When Sparks Fly (First-Responders Book 1)

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When Sparks Fly (First-Responders Book 1) Page 6

by Essen, JA

She chuckles. “You said ‘come.'”

  I roll my eyes at Rachel before I get up, squeeze her neck, and tell her goodbye.

  The drive home isn’t bad, but it gives me too much time to think and obsess over the subject. I turn the radio on, trying to dick-stract, shit, distract, myself. Three by Britney Spears is playing. You have got to be kidding me. I turn the station, and Rihana’s S&M is starting.

  I just shut the damn thing off.

  Five more minutes and I’m finally home and into my bedroom. I slip my pink dress off and stare at myself in the full-length mirror on my bathroom door. I just stand there and stare for what seems like forever until my phone dings.

  Rachel: Did you make it home okay?

  Me: Yeah girl. Thanks for checking on me.

  Rachel: You’re my bae. I gotta keep tabs on you. Now get some sleep.

  Me: Night bitch.

  I strip out of the ridiculously expensive lingerie and lay it on the dresser. Throwing on an oversized tee, I crawl into the bed knowing my dreams tonight are going to be absurd.

  Chapter 12

  The first morning after was exactly as I expected. Restless sleep from hard to remember dreams. Same went for day two. Since I have no previous experience, I’ve spent tonight with my vibrator, laptop, and Pornhub doing “research.” Plenty of research. Two guys screwing one girl. One guy screwing the other while he screws the girl. One guy getting head from the girl while giving head to the other guy. One guy getting screwed while eating the girl out. Shit there’s a lot of possible combinations!

  I think my favorite scene was this one really hot, buff guy sucking his friend’s cock with the girl and then he fucked the ever living hell out of her. I came twice on my little pink vibe during that one.

  The more I watch, the more I want to try. All of it. You only live once after all.

  It’s ten o’clock, but I decide to call Seth anyway. I grab my cell off the bedside table, and it nearly falls, my grip is so numb from the vibrator. Swiping up, I select the call list and press ‘Seth.’ It rings twice, and he picks up.

  “Hey, Macy. What’s up?” He sounds groggy, and I suddenly regret calling him.

  “Sounds like I woke you up. Sorry. Want me to call back tomorrow morning?”

  “No, it’s fine. We had a call this afternoon that took two hours to get a handle on. I was just resting.”

  “You sure? It’s really no big deal.” I’m suddenly trying to backpedal my way out of this conversation.

  “Macy, I said it’s cool. I was going to be up in like thirty minutes anyways. I’m heading over to the kitchen to make some coffee now. So, what’d you call for?”

  “Well.” I can tell my voice sounds unsure, and I don’t want him to think I’m scared, even though I am a bit, so I recompose and start again. “I wanted to talk more about you and Robbie.”

  “Okay, like how long we’ve been together or what?”

  “No. I wanted to talk to you about, you know, maybe trying your thing.” I hear what sounds like a coffee cup shattering on the other end of the line. “You okay, Seth?”

  “More than fine. I just lost my grip on the mug I was taking out of the cupboard. So, you’re serious?”

  “Yeah.” I sound more confident this time. “When’s your next day off?”

  “My on-call ends tomorrow morning at 9am.”

  Shit. That soon? I was hoping I’d have at least another day to work on my nerves. “So…”

  “So you will have your gorgeous self ready at seven tomorrow evening, and I’ll be by to pick you up.”

  “Mmm, bossy much?” I slide my thumb to my mouth.

  “You’re biting your nail, aren’t you?”

  How the hell… “Maybe.”

  “Just be ready. We’ll take care of the rest.”

  He hangs up the line and my skin flushes as my mind suddenly starts to race. Am I really doing this? SHOULD I be doing this? I wonder if they’ll both fuck me at the same time… down there.

  I look up “double penetration” in the search box and click on one. I watch, shaking my head the whole time. Nope. No way in hell will anything else fit inside me with Seth there. I shut the laptop lid and slide out of the bed. My legs are like JELL-O as I head to the bathroom. Certain things need to be tended to if I’m going to do this.

