Accidental Swingers 2: More Please!: A Tale of Slutty Hotwife Sharing and Bisexual Menage

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Accidental Swingers 2: More Please!: A Tale of Slutty Hotwife Sharing and Bisexual Menage Page 8

by Mia Moore

  Oh fuck, the sensation, the burning fullness in his ass was good. So good. His cock, hard and oozing pre-cum. It went on and on, the pleasure mounting.

  “Yeah! Do me!” His words were a harsh hiss...Cock erupting thick and fast. “Oh God.” Another hard spurt of lust, higher still. And another.

  His eyes flared wide and he sucked air. It had happened so fast. It was so fucking intense! His breath was ragged, like he had just ran the hundred yard dash. He squeezed one last dollop of pleasure from the end of his cock and sighed. Slowly, he pulled the vibrator out.

  Oh my God. Where had that come from, the intensity? He couldn’t remember ever being that jacked.

  He rose from the bed and went into the bathroom off their bedroom. He rinsed the vibrator and poured liquid soap over it, washing it in the hot water. He’d put it back and never say a word to Elena.

  What would she think of him if he did? Sure, she said it would be erotic to see him with another guy but he didn’t believe her. It would diminish him in her eyes. He was sure of it.

  Who was he trying to kid? If he couldn’t admit how much this turned him on… he felt like a phony… or something, anyway. He could barely admit to himself what had just happened; how would she ever handle it? It was one thing to talk about it, even fantasize about it. But reality was quite another.

  Chapter 16

  It was like telling someone to not think of the colour blue. Try as he might to avoid anything that might trigger this bi curiosity, it seemed to be everywhere. Or, like the colour blue, it coloured all his perceptions. Fuck! It might as well be a rainbow as far as he was concerned.

  He needed a break.

  His daughter’s and Elena’s eyes shifted from the TV when Matt jumped up and out of his chair.

  “I’m going to the gym. I feel like I’ve been cooped up in here for months, instead of days.” He stomped down the hall and grabbed his gym bag from the laundry room. He’d spent the last two days at home but now, he was better, not so much as a sniffle.

  Elena appeared next to him and he looked away. A part of him resented her. Everything was perfect in her world. She could be who she wanted, as free as a breeze knowing that no matter what she did, he would always support her.

  “Drive carefully. The Weather Network is predicting freezing rain around midnight.” Her blue eyes were wide with worry.

  “I’ll be home long before then. I just need to do something.” He grabbed his coat and shoved his feet into winter boots. “See ya later.” With that he was out the door, his breath pluming white mists as he strode to the truck.

  He started the engine and wheeled the truck out of the driveway, already feeling some tension ease from his shoulders. He hadn’t been to the gym in over a month. After he had that dream the first time, he’d been avoiding it. It was time to get on with his routine.

  Ten minutes later he was in the locker room, changing into shorts and a T shirt. He glanced around at the row of lockers, the smell of sweat wafting in the air. Aside from a couple of guys, one older fellow in his sixties and a beefcake in his twenties the place was empty. Probably the threat of bad weather and the fact it was Thursday night, one of the better TV nights, was keeping people away.

  He grabbed a towel from the bag before tossing it into the locker and slamming the door. Feeling eyes upon him, he glanced down the row of lockers only to find the surprised look on the old guy and the handsome young stud. He huffed a sigh and yanked the gym door open, pushing ear buds into his ears and adjusting the cell phone on his arm band.

  Bright lights, a gleaming hardwood floor and set of weights reflected in the mirrored wall opposite him, met his eyes. Good. The gym was empty too, no waiting for any of the equipment. He stepped up onto the treadmill and set the speed and time. The machine hummed to life and he began a steady, brisk walking pace.

  After a few minutes the machine’s program switched to a slow jog. He could feel his heart beat harder while his breath puffed quicker. His gaze flitted to the door which had opened, revealing the young guy he’d seen in the locker room. For a moment their eyes locked, each of them sizing the other up.

  The guy was actually a bit older than he’d thought on first glance, closer to thirty than twenty. He had a shank of blonde hair that fell forward almost covering his one eye as he ambled to the treadmill next to Matt. He’d never noticed him before in the gym. Must be a new member. One look at his arms and legs, it was obvious he worked out on a regular basis.

