Security Breach

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Security Breach Page 10

by Evan Grace

  I met Delilah; I’ve made good buddies, so I get that brotherhood I miss from my time in the service; I have a career; and now I’m going to be a father. All of these changes should scare me or stress me out. I’ve always liked having a routine, and having Delilah here took some getting used to. Babies change things too, but I’ve never backed away from a challenge.

  I love the child already and he’s not even here. My doorbell chimes, and she pushes herself up looking so cute and confused. “Let me get up, baby.”

  She gets up off the sofa and disappears upstairs, probably to go to the bathroom. I make my way toward the door. The voices on the other side cause my body to lock up. I should’ve expected this sooner. When I pull open the door, my mom launches herself at me. “Oh my handsome boy, I’ve missed you so much.” My mom is an itty-bitty slip of a woman, and I’m still amazed that she was even able to carry me.

  “I’ve missed you too, Mom.” She squeezes me before letting go so I can greet my dad. “Hey, old man.” He grabs me and pulls me into a back-slapping hug. I step back and look at both of my parents. They’re both in their mid-fifties, but don’t look it. My mom’s always been trim, and her brown hair is free of gray, which I’m sure is thanks to hair coloring. My dad is in great shape, but leaner than me. His dark blond hair is more silver, but it works on him.

  “We just had to come see how you’re doing, and meet the mother of my future grandson,” my dad says. They both turn toward the stairs, and I turn to find Delilah standing at the bottom of the stairs, holding her belly and looking nervous.

  I hold my hand out to her, and she walks slowly toward us. “Baby, these are my parents, Elizabeth and Richard Meyers. Mom, Dad—this is Delilah Mackenzie.”

  She steps forward. “H-Hello. It’s very nice to meet you both.”

  Mom reaches for her hand first. “Lovely to meet you.” She looks at her stomach. “May I?” Delilah immediately agrees, and I watch my mom place both hands on her belly. I know he kicks and my mom feels it because she looks at me with a huge smile on her face. “He’s strong just like his daddy.”

  My mom steps back and my dad shakes her hand, but doesn’t touch Delilah’s belly. We head into the living room and sit down. “How long are you guys going to be in town for?” I ask.

  “Only a couple of days. We didn’t want to intrude…too much.” Mom winks at me, and Dad just shakes his head.

  “You’re welcome to stay here.”

  “No, on our way here your mom booked us a hotel room. Since we didn’t tell you we were coming, we didn’t want to assume that you didn’t already have plans. We didn’t want to get in your way.”

  My mom has never had a problem butting in on our lives—of course in the most loving, yet irritating way. I tell them about work and the guys I work with, including Delilah’s dad. I don’t really like the look that they both give her. It’s a judgy look, and I know she’s uncomfortable, but I’m an idiot and stay silent.

  “Can I get you folks something to drink?” Delilah stands up and starts backing out of the room. My parents ask for water, and she escapes to the kitchen like her ass is on fire. I turn back to my parents and give them a pointed look. Delilah brings out the bottles of water. “I’m gonna head upstairs and give you a chance to catch up.” She yawns and covers her mouth with the back of her hand. “It was nice meeting you folks.”

  “Good night, dear,” my mom says.

  “Nice meeting you, Delilah.” Dad gives her a forced smile.

  “Let’s go sit on the back deck,” I tell them. Of course I don’t mention it’s so I can chew them out for the way they treated her.

  They follow me through the kitchen and out the sliding door. We sit at my table, and I look between the two of them. “Are you kidding me right now? You know I love you and respect you, but you made Delilah really uncomfortable. She’s a sweet girl and doesn’t deserve that.”

  My dad puts his hand up. “Son, you called her a sweet girl…girl, not woman. She looks like a teenager. You know what people will say when they see you together?”

  “Seriously, you make it sound like she looks like she’s twelve, and she’s almost twenty-two. You could at least try and get to know her. You’d find out that she’s sweet, smart, loving, and loyal. She’s going to make a great fucking mom, even though she’s got a shitty one. I’m happy, and isn’t that what you want for me?”