  Once the shower is an acceptable temperature, I step in, get everything wet, and then grab the shaving cream. Slathering up the right leg first, all the way up the thigh, I deal with the arduous task at hand, only to have to repeat it on the left. After finishing both of them, I’m so exhausted from everything I decide I will just go have ‘her’ waxed first thing in the morning.

  Giving the rest of my body a quick wash, I decide my hair is fine since I washed and conditioned it last night. By the time I step out, it’s nearly midnight, so I towel off quickly, dress for bed, and crawl under the covers. Hopefully, tonight will be less fitful.


  “Son-of-a-bitch!” I scream into my arm as the little Korean lady spreads the wax across my who-ha once again and applies the strip of paper. Rip! The tears are pooling up behind the arm across my face, and I can hear Rachel snickering on the other side of the curtain.

  “Oh, you big girl. No cry!” the little Korean lady says in her strong accent.

  Why don’t you let me pour hot lava on you and see if you don’t whimper you little bitch.

  “You nearly done. Just one more…” RIP!

  “Fucking hell!” I scream out loud.

  “You still alive in there, Macy?” Rachel is laughing at me and peeking in through the curtain.

  “No thanks to you. You said she’s the best one you’ve ever used.”

  “She is,” Macy responds.

  “Good god. I’d hate to see what the others are like then.” I stand up from the table, gingerly. Slipping back into my panties, I hope like hell the tenderness goes away quickly; otherwise, tonight is going to suck. Well, I mean there’s definitely going to be some sucking going on anyways, but, I just hope this, situation, dissipates beforehand.

  I pay for my service and tip the lady, although tipping for torture seems a little masochistic. We leave the salon, and I’m thankful that Rachel offered to drive. I look like a little old lady as I lower myself into the passenger seat carefully. As soon as I close the door, and she has the A/C going, I lift the edge of my skirt and let the air blow straight up it. Rachel is trying her best not to laugh at me but fails miserably.

  “I don’t care how tired I am next time; I’m dealing with this on my own.” I fan my skirt as the rush of cool air continues. I am plucked, tweezed, smoothed, waxed, painted, and every other up-keep item you can think of. My body is definitely ready for tonight. I just wonder about my mind.

  Rachel drops me off at the house after we have lunch, and I keep myself busy going over the first-year teacher introduction packet. I read up on the ideas for classroom setup, lesson planning, ways to get the kids involved in different subjects, and everything I can to be a success from day one. My offer with the school is a one-year probationary contract; standard procedure for this district I’ve been told. The principal assures me that I have nothing to worry about as she sat in on my student-teaching several times.

  Once I’ve made all the checklists I can possibly think of, I glance at the clock. It’s already six o’clock. Wow! I definitely knew I needed to take up some time, and I’ve more than accomplished that. I close all the tabs on my laptop, gather up my notebooks, and pack it all up into my satchel.

  Running off to the bedroom, I strip down and suddenly realize how fast my heart is racing. I sit down on the bed. I close my eyes, and breathe. “You can do this. You want to do this.” I remember how incredible Seth’s mouth felt on my body, and how expertly his tongue worked my pussy. One more breath out and I open my eyes. “Let’s do this.”

  I take the lingerie off the dresser, and step into the sheer front panties. Touching myself through the front, it causes goosebumps to spread across my thigh
s. Strapping on the lacy bra, I hitch the girls into place and take a look at myself in the mirror. Damn you look good, girl. Not that it really matters, but I try to decide what to wear over it. I want them to be shocked when they remove my clothes, so I opt for just some Aztec print shorts with lace t the hem, and a navy blue mid-drift. Lightly, I apply my Victoria’s Secret Love Spell perfume and body lotion.

  Six forty-five and the doorbell rings.

  I make him wait for about thirty seconds before I open the door. “You’re early.”

  “I couldn’t wait any longer. You’ve been impossible to keep off my mind today. I think I’ve cleaned the apartment top to bottom twice today. It’s the only thing that kept me from showing up hours ago.” He smiles that amazing, half-crooked Seth smile; dimples popping like crazy.

