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Beau Page 5

by Roxanne Greening

  His lips crashed against mine in a biting kiss. One I greedily sunk into. His fingers went to the button of my jeans and soon my pants were slipping down my hips.

  I wanted to pull his face back against mine, but he was hovering down there looking at my pussy as if it was dipped in gold and encrusted with jewels.

  It was honestly a little unsettling I know what he was thinking I’ve read all about it, but I wasn’t so sure I wanted him anywhere near there with his tongue.

  “Please I need you in me now.”

  His eyes met mine and I could see the war going on in them. I thought for a moment as his head lowered he was going to do it.

  But his lips pressed against my pussy lips and a moan escaped my lips. Then he was on me lube in one hand and his other in my hair.

  “I will taste you someday darlin.”

  I could see it, he wanted me to see the truth. He was going to eat me and there was nothing I could do to change his mind. Cool liquid touched my clit dripping down in the direction of my pussy.

  Then his fingers were there rubbing it against my clit and down into my pussy. Closing my eyes, I bite my lip at the stinging I felt as his fingers glided inside me.

  The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure as he moved them in and out slowly. I wanted to scream at the infinite care he was giving me, but it wasn’t enough, I needed him in me deep inside me.

  Grabbing his cock, I give it a squeeze and Beau hissed. My eyes widen, and I quickly let go.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “Fuck no Darlin I’m just ready to blow, my fucking load right here.”

  His lips press against mine as his cock swiftly enters me. It burned. Beaus fingers rubbed my clit and soon my hips were raising against his.

  Silently I begged him to move. To fuck me and take me to paradise. “Shit baby...”

  Clamping down on his cock his words drifted off as he started pumping in and out of me. Throwing my head back, I scream as his cock slams into me over and over again.

  His fingers clench in my hair, holding me in place as he picked up his pace. In and out his cock swelled with each thrust.

  My nipples brushed against his chest as he pounded deep inside me. The tension was building inside of me with each deep thrust.

  Then it exploded hard inside of me and the world went black. Screams erupted from my chest, making it hard to breathe.

  My back bowed off the bed, pressing him in deeper as his thrust became less smooth and more jerky. Then I felt it the moment he orgasmed.

  Heat coated my womb as his cock pressed hard against my cervix. His cock bounced slightly as it emptied inside me sending me deeper into my haze of pleasure.

  When I came down I realized he was still deep inside me, his head pressed in the crook of my neck.

  “Fuck Emmy that was...”


  I finished for him. I felt it this deep connection to him. I never wanted him to leave me. Pressing a kiss to the top of his head, I wrap my arms around him.

  Exhaustion weighted me down. Sure, I slept good last night, but it’s been so long since I’ve had a rest. It’s been a long time since I felt safe.

  “I love you.”

  I was already in the abbess when the words passed my lips and there was nothing I could do to call them back.

  Chapter 13


  There was a time those words would have me breaking out in hives and running for the fucking hills.

  She did something to me twisted something deep inside. Fuck, I felt the same way about her. I was in love with Emmy.



  “We have information for you.”

  This shit better be fucking good. Slowly climbing from the bed, I place the blanket on her. Grabbing my clothes, I dress like there was a fire and I need to vacate the area.

  Before opening the door, I make sure she’s covered no one but me gets to see her perfection and if any mother fucker did they would lose their fucking eyes it was that simple.

  Hyde paced in the hallway waiting for me. Whatever had him all riled up was going to destroy the peaceful feelings I had.

  “We need to have a meeting Devil.”

  “I left you guys alone for a few fucking hours...”

  “It’s about Emilia.”

  “Fucking spit that shit out.”

  “I need to tell you and everyone else.”

  I wanted to wrap my fingers around his throat and give it a good squeeze, but I knew if I did that I wouldn’t find out what the fuck I needed to know.

  Hyde was my second and right now at the top of my kill list.


  I caught myself before I screamed the words. Turning I look at the door behind me. She was in there and she was safe.

  Looking back at Hyde only to find the fucker disappeared.

  Chapter 14


  The bitch was smarter than I thought I would give her that. She’s eluded my every attempt to find her and now there were others out there looking for her as well.

  I didn’t fucking understand why her bosses were looking for her and that shit grated. The state line had a welcoming sign.

  “Welcome to Maine.”

  A smile spread across my lips, she was here in this fucking place somewhere. The gas station surveillance in Portland, Maine showed her getting gas and snacks.

  Thank fuck I had a buddy good at computer shit these rich pricks didn’t know how to do shit. My cock jumped as the realization I would have her soon and all the things I wanted to do to her had my blood boiling.

  I remembered Amber and all the things I did to that bitch. What she suffered would look like a play date compared to what I was going to do to Emilia.

  Chapter 15


  I was being watched. This peaceful sleep was just ruined. Fear clogged my throat as I slowly reached for Beau.

