really going to start popping out.

  Every week her body changes—her breasts are beginning to spill out of her bras, but her belly is the only other thing that looks pregnant on her. From behind, you’d never guess. I just can’t wait until her belly really starts moving. They say that sometimes you can see the outline of hands or feet.

  “Are you gonna try going back to being a vegetarian after he’s born?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess it’ll depend on the baby. I plan on breastfeeding, and as long as he gets the nutrients he needs then I’ll go back to no meat. Of course inside me he’s rejected tofu and most beans, so we’ll have to see how he does on the outside.”

  Delilah picks up the trash and then heads upstairs to bed. I watch a little bit of the news, and then lock up before heading upstairs. I’m tempted to grab her and bring her to my bed, but I don’t. Under my covers I reach for my aching cock, giving him a squeeze. This hard-on seems ever present when I’m around her…or think about her.

  I close my eyes and drum up memories of our night together. Before I can start stroking my cock, I hear a faint buzzing sound. I sit up in bed and listen closely. A faint moan hits my ears, and my dick throbs. She’s masturbating right now. Fuck me, enough is enough. We both want each other—there’s nothing stopping us.

  On silent feet, I walk out of my room down to hers and listen at the door. Sure enough, the muffled buzzing can be heard. Delilah moans again, and I grab the knob and push the door open.

  “Reece! What are you doing? I was—I was using a massager on my sore muscles.” She scrambles to cover herself with her comforter, her eyes wide and panic written all over her face.

  I don’t say anything. I just walk toward her bed, and to my pleasant surprise, Delilah gets up on her knees, letting the comforter drop.

  I swallow the lump in my throat because she’s breathtaking. Her hair is down and around her shoulders. The tiny tank top she’s wearing barely contains her breasts or her belly, and she’s not wearing any panties, so her pussy is on display for me.

  She holds her hand out to me, and I don’t hesitate taking it and climbing on the bed. In seconds she’s in my arms, and our lips connect in a sensual glide. My hands grip her hair at the base of her neck, using my hold to control the kiss…deepen it.

  My tongue seeks entrance into her mouth, and she obliges me by opening hers, our tongues dueling in our own private dance. I let go of her hair as we kiss, and my hands drift down to the hem of her tank top. Easing it up, I let my fingers graze her nipples and swallow her moan.

  I pinch them between my fingers, and she grips my wrists as she pulls her mouth away to throw her head back and moan—loudly. My dick is leaking pre-cum and I don’t fucking care, but if I don’t get inside of her soon I’m going to lose it. My boxer briefs are the only thing standing between my cock and her snug, wet heat.

  Letting go of one nipple, I reach down and rub her pussy. “Fuck baby, you’re drenched.” I slide my fingers through her wet folds before bending down to take one nipple into my mouth. I suck hard as I strum her clit. She grips my head and starts grinding against my hand. I move my mouth away from her nipple. “Are you gonna come, baby?”

  “Yeeeeesssss,” she moans.

  I suck her nipple back into my mouth and shove two fingers inside her. She tightens around me immediately, crying out incoherently. “Oh, oh, oh.” She moans as she rides my fingers. I bring my mouth up to hers, kissing her hard until the pulsating in her pussy stops. After pulling my fingers from her, I bring them up to her lips and paint them with her juices.

  I lick her lips, moaning as her flavor explodes on my tongue. We kiss as I grab her hips and work her down on her back. Instead of coming down on top of her, I lie on my side up against hers. In the dark we stare at each other, and no words need to be spoken. She reaches down between us, palming my cock.

  She uses the right amount of pressure that has me getting close to the edge before she backs off. My lips graze her chin before grabbing it with my teeth. “It’s been hell having you here, and not touching you, when I’ve wanted to every single night.”

  I bite a trail down her neck to the spot where it meets her shoulder. My teeth clamp down, and I feel her shudder. I keep thrusting into her hand, feeling my dick getting harder and harder. She pushes me until I’m lying on my back, and then peels my underwear off.