  “Honey, we love you, and we’re glad you’re happy, but is this really what you want? You’re going to be in your forties, and she’ll still be in her twenties. Honey, you can’t possibly think this is a good idea. You work for her father. Do you think you’ll still have a job if things go south with the two of you? Are you sure it’s your baby?”

  I’m surprised that they’re treating me like I’m a dumb kid who doesn’t know any better. “Are you guys kidding me right now? You come into my home, disrespect me, and the mother of my son. I know you care, and you think you’re trying to help me, but I think I’m pretty good at reading people, and she’s amazing. She didn’t hesitate to let me be involved with my child. No games, no threats, and straight-up honesty is what I’ve gotten from her.” I stand and look at two people I’ve respected and loved, and it feels like I’m looking at strangers.

  “I love you. You know I do, but if you can’t treat her with respect I can’t have you coming around and upsetting her.”

  They both look at me, the regret easy to see. “You’re right, son. Your mom and I would like to take you out tomorrow night for dinner. Let us get to know her. We’ll make it right.”

  “Yeah, honey. I’m sorry that we made her uncomfortable.”

  I stand up. “I’ll be right back.” Once inside, I head upstairs. It’s extremely silent. In my room, I don’t find her. I move to her room, and it’s empty, but there’s a piece of paper lying on her bed.


  They’re right. I’m too young for you. I can’t make you happy. I’m going to Brandon’s. I’m sorry.



  Chapter Twelve


  My eyes burn as I pack my bag. How could I even be so naïve to think we’d ever work? He’s older, worldlier, and obviously has his shit together. Me…I’m barely an adult, and got pregnant after a one-night stand.

  I throw my bag over my shoulder and hurry down the stairs. The Uber I called pulls up in front of the house and on quick feet I head out to the car. I throw my bag in the backseat and climb in the front. The driver doesn’t try to engage me in conversation…thank God. I pull out my phone.

  Delilah: Are you home?

  Brandon: Yep, what’s up?

  I blink rapidly, trying to stave off the tears.

  Delilah: I left him.

  Brandon: Oh fuck. Okay see you when you get here.

  Twenty-five minutes later, the driver pulls up in front of my apartment. I grab my bag before thanking him and shutting the door. Brandon comes walking out and wraps his arms around me. He leads me inside and we head up to our apartment. He drops my bag by the door and leads me to the sofa.

  The baby can tell I’m upset because he’s moving around. I know I need to calm down. I blow out a deep breath and prop my feet up on the coffee table. Brandon sits down on top of it next to my feet and places them in his lap. I close my eyes and moan as he massages my constantly sore tootsies. “Tell me what happened.”

  I go over the whole mess, and it’s then that I begin to cry. “They think I’m too young for him. They asked if he was sure this was his baby. I get it, I really do, but if I wasn’t a million percent certain I wouldn’t have told him. Plus, I hadn’t been with anyone for a while before him. What am I gonna do?”

  “Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” He wraps me in his arms. “Go put your pajamas on, and we’ll snuggle and watch Top Chef. After a good night’s sleep, we’ll talk.”

  I nod and stand up, grabbing my bag off the floor and carrying it into my room. I’m just brushing my hair out when I hear pounding on the door
. My belly dips because I know who it is. I honestly don’t want to see him right now, but I can’t avoid him.

  My bedroom door flies open, hard enough that it slams into the wall. I swallow hard, staring at him. His eyes are bright with anger. The apples of his cheeks are a slightly darker shade than the rest of his face.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” he growls out.

  “Wh-What do you mean? I had to get out of there, Reece. I heard what they said, and you couldn’t expect me to stay there when they clearly think I’m a child whore who chose you to be my baby daddy.” Great, now I’m crying. I hate letting anyone see me cry. Brandon’s the only one that I truly let see me lose it.

  “If you would’ve fucking stayed, you would’ve heard me defending you, and them agreeing they were wrong.”

  I swipe angrily at the tears that are steadily sliding down my cheeks.