  The bed was cold and empty. My eyes open slowly as I try to figure out where the person was located.

  “I know you're awake.”

  Every muscle in my body released the tension stiffing my body to the point of pain.


  “We need to talk.”

  His voice took a cold turn. Goose bumps flared all over my body any heat I had fled at the tone of his voice.

  “Everything ok?”

  I knew the answer to that before I uttered the words.


  His simple two letter responses had me swallowing.

  “What brought you here?”

  Here as in his bed or here as in this town?

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why the fuck are you in Maine?”

  He knew something, and I wasn’t sure what. What if he gives me to them? Beau wasn’t exactly on the up and up.


  I wasn’t going to help him destroy me. I refused to help him make me more of the victim than I already was.

  “Fucking talk to me.”

  My tongue swelled, and the words refused to be spoken, even if I wanted to share. This beautiful haven was gone, and he was destroying any good memories I will have.

  “You’re not fucking helping your cause here sweetheart.”

  That endearment was music to my ears just hours ago now felt like a spike to the ear canal. Turning I refuse to look at him.

  I didn’t want to remember these moments or the look in his eyes. Pulling myself to edge of the bed as far from him as I could get I reach for the clothes scattered around.

  I wished I could hide I didn’t want him to see me naked it made me feel more exposed when just hours ago it made me feel beautiful and special.

  His feet thumped against the floor as he closed the distance between us I guess I should be thankful he waited until I was fully clothed.

  His once gentle and warm fingers gripped my chin in a cold biting touch forcing my face up to meet his.

  “Look at me.”

bsp; I tried to shake my head, but his grip kept me in place.

  “I want to leave.”

  “You have some shit to answer and you’re not going anywhere until I have those fucking answers.” Pulling back, I glare at him.

  “This is none of your fucking business, we fucked, and I thank you for that, but that’s about the extent of our relationship.”

  His eyes widen with each word I spoke. It hurt to speak the truth and for a little while I let myself believe in fairy tales and prince charming.

  Standing I brush past him and fight the tears wanting to spill down my cheeks. I was a foolish woman I thought someone would or could love me.

  “Goodbye Beau.”

  Slipping through the door, I don’t bother looking back as it closed behind me. Closing a chapter and officially ending any happiness, I may have had.

  Chapter 16


  I though Hyde would come up with something fucking irrelevant. I thought there was a simple reason she was here.

  Never in a million fucking years would I think she was caught up and involved with the Carters.

  “They’ve been looking, but keeping it hush hush.”

  So, whatever she did was bad enough they didn’t want the world to know. All those good feelings went up like a puff of smoke.

  “Who did they send to find her?” “Everyone, including themselves.” Fuck what did you do Emilia.

  “What are we going to do?”

  I ignore Hyde and walk out of the room. She was the one who needed to talk. I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

  Chapter 17


  The night air was crisp. It seems I slept through the day. I needed away from here now. Picking up the pace I started to run.

  The building disappeared behind the trees as I ran. My legs shook as hunger made itself known it’s been hours since I’ve eaten anything and now I was feeling a little sick.

  Tears streak down my face in little rivers. I hate myself for letting him get to me for thinking he was different than the other people in this world.

  Tires running over the dark road signaled a car approaching, I knew it wasn’t him even if my irrational heart wanted it to be.

  Headlights flashed in front of me showing my shadow. When it came to a stop by heart froze in my chest I was out here alone in the dark.

  It was the settings for a horror story. Girl walking down the road late at night, no one knows where she is, and she has no means of communication.

  I shouldn’t have, left as pissed off as he was something deep inside me told me he wouldn’t hurt me. I couldn’t give him what he wanted, though he wanted information on the Carters.

  The only people in this world to show any kind of care for me and I couldn’t turn my back on them. Yes, I left them behind, but telling someone about them just didn’t sit well with me.

  The sound of feet hitting the pavement had my heart rate tripling and my feet moving faster. The steady pace I was walking after my original run was over.

  The cold air whipped through my hair as I picked up the pace. My cheeks stung, and my feet screamed in pain.

  I wanted to collapse in a ball and cry. The feel of a body colliding with mine from behind had the air I just sucked in leaving my lungs in a whoosh.

  Pain erupted in my back as the hard shoulder of the person behind me dug in deep. Fresh tears spilled from my eyes as I hit the dirt, head first.

  Swears spilled from a familiar voice as the world dimmed before going black. It was over, he found me. John had me and every nightmare I have had since that night would be coming true.

  Chapter 18


  Two months later...

  “What the fuck do you mean she may never wake up?”

  This was the twelfth quack I brought in to look at her. Fuck, I wanted in her pussy but doing it while she was out and not fighting back just wasn’t wanting it wanted.

  I wasted her screaming and begging for me to stop. I wanted to watch the light leave her eyes as the fight went out of her.

