Gesellschaft (economic partnership); in the codes
Giessener Emigration Society
Grabau, Johann
Gruber, C. F.; late arrival in Missouri; and permission to emigrate
Gube, Johann Georg; and Stephan’s ouster
Guenther, Gotthold; diary of
Guenther, John
Guenther, Louise; chairperson of acquisitions committee; interrogation of; joins Stephan in exile; and rift in Stephan marriage; Rogate Sunday confession of; rumors about; as Stephan’s housekeeper/ nurse
Haecker, August Friedrich
Hahn, Wilhelmine
Halle, University of
Hanewinkel, P. F.
Hellwig, J.
Herrnhut, Germany
Heydenreich (superintendent)
Heymann (church consistory superintendent)
“History of Lutheranism” (Sekkendorf)
Hoeschel, Sophie
Horse Prairie, Illinois. See Red Bud, Illinois
Huss, John
Jaeckel, Gustav; and interrogation of Louise Guenther; and leadership and power struggle
Johann Georg; C. F. W. Walther changed ships to
Kant, Immanuel
Keyl, Ernst Gerhard Wilhelm; and colony divisions; and permission to emigrate; and Stephan’s ouster
Koepchen, William; analysis of events; analysis of Stephan’s ministry; and Schubert children kidnapping episode
Koepfli, Salomon
Koerner, Gustav; as attorney for Stephan family in America; and correspondence with Consul Fluegel
Koestering, J. F.
Krause, William Ernst; as attorney for Stephan family in Dresden
Kurtz, Benjamin
Leibniz, Gottfried
Leipzig, University of
Loeber, Gotthold Heinrich; and colony divisions; and leadership; and permission to emigrate; and Rogate Sunday confession; and Stephar’s ouster; as writer of hymns, diary, letters
Loehe, Wilhelm
Luther, Martin; teachings of
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod; and C. F. W. Walther; historians and commentators; origin and development of; and Stephan descendants
Marbach, Franz Adolf; as attorney to Society; as attorney to Stephan; and colony divisions; family loss; and Guenther interrogation; leadership and power struggle; and Stephan’s ouster
Marx, Ernest
Mundinger, Carl S.
Nitzschke, Carl
Ober-Loessnitz Winery
Olbers; Episcopal election and disputes
Palisch, Johann Gottlieb
pietism; and Stephan’s ministry; and Stephan’s roots
Poeschel (theological candidate)
Priesnitz Valley
Prolss, Adolph Eduard
Radeberg Spa: Stephan’s visits to
rationalism; rejection of
Red Bud, Illinois
Rogate Sunday
Saxon Emigration Planning Committee; authority and responsibility of
Saxon Emigration Society; dissention in; management of; mutual support; reasons and plans to emigrate
Scheibel, Johann Ephraim
Schick, Georg
Schnabel, Carl
Schubert children
Schwarmerei (emotion)
Selma Declaration
Seltenreich, Carl Christian
Society for Promotion of Pure Doctrine and Holy Life
Songs of Exiles upon the Sea
Spener, Philip
Spinoza, Baruch
Stephan, Julia, daughter of Martin Stephan
Stephan, Julia Knoebel; death and will of; disposition of money and old court cases; letters to son Martin and news of ouster; stays alone in Dresden; testimony in criminal court by
Stephan, Martin V (Jr.); correspondence with his mother; emigrates with Stephan to America; return to America and professional life; after Stephan’s ouster
Stephan, Philip G.
Stephan, Theo M.; and research
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Dresden; conflicts within; history and picture of; religious practices at
Stoeffler, F. Ernest
Stoerzel, Johann August
Thirty Years’ War
Tittmann, Carl Christian
Todd, Mary
Vehse, Carl Eduard;and colony divisions; comments about Stephan; diary and memoir leadership and power struggle; and Stephan’s ouster
Voelker, August
Voelker, Louise
von Einsiedel, Graf Detlev
von Polenz, Karl G.
von Zinzendorf, Count
Waldo, Peter
Walther, C. F. W.; and colony divisions; early counsel with Stephan; leadership and power struggle; and Martin V (Jr.); and Schubert children kidnapping; and Stephan’s ouster
Walther, O. H.; death of; Episcopal election and Society management; hymns and liturgy; and Schubert children kidnapping; and Stephan’s ouster and colony divisions
Weber, William
Welzel, Carl
Welzel, Theodore
Westphalia, Treaty of
Wiest, Stephen
Wycliffe, John
Zimmerman, Caroline
About the Author
Dr. Philip Stephan is a psychologist retired from private practice in Longmont, Colorado, and currently is volunteering his time and psychology skills in the community. He received his Ph.D. in human behavior at the United States International University, San Diego, formerly Cal Western, where he studied with Dr. Carl Rogers. His career spans four decades of association with university students as a chaplain and psychotherapist. While serving at the University of Colorado he directed the Wheat Ridge Foundation Wholistic Health Care Project and authored the article titled “The Metaphors of Healing,” published in the Journal of University Medicine. Stephan also served as a psychotherapist for the Samaritan Counseling Centers of Seattle, Washington, and Denver, Colorado.
a The Rev. Dr. Arthur Preisinger is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) pastor, historian, and scholar. Dr. Preisinger recently retired as associate professor of theology and history at Texas Lutheran University, Sequin, Texas.
b Written for Pastor Martin Stephan to be sung on the voyage to America. Translated by Axel Reitzig, March 1998, from William Koepchen’s Conference Notes of 1934. Four of the five songs are reproduced here.
In Pursuit of Religious Freedom Page 39