  “I understand you’re upset, but leaving was not smart.”

  “I couldn’t stay and listen to it anymore, or have them stare at me like some loser that trapped you.”

  He paces back and forth like a caged animal. “Someone has been messing with you. Someone hit you in your belly. How fucking stupid could you be right now?”

  It’s like a movie on fast forward. Every mean thing my mom has ever said to me comes rushing back, hitting me like a ton of bricks. I stare at Reece while my heart breaks—his lips are moving but I don’t hear what he’s saying. How could I be so wrong about him? He’s just like her, and it breaks my heart because I’m in love with him and have just been waiting for the right time to tell him.

  He moves toward me, concern written on his face, but I begin shaking my head violently back and forth. “N-No! You need to go.” Reece doesn’t budge. “Leave!” I screech. “Go, I don’t want to see you. I’m n-not st-stupid.” Great, now I’m stuttering.

  Why won’t he leave? He stops right in front of me, but I can’t hear what he’s saying. Reece reaches for me, but I slap his hands away. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Brandon and Jose standing in the doorway. I look at Brandon, the only person other than my dad who has always been there for me. I thought Reece would be someone I could count on too.

  Finally, it’s like the volume is turned up, and I look up at Reece. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean that,” he murmurs. “You know it’s not safe for you here.”

  I suck in a lung full of air, straighten my spine, and look him in the eye. “I need you to leave. I don’t want to see you. It may not be safe, but I’d r-rather take my chances here.” I might as well let it all out while he’s standing here. “I’m-I’m in l-love with y-you, and you’ve just broken my heart.”

  He grabs my face so fast it scares me, but all he does is kiss my lips hard. “I’ll leave, but fuck me, I don’t want to. This isn’t over—we’re not over. I’m falling in love with you, and I love our son. I’m not giving up on us, but I’ll give you some space. I’m so sorry about what I said, but you have to forgive me for being stupid.” Reece turns and walks out of my room, and I hear the front door open and shut.

  Sinking onto my bed, I lie on my side and let the tears flow. The bed decompresses before an arm wraps around my middle. “Del, it’s going to be okay. I’m not taking his side, but he did look like he felt bad. He’s not your mom, baby girl. He looked so worried when he got here.”

  “Today was just a really bad day,” I say between sobs.

  “Well lucky for you, tomorrow is a new one.”


  I walk into the office with my head down. Luckily, it’s early and Shayla isn’t here yet. She’d ask me if I was okay, and I’d only nod because if I spoke I’d start crying again.

  I move through the doors and practically sprint to my office. I know I look like shit, but I didn’t sleep much and when I did it was fitful.

  The bags under my eyes have bags, and I didn’t bother with makeup or doing my hair—or at least any more than putting it in a knot on top of my head. I open my office door, flip on the light, and freeze, but that’s because on my desk is a brown paper bag and a bottle of orange juice.

  When I open the bag, I smile because inside is a huge chocolate chip muffin, four strips of bacon, and some scrambled eggs. There’s a note leaned against the juice.


  I wanted to make sure you eat breakfast. Have a good day.



  A small smile graces my lips, and I set the note in my purse. It lifts my spirits…a little, and I dig in.

  Once I finish I throw away my trash and drink the last of my juice down. I pull out my phone and send him a quick text thanking him, but ignore my phone when it dings in response. I’m still upset, and yes, he didn’t mean to say it, but he did, and it hurt to hear those words I’ve heard hurled from my mom.

  Everyone must get the vibe to leave me alone because they do, and I’m grateful. At lunchtime Shayla calls me to the front desk. There’s Chinese food waiting for me. I take it back to my office and see it’s my favorite—shrimp fried rice and crab Rangoon. Before digging in, I go to the breakroom. I find Erik and Marcus are watching highlights on ESPN.

  They both turn to look at me and give cautious smiles. “Hey, boys,” I say before heading back to my office. My son has given me a ferocious appetite, and I eat every ounce of my food. My office phone rings. “Hello?”

  “Hi, honey.”