  I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one that’s had to do chores to keep from going stir crazy. I grab my purse and keys, lock the door, and walk down to the Hummer ahead of him.

  “Dammit, girl. You’re killing it in those shorts,” Seth praises from behind me. He jogs ahead of me and opens the passenger door.

  As he hops in through the driver’s side, I get to drink him in while he concentrates on starting it up. His biceps dip and flex and the veins on his forearms ripple as the drives us back to his place. His nearly jet black hair is a little longer than last time and the top is styled up. The way his chest rises and falls with each breath is hypnotizing.

  And to think, he wants me.

  Chapter 13

  Robbie was out late last night with God knows who, and I was crashed when he came in. It’s now nine in the morning, and I could care less if he got here even just two hours ago. “Yo, Robbie. Wake up!” I holler from the kitchen. I’ve got the second round of coffee brewing and a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, bagels, more bacon, and sliced cheese. We’ve got a lot of work to do in this place before tonight. And he doesn’t even know anything about any of it yet.

  “Dude, I was dreaming about sleep. I didn’t get in until three in the morning.” He yawns and stretches, not bothering with a stitch of clothing. I don’t mind, honestly. I walk around the counter and grab his face, kissing him good morning, and biting his bottom lip.

  His eyes and attention perk up a bit more. “Well, good morning to you too sunshine. What’s gotten into you?”

  “I talked to Macy last night.” I let my mischievous smile creep onto my face.

  “I know that look. What’s up?”

  “Dude, she wants to try.”

  “Try what?”

  Dammit, he’s obtuse. “Our threesome arrangement.”

  “You’re shitting me.” He’s leaning on the kitchen bar while I pour us each a cup of coffee.

  “Nope. Dead serious. So we’ve got to clean this place top to bottom today. I’m picking her up at seven.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood for cleaning.” He turns around, back away from me, still leaning on the counter, just in reverse now.

  I walk around and see his cock jutting out. I grab it with my left hand, take a big sip of coffee, and then continue, “Well, why don’t I see if I can persuade you to see things my way.” I start stroking his length, and take another chug of the mocha colored wonder-drug. I set my cup down and hit my knees. I take him in my heated mouth and am greeted with a brisk intake of air from him. His fingers roam through my hair as he guides me up and down.

  I grab him by the ass and pull him forward into my mouth, taking every inch of him as he touches the back of my throat. There’s not a speck of hair on him, and even now, he smells of that woodsy scented body wash he swears by. My own cock is at full mast, and I start stroking it through my shorts with one hand while I keep the other firmly gripped on his finely toned ass.

  He’s so smooth, and I love the way his cock feels each time it just barely touches the back of my throat. I suck harder and harder, and my own stroking pace picks up. His grunts are beginning to increase. I pull my mouth off and stroke him. “You sure you don’t want to help clean?” I look up at him and smile while I continue to tease his cock.

  “Shit, let’s get to cleaning!”

  I laugh loudly as I stand back up and grab my mug of coffee. “Let’s do breakfast first.”

  Once the dishes are put away, we set to the task at hand. The place really isn’t bad, we’re not slobs by any means; it just needs going over with a fine tooth comb. I begin in the entry and living room while Robbie works on the bedrooms and master bath. I tackle the guest bath when I’m finished. Then I go over the entire house again, just to be double sure. It’s one in the afternoon already.

  “What’ve you got going on the rest of the day?” I ask Robbie.

  “From the looks of it, a nap. I’m fucking exhausted.” He laughs at me.

  “How about some beers down at ‘Mac’s’ instead?”

  “You buying?” I nod my head. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  We grab our phones and keys and head out to the garage. I open the door, fire up the Hummer, and head out. We just need to loosen up a bit first. Let off a little steam. Macy is new to this. All the other girls we’ve ever shared were into the scene.

  This is going to be an eye-opener for her.

  And us.

