Slavery 2030

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Slavery 2030 Page 6

by Mark Andrews

  But would she have the coordination required of a soccer star?

  He decided to find out immediately. He selected three of his star players to accompany him and delegated the continuation of the other slaves’ training to an assistant. He led the four slaves over to a set of hurdles set up as in a hurdles race. “Let’s see you race these three girls, slave. Last one home - and any who tips over a hurdle - gets three strokes ...”

  He wielded the cane that had preciously been held under his armpit between his two hands, bending it between them to show off its elasticity and Debra shuddered as she imagined it lashing at her smooth bottom cheeks.

  She was no stranger to the hurdles although it had not been her specialty. But she also knew as she looked over the bodies of the three other girls that they would be hard to beat. All three were as superbly bodied physically as she was although not as strikingly beautiful and as Debra eyed their powerful thigh and calf and buttock muscles, she knew she would be hard put to best them.

  Once they were all kneeling at the starting blocks, Archie clapped his hands and they were off. Debra had been a superb athletics performer and although the other three were prime soccer stars they didn’t have her training or natural ability and as she leapt high over the first hurdle, stark naked and displaying her whole body to Archie and to James who sat at his desk watching the wall screen that now displayed the race down on the field. He grinned to himself. Oh yes, she was going to be good this one - and not only on the soccer field, either.

  What a sight, he thought as he stared at her lithe naked body charging down the makeshift track Archie had set up in the middle of the field. Her naked breasts were firm and smallish but they still jiggled most wonderfully as she ran at full tilt. Her belly muscles writhed as she charged from one foot to the other and her thighs - phew! They looked absolutely magnificent. Even if she didn’t show top skill as a player, her magnificent body was going to be an attraction all of its own.

  But now he leaned forward. Good God! She was pulling ahead even further ... he spoke to his computer ordering up a summation of her athletics background - every convicted slave’s private life was now open to full public scrutiny - and grinned as he read off the details of her various athletics wins ...

  She beat the other three hands down and had to watch as the last girl was caned for her loss. How unfair, thought Debra, she’d tried her best - but she was now learning that loss, for a slave, was not acceptable. Here, you lost - and you suffered.

  Archie now dispatched the other three girls back to the squad but led Debra into the gymnasium under the high stands around the stadium. “Had any gymnastics training, slave?” he asked, not unkindly as he surveyed the beautiful naked body before him.

  “Yes, sir. I trained in gymnastics as part of my athletics training.”

  “Good. It will help your coordination. Let’s see you on the balance beam, then.”

  She jumped up onto this low beam and began to perform a complicated set of manoeuvres designed to show off just how coordinated her body was - with a result that had even the somewhat blasé Archie gaping at her skill.

  “Not bad, girl,” he said grudgingly, “now move to each of these other items and let me see what you can do ...”

  She showed him her skill on the mats, the other bars and, since female gymnasts now performed on the same equipment that was formerly restricted to males, on the horizontal and parallel bars, the Roman rings and even shinnied up and down the ropes strung in a row from the roof.

  At each one, she performed magnificently, not only showing off her strength and endurance but also her skill on each item. Like his boss before him, Archie was now sure she would be a sure-fire winner on the field.

  Chapter 4

  Debra had delighted in those sports she had participated in. Athletics and, in an ancillary way, swimming and gymnastics, had all been delights to her but she had never been a ‘women’s libber’ and had never been able to understand why a woman would want to compete in those areas of sporting endeavour traditionally reserved to men, such as cricket and football. She saw the latter as a contact sport, even if soccer enthusiasts were quick to point out the rules of the game forbade contact.

  Nevertheless, football was a man’s game to her and she had never taken an interest in it. Now though, she was going to have to, she thought ruefully, or suffer not only the cane to her rump but also the other forms of ‘persuasion’, what their owner euphemistically called ‘the stick’.

  Archie was careful to show her very early what awaited her if she didn’t perform to the very best of her ability. The cane she already knew about, of course, but there were other methods: innovative and rather spectacular methods, all of them painful as well as shameful and humiliating to the recipients.

  “This is our nettle patch, slavegirl,” said the coach as he led her up to a long row of carefully cultivated stinging nettles that included scotch thistles. “If I or another of the trainers order you to be disciplined with this punishment, you will be required to assume the standard slave pose with your hands clasped up behind your head and then run along the row so that the nettles are between your legs. Believe me, the pain to your inner thighs - and more particularly your anus and vagina, is quite spectacular ...”

  Debra stared at the long row of cultivated weeds in horror. Could anyone really expect another human being to inflict such an agony on him or herself?

  Archie watched her grimly. He knew exactly what she was thinking and responded accordingly. “Yes, girl, we can and we do. Pain is the best teacher there is and while we never punish without good reason, you may be assured that if you err, you will certainly feel our wrath and very quickly.

  “Try it. No, not the whole length, just a few yards ...”

  She didn’t want to. Hell, she hated the idea but she also knew that a suggestion from Archie or any of his men was tantamount to an order and so she assumed the pose, raising her hands up behind her head and pulling her elbows right back as far as they would go - and then some - and then ran, rather gingerly, into the row. But Archie wasn’t having any of that.

