by Tim Bowling
“Sundown,” the master said. “Come, Jacob, we have matters to discuss.”
The master walked away. The overseer spat on the frozen ground and followed.
• • •
Caleb was in the barn, cleaning up after the killing. His faded, one-strap overalls were bloodstained, and even his hovering breath had a bloody smell. For a while they didn’t speak. Then John swallowed hard and in a rush told Caleb everything. After a long pause, during which the old man rubbed his grizzled chin and slowly opened and closed his eyes like an owl, Caleb said, “I didn’t think we’d get all de way to free without they’d be trouble.”
He laid the shovel by.
“Dey ain’t no hogs missing either. He jes need something to be missing. You go on and tell him I took it. Don’t argue now. You go on and tell him, you hear. Isn’t anyone should take a whipping to protect her but me. Isn’t she my child? You go on and tell him.”
“But, Daney,” John started to say.
Caleb rested a thick hand on John’s shoulder and smiled. But the smile was weak, the skin under the old man’s eyes bunched and flaccid. He spoke, however, with a fierce resolve.
“You jes leave that to me. You go on and tell him I took dat hog. Dat way, he won’t spect I’m jes trying to protect her. He trusts you. Sometimes I think he even believes you’se his own blood kin. It ain’t no fault of yours, it’s like he forgets, and why wouldn’t he, being a widow man all these years and lonesome. You go on and tell him I took it. He’ll believe it ’cause he wants to. He wants to believe you’re not like dis black nigger and all de others. He trusts you. Go on now. Don’t fret. It had to come and maybe dis will be de end of it.”
John didn’t believe Caleb about the ending, but he went back to the house and told. And just as Caleb said, the master believed him. Fumbling to undo a button at his collar, his tusk-white hands trembling, he gave up, sighed, and said, “I thought it might be him. Well, now. Thank you, John. Go into the kitchen and have Charlotte fry you some bacon, you’ve earned it.”
He didn’t want the bacon. He went outside instead and took several long, gasping breaths of the cold air and prayed that whatever was coming to Caleb wouldn’t be so terrible. Caleb had been whipped before; most of the blacks had known at least a few lashes from the new overseer. But this was bound to be the worst punishment yet, and Caleb wasn’t young anymore even if he was still strong and a good worker.
A hog’s fast, frightened screech split the air. The day moon over the barn was the mottled colour of the overseer’s cheeks. Beyond in the field a hawk dropped like a stone and rose up with a vole in its grasp. He walked on to the shacks.
The news was already out. From Charlotte probably. It didn’t matter. Daney’s face was all tears, she shook the whole length of her body.
“John, you know it isn’t true. How could you lie like that? You must have done it.” Her wide face broke. She yelled, “You did and you’re trying to protect yourself.”
Caleb held her against his chest and hushed her but she would not listen. She turned her head away from Caleb and continued. “You’ve never had to face this before and you’re afraid. Well, we’se all afraid, but that don’t turn us into liars.” She stared at him, her eyes widening. “You jes trying to prove you as white as he wants you to be.” She dashed her face against Caleb’s breast. Caleb motioned him to leave.
Outside, moments later, Caleb said, “It’s hard, I know, but it’s better if she believes it, if everyone does ’cept us. It’s our only chance. You wanted to take de punishment and you’re taking it. Dis is harder dan what I’ll get, but when it’s over and done with, I’ll tell her, jes her. If dey all know, den de master will know. And what happen den? We jes got to wait it out.”
When John hesitated, water coming to his eyes, Caleb stepped closer and placed a small, worn leather pouch in his hand.
“Whatever happens,” he said, “don’t you forget one thing. Dat woman nursed you, she’s as much of a mother as you’ve ever had. Right now she’s jes scared. Dat’s all.”
John stared at the leather pouch; it was feather-light but seemed to pull his eyes down and hold them. When he managed to look at Caleb again, the old man smiled.
“Dose are your milk teeth, son. At least de ones you brought to Daney when dey fell out. She figured she had a right to keep them because of all de sharp nips you give her when you was nursin’.”