  I smile at the sound of my dad’s voice. “Hey, Dad. How’s your trip?”

  “It’s good, honey. How are you feeling?”

  “Good. I just finished eating lunch. Just working on payroll, and then probably heading home. I came in early today.” I pop a piece of gum in my mouth.

  “I should be home by Monday the latest. Did you get the email so you can send the bill out?”

  “Yep, and actually I’ve already sent it.” A thought comes to me, and I take a deep breath. “Dad?”

  “What is it, honey?”

  “Do you regret having me? Or at least having me with Mom?” Why is this stuff all coming out now? Why do I feel so insecure about my dad wanting me? Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones.

  “Baby girl, I want you to listen to me. To really hear what I’m saying. I love you more than life itself. I would die before I’d let anyone hurt you ever again. I wanted you from the moment that test came back positive. Yes, we were young, and yes, we got married because you were coming, but I did love your mother once—it just didn’t work out. The only regrets I have are leaving you with her when I was deployed, and letting her use you as leverage to get what she wanted, but that’s on me.” He’s quiet for a moment.

  The tears are falling in earnest now. I’ve never cried like this because my mom hated to hear me cry. I suck in a breath. “Thank you. I’m sorry I’m all emotional. It’s just been a bad couple of days.”

  “Well I wish I was there to see to my girl. When I get home, we’ll plan to do something. How’s my grandson?”

  I rub my free hand over my belly. “He’s getting bigger and bigger. I imagine I’m going to be running out of room eventually.”

  He chuckles into the phone. “Well I can’t wait until he’s finally here. I’ll see you when I get back, okay?”

  “Okay. I love you, Dad.”

  “I love you too, honey. You’re going to be an amazing mom.” We hang up, and I do feel better. These hormones are no joke and have my thoughts all over the place.

  When I’m finished for the day Erik takes me home, and then tells me he’s going to be outside keeping an eye on things until Brandon gets back. I don’t have to ask who set that up because I know it was Reece.

  Up at my apartment, there’s a box leaning against my door. I don’t know for sure if it’s safe, but then I recognize the handwriting. It matches the same penmanship that Reece used on his note with my breakfast. I carry it inside and sit it on the counter. Carefully opening it, I smile when I look inside. A huge bag of Skittles, a bag of powdered donuts, and my favorite jalapeño flavored chips are i

  At the bottom is something wrapped in tissue paper. I carefully open it, and I smile even wider. It’s a black onesie, and in red lettering it says, “Momma’s boy, and proud of it.” I lift it up and lay it on my belly. It’s so tiny, and I can’t imagine my baby being that small.

  I take everything into my room and set it on my bed. Why does this not feel like my room anymore? Last night I hadn’t noticed it because I was upset, but now I feel like this isn’t my place at all. I grab my phone and pull up Reece’s number.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Thank you for the goodies, and the onesie. Thank you for breakfast and lunch today.”

  “I’m sorry about what I said. I was upset about my parents, and their behavior, and then I found you had left. I freaked out and took it out on you. You didn’t deserve that, and knowing what your mom did, I should’ve known better. Please come home—it’s not the same without you.” The conviction is strong in his voice. I know he feels bad and didn’t mean it.

  I’ve never been one to hold a grudge. “Can you come get me?”

  I hear a knock on the front door, so I run through the apartment and throw it open. I fling myself at him, or at least as much as I can with my big belly. He kicks the door shut and locks it without looking. With his lips on mine, he walks me backward until we reach my room, and I fall back on the bed.

  Reece’s tongue dances with mine, while he pulls my dress up from the bottom. His fingers slip into my panties, and I moan when he wastes no time shoving one, then two fingers inside of me. I moan again into his mouth as he tickles that spot deep inside me.

  I grab his wrist to hold his fingers inside me as I begin to come embarrassingly fast. “Fuck, baby—you’re squeezing my fingers so tight. God, I love the feel of your pussy.” Once the tremors stop, he pulls his fingers from my spasming cunt. I moan as he licks my juices off each one. He kisses me, and I can taste my tangy flavor. I moan some more.


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