City of Disorder: A Bite From the Past (Book 1)

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City of Disorder: A Bite From the Past (Book 1) Page 4

by Immortal Angel & Lisa Morrow

  Chapter 2

  Luke watched Mr. Stockwell pace beside the large window of his office, typing into his phone, then replacing it in his dark blue blazer jacket. The man radiated unseen energy, like most warlocks. But since he'd glanced out the window, his barely restrained anger seemed to have increased. He flexed and unflexed his massive hands, likely unaware of how carefully Luke watched him.

  "I'm not happy about this," he said, stopping unexpectedly and pinning Luke with his dark gaze. "You understand that, right?"

  Luke stiffened in his chair."Yes, sir."

  The man looked out the window again, rubbing the black stubble on his chin. "The government gave me a choice. Hire a human or a vampire. Not much of a choice, in my opinion."

  Luke bit back his frustration, keeping his face carefully blank. "At least I won out over a vampire."

  The massive warlock locked eyes with him. "I'm going to be frank with you, Luke. Can you handle that?"


  "I hired you because you were my only human candidate that actually had real field experience, rather than pushing papers all day. That got me intrigued, you see. And I'm a man who likes to solve a mystery."

  Luke suddenly felt uneasy, but forced himself not to shift in his chair. To hold the unrelenting gaze of the warlock.

  "So I looked into your past a bit."'

  Breathe. Just breathe. He might not be talking about that night?

  "Your entire family was killed by windigos."

  Old memories tugged at him, of the alien-like beasts that ripped his family to shreds, feasting on their flesh while they screamed. One controlled his father, forcing him to eat his own wife's flesh. My mother fought against my dad, but she just wasn't strong enough.

  And all the while, Luke watched beneath the couch.

  He kept his face impassive.

  The warlock was still watching him closely. Too closely. "It seems that you have a very good reason to want to protect humans. But based on your past records, I'm concerned how well you'll get along with the rest of my staff."

  Shit. I need this job. "I've grown up since then."


  He sat up straighter. "Yes, I can tolerate the company of?"

  "Magical beings?" the other man asked, raising a brow.

  "Look, if you read my file you know I've had some issues with my coworkers, but you also know I'm damned good at what I do. And, honestly, I doubt you brought me all this way just to change your mind about hiring me."

  Rather than answer him, Mr. Stockwell walked toward his chair, but changed his direction at the last minute, reaching for a file on his desk. Opening it, he leaned against the edge of his desk, just a few feet in front of Luke. He frowned as he read, further emphasizing the sharp lines of his face.

  At last, he glanced up. "So, you're at least three-fourths human, correct?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "But, you are immune to a number of different magical beings?"

  If this guy likes secrets, he's going to love me.

  Luke tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice."Yes, sir."

  The man set down the folder and reached for his white mug. Luke tried not to smile at the words#1 Sweetheart written across it. "Explain that to me."

  Not even if you had a gun to my head, warlock.

  "There isn't much to explain, Mr. Stockwell. Both my parents are human. Both sets of their parents were human. And as far as I know, my great-grandparents were also human. So, I'm not sure where these abilities came from, but they were discovered while I attended The Human Defenders' Academy."

  Mr. Stockwell took a slow sip of the coffee, the same rich dark color of the man's skin, but his gaze never left Luke's face. "Are you sure that's all you have to say?"

  Luke shifted in his seat, but stopped as soon as he noticed. "I'm immune to most faerie spells. Vampires can't entrance me, but their bites can affect me. I'm nearly as strong as a shifter, and just as fast."

  He glanced down at the file in his hands. "Luke? Maxwell, huh? Like Dr. and Dr. Maxwell?"

  Breathe. Just breathe. "Yes, sir, that's right."

  The warlock grinned. "You mean the two people with the theory of Human Modified Evolution?"

  Luke spoke around the lump in his throat. "Yes, sir."

  His brows rose and satisfaction lit his eyes. "I followed their work pretty closely. Interesting stuff. The idea that if we just modified human DNA, to give humans some of the benefits of other magical creatures, we might not be wiped out." He paused, but Luke didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. "It was too bad that so many humans and creatures found their work so threatening. Most people still hold the theory that they were purposely targeted the day they were killed, to stop their research."

  "I believe that too," he said quietly, the words slipping out.

  The warlock's expression changed, gentled. "They were good people. Part of the reason I chose to become a Human Defender was following their case, even though I know they tried to keep it pretty hush hush."

  Luke nodded, staring at his hands.