  Delilah straddles my hips, her pussy resting on my dick. I use my arms to push myself up until she can bend down and kiss me, her belly pressed firmly against mine. She begins rocking against me, coating my dick with her wetness. “Put me in, baby,” I whisper against her lips.

  She rises up on her knees and wraps her hand around my dick. After rubbing the tip through her wetness, she lines me up and slowly lowers herself onto my cock. I groan against her lips when she settles in the cradle of my lap, my dick buried deep inside her snug channel. She begins to slowly rock back and forth and up and down.

  I cup her face, and something important, something vital, passes through us. She feels it too because she does a full body shudder that has me groaning. Delilah begins to move faster, and faster, panting and moaning with each thrust. She’s controlling everything right now, but I need to move. I need to come.

  I reach between us and use my thumb on her clit until she grabs onto my shoulders and begins to rock her hips. “Oh God,” she moans. “I’m so close.” I wrap my lips around her nipple and suck hard, and she explodes around me.

  When the ripples finally stop, she sags against me. Carefully, I flip us until she’s on her back, and with my arms tucked under her knees I spread her legs as far as they’ll go and thrust back inside. With fast, deep thrusts, I pound into her over and over. She cries out with each thrust, holding onto her headboard for purchase.

  Her belly shakes, and for a second, I pause. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No, please don’t stop.” I begin to pick up the pace and feel my balls tingle, knowing that I’m quickly going to come.

  “You feel like heaven. I want to spend every minute of every day inside of you.” I thrust twice more before I can’t stop it from happening. “Oh fuck, baby. I’m coming.” I empty myself inside her with three deep thrusts, not missing the fact that she comes too with a long, deep moan.

  I slip from her body and lie down next to her, pulling her into my arms.

  “That was amazing,” she says before kissing the underside of my chin. She strokes my chest as we lie in silence. Right here is where I want to stay forever. It just feels right.

  “I didn’t use a condom, but I haven’t been with anyone since you,” I mutter.

  She kisses my chest. “Same, and it’s not like you have to worry about getting me pregnant.” Delilah giggles—fucking giggles before burying her head against my chest.

  I kiss the top of her head and place my hand on her stomach. Our son moves around, and something dawns on me. “That wouldn’t have hurt him, would it?”

  “Ummm…No, not at all. He’s protected pretty well in there. Will you stay with me tonight?”

  I didn’t want to assume anything, but I’m glad she asked. “There’s no place I’d rather be.”

  Chapter Ten


  My eyes flutter open, and I feel a heavy weight at my back. A huge grin splits my lips, and I snuggle against Reece. His arm is wrapped around me, and it makes my heart flutter. He woke me in the middle of the night with his mouth on my nipple.

  He ended up fucking me slowly, and thoroughly. We c
ame together with long moans that I felt all the way down to my soul. I turn my head to look behind me, and see that Reece is sound asleep. God, he is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. I hope our son looks just like him. Of course I wouldn’t be sad if my baby boy looked like me. I just want him to be healthy, and happy.

  I grab his hand and bring it to my mouth. I kiss his palm and then set it on his side. Climbing out of bed, I moan. My body is deliciously sore, and I ache in all the right places. I grab his t-shirt off the floor, and when I step into the hall—I won’t lie—I bring the material up to my nose, inhaling his familiar, enticing scent.

  I drop it and step into the bathroom. After finishing, I brush my teeth and brush out my hair, leaving it down. In Reece’s bedroom, I find that he’s still asleep, so I head downstairs to make him breakfast for a change.

  I’m in the middle of frying up some bacon when he wraps his arms around my waist. “Good morning,” he says against my neck. I can smell the toothpaste he just used.

  “Good morning. I thought I’d make you breakfast for a change.” I turn my head and kiss his lips. “Do you want coffee?”

