Lone Star 04

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Lone Star 04 Page 13

by Ellis, Wesley


  Before he could stop her, she bent to yank off her boots and strip the tight denims over her legs. Throwing him a bold and saucy grin, she grabbed the open blouse and deliberately ripped it in two pieces and tossed the shreds of cloth at his feet.

  Lucy spread her legs, put her hands on her hips, and sighed. “That’s the second shirt I’ve torn up today, and I haven’t gotany more pants. So I’m sure not goin’ anywhere. I’m ‘bout as jaybird-naked as a girl can get.”

  Ki stared. “Yes. I—see that.”

  Lucy gave him a wink. “Thought maybe you did.” She tossed a riot of flame-red hair over her shoulders and boldly thrust out her breasts. “Besides, friend, I kinda wanted you to see what you’re missin‘. I’m not all that bad, am I? Couldn’t we just take up where we left off and forget the damn horses? Honest to God, I didn’t mean to say all that stuff, an’ it’s got nothin’ to do with—”

  Ki dropped his jacket, took two long strides, and drew her into his arms. Lucy gave a joyous little cry and thrust her lips hungrily up to meet him. Ki kissed her soundly, letting his tongue savor the warm, honey hollows of her mouth. Her fingers busied themselves with his trousers, tearing away at the buckle and the buttons underneath. She knelt to slip the fabric over his hips and down his legs. Her hair brushed his belly and the hardness of his thighs, the soft touch searing his flesh like a brand. Lucy’s hands explored his belly, raced like fire along the small of his back, then finally came to rest between his legs. She raised her head then, and met his eyes longingly with her own.

  “You gave me a real nice kiss,” she said in a voice he could barely hear. “Now I think I’ll give you one in return. That all right with you?”

  “Just as right as it can be, Lucy—”

  Bending again, she knelt and leaned back on her legs, reached up and cupped his scrotum gently in her palms, and softly kissed the tip of his member. Ki watched himself swell at her touch, felt the tender shaft go rigid as iron. She pressed two fingers about him and held him up straight while her lips pressed kisses along his length. Ki closed his eyes and let a whisper of pleasure pass through his teeth. She nibbled at him like some small animal timidly inspecting its prize; her tongue flicked out to tease him, stroke him quickly with moisture, then retreat into the warmth of her mouth. Her lips opened around him, not touching him at all, but letting her hot breath caress him.

  Ki’s whole body went stiff. He yearned for her mouth, ached for the press of her lips. Lucy, though, would come no closer. She denied him her touch, continued to provoke him with the furnace of her breath.

  “Good Lord,” moaned Ki. “Are you certain you aren’t Japanese? I have never—”

  She pulled away a moment and gave him a sleepy grin. “You like that?” she said innocently. “Am I doing it right, darling?”

  “That depends on what you mean by right. If it’s scraping my nerves raw, yes—”

  Lucy purred and planted a moist kiss on the head of his shaft. “I sure wouldn’t want to make you nervous . . .”

  “Uh, no.” Ki nearly jumped out of his skin. “I can see that you wouldn’t.”

  “Thought I was Japanese, huh?”

  “Yes . . . the exquisite tortures of love are a practiced art in that country. The—Lucy!” Ki gasped. He felt as if he’d suddenly been swallowed in satin. At first he thought she’d pressed her mouth around him, then stared down over the flat plane of his belly to see this wasn’t so. Lucy had made a nest out of her long red tresses. The hair was piled loosely in the palm of her hand, her fingers clasped about his rigid member. Ki groaned as she stroked him back and forth with the fiery tumble of hair. The feeling was almost unbearable, an agony of pleasure that tightened every cord and tendon in his body, and engorged his shaft with blood until he thought it would surely explode.

  “Lucy . . . Lucy . . . I‘m—”

  “Oh, no you’re not,” Lucy said softly, “you just think you are . . .”

  The pressure in his loins swelled to bursting, hung for a long moment on the joyous edge of relief, then slid back with a sigh.

  “My God, woman!” Ki’s body was wet with perspiration, every nerve twisted and screaming for release. “Lucy—I can’t stay where you have taken me. I’ve got to go one way or the other.”