  Mr. Stockwell cleared his throat. "Back to the situation at hand. So you're telling me you're a human, but with super-human abilities."

  He knows. No one else has put it together except my uncle, but he did in no time at all. This warlock is dangerously smart.

  Luke met the other male's dark gaze. "Yes, sir."

  "Good, then I don't care what made you this way, because it just means you won't die as quickly as I'd imagined." He set down his coffee and stood up, towering over him.

  Luke was tall at six foot two, but this man had to be at least six-seven, with ridiculous muscles bulging beneath his well-tailored suit. It was a slightly intimidating combination, and yet Luke couldn't help but wonder if he could take him. After all, he'd finished first in his class in Combat, mostly for speed and dexterity. In battle, being too large could work against a man. "Don't discount me. I'm a hell of a force to reckon with."

  Mr. Stockwell's thick brows rose."I guess we'll see."He grabbed another stack of papers and a pen and handed them to Luke. "But I need you to sign these anyway. In case you're not as tough as you think."

  Luke gritted his teeth. "What are these for?"

  "Next of kin. The insurance check isn't much, but it's better than a kick in the ass."

  He signed the papers, putting the name of his only living relative, and handed them back to his new boss.

  Mr. Stockwell scanned them to make sure he'd signed and initialed in all the right places. Then crossed his arms over his broad chest. "The rest of my team isn't going to be happy about this, but I'm going to put you with our top Defender. She'll show you the ropes and do her best to make sure you don't get killed in the process. The rest of them? well, just know that they won't put themselves out to protect you."

  "I don't need protection."

  Stockwell grinned humorlessly. "Confident, are we?" He rose to his full height. "How far does that get you with the ladies?"

  Luke glanced at the door. He was ready for this conversation to be over. It wasn't often he got to speak with someone who could make him feel like an outsider and a burden, all in just a few minutes. But he wasn't going to screw this up. Since leaving The Human Defenders' Academy, he'd learned the hard way how reluctant anyone was to hire a human in such a dangerous field.

  Stockwell placed the paperwork in the manila folder, then walked around his large desk. He turned to face the massive desk-hutch. Blocking Luke's view, he typed in a series of numbers on the combination lock, then pulled out a drawer filled with files. Sifting through them, he found the right spot and dropped the folder in, then pulled out something else.

  Closing it, he stood and his eyes sought Luke's again. "Welcome aboard."

  Relief rushed through him. I got the job!

  Luke rose and held out a hand. "Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Stockwell. I won't let you down."

  He closed his hand in an iron-tight grip, then handed him his badge with the o
ther. "Call me A.J. But let me make something clear, if you don't want to tell me something, say so. Because if you lie to me again, I don't give a damn how much I'm fined. You're gone."

  Damn it. Every other boss just accepted my unique abilities without question, why can't this damn warlock? He gripped the man's hand, sure his surprise was written across his face. "Yes, sir." A knock sounded at the door.

  A.J. dropped his hand. "Come in!"

  Luke stuffed his badge in his pocket, then turned to watch a woman in an oversize beige sweater and brown pants enter. He racked his brain for the young secretary's name, but couldn't quite recall it. She shuffled into the room with a stack of papers in her arms. She stopped in the middle, running a hand through her choppy blond hair, which was tied back in a loose bun. Her other hand slipped on the papers and they dropped to the floor. Gasping, her cheeks flushed red, her freckles growing darker.

  Luke hurried over and knelt down, gathering the papers and handing them to the girl. It took her a moment to notice. But when her pale blue eyes locked on his, they widened. Her mouth dropped open and she didn't take the papers.

  She simply stood, staring at him.

  A.J. cleared his throat. "Violet, the papers."

  She started, then took them from him, mumbling, "Thank you."

  Luke stood up and watched as she handed the papers to A.J. and ran back out the door. He turned to A.J., confused.

  "Violet is a sweet thing, don't get me wrong, but she's easy to intimidate." A.J.'s gaze flicked to the open door. "And she develops crushes rather fast. If one of my men, a shifter named Hedger, wasn't such an ass, she'd probably keep a shrine to him in her house." A.J.'s gaze pierced him. "I don't want anybody hurting her."

  "I'll keep my distance," Luke promised. He didn't want to get on the chief's bad side. He needed to focus on his job.

  A.J. nodded."Good."

  "So, what now?"