  Chapter 14

  Seth wasn’t kidding when he said he had cleaned top to bottom. This place looks like it’s ready to be shot for a magazine spread. The furniture is all modern, sleek and masculine. The leather couches and chairs, the black-metal and glass-topped tables, even the exposed venting running along the high ceilings are all dripping with testosterone. Even the smells; leather conditioner and metal polish definitely let you know that there’s no woman living in this place.

  I hear a door creak from the backside of the apartment and see his roommate come from around the corner in just a pair of seductively low hanging basketball shorts. He’s not as well defined as Seth, but still athletic.

  “Macy, this is Robbie, officially.”

  “Sup, chica? Seth says you’re in need of a good tag teaming.”

  “Fuck, Robbie. Way to be a douche right out of the gate.” He shakes his head and looks at me. “Just ignore him. His dick to mouth filter has never worked in all the years we’ve been together. You need a glass of water or anything?”

  “Got anything for stomach butterflies?”

  “Yeah, I do.” He takes my hand and puts it on the front of his shorts.

  I try to breathe in, but my breath hitches in my throat. He’s already thickening under my fingers.

  “There won’t be any room for them once I get inside of you.”

  Oh. My.

  “And me.” Robbie breathes over my shoulder.

  I don’t even feel him enter my personal space until his hands are sliding up my sides. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. This is it. This is what you came for. Robbie’s nose is in my hair, breathing me in and Seth has closed the distance between us to zero. His hand is on mine, rubbing it up and down the length of his cock which is now pulsing, needing to be released.

  “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom,” I whisper.

  “Quiet. You’re ours now.” Seth puts his fingers over my lips. His hand slides down across my breasts and meets the other one on my hips. As Seth lowers himself and begins to remove my shorts, Robbie pulls up on my little blue top. I slip off my sandals and step out of my shorts as my arms go up, and the slinky top is removed.

  “Wow, Macy. This is…” Seth is at a loss for words.

  “You should see my view, man.” Robbie grabs my ass firmly. “This is the phattest ass I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  I squeal.

  “We’re going to have to do something about that mouth of yours.” Seth grabs me by the arm and pulls me briskly over to the couch. “Knees,” he points to the floor.

  As he starts to take his shirt off, I feel a hand grab me by the ponytail and pull my face around. “You’re taking way the fuck too long, Seth.” Robbie is stark naked, and
his cock is pointing straight at my face. “Open,” he grabs himself and lays the head on my lips. I part my lips and slide my tongue out, wetting his cock as he slides forward into my mouth. All the way in. Until my nose is against his groin.

  He’s rough. I’ve never had rough.

  And I like it.

  “My turn.” Seth is displayed in all his glory. He takes my head and turns it, spreading my mouth wide with his thick member. I gag and pull back as he tries to press deep.

  “Too much for her there, buddy. Let me.”

  Robbie settles to his knees beside me and grabs at Seth’s cock. I watch, my mouth agape, as he spits on Seth’s cock and begins stroking it with long, deliberate strokes. He grabs my head and pushes it down to Seth’s balls. I begin licking and rolling them around in my mouth as Robbie starts sucking his shaft. He takes half, I hear him gag, and then he presses deeper. Whoa.

  “Macy,” Seth growls, “up here on my face, now.” The scene has shifted quickly. He’s laid back on the couch, the same place we were last time when Robbie interrupted us. I stand over Seth, and he peels the thin material that Agent Provocateur calls panties down my legs. Placing a palm on my stomach, he runs it tantalizingly slow across my core. Dipping a finger inside of me, he removes it and slides it into his mouth. His eyes never break contact with mine. I feel shivers run across the entire surface of my skin.

  This is without a doubt, the most erotic moment in my life, and I have a feeling it’s only going to get more intense from here.

  He grabs my hips and pulls me down roughly onto his face, attacking my clit with his tongue and lips. Sucking, nipping, tugging. I put my hands against the wall to brace myself. He’s voracious, like an animal that hasn’t been fed in days and I’m his nourishment. Me. My pussy. All of it.

  His moans vibrate through my body as his mouth works me over, pushing me toward a cliff that there is no coming back from. An electric tingle is already low in my belly and moving outward in waves; building, multiplying in intensity with each flick of my clit.


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