  Matt looked down at the control panel, checking his speed and the distance he’d run. Not much longer to go. When he glanced over at the young man, the guy was still looking at him, a small smirk on his face.

  “Hey! Pretty quiet tonight.”

  Matt pulled an ear bud free and nodded. “Yeah. Must be the weather.” His feet were a steady beat on the moving platform.

  “I’m Gary. I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before.” Gary smiled and then turned to set the time and speed of his machine.

  Matt smiled and gasped his answer. “Haven’t been for a few weeks. I’m Matt.” He coughed a few times and shook his head. “Believe me, I’m feeling it now.”

  When Gary grinned, a small dimple flashed in his cheek. Even his eyes were narrow with mirth. “Pleased to meet you, Matt. That explains why I’ve never seen you here. I’m new. I’m working on a project in Black Rapids for a few months and took out a short term membership.”

  He winked his eye at Matt. “But, just so you know...I think you’re in better shape than you’re letting on. You probably work construction while I’m a computer geek. I have to come here. Not that I mind. I meet some nice guys at the gym.”

  Matt’s heart skipped a beat. What the hell was that remark about? Meet nice guys? He glanced over at Gary. The guy was smiling at him, almost flirting. What’s more, no matter what he said about working on computers, the guy was buff. His shoulders were wide and beefy with muscle.

  “Can I buy you a drink after we work out?” Gary’s gaze drifted down Matt’s body.

  Matt’s mouth went suddenly dry. Hell! He’d used that line when he was dating, way before he took up with Elena. And the overt way Gary checked him out, left no doubt that he was hitting on him.

  “Sure.” The answer was out of Matt’s mouth before he had a chance to think. His face and neck heated up. It had nothing to do with the exercise. What’s more, his cock was warming up too? He felt it thicken in his shorts.

  What the hell? He adjusted the speed and now was running full out. This was crazy! Why had he said yes? Gary continued smiling, glancing over at him a few times.

  After another ten minutes the setting changed, slowing the moving platform down to a cool down speed. Matt grabbed the towel and wiped his face and neck. When he set it back on the handle, Gary stepped off his machine and stood watching him.

  “I’m ready anytime you are.” Gary raised his arms, stretching and twisting at the waist.

  If Matt didn’t know any better, he would have sworn that Gary was preening, showing off his muscles and trying to entice him. Even his words ‘I’m ready...’

  This was it. He could stop this right here and now, just politely decline and keep working out. The sauna scene from his dream flashed like a neon light in his brain. His body tingled. The physical response was drowning out the niggling voice of fear. It wasn’t like the guy lived in Black Rapids. He was only there for a short time. He’d never see him again if he didn’t want to.

  Matt stepped off the machine, and closed the distance between them. It might only be a matter of an inch or two but, it was close enough that the signal was sent and received. “How about if we hit the sauna first?” His words were soft and insinuating, his smile inviting.

  A thrill of excitement flushed through Matt’s body. He was taking a walk on the wild side, but the tension he’d been living with for the last couple of weeks was gone.

  “Let’s go, big boy.” Gary nudged him with his shoulder, lingering there while his gaze drifted slowly down M
att’s body.

  The gasp of air from Matt was soft but what was happening in his crotch wasn’t. When Gary turned and walked across the room to the door, Matt’s eyes wandered from the man’s back down to his muscular thighs. His heart was pounding hard, his palms sweaty, following Gary.

  He stopped at his locker and peeled his T-shirt up and off, his eyes never leaving the other man. Gary smiled standing about ten feet away at his own locker. He opened the locker and tossed his damp muscle shirt inside. The two men were bare-chested, watching each other.

  It was Matt’s turn. There would never be a better opportunity to do this. The place was a tomb. They had the room and sauna all to themselves.

  Matt’s lifted one foot and then the other, unlacing his sneakers and sliding his socks off. Again, his gaze was focused on Gary, watching him do the same. It was a slow, mutual strip tease that was seriously hot.