  A.J. rubbed at his shaved head. "Normally, at any other place, you might get training and a peaceful first day. But unfortunately for you, that isn't how things work at Stockwell Protection. So forget about your damned Starbucks and strap your ass in, because you're in for a hell of a ride."

  Luke gave a curt nod. "Let's do this."

  His brows rose. "You and I might get along after all. Follow me."

  They left his office, stopping to stand in the main room. There were perhaps a dozen desks, paired to face each other. Straight aisles ran between them. On the left was a partial wall blocking the secretary's desk from the rest of the room.

  Violet peeked from behind the wall, caught sight of him noticing her, and disappeared.

  "That desk," A.J. said, pointing to a desk near the back of the room, "is yours." He then turned to the right and strode into the room next to his office. When A.J. led him into the room, all eyes turned toward him.

  "Take your seats."

  The man and woman complied, but their gazes clung to Luke.

  "This is the new guy, Luke. He's human. The government said Violet wasn't enough to diversify our office. They said, vampire or human, so I picked him."

  "Talk about a no-win situation, boss." There was a challenge to the shifter's tone. He crossed his arms over his white wifebeater, flexing his muscular arms as he did. When he caught Luke's stare, he grinned, his mustache and beard shifting with the movement. Between his long, messy mop of curls and overgrown facial hair, he was the epitome of a shifter. And Luke had no doubt that although the man had a good ten years on him, the shifter would feel it necessary to try to intimidate him at every opportunity.

  The key word being try.

  Luke let his lips curl into what might be considered a smile. But it sure as hell wasn't. It was a warning.

  If the shifter messed with him, he'd find Luke more of a threat than he ever imagined.

  "This is Hedger."A.J. said, his tone level. His gaze skated between the two men. "He's been with us for two years and he's our best tracker."

  "And this is Cestie," A.J. said, after a brief pause where neither man formally acknowledged the other. "She's our resident faerie and essential to our company."

  Luke stiffened and turned toward the woman. A faerie working as a Human Defender? Yeah, it happened, but not ones as powerful as her. And she was powerful. It radiated off her like heat from a blazing fire. It swirled around every strand of her voluminous blond hair, which haloed around her head as if she'd just woken up from a night of screwing.

  Sorry, sweetheart. You're wasting that glamour on me. I can see right through it to the arrogant creature underneath.

  Her lips pulled into a thin line. "Luke."

  She seemed to taste his name on her lips.

  Then, she tilted her heart-shaped head to one side. "Is this really a good idea?"

  He had to bite back his annoyance as she increased her glamour. Her face became flawless. High cheekbones. Pale brown eyes that called to him to believe this was who she truly was.

  Yeah, right.

  "We were required, Cestie. Take it down a notch," A.J. ordered.

  The faerie dropped her glamour, as her mouth twisted in scorn. "All right, but I hope they won't make us replace him when he dies."

  Luke met her gaze. "I appreciate your concern, but this isn't my first job as a Human Defender."

  "Good to know," she said, looking away from him.

  He had the distinct impression she'd dismissed him. These folks are in for a big surprise.

  "Who's the new guy?"

  Luke turned to see a pale, green-skinned man standing in the doorway. He was tall and thin, with odd-spikey white-blond hair. Luke had never seen such an interesting mix of goblin and man. Half-breed goblins were rare, but the few he'd seen had taken on the negative traits of both species. Short, dark green skin, and the weak musculature of a human.

  "I'm Luke." He held out his hand to the goblin.

  The goblin reached out and took his outstretched hand. "Bradley. I'm guessing you aren't delivering pizza?"

  Hedger cut in before he could answer. "Nope. They made us hire a human."

  Bradley's eyes widened as he released Luke's hand. "All righty then."

  The goblin went and took his seat, inching as close to Cestie as possible.

  "Back off, goblin-boy," she said, without even glancing in his direction.

  A.J. groaned. "We are just waiting on one more-"

  "I'm here. I'm here?" She trailed off when she caught sight of him, then stopped in the doorway.


  His Sammi.

  Standing right in the doorway, looking as good as the last day of The Human Defenders' Academy four years before. Her face hadn't changed. It was so goddamn beautiful it made him catch his breath. Her dark brows arched over huge green eyes. Full lips shone. Downright begging to be kissed.

  But the rest of her. What had happened to the sweet girl in low-rider jeans and oversize T-shirts? His gaze traveled down. And stopped.

  Her generous breasts were framed by the tops of her lacy black bra. The green leather top she wore should've been illegal, stopping just above her flat belly. And her pants hugged her endlessly long legs, reminding him of how she'd once wrapped them around his back, screaming his name.