  “Come back here, girl!” he ordered sharply. She did, a little sheepishly for she knew she had failed to obey the spirit of his order. “Well, girl?”

  “Yes, sir. I was a bit reluctant?”

  “You were. Soccer requires that you give everything you have and just now, you didn’t. You may therefore run the whole length of the row of nettles twice!”

  She paled. Oh God! It was going to be terrible but she set her mind to the awful task and replaced her hands up where they belonged while Archie drooled (at least figuratively) as he looked over her athletic and beautiful body. Of course he was used to beautiful naked female bodies - all the squad had them, but this girl was something else. As he stared at her lithe and shapely body he tried to analyse exactly what it was about her that was different from the others and couldn’t.

  Yes, her skin was true peaches and cream all over, but then so was that of most of the girls. Her muscles were apparent - not spectacularly gross or even big, but on a girl, quite perfect in his view. Her shape was superb, yes. Not an hour-glass, he thought girls who were thus built had their place, but not as sports stars and in his view they were not as beautiful as this girl anyway.

  Her face was stunning - more ingenuous than really beautiful but then he didn’t like the somewhat artificial beauty of the fashion model anyway. She was more fresh-faced, her eyes clear and a beautiful blue, her teeth even and very white, her lips a natural red and her fair hair really wonderful. Oh yes, in his eyes, she was the epitome of everything that made a girl quite perfect.

  Now, though, she had to savour the pain of the nettle patch.

  She set her mind and, steeling her nerves to the coming pain, ran purposefully into the end of the long narrow row of nettles. She screamed almost immediately, although she had orde
red her body not to. She wasn’t prepared for the awful pain of those stinging barbs. The tall weeds lashed at her inner thighs as she ran at full tilt along the row but that wasn’t the worst of it. Far worse was the dreadful pain as those same barbs attacked the soft lips of her vagina, even reaching in to her anus occasionally as she leapt up to avoid a particularly tall weed.

  Archie watched her critically. He wanted to see how she took this admittedly diabolical pain, for it was diabolical, as he well knew. He had stripped off himself on one occasion and forced himself to run through the nettles just to see how bad it was so he knew first hand that it was a dreadful punishment - one she hadn’t really deserved for her sin had been small. Still, she needed to know how bad these chastisements were so that she would apply herself to her utmost.

  He was pleased to see she didn’t falter once. Of course that was the best way. Getting through the fifty yards of nettles as quickly as possible was better than trying to avoid the worst of them for that was impossible. She was screaming occasionally and moaning all the time as she traversed the first leg but when she got to the end, she didn’t falter. She simply turned around and started back down the dreadful row of weeds, the taller ones bending back between her flying legs and lashing at her vagina, crotch and bottom as she passed over them while the shorter, more bushy ones attacked her legs and thighs.

  She was in a dreadful state when she came out at the end of the row. Her lungs were heaving, her face showed her distress and her legs, thighs, vulva and cheeks were dreadfully red and scratched.

  “Not pleasant, is it, slavegirl?” Archie observed quietly.

  She stared at him, trying to organise her thoughts so that she didn’t offend. “No, sir,” she said eventually and he smiled at her self-control.

  “You will do all right here, girl ... but let us proceed. You now understand and have experienced this punishment. Let me show you some others ...”

  He took her into the gymnasium and over to a corner where stood the instrument known as the pyramid. She stared at it in mystification. She truly had no idea what it was for. It actually was a pyramid, each side a couple of feet tall and rather narrow at the base and it stood on a sturdy metal standard some three feet high that was bolted to the floor

  He placed a small set of steps next to it and invited her to climb them. With her legs, bottom and sexual organs still on fire from the nettles, she had no wish to do any such thing but already she had learned that obedience was the first and foremost requirement of any slavegirl in this place. She therefore climbed the steps somewhat gingerly but Archie allowed her this small concession. He knew exactly how much pain she was in...

  “Now, cock you leg over the point of the pyramid so it enters your anus, girl ...”

  She stared down at him. Could he be serious? He was. She raised her right leg and he licked his lips as he stared at her shapely thigh muscles bunching at the effort. Oh yes, she was going to be a crowd pleaser, he thought.

  When she was properly perched on the point of the thing he reached over and removed the ladder. She had already anticipated his next order and had placed her hands up on her head, a point he noted and now sat there as the sharp point dug painfully into her rectum.

  Because the pyramid was tall and quite narrow at its base, the four edges dug painfully into her anal ring as well as the tender inner lining of her lower rectum and every time she moved, even slightly, the pain got worse. It really felt as if four knives were attacking her anus at once.

  He didn’t leave her on this instrument of pain for too long. The nettles had been very bad and now, only ten minutes on the pyramid and she was in a bad way. But he wasn’t going to abandon the tour of pain. Perhaps he might forgive her the actual experience of the other items but not the tour itself.

  He replaced the ladder and invited her to extricate herself from the horrible instrument of torture and he grinned as he watched her waddling beside him as he led her over to the next punishment item.