  I move to get it, but he stops me. “I’ll get it.” He walks to the coffeemaker and I admire his shirtless back. The dips and swells of his muscles beckon me to trace my tongue along each line. His basketball shorts ride low on his hips, showing off two sexy dimples above an ass that would make David Beckham jealous.

  When he comes back to stand next to me, I try very hard to control myself. He’s got a six pack that leads to that glorious V that you see in men’s fitness magazines. I want to drag my tongue across each nipple and bite them.

  He lifts my face to look at me. “Are you okay? You look a little flushed.” Reece flashes me a cocky grin and winks.

  I smack him with the towel and squeal when he grabs it to pull me flush against him, kissing my lips hard. “Go sit, and I’ll bring you your plate.”

  After we finished eating we both went upstairs to shower. I’d tried to tell him we were showering separately since we had to get ready for work, but we ended up getting really creative in there.

  Now as we make our way to the office, I lean my head back and a sense of contentment fills me as I stare out the passenger-side window with Reece holding my hand.

  We reach the office, and he comes around to help me out. Hand in hand, we ride the elevator up to our floor. I figure he’s going to let me go, but instead he keeps ahold of my hand.

  Most of the guys are there, including my dad. They don’t miss the fact that we’re holding hands, but thankfully they don’t say anything. “Good morning,” I say in my extremely fake, chipper voice.

  A couple of the guys laugh, and my dad grumbles something under his breath before kissing the top of my head. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  I watch him walk away. The worry I feel swirls in my belly like acid, and I want to go after him, but the look he had on his face was the one that said, “stay away and let me be.” Reece follows me into my office and shuts the door. “He’s going to be fine.” He kisses my lips softly before leaving me to my work.

  By the end of the day I feel like I haven’t gotten anything done. All I’ve been doing is worrying about my dad and trying not to worry about whoever has it in for my dad and is using me to do it. Shayla asked me to lunch but I declined, and being the sweet girl she is, she brought me a sandwich from my favorite shop.

  On the plus side, Brandon and Jose are coming over for dinner this weekend. I really want Brandon to get to know Reece, and vice versa. I look at the time on my computer and see that it’s almost six. I lock my computer, lock all of my files up, and grab my bag.

  The office seems to be cleared out. I know there’s someone here in the room in the back with all the monitors. I don’t know the two guys who keep an eye on them during third shift very well, but when I only see them in the morning when I go in early—and that only happens for the monthly staff meeting—it’s hard to play the “get to know you” game.

  I forgot my phone so I can’t call Reece, but wait…I head into my office and pull his file. I dial him using my office phone, but it goes right to voicemail.

  “This is Reece.” Typical…short and to the point.

  “Hey, it’s me.” Wait, maybe he won’t know who “me” is. “Um…me, Delilah. Are you picking me up? Call my office phone.”

  I hang up and wait…and wait, and wait. My stomach growls and I see that it’s now six-thirty, and I can’t wait anymore. I’m starving, and now crabby. I head to the elevator, take it down to the main floor, and head out the front.

  The building’s security guard gives me a warm smile. “Have a good night, Ms. Mackenzie.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Allen.” I set out into the warm night and wait for the cab they said they were sending right away.

  A few minutes pass before I hear that familiar rumble and see Reece’s Mustang turn the corner, stopping at the curb right in front of me. He hops out, looking a little frazzled. “I’m sorry. I was with Erik following a lead, and my phone died.” Reece opens the door for me, but before I climb in I kiss the underside of his chin.

  “It’s okay. I was just so lost in trying to get stuff done at the end of the day that I lost track of time. When I came out everyone was gone, and then I remembered I didn’t have my cellphone to call you. I had to look up your number from your file.”

  He strokes my cheek. “I forgot about your phone—no wonder when I called it earlier it went right to voicemail.”

  We settle into our seats and my stomach rumbles. “He’s hungry,” I say, rubbing my belly. We end up stopping to eat dinner at a little Mexican restaurant.