  His gaze stopped again at her knee-high boots. Boots she'd once called fuck-me boots. And goddamn, they made him want to fuck her.

  "Sammi, meet Luke, our newest Human Defender."

  Her gaze tore from Luke to A.J., her face two shades paler than when she'd first walked in. "What?"

  A.J. let out a loud sigh. "I'm not gonna go over this again, especially for those of you too hooked on coffee to get here on time."

  Bradley spoke up, spinning in his chair. "We were required to hire a human, so we're stuck with him."

  Her expression seemed to freeze. Is she as horrified to see me as I am to see her?

  Hedger grinned. "This time we should do an office pool on how long we think he'll last. And maybe how he'll be taken down."

  Luke barely heard hi
m as his gaze swung back to Sammi, pulled to her like an invisible force. Does she still feel bad about lying to me? About breaking my heart? She played the part of an innocent girl so well?

  The goblin rolled his eyes. "Like anyone would've betted that leprechaun would be crushed by a Sewer Dragon."

  The shifter wrinkled his nose. "Gerik was annoying as hell, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone." His sharp gaze went to Luke. "It's still not too late for you to run, little human."

  "Goddamn it," A.J. cursed, glaring at the lot of them. "I'm going to say this once and only once. Luke might be human, but he's got some other DNA swimming around in there. He's stronger, faster, and more agile than an average human, besides being immune to a lot of creatures' powers. He might still be human, but he's got a chance at surviving."

  Luke's stomach sank. How could the warlock reveal a secret he'd guarded so carefully so thoughtlessly? And what would Sammi think now that she knew?

  "He's? what?" Sammi said after a long moment, her big green eyes even bigger than usual. She didn't look happy.

  "I think the boss man is saying he's not completely human," the goblin said, playing with his usually high blonde hair.

  A.J. rubbed his forehead. "Can everyone sit down and shut their mouths? We've got a lot to talk about."

  Luke obeyed, taking a seat beside Cestie.

  Sammi crossed the room, her back stiff, and sat down next to Hedger and across from Luke.

  The shifter looked from Sammi to Luke, then draped an arm around the back of her chair. He leaned in, whispering something in her ear.

  Damn horny asshole. Shifters can barely control themselves under normal circumstances. With Sammi looking like that the two have probably already-

  He felt every muscle in his body tense, watching her closely. Have they?

  She didn't react to the shifter. Her gaze was trained on A.J., but the muscles in her jaw twitched. Which tells me exactly nothing.

  Not that I care.

  "Okay, guys, we've all been busy trying to figure out all these claims of random vampire attacks around the city, but now we've got to refocus our energy. By now you've likely heard about the attacks on the Faerie Lands and the Black Towers. We've been called in as consultants for the government to figure out what happened."

  Bradley whistled. "How did we manage to land this one?"

  A.J. ignored him and continued. "Cestie and Bradley, I'm sending you two to the Faerie Lands to interview people and check out the attack site for clues. The usual."

  "They are not going to like this," Cestie said, no emotion coloring her words.

  "That's why I'm sending you." A.J. ignored her, dismissing the concern. "Bradley, I want you to give her a little good luck, as well as to utilize your special skills."

  "Got it, boss." Bradley shifted closer to Cestie, nearing jumping with excitement. "Now, we can finally get to know each other better."

  Cestie sighed, crossing her arms. "Wonderful."

  "And Hedger, you're going to sniff around the Black Towers and see what you can find. Flash your badge if they give you any trouble. But otherwise, try your best not to tip them off that we're there."

  "No problem."

  The warlock let his gaze scan over all of them. "The last thing we need is to scare the general population, but everyone, we should be scared. Something big is going on in this city. Each night I've been drawn to my scrying glass. I can see very little, but this I know, the future holds a lot of darkness and death, if we can't stop it."

  Tension sang through the air.

  "More than usual?" the goblin said, but his attempt at a joke fell flat.

  A.J.'s serious expression remained. "We've got rogue vampires preying on creatures and now young faeries vanishing?"

  Sammi's voice came, soft and musical. "You think they're using them as Feeders to sustain them?"

  A.J. closed his eyes. "I'm hoping the rogue vampires and the missing faeries have nothing to do with each other. But I don't believe in coincidences."

  It sounds like I'm walking into a shit storm. Because even though faeries might sustain vampires longer than any other magical being, there's a reason it isn't done. Angering the faery community is more dangerous than playing with a live grenade.