  Lucy brushed hair out of her eyes, stretched up, and pressed her cheek in the hollow of his thighs. “Just where is it you’d like to go, dear?”

  “Anywhere,” Ki said. “Please!”

  “You are not being very Japanese,” she reminded him.

  “Lucy, I’m only half Japanese. That half is thoroughly enjoying the exquisite torture of hanging on the edge of a cliff. The American half is about to go crazy!”

  Lucy bit her lip and gave him a mischievous grin. “Well, we’ll see what we can do. For both halves, huh?” She took his throbbing shaft between her fingers and stroked it lightly with her tongue, again and again, like a kitten lapping up cream. Suddenly the strokes became harder, faster, until the pink tip of her tongue darted over him like a snake. She opened her mouth to encricle him. Lucy slid her arms around his waist, and dug her nails into the hard flesh of his hips.

  He felt the storm churning up within him, thundering up through his loins. It tingled over his flesh, rushed into his member until he could contain the pleasure no longer.

  Lucy groaned and writhed against him, straining to take him within her. Her cheeks went hollow with her hunger, and the explosion burst inside him, coursed between them, and filled her mouth with his warmth. Lucy trembled all over, and eagerly drank in the joy she’d created...

  Chapter 14

  She lay back quietly in his arms, eyes half closed under a heavy veil of lashes. Ki watched her, letting his eyes feast on the lazy stretch of her legs, the delicious swell of her thighs. He followed the lines of her body, pausing a moment at the soft nest of amber-tinted fur, moving past the hollow of her belly to the proud curve of her breasts.

  Lucy moaned and moved against him, drawing her knees up under her chin, nestling the ivory length of her legs between his own. She was a small, sleek little creature, a cat curling up for its afternoon nap. An errant beam of sunlight slanted through the ruined stone walls and painted a tawny stripe across her bottom. There was a small bruise on the side of her hip, the skin hardly broken. It was the spot where his sai had grazed her on the rooftops of Roster. Ki shook his head. Clearly, the weapon had scared her more then anything else. Now he was glad this was so. He grinned and ran a finger over the plushly rounded flesh, following the curves into shadow and the soft touch of down.

  Lucy shuddered and opened one eye. “Mmmmmm, now that’s very nice.”

  “Good. Why don’t you wake up and enjoy it? I’m the one who ought to be sleepy, Lucy. After what you did to me.”

  “Oh? And what was that? Can’t hardly remember.”

  “Hah!” Ki slapped her lightly across the hips. “You took absolutely everything out of me, that’s what.”

  “Yeah, I did, didn’t I?” She gave him a small sigh and wet her lips. “Absolutely everything.”

  “Well . . . not everything.”

  She blinked and raised a skeptical brow. “I know what you’re thinking, and you don’t have to at all, friend. I got some awful good feelings givin’ you pleasure, and I don’t need a thing. All right?”

  “All right,” Ki said solemnly. “It’s nice to know you are a fully satisfied woman.”

  “Well, I am. Really.”

  “Yes. That’s fine,” he said, lazily trailing a finger into the cleft between her hips. The finger touched a silky line of down, then slipped further to brush the moist folds of her pleasure.

  Lucy jerked and made a little noise at his touch. “Hey—what are you doin’ down there?”

  “Nothing that would greatly interest you.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “Of course not. You have no further needs, remember?”

  “All right, now . . .”

�Pay no attention to me. Pretend I’m not here.”

  “That‘s—not real easy to do . . .”

  “Of course it is. You are a master of prolonging a man’s pleasure. I’m sure you can do as well when you’re on the other end.”

  Lucy shuddered again. “Only thing is, that—other end you’re playing with is attached to me. Oh, Gawd, mister!” Ki lightly slipped his finger into her wetness, and the girl nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “You are a very sensitive woman. Did you know that?”

  “Did I know that?” Lucy sucked in a breath and came to her knees. “Of course I know that! How can I help it?” She started to move off her knees, but Ki rested a firm hand on her shoulders and held her back.

  “Now what’s that for, friend?” Her eyes were dark and smoldering, and he knew the question was no question at all.