  “Were the leads you were following about a new case?”

  “Yeah, it’s that guy who thinks his wife is setting up a new life without him somewhere. It’s going to get messy before it’s over.”

  When they take those cases, it always makes me sad because the couples had to be happy once…right? It makes me totally gun shy about ever getting married. Plus, look at my parents’ marriage. Dad tried to make it last as long as he could, but he’d finally had enough. My mom used me as a pawn to manipulate him.

  I don’t think either one of them know that I know Dad tried to get custody of me, but Mom threatened to take me and run.

  “Hey. You okay?”

  I look up at Reece and shrug. “Yeah, it just brings up bad memories. My mom put Dad through hell. Things were so bad between them, even after they got divorced. She’s mental and enjoys making our lives hell. I’m never getting married.” I mutter the last part, and then smile at the waitress when she sets my food in front of me. “Thank you.”

  Neither of us speaks as we eat, and I’m thankful for the reprieve. My son can tell I’m upset because he gives me a little kick. What if I turn into my mom? I know I won’t, at least realistically, but that kernel of fear lives inside me.

  After dinner, we head back home—or Reece’s home, I should say. I know I’m being quiet—distant, even—but thinking about my mom and my childhood has always done that to me. It’s taken a lot of love from my dad and Brandon to help me deal and cope.

  I slip off my shoes and head up to my room. I change into a cotton candy pink tank top nightgown. In front of the mirror, I look myself over closely. My mom and I could pass for twins, and when I was little she used to preen when people would gush how perfect we were. Little did they know living with her was hell on Earth.

  A noise startles me, and I turn to see that it’s Reece standing in the doorway. “You okay?”

  I shake my head. He comes into the room and wraps me in his strong embrace. In minutes I feel more centered…relaxed. I pull back and look up into his eyes. “Sorry. I don’t know what my problem is. I do think I’m going to bed. I’m tired.”

  “Grab your Kindle and come lie in my bed. I’ve got some stuff to do, but you can sleep in there.” I do as he says and let him lead me down to his room.

  His bed is a huge California king w
ith the softest cotton sheets, big fluffy pillows, and thick warm comforter. All are the same dark gray color, and the frame of his bed is a grayish-looking wood. I never really looked at his stuff before, or maybe I just didn’t really pay attention to it. He pulls back the blankets for me, and I climb up onto bed—settling in.

  Reece bends down and gives me a kiss on the lips. “I’ll be up in a little bit.”

  “Good night,” I tell him before he disappears out into the hall. I turn on my Kindle and get lost in my fictional world.


  “Do you need help with anything?” I look up at Reece from in front of the stove. I’m working on browning the ground beef for my lasagna. The noodles are on the stove in a pot of boiling water.

  “Nope. I’ve got the filling all mixed together, the salad is tossed and in the fridge, and the garlic bread is buttered and ready to go into the oven when it’s time.”

  He comes to me, rubbing my shoulders. “Wow. Okay, let me know if I can do anything.” I feel his lips touch me right behind my ear, and I do a full body shiver.

  It’s been a couple of days since my “woe is me” pity party, and I’m feeling lots better. Reece has been great and hasn’t brought it up, for which I’m grateful. Tonight, Brandon and Jose are coming for dinner. Reece offered to make himself scarce, but I want him to know my best friend and the godfather of our child. No matter what happens with us, I want him to know the people that’ll be in our son’s life.

  After constructing the lasagna, I stick it in the oven and then head upstairs to change. Since it’s just my boys tonight, I throw on some dark gray leggings and an off-the-shoulder red t-shirt that molds perfectly to the basketball in my belly. I pin my hair up into a knot and don’t bother with makeup.

  As I’m heading down the stairs I hear the doorbell, and when I reach the bottom Brandon and Reece are exchanging one of those manly back-slapping hugs. I giggle when I see Brandon rest his head on Reece’s shoulder.


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