  "Well, get this figured out," Sammi said, determination echoed in each word.

  A.J. nodded, some of the tension easing from his face. "They'll figure it out. Sammi, I know you want to be in on the action, but I need you to show Luke the ropes. I've got a simple case. A girl thinks her boyfriend got Turned without the appropriate paperwork, and now she thinks he's trying to Turn her."

  A knot formed in Luke's stomach.

  Not Sammi.

  How could he possibly work with the woman who'd broken his heart four years ago?

  Sammi's eyes were wide, her knuckles white as she mercilessly gripped the edge of the table. "But, Captain, wouldn't I be better suited for the big case? Maybe someone else-"

  A.J. cut her off, his gaze sliding between the two of them. "No. Show him the ropes. Don't let him die. Got it?"

  She nodded, looking down at her hands as they gripped the tabletop.

  "And, sweetheart," his voice gentled, as if he was speaking to a daughter rather than his employee. "Remember that he's human. Keep those powers of yours locked up as tightly as possible. I don't want him falling head over heels for you before the day's out."

  A miserable bark of a laugh exploded from her lips. "I don't think we have to worry about that."

  For some reason, her words made Luke's chest ache.

  "You okay?" A.J. asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  She nodded, her gaze still trained on her hands.

  Luke's heart lurched. She always looked at her hands when she didn't know what to say. And now she looked at them because she didn't want to work with him. It shouldn't bother him, but it did. She'd been the one to use him. To lie to him. And she'd managed to rip his heart into a thousand pieces in the process. So why does she look so?so vulnerable?

  A.J.'s gaze slid to Luke and narrowed. There was a threat in his eyes.

  Great, so the damned warlock has a soft spot for Sammi and doesn't seem to miss a thing. This should be a blast.

  "Now, where are those damned files?" A.J. looked around the office, frowning. "I left them in the office, of course." He shook his head as he walked out the door, his voice trailing off as he went.

  Everyone remained seated and he was back in an instant, handing Cestie, Hedger, and Sammi their files and wishing them good luck.

  They hurried out the door and into the main room, Luke following Sammi.

  Surprisingly, after Hedger had placed the folder on his desk, he moved to Sammi's, which was conveniently front-to-front with Luke's new desk.

  His voice softened. "Got any plans tonight?"

  Sammi sat and opened the file. "Just this case."

  The shifter perched on the edge of her desk, crowding her space. "Yeah, I meant, after that."

  Annoyance bubbled inside Luke, but he tried to keep his face impassive. He hated being the new guy. Hated waiting on someone to tell him what to do. And he especially hated watching Hedger's blatant attempt to hit on Sammi.

  "Are we going to stand here all day, or get our jobs done?" The words came out more harshly than he intended.

  Hedger looked up, his gaze locking on Luke. The yellow around his pupils spread. "That eager to die?"

  Luke took a step toward him. "No, I just thought I'd spare you the embarrassment of getting shot down in front of an audience."

  The shifter let out a growl and stood.

  Sammi was between them in a second. "Goddamn it, Hedger, just stop it."

  Hedger took another step toward him, not stopping until Sammi put her hand on his chest. "He's new. Just give him a break."

  The shifter's gaze never left his as he leaned down and let his lips brush the top of her hair. "Sure, sexy."

  Sammi jerked away.

  Anger bubbled inside Luke
. "He doesn't need to give me a break. If he needs to compare dicks, I can do it right now." His hands went to the button on his jeans.

  Hedger snarled, his fingers curling into fists.

  Sammi cursed, snatching the file from her desk and walking past Luke. "It's your first day, hot shot, maybe save that for tomorrow."

  Luke shot the shifter a last dirty look, then followed Sammi out.

  The sway of her hips immediately drew his gaze. She had the best ass he'd ever seen. He remembered seeing that ass in boy shorts. The memory of hooking his fingers in them and drawing them slowly down her hips was sending his blood downward.

  Shit. What's wrong with me? His dick was already growing hard.

  No, it wasn't what was wrong with him. It was what was wrong with her. She was a goddamn succubus. She radiated sexual energy that curled through him and made him crazy. Even though I should be immune to her powers.

  He hadn't been able to resist her in college. Had fallen so hard and fast that he still had the engagement ring to prove what an idiot he'd been. He thanked God every day that he'd figured out what she was before giving it to her.

  They walked past the secretary's desk, but just as they were nearly to the elevator, the girl coughed.

  Sammi turned around. "You okay?"