John opened the pouch and emptied three tiny teeth into his palm. They were grey-white; two were square and cracked, another pointed and smooth. He could not believe they belonged to him, that anything remained of his boyhood self that he could touch. All of a sudden, he was overwhelmed with fear that he would drop them in the dirt and lose them. Carefully, he returned the teeth to the pouch, then slipped it into his trouser pocket. His eyes blurred with tears.
“You go on now,” Caleb said. “It’ll be all right. We jes got to wait it out.”
Then the old man walked into the shack, leaving John alone, the leather pouch strangely warm against his thigh.
• • •
He felt a hand on his brow and opened his eyes. A heavily bearded face, with deep grooves extending from each side of the broad nose to form a triangle with the upper lip, hovered over him. The lips were full and pale pink. When they formed into a smile, a thin gap showed between the man’s front teeth. He spoke softly but directly and held out a canteen.
“I know it’s soon. Much too soon. But it has to be now. Here, have some water. And listen. Do your best to take this in.”
He paused and looked over his shoulder toward the flap in the tent. The shadows of branches and leaves flickered above him, and one of the wounded men snored brokenly—it could have been any hour of any day.
“You have to go with the troops. As a soldier. Do you understand? You can’t stay here. An investigation has started. They’ll find you, and the civilians will know who you are.”
John had struggled to raise himself on his elbows, but he found the thin blanket over him as heavy as lead. He took the canteen and tipped it, and a splash of lukewarm water doused his cracked lips and his chin. Opening his mouth, he found he had nothing to say. He nodded instead.
“You have a new name now. Listen carefully. You are now William Sullivan Dare. He was a young soldier, new to the regiment, who was killed in the battle. From Maine. You’re that soldier now. Have you got it? William Sullivan Dare.”
John blinked rapidly. It was hot, sweat ran off his forehead into his eyes. From a distance came the trill of a bugle.
“William Sullivan Dare,” he mouthed.
“Yes, good.” The kind-faced man leaned over and gently placed a blunt, trembling hand on his shoulder. “You won’t have to go until you’re strong enough. But the sooner you start thinking of yourself as William Sullivan Dare, the better.”
A long, rattling gurgle suddenly filled the dead air of the tent. Alarmed, the kind-faced man rose off his haunches and, grimacing, crossed over to the source of the sound.
“Oh mama mama, where are you? Help me oh help me.”
The accent was Southern and heavy. Another long, gurgling rattle followed the words.
“I’m here, son,” came the voice of the kind-faced man. “Rest easy now. That’s right. You just rest your head on my lap and everything will be fine.”
Now when the rattle started, it cut off in midstream and silence rushed in to wash it away. After a few seconds, John heard a sob of anguish, brief, deep, as if drawn from some well far in the earth. When the kind face reappeared, tears lay in the grooves on each side of the nose and in the large brown eyes the colour of creamed coffee. But the voice was not broken.
“And let your beard grow, at least as much as it can. That ugly wound on your cheek won’t matter much now, but later it might draw more attention than it’s worth. And whatever you do, keep your own counsel. A soldier’s silence, especially after a battle, isn’t much remarked upon.”
The kind face hovered a short while long
er, then drew slowly away.
John touched the faint hairs of his beard and the torn skin under them. As soon as he did so, time blew open and he was back there again, a slave again, on the farm along the Smoketown Road, near Antietam Creek, with the others.
• • •
The daylight dwindled. John stood at the edge of the barnyard, amazed. He’d never seen so many people there, blacks and whites. There must have been a hundred of them, all standing in the long shadows between the back veranda of the master’s house and the barn. The blacks had been made to come, to profit from the example, but the whites were there for reasons that he didn’t know. The overseer, Orlett, carried an oil lamp as he walked briskly forward out of the crowd of whites, mostly men John recognized but several that he didn’t. There were even a few white women present, their faces almost completely obscured by bonnets drawn tightly at the throat. Caleb stood in front of the overseer, stripped naked with his hands tied behind his back. The overseer looked slowly around with that dog’s grin and then with one kick knocked Caleb down before the whipping post. Then he placed the burning lamp on the ground and said, “Get up, nigger.” Caleb got up, his face blank. The overseer untied Caleb’s hands and ordered two blacks, Jeb and Darius, to lift him just off the ground as the overseer stood on a milking stool and roped Caleb’s wrists to the post high above his head so that his toes barely touched the ground.