  “Boss is getting impatient, he wants her in the cage.”

  “She’s fucking still sleeping.”

  “He doesn’t fucking care he’s had enough of this pampering the merchandise shit.”

  I wanted to fuck her before I handed her over.


  Turning I look at the quack.

  “She’s pregnant sir.”

  Fucking pregnant. She spread those fucking thighs and let someone have my fucking prize. Anger engulfed me like flames to a building.

  “This change’s everything.”

  Fuck. Now I may not catch a good fucking price.


  “More money man you can sell the child off new babies catch a good price on the market.”

  That didn’t fucking ease the need to fuck her. All the hype dwindled quickly.

  “I could have her still…”

  “No sir, it’s risky in her condition.”

  Fuck! I wanted to punch this fuck in the face. My fingers clench as everything came to a halt. She found a way to escape me, but her future not so much.

  Without looking back, I walk out of the room, I wasted over a year with this bitch and got nothing to show for it.

  Chapter 19


  It felt like just yesterday I was free, but from the sounds of the conversation going on around me I’ve been here a while.

  I wanted to run my fingers over my body. Make sure everything was in place. I heard what he said that he didn’t…

  It was relief and still I feared the unknown. It felt childish and, yet I didn’t care. I begged my body to do something, anything, but it refused to work.

  Not even a muscle twitched. I was stuck here and completely helpless. I thought the idea of John catching up to me was a nightmare, but this was worse.

  I couldn’t defend myself. I was a helpless wounded animal ready to lash out. The words pregnant were swirling around in my mind like a mini tornado.

  The brief moment of clarity had my anxiety spiking to terrifying levels. I was pregnant behind enemy lines and helpless.

  This was the making of every woman’s nightmare. Fate hated me the bitch. She put me in all these horrible situations, yes in a way John was my own fault.

  I wanted to hyperventilate instead I stopped berthing all together. Purple spots danced behind my closed lids and darkness took me.

  I found peace, even if for a little moment in time.

  Chapter 20


  Another two months later….

  She fucking disappeared like a puff of smoke. I fucking looked everywhere. Her car was still at the dinner along with all her shit.

  Everything in me screamed. Something was wrong, and I couldn’t fucking fix it. The Carters came around but stayed to the sidelines and I wasn’t going to offer up any information.

  I hated this shit. The Carters were my partners, but I couldn’t give them my old lady. Despite everything I still fucking loved her.

  “This is fucking crazy. Go talk to them man.”

  Looking at Hyde I refrain from beating the piss out of him. He didn’t fucking know shit about what I was going through.

  “They want her, and I won’t give them what they want.”

  I couldn’t give them what they wanted I would bleed myself fucking dry before I let them take her.

  Chapter 21


  After months of searching, we found her only to arrive too fucking late to save her. Beau knew something, and the prick wasn’t sharing.

  “Go in there and grab him by the throat and force that shit out of him.”

  Turning to Jason I let the full weight of my glare settle on him.

  “Or fuck send in Lark.” Did he not get it?


  “Our sister is missing and this time not on her own and you want to sit her with our fingers crammed up our asses and do nothing.”

/>   He thought I was fucking sitting here? I wanted to tear the fucking world apart to find her again. This was my fault if I told her who she was if I screened that bastard she called a boyfriend.

  “Fuck off.”

  I wanted to kill my twin and if he wasn’t careful I would take all this pent up fucking anger and rip his head off.

  Without a word he left me standing on the street looking at the last place we can confirm she was The Blazing Devils club.

  Chapter 22


  If he was going to sit in the shadows and sulk like a child, I was going to take shit into my own hands. Beau knew something.

  “Tell me everything.”

  He didn’t expect me none of them did. I had my hand wrapped up in his shirt before he could blink and take in the situation fully.

  “Where the fuck is she.”

  “If I knew I wouldn’t tell you.”

  “You would make us enemies?”

  “I would do whatever it took.”

  His words had me pausing. Something was off.

  “Spill it or spill your fucking guts.”

  Pulling out the knife I press it into the soft flesh his shirt exposed. The tan flesh clenched as the cold steel makes contact.

  “Why the fuck are you hiding?”

  “I’m standing right here Jason.”

  Pressing the blade into his flesh I watch as blood welled, and slide down its shinny exterior.

  “Why do you want her?”

  He doesn’t even acknowledge what I did to him. A small sliver of respect formed.

  “Why the fuck are you protecting her?”

  “She’s fucking mine.”

  Everything in me revolted. He claimed her my baby sister was an old lady. Fuck this meant she was missing and he was just as fucking clueless.

  “This change’s things.”

  It was time to go looking in other places we’ve been here watching him what a waste of time.

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  I needed to get Jaxson in here now.

  “Jackal go get my brother, he’s sulking in the shadows across the street.”


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