  Matt peeled his shorts down over his hips and let go. He locked eyes with Gary as they dropped down to his ankles. He stepped out of them, his thickening cock brushing his thigh. He walked over to Gary, feeling his cock bob and throb with each step.

  Oh God. Gary was naked now. His cock had a wicked curve to it, the knob torpedo-like, the shaft as stiff as his own. Wordlessly, the two men frankly appraised each others’ junk, and looked into each others’ eyes. Gary picked up a towel, turned and walked away, heading for the sauna room. His ass was tight, the hollows at the side of his cheeks deep.

  Matt barely breathed as he followed Gary into the steamy room. Gary stopped at the lowest bench, farthest from the rocks and heat, and spread the towel out before turning to wait for him. It was like his dream, the steamy heat caressing his body as he stepped closer.

  Without a word passing between them, they gazed into each other’s eyes. Matt gasped and his body jerked slightly when Gary’s fingers curled around his cock. The sensation was intense. At his movement, Gary’s grip tightened, pulling him forward. Matt’s eyes closed and his head fell to the side. Again, it was a signal sent that the young experienced man picked up on right away.

  Gary took Matt’s hand and placed it on his cock. All the while, his other hand sent sweet torture through Matt’s dick.

  It was the first time that Matt had ever touched a cock other than his own. The knob pressed and slipped over his palm, his fingers feeling the columns pulsing in the shaft. It was decadent to be doing this, so wickedly erotic.

  Gary’s hand was on his shoulder, pushing him lower, to his knees. His fist tightened around Gary’s shaft and his head fell forward, lips parted. Oh God, the bead of pre-cum in the slit was salty on his tongue. He pulled on the shaft, his mouth opening wider taking it in, tongue swirling. The fingers of his other hand cupped Gary’s balls, rolling them softly.

  Above him, Gary hissed a gulp of air, jerking his groin forward. He pumped his cock hard a few times into Matt’s mouth, the knob pressing the back of his throat. Then, his fingers gripped Matt’s hair pulling him away.

  “Not like this.” The hoarse words and the strength of his hands pulling Matt up and spinning him around, was intoxicating. With a gleam in his eye, he held up a tube of lube and a condom. “Bend over, bitch,” he said, his voice husky.

  Matt was drunk with lust. He scrambled to bend over the bench. His hands snaked behind him to spread his cheeks. He heard the foil wrapper tear and held his breath.

  This wasn’t any slow and sure descent the way it had been when he fucked Elena up the ass. No, Gary was a brute. He shoved the nozzle of the tube into his asshole, greasing the sphincter muscle, and tossed the tube aside. He put one hand on the back of Matt’s pelvis and with his other, guided his cock into Matt’s asshole with a single, relentless thrust.

  Matt gasped and tried to jerk away. Gary’s cock was a red hot poker invading his asshole but it was no use. Gary’s hands gripped him hard, slithering around his hip and clinging to Matt’s cock. His fingers stroked Matt’s shaft fast and furious even as he thrust deeper, sending fresh jolts of excruciating pleasure straight to Matt’s core.

  The urgent violence of Gary’s body and hands touched a raw need deep inside—a need he now dared to acknowledge. The power of the other man was an aphrodisiac to his senses. He pushed back, willing more of the other man’s meat inside. The pain added to the pleasure, intensified it. The fist on his cock was aggressive, commanding.

  The two men slammed at each other, impaled and impaling. The cedar benches in the sauna room creaked and stuttered under their assault. The sensation of Gary’s hips slamming into his ass cheeks was something he’d never felt before. And he fucking loved it. He braced his arms against the bench under him, leveraging on it to thrust as hard as possible to get that man meat as deep… as deep inside as he could.

  He turned his head, stretching his neck to see Gary’s eyes shining as he was watching his cock bury itself into his asshole. Gary’s teeth were as clenched as his own.

  “Oh yeah, man! Just fucking DO me!” Matt’s words were guttural and low, rumbling in his throat. It was a release. Freedom. Opening himself to a primal need for satisfaction in a way only another man could give him.

  The pain of Gary’s final deep thrust did it. Matt’s cock exploded, the cum shooting hard and fast. And it kept coming. Another glorious shot. It was achingly beautiful. It hurt so fucking much! It hurt so fucking good! Gary’s grunts at each thrust just added to the pleasure. A final jolt of lust spilled out, leaving Matt totally breathless.