  “Just stay right there. I’ll show you.” He let his hand slide down the delicious curve of her back and come to rest on her bottom. He kept his hand there, rubbing his palm in a slow, circular motion. Lucy responded instantly, arching her back and twisting under his touch. Slowly her knees slid over the ground, stretching her legs apart as her shoulders sank to cradle her head in her arms. Ki felt himself swell with desire at the delightful sight before him. The long, tapered columns of her legs thrust her bottom high in the air, opening her sweet treasures to his touch.

  “Is that what you wanted?” she purred. “Got everything you like now?”

  “Yes,” Ki said hoarsely. “Everything is here, I am certain of that.” The sleepy, satisfied look in her eyes told him she relished his gaze on her body; opening herself to him gave her pleasure and heightened her own excitement.

  “So now that you got it, what you figure on doin’ with it?”

  “Several ideas have come to me.”

  “Such as?” she taunted. “Tell me!”

  Ki didn’t answer. Instead, he moved up behind her on his knees and grasped the firm globes of her bottom in his hands. Lucy moaned softly as he stretched her flesh with his palms, then lightly brushed her hips with his belly.

  She knew what was coming, and her slender form trembled in anticipation. His fingers moved down to part the soft, fleshy petals between her thighs. Even before he reached her, the promise of his touch triggered a surge of hot juices.

  “Please, please, oh, yes!” she whispered.

  “What? You would accept more pleasure than you have been given?”

  “Oh, stop that! I mean—no, don‘t!”

  “This surprises me greatly,” said Ki. “I am totally confused now.” He tried hard to keep the laughter out of his voice, but Lucy’s cute little bottom twitching before him made it an almost impossible task.

  “Please,” Lucy moaned, “don‘t—play games with me. I can’t—stand it!”

  “Well. Perhaps a small amount of pleasure . . .”

  “I don’t want anything small!” wailed Lucy.

  The musky nest glistened before him like a pink treasure of jewels. Ki brought his rigid member close, kissed her flesh lightly with the tip, and pulled away. Lucy jerked back, trying desperately to find him. “Where are you, damn it!”

  “Right here,” said Ki. “Not far.”

  “Far enough,” she snapped irritably. “Look, I can‘t—ahhhhh!”

  Ki teased her with another light touch, and then another, slightly deeper. “Lucy—don’t move, now. All right? Stay exactly where you are. Perfectly still.”

  “I—don’t think I can.”

  “You can if you try.” He entered her again, slowly, holding her waist tightly with his hands while his member slid into her warmth, all the way to the bottom. He stayed there a long moment, not moving at all, then drew himself out.

  “Ohhh!” Lucy sighed and almost collapsed. “I never felt anything like that before!”

  “Good,” said Ki. “We’ll do it again sometime.”

  “You bastard,” Lucy cried, “don’t even say that! Please,” she begged, “get back inside me, huh? I’ll be still. I’ll be perfectly still...”

  “Good. That’s the art of it, Lucy. Being almost there, then refraining from anything more. You already know that, as you have demonstrated on me.”

  “Yeah, well, that‘s—different.”

  “No. There is no difference at all. Except, as you put it so well, now you’re on the other end.”

  Lucy laughed in spite of herself. Ki thrust himself gently into the sweet honey-warmth between her thighs, grasped her waist, and slid his length up to the hilt. Lucy gave a strangled little cry, but didn’t move. He rocked on his knees, drawing her to him, then moving her away. Lucy caught the gentle motion and joined it.

  - He grinned at the curve of her back, knowing what she was up to. She was playing his rules to the letter, and boldly cheating at the same time. As he slid in and out of her charms, she tightened subtly around him, stroking him with moist caresses. She was challenging his game with her own, and it was a hard one to beat. The deeper and slower he thrust himself inside her, the more chance he gave her to practice her art. The trick was taking its toll, pushing him toward the edge a great deal faster than he’d intended. He slowed his pace, which delighted Lucy to no end; instead of solving his problem, he merely compounded it. The action gave her even more time to bring her tender vise into play.

  “You—know what you are doing, don’t you?” moaned Ki. “If you—would only—cooperate...”

  “Doing?” Lucy said blandly. “Who’s doing what?”

  “Lucy, I’m inthere. I know exactly what you’re doing.”

  “Whatever it is, I’m certain it can’t affect your—lovely Oriental discipline.”