  “This item requires you to torture yourselves, slavegirl,” he said as he led her up to it. It was a stationary bike, like the one in the Assessment Centre, except it had only one wheel. It also had a small generator driven by the wheel and from that a wire went to the frame while the other end had a small clip. She noted that the wheel had no fork, was tyre-less and endowed with a number of leather thongs set in its rim. She shivered as she thought out the implications.

  Just then though, Robert entered the vast gymnasium on an errand for the groundsman. Archie called him over. “I wish you to demonstrate this machine to this slave, boy. Get up onto the pedals.”

  Robert glanced at the girl he now knew he loved and was horrified at her legs, thighs and crotch area, all of which were red and blotchy. He was also appalled at her tear-stained face and woebegone expression that added to the picture of misery she portrayed. But his new boss had also given him a thumbnail sketch of what faced him if he didn’t toe the line and he too had experienced the pyramid if not the row of nettles.

  He was therefore attentive to the trainer and immediately climbed up onto the two pedals that Archie buckled over his feet. There was no saddle. He would have to learn to pedal and to stay upright at the same time. He didn’t much like the clip Archie was now holding in his hand though, especially when the man attached it to his scrotum.

  “Your task is to pedal, boy - fast. It will hurt, for the thongs attached to the rim of the wheel will then lash at your buttocks but if you don’t work hard enough, the relay that will keep your balls from being shocked will not open and believe me, the pain of those shocks is far worse than the lashes of the thongs. Now get moving!”

  Archie gave him a demonstration shock at which he doubled over and clutched at his testicles but then, as the man seemed ready to press the button on his controller again, Robert attacked the pedals, his magnificent thigh muscles standing out in great cords as he struggled to stay upright and still force the pedals round and round.

  Of course, the faster he pedalled, the more the thongs stood out from the rim of the bike and now they began to lash at the curvaceous and boyish cheeks of his buttocks.

  Debra watched the scene in horror. The message was getting through to her loud and clear. Behave yourself. Work very hard. Obey all orders - and above all perform, or this was what you faced!

  She felt terrible that Robert was being used to demonstrate one of the horrible tortures to her. Admittedly, she didn’t think her own cheeks were in any condition to take any more pain but still, it was awful that poor Robert had to suffer just to show her the effects of this punishment.

  That wasn’t strictly true, of course. Robert was as much subject to the disciplines as the girls were and it was necessary that he understand the various instruments of correction just as much as Debra but she didn’t think of that at the time and her expression showed her concern for him as he disciplined himself on the punishment bike. Her eyes betrayed that concern even more, showing signs of tears as Robert’s bottom became bruised and battered by the thongs. So much so that he had slowed a couple of times to try and ease the pain - but then the relay had closed and his body (and particularly his testicles) had been subject to the electric current and that was so much worse than the whipping he was giving himself that he had redoubled his efforts until the thongs were fairly flying around, each one standing out straight from the rim of the wheel until it hit his bottom with a rat-tat, almost staccato fusillade that must have hurt him horribly.

  “All right, enough,” said Archie at last, switching off the electricity and allowing Robert to cease pedalling and then to climb off the diabolical machine. “Turn around, boy. Show this girl your bottom ...”

  Debra gasped as she looked at the horrible mess. She had thought nothing could be as bad as those nettles, or later, the pyramid poking into her anus but now, looking at Robert’s buttocks, she knew he’d had the worst of it.

bsp; “Off you go but remember, you are as subject to these punishments as the girls.” He turned back to the girl now. “Sore, slavegirl?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. It will make you think before you slip up. Now, let’s get back to the training session. A little nettle rash isn’t going to stop you beginning your training, is it?”

  She wasn’t at all sure about that but then she realised she was no longer a free agent. If she had been, she would have had a choice as to whether she went to training with such wounds to her flesh. As it was, she had none and as Archie had decided she would train, that was what would happen.

  By now, the others were practising ball skills. If you are not aware of the art of playing soccer as opposed to rugby or gridiron football, you should be aware that except for the goalie, touching the ball with your hands is illegal. Your feet, knees, body and head may be used but not the hands. You therefore need to learn the skills associated with accurate kicking, bouncing the ball off your head and body and to acquire the litheness and agility to achieve the manoeuvrability required for these skills.

  A female team has some limitations. A man’s chest may be a useful bouncing tool; a girl’s breasts are much more vulnerable - and yet James demanded that they use them just as the male players did. This took an extraordinary amount of training and conditioning for a girl’s bosom is very sensitive. It therefore became a matter of which pain was worse: accept a ball slamming into your breasts or running through the nettle patch ...

  It will be understood why the punishments were so dreadful. They had to be so that they were feared above the diabolical training regime.

  To train the girls to use their bodies - any part of their bodies (except their hands or arms) to field a ball, they all had to stand around a machine that drove it up high, or sent it flying directly at them and then they had to use the best part of their body: head, shoulder, breast, knee or foot to field it to another of the girls around the machine. The girl who let it fall to the ground got a stroke of the cane for her ineptitude.


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