The crowd of whites near the back veranda parted slightly, and the master stepped into the light. He wore a hunter’s cap with fur flaps at the ears and a knee-length coat that looked as thick as a hide. Even with all that protection, his cheeks and nose were a vivid red. His breathing was just audible in the silence, and each white puff of breath seemed to weaken him. He leaned on a tall staff as he spoke, his soft voice trembling, then growing strained and high.
“I don’t like having to do this. You know I don’t. But I can’t have thieving here. Maybe you’ve been hearing rumours and believing them. You ought to know better. If there’s a war, it will come and go and things will go on just the same as before. So you’d better get the foolishness out of your heads and be good niggers and do your work. All right, Jacob. John? Where are you, John?”
He was standing closer to the blacks but a little off by himself. Still he could hear Daney breathe like a scared horse and see the girls bite their lips and gaze straight up at the horizon. All their faces shone wet. He knew what the blacks were thinking about him, but he tried to put it out of his mind and look ahead to when the whipping would be over and Caleb would tell Daney the truth. At first he did not hear when the master called his name. Then he walked forward a little and said, “I’m here.”
The master came and stood near him and addressed the whites. “This boy has been loyal to me, he’s the one I was telling you about.” A low murmur of voices spilled through the dark a few seconds before the master said, “I want you to stand close here, John. All right, Jacob, you may proceed.”
The overseer stepped a few paces back as he uncoiled the bullwhip from his waist. The lamplight flickered, brighter now as the darkness came on. The overseer’s breath faded. He grunted as he reared back and lashed out. A loud crack like a frozen branch. Caleb cried out and all the blacks drew breath at once, as if the whip flayed their own skin. The overseer expertly gathered in the whip and made another pass. Caleb didn’t cry out so loud this time. On the third lash, he made only a gasping sound. The blacks’ faces glistened in the yellow lamp glow. Some of the whites smiled, but most had stone faces. Before the whip fell again, one said into the silence, “Runaways’ll get worse.” Then fell the crack of the whip and the grunts of the overseer and the gasps of Caleb as his body twisted a little and the blood from his flayed back rolled down his back and buttocks and legs and dripped onto the ground.
The master did not order the whipping stopped. He stared like a lost child into the crowd of blacks straight at Caleb’s family, at Daney, who was crying and silently laughing too, her mouth open, her teeth shining at the lamplight’s edge. The lashes kept falling. The blood dripped faster. The overseer’s shadow snapped across the ground. The master wouldn’t take his eyes off Daney. After a long while, when Caleb no longer made any sound, the master said, “Check his pulse, John, I’m sure he can stand the whole fifty.”
John did not move. If he touched Caleb now, his hand, too, would be a lash.
“John! I told you to check his pulse.”
The eyes of the whites struck him like hot coals, and he knew the overseer wanted only one chance.
So he stepped up to the whipping post on trembling legs and put his ear to Caleb’s chest and listened for the old man’s life. All he could hear was the blood, the pulse coming up out of the shining pools on the ground. He thought about lying, but the overseer stood too close, close enough to hear Caleb’s blood in the vein.
He told the master that there was a pulse.
“All right, Jacob.”
The overseer took up a bucket from behind him and lifted a soaked rag out of it. The tang of salt filled the air as the overseer slapped the rag onto Caleb’s back. Caleb gasped and bucked slightly, then hung still. The overseer flung the rag back into the bucket. Then he reared back with the whip again.
Later, when the lashes had finally stopped and Caleb was cut down and lay senseless and prone on his stomach, his back a solid shining red, it seemed the punishment was done. The overseer stood motionless, his shoulders slumped, his breath ragged. Not even the whites had anything to say. Most were looking down or had their heads turned to a neighbour. The crowd had tightened into a closer circle.