  Ki groaned and laughed. She stroked him gently with soft, velvety muscles, kneading him ever closer, swelling him to the exquisite edge of his release. He was determined to hold her off, but the girl had incredible control of those warm silken walls. In another few seconds, another stroke or two...

  Ki closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, trying desperately to slow the thing welling up within him. His heart pounded frantically in his chest, surging blood through his veins. He relaxed, slowly, consciously withdrawing the feeling from his body. He was still there, thrusting himself inside her, but a part of him was somewhere else. He gripped Lucy hard, squeezing the slender circle of her waist, plunging his shaft again and again to the heart of her pleasure. Lucy squealed and tried to tear herself from his grip. The tables were suddenly turned. She gave a little cry and writhed against him. He lifted her into a deep, swelling orgasm that wrenched her with pain and pleasure. She hung there a moment, trembling on the crest, then fell back drained and exhausted. Her long legs collapsed, but Ki held on. He thrust himself deeper, drawing her naked thighs about his waist. Lucy lay limp on her belly, nails clawing the ground. Her back was sleek and wet, dotted with tiny pearls of moisture.

  She begged him to stop, her voice a ragged slur without words. Ki carried her up to the heights again and again, until one delicious orgasm flowed into the next. Her body went rigid, curved into a bow—and at that precise moment, Ki let himself feel once more. His loins exploded with a violence that loosed a terrible cry from his lungs. He pumped her with liquid heat, filled her belly with fire. Lucy joined his joyous cry. His orgasm merged with her own and tossed them both into a syrupy whirlpool of pleasure . . .

  “It doesn’t matter, does it?” she whispered into his shoulder. “What you are or what I am or anything . . .”

  “Hush.” He stroked her red hair and pulled her to him. “There is no need to talk.”

  “There is, though, isn’t there?” She leaned up on his chest and he saw the pain and sadness behind her gaze. This was not the Lucy Jordan he had known. The thing they’d shared had stripped her of a great deal more than her clothing. Now the ice-blue windows of her eyes were open to something she’d seldom let herself see, and she was frightened of what was there.

  “When we leave here, we won’t be the same people who made that lovin‘,”
she said tightly. “We’ll—be what we were.”

  “People are never what they were. They change. They do not have to be the same.”

  “We—” She looked at him, bit her lip, and lowered her eyes. “You think—we could be different?” He started to answer, but her words rushed out to stop him. “I don’t mean you’d have to stay with me or anything, but we could try. We could start out and see. Maybe something would work. If we go back there—” She stopped suddenly, and let out a sigh.


  “No. You don’t have to say it.” She gave a brittle little laugh. “Jesus—I gotta be crazy to talk like that. You an’ me would have about as much chance as—what? What is it?” She gave him a curious look, and Ki shook his head.

  “I don’t know. Stay here. It’s probably nothing.” He came to his feet, padded naked across the floor to the blackened stone wall, and picked up his Colt. Afternoon shadows were stretched across the flats, and the earth shimmered up to the sky in waves of heat. The ground dipped just past the ruined way station toward the low line of trees along the creek. He could just see the gray-green crown of foliage from where he stood. He walked around the wall, keeping to cover as best he could, letting his senses roam the bright horizon. Nothing. Lucy caught his eye and he shook his head. If anything had been there, it was gone now. Still...

  Ki turned away and saw it out of the corner of his eye. Something moved. In the high grass near the front of the station, where he and Lucy had tracked one another hours before. He motioned the girl to stay where she was, and before she could speak he was gone, moving low and fast into the open.

  He stopped, listened, moved forward again—then froze in his tracks. The sound chilled his blood and wrenched his gut with fear. He turned on his heels and ran, knowing he’d never make it. The grass tore apart and the thing came at him, an ugly growl rising in its throat.

  “Lucy, get out!” he shouted.

  Ki dug his feet into the earth and twisted away. The wolf sprang past him, slamming him to the ground and tearing the Colt from his grip. Suddenly, Lucy came out of shadow, her naked form startlingly pale in the harsh light. In one motion she scrambled across the dirt floor for his jacket, scooped her pistol out of the folds, and whipped it toward the charging animal.


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