  The secretary blushed. "Yeah, just feeling a bit under the weather."

  Concern washed over her face. "You aren't still dating that vampire, are you?"

  Violet glanced at Luke from beneath her lowered lashes. "Only sometimes."

  Sammi cursed. "If I find out he's using you again, I'm going to-"

  "No, no," Violet rushed out, "he's not."

  "Okay? but let me know if you need me." Sammi didn't look convinced, but she turned and hit the button for the elevator.

  It beeped and the doors slid open.

  They crowded in.

  Even though they stood as far from each other as possible, the space felt too small. Soft music played, someone strumming a guitar. Luke tried to focus on the music, but he was aware of her scent. Hazelnut and something uniquely her. Spicy and sweet, it wafted to him, stirring memories he'd tried to forget.

  Her lying on his bed, stretched out on her belly. Those long legs of hers kicking back and forth lazily in the air behind her as she read.

  His fingers sweeping aside her long auburn hair to nuzzle at the sensitive spot just below her ear. Brushing his lips, moving down her neck.

  Her soft intake of air as his mouth sucked at the junction where her shoulder met her neck. Her fingers curling into his hair, urging him to keep going.

  The elevator beeped, opening into the tiny lobby. A couch, overstuffed chairs, and coffee table faced the large windows. Otherwise, it was empty.

  He pushed open the heavy wooden door. She hesitated for a second too long before following him out. The day was cold, especially for autumn, but the smell of unshed rain hung in the air.

  "So where are we headed?"

  Sammi stiffened. "Down to Maples."

  She opened the file and began reading again.

  "That's not far from my neck of the woods."

  She didn't respond.

  "But then, I live at the edge of the Human District."

  Three tiny creatures with earth-brown skin walked toward them, moving slowly for their kind. The brownies looked like old women, carrying armfuls of shopping bags.

  Sammi didn't look up, unaware that she was on a collision course with them.

  Luke waited until the last possible second before grabbing her by the waist and hauling her out of the way. She gasped, pressed momentarily against his body, the file between them.

  One of the two-foot high creatures looked up from her groceries and glared.

  But even when the brownies had passed, he still held her. She was so warm. Soft. In her boots, the top of her head came to his brow. For some unexplainable reason, he wanted more than anything for her to look up. He wouldn't kiss her, no matter how much he might want to, but he wanted something. Maybe just to see he was affecting her just as much as she was affecting him.

  And then those emerald green eyes, with enchanting specks of gold, met his gaze. "Don't even think about it. You're going to be apologizing forever after lying to me."

  He froze, still holding her. "Lying to you?"

  Her lips pulled into a tight angry line. "You treated me like garbage for not telling you I was a succubus, but you aren't human either."

  She couldn't be serious.

  "Yes. I. Am."

  She moved closer, her lips inches from his. Need drew his gaze to her mouth. "No. You're. Not."

  He opened his mouth to respond, when his phone rang. Slowly, he drew his phone out of his pocket and stared at the unknown number. Still too close to her, he answered.

  A voice came on the line. "Get the fuck away from her."

  To be continued?


  Want to read the next exciting story in this series? Check out City of Defiance!

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  Wishing you many worlds of happiness,

  Immortal Angel and Lisa Raine

  About the Authors

  Immortal Angel

  Immortal Angel has lived a hundred lifetimes all in one. She's a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, and a best friend. She's traveled the real world, enjoying what our three-dimensional reality has to offer. She's hiked the stairs inside the Eiffel Tower. She's watched a Shakespearean play in a grassy clearing outside Cambridge, and she's ridden a ferry to Ireland. In Australia, she cuddled koalas, in China, she cuddled pandas, and in the Middle East, she cuddled camels. And every time she opened a book, she entered a world beyond this one, one where the only limits were her imagination.

  So many lifetimes of adventures have inspired her to reach beyond this planet to the stars above and to worlds rooted in fantasy. Her romances are meant to take her readers on their own adventures, imagining new and exciting place. With hot men, supernatural males, and maybe a few sexy aliens too.

  You can follow Immortal Angel on Facebook, Twitter @ImmortalAngel22, and her blog here.

  Lisa Raine

  Lisa Raine believes that all women deserve a good man who worships her, and she's bound and determine to write romances where that's exactly what happens. Whether her heroes are werewolves, vampires, or aliens, she strives to bring two interesting characters together and let the sparks fly between them. When Lisa isn't writing, she keeps herself busy with a life filled with a big family and incredible friends.


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