  He knelt on the bench, his thighs quivering from the force of the orgasm. Above him, Gary hunched over, his head on Matt’s shoulder.

  “Fuck man...that was good. Your ass is so fucking tight!” Gary’s hand fell away from Matt’s cock and plucked at the towel. Already, his cock was softening and slipped out.

  Matt felt Gary dab and wipe the towel across his asshole. He felt a twitch of emptiness now that Gary’s cock had slid out. The emptiness was accompanied by a low burning sensation as his asshole contracted back. He sucked in a deep breath. He’d just done what he hadn’t dared to dream, and it was awesome. It had been white hot sex. He was still in a state of pleasant shock.

  “I’ve never done this before. My ass was virgin.” Matt chuckled and stood to his feet.

  Gary’s hand rose to cup Matt’s cheek. He leaned closer and Matt turned his head away.

  “Fucked and don’t want to be kissed.” He laughed and turned to look into Gary’s eyes. “I got a wife, you know. I was curious.”

  Gary’s smile fell from his face. “So that’s it? I won’t see you again before I leave town?”

  Matt was silent for a few moments. “I don’t know. I need to talk to my wife.” He’d crossed a barrier tonight. A weight had been lifted from his mind. He’d tried a bi scene and the world hadn’t ended. He still loved Elena. He’d always prefer sex with her but this bi stuff wasn’t off the table anymore. He couldn’t wait to tell Elena.

  Chapter 17

  Elena glanced over at the clock radio. It was almost eleven and Matt still wasn’t home. She turned back to the book in her hand, reading the same few paragraphs for the third time. Just five more minutes and she’d try calling his cell phone. Hopefully he was just late from a good work-out and not off the road from the freezing rain.

  Her ears cocked at the low rumble outside. When the downstairs door thudded close, she breathed a sigh of relief. He was home.

  A few minutes later she looked up to see him walking through the bedroom door. His face was flushed and there was a small smile on his lips. She knew that look. He was like a kid with a secret to tell, just waiting to be begged.

  “How was the work-out? Has the rain started yet?” She closed the book and set it next to the bed.

  “Not yet.” He lifted the sweatshirt over his head and tossed it into the hamper. His eyes were bright and excited gazing over at her. “Elena. Something happened tonight.”

  She couldn’t help the smile that curled her lips. Whatever it was, he had to tell her had to be good news from the wa
y he was acting. She watched him slide the jeans and socks off before lifting the covers to slide in next to her. “Okay. I give. What happened?”

  His hand rested on her tummy and his eyes were wide gazing into hers. “Remember you asked me about trying bi stuff? I was nervous about it but it’s been playing on my mind. A lot. Hell, I was even dreaming about it.” He propped himself up on his elbow and grinned. “Tonight, I tried it.”

  Elena had been watching him closely as he spoke. With each word her lips had parted farther and farther. At the last statement, she blinked wide. For a few moments she could only stare at him, his next words not even registering in her brain.

  He had a homosexual experience when he’d said he was going to the gym? Had that all been set up before hand? What the hell was going on?

  His fingers gripped hers and he shook her hand to get her attention. “Elena?”

  “You had sex with another man.” She puffed a gust of air through her nostrils and her eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah. It was awesome. I think that—”

  “Matt! You cheated on me!” She sat straight and knocked his hand away from hers.

  The look in his eyes was confusion personified. He shook his head. “No. I wasn’t with another woman. It was a guy! I thought you would—”

  “Shit Matt! You went behind my back and did this. I wasn’t there! How can you not see that this is cheating?” Her jaw clenched tight watching him. And to think he looked so proud of himself coming home with that piece of news!

  “Hey if you and Sylvia, or Carrie or Sophia got together and did something like this, I’d think it was hot! I was curious! It wasn’t planned. It just sort of happened.” Matt gripped her arm, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  She pushed him away once more. “Matt! I wouldn’t do that! When we are with other people sexually, we need to be together. This is swinging. Something we share. It’s not an open marriage where we go off and do our own thing!”


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