The master still stared at Daney and she still laughed without making a sound. Some of the whites showed their guns on account of the tense silence flowing out of the blacks. A breech clicked, loud as a breaking branch. The master never even turned when he said, “All right, Jacob.”
The overseer stood over Caleb for a few seconds, his shadow long on the ground, like a plank between the blacks and the whites. Then he reached down and yanked Caleb’s head up by the hair and pulled it against the post. When he nailed the ear to the wood, using just three sharp hammer blows, the sky darkened and the lamplight blazed. And when he took out a knife and sliced the ear off, Caleb’s body slumping again to the ground, full night rushed in and swallowed Daney’s laugh and the master’s stare. For a second the red blade of the knife caught the lamplight. Then the master said, “That’s enough, you can all go back now.” And he went and joined the whites heading toward the house, which rose in the gloom like a cliff.
Robert and Tom, Caleb’s oldest boys, came and lifted their father off the ground and carried him away. Soon just the overseer remained in the lamplight.
“If the nigger’s young,” he said, “there’s something else that gets cut. You hear, bright boy. Don’t go thinking on that girl too much. He almost believes you’re not a nigger like the rest. But I’m not fooled. I know what you are. Yellow. I saw it from the very first day. Skin doesn’t fool me. I see right past that. I know you. And the day’s going to come when he knows it too.”
He spat into one of the pools of Caleb’s blood and strode away.
• • •
He had nowhere to go. Unwanted in the shacks, he lacked the stomach for the big house. So he shivered in the barnyard and watched the tomcats slink out of the shadows and sniff at the shiny pools of Caleb’s blood until he couldn’t stand it anymore and chased them away. Closer to the post, he saw the mangled flesh of the ear, the little splotch of blood on the ground beneath it. The longer he stood there, the more the ear looked like an eye gazing at him through red tears, trying to see who he was beneath his skin.
Finally the silence became too much and he tried again to think of where he could go to get away from it. There wasn’t anywhere. He shivered in the faint moonlight, relieved at least that Jancey wasn’t going to be taken away and sold. He could be alone for a time, knowing that he and Caleb had prevented that. Daney always said that she could bear any
thing so long as her children were not taken from her. But he wanted the alone time to be short.
Instead, it drew on. Caleb lay insensible after the whipping and the master ordered the overseer to leave him be.
“Take him a bit of blood pudding, John,” the master said. “That’ll revive him. Just so long as he doesn’t think it’s from the hog he stole, mind. But I doubt he’ll steal another just for a bowl of pudding, not after last night. Caleb’s not stupid. He was always quick to learn.”
Then the master turned to the overseer. “I have to let him recover, don’t I? He’s no good to me if he can’t work.”
The overseer nodded and left the room.
“Go on, John, get a bowl of pudding from Charlotte. And have a bowl for yourself. You were right to tell me. No good comes from letting crimes go unpunished.”
So he went into the kitchen and asked for one bowl of blood pudding. “For Caleb,” he pointed out when Charlotte ignored him. “Master said for me to take him some.”
Charlotte was a fat, frowsy-haired woman about ten years older than he, and she had always been especially nice before. Caleb had told him to watch out. “She got her eye on you,” he said with the sad smile he always wore when he talked about relations between men and women.
But Charlotte’s eyes were flint-hard as she gave him the bowl. He took it and stepped outside into the bright sunshine. It was a cold morning, and the frost was only just lifting. The hogs screeched down at the sheds. Orlett and the male hands would be there. He decided he’d join them, show that he wasn’t so favoured that he didn’t have to work.
He walked along the dirt road to the shacks. The squat Dunker church glowed whitely far ahead of him, and the woods loomed dark black beyond. Jabeth said he’d heard of runaways hiding out there for months at a time. “Whar you think yore coons go?” he said. “And those stalks with no cobs on them? They’s always some poor nigger running through here now. Pretty soon, when the war come, you won’t be able to hunt no game at all for all the niggers and patrollers gettin’ in yore way.”