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Persona Page 34

by Amy Lunderman

  It comes to a shock to her and even Raven, when the boys embrace each other, both grinning like idiots. Raven mouths ‘what the hell’ to her from the other side of them, and Moira can only shrug; not knowing anything anymore.

  When the two of them separate, Moira actually looks over William for the first time and it kills her that he looks like an older version of Marty. She doubts that he and Liam would hug like that though. She thinks they would get into a fight faster than they would willingly embrace. It hurts seeing Marty in the other boy though, and having them all together it feels like everything isn’t all messed up; but it is.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  With the cinnamon scent like a cloud around him, they walk back in the direction to her and Raven. When they both give him and Will a similar question look, Liam stuffs his hands in his pockets, and glances at Raven and makes it a point to not look directly at her; she tries not to be hurt by it.

  She was just doing the same thing after all. William doesn’t notice the tension and swaggers back over to Raven’s side, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that she relaxes as he does.

  “So you met the celebrity’s huh?” Liam says.

  The familiarity of the deep twang of his voice makes her persona stir against her will.

  Clenching her fists at her sides, she concentrates to not let herself change, it’s hard though with the memory of his lips on hers wanting to come to the surface too. She is saved by Raven and William both laughing and sharing a blushing glance.

  “I was in fact just having the pleasure of the introductions, yes.”

  Raven, clearly flirting with William, leans into him with a dangerously seductive grin. One which he has no problem returning and it’s enough to make Moira uncomfortable. It doesn’t help that she can still feel Liam’s persona so strongly, it’s a wonder he hasn’t changed yet. And even more so, that she hasn’t either; yet.

  “So, how did you two boys get so chummy?” Raven asks with a bat of her lashes up at William.

  He grins down at her, before glancing over to Liam with a more serious expression that isn’t attached to the current moment.

  Is it her imagination, or did Liam just give a slight nod in Williams direction; like he’s giving the other boy permission or something. Of course, she’d know for sure if only she’d really look at him, but no that’s not an option.

  “I’m Liam’s second.”

  Whereas Moira and Raven both are a little confused by this, he goes back to flirting with Raven with his dark eyes and own dangerous smile.

  This peaks her interest enough that she finally fully looks at Liam again; and regrets it instantly. He is watching her now, or maybe he always has been. His eyes are the lavender color of his persona, and she could get lost in the sea of them.

  He seems like he’s waiting for something, and it can’t be from the sort of gross love birds. So she decides to take the bait, and ask what he clearly wants her too.

  “And what does that mean?”

  He blinks at her, and his cinnamon scent picks up more strongly making her sad suddenly. It’s hard having mixed emotions about someone, especially when those emotions make her feel guilty for even thinking them.

  He glances away from her finally, and indicates with a nod of his head at William. Who is still grinning like a fool to an already flushed Raven.

  “It means that Will, is my second in command or beta to my alpha.” Liam says, still not looking at her.

  Raven doesn’t even notice that her friend is having an inward war with herself over Liam, just gushes up at William all impressed. Moira doesn’t really know what he is talking about; she hasn’t really read that many paranormal books or seen the movies. The words he said kind of sound familiar, but not enough to make any kind of sense.

  “Alpha means strongest right?” She asks the ground at her feet softly.

  She can feel Liam beside her, even though he is nowhere near her, or maybe it’s just the cinnamon of him. She glances up in time to see him tense somewhat and starts like he’s going to answer, but William beats him to it thankfully. Her control is only so strong, and it doesn’t help that his voice is tempting.

  Whether she now wants to hit or kiss him, she doesn’t know.

  “Yeah sure, but we all just let him think that.” William says with a laugh.

  Raven joins in and moves none to subtlety closer to him, and Liam visibly relaxes as he watches them.

  “Keep on dreaming pup.” Liam says with an honest smile.

  Moira has a brief moment, of thinking what life must be like here on the ranch. She had all these wild and crazy ideas that the people here would be these violent mastermind resistance types; whereas they are all just like her. Just going through the motions and trying to be normal, or as normal as genetically mutated people can be with wolf dna running through their bodies.

  It weird to think that people can grow up here, and not be afraid of who they are. It must be the way it is too, because there aren’t just adults here; there are enough small children running around everywhere, which leaves her to believe families are here.

  She gets brought out of her revere, by Liam’s warm inviting voice again, but he’s addressing William and not her.

  “We need to get the group together at some point. There are a lot of things we need to discuss; or updates really, on my part.”

  William nods, still making moon eyes at Raven, who doesn’t seem to mind.

  “Sounds like a plan, I’ll gather the troops.” William says to Liam, but looking at Raven.

  Liam nods, not caring that the other boy isn’t even looking at him, and simply turns on his heals heading back the way he came. He doesn’t look back, and Moira has an irrationally tense moment where she is afraid of him leaving and her not getting the chance to ask him something important. Because she didn’t realize the one flaw in not speaking to him; not getting information about Marty and who else is best to get it from.

  Not stopping to think about anything, she steps away from the protection of the apple tree and calls out to him.

  “Liam wait, I want to talk to your father.”


  Adirondack Mountains

  Peter Fletcher is sitting at his desk, in his average small office, talking to an obscenely direct woman. Thankfully, it’s only over the phone, otherwise he’s be tempted to shoot her. It’s a good thing she is being so helpful as of late, or he might have wanted to hire someone to shoot her. He would do it himself, but doesn’t want to responsibility of it on his record. He has enough on his plate without being charged for murder.

  He worked very hard to get where he is today, even if it’s only in a drab looking office in an even more drab underground research facility. At least he has a lot of clout with his bosses and employees a like to make it all worthwhile. He lets out a dramatic sigh, when he realizes he was thinking to deeply about killing the woman, and not listening closely enough to hear what she said.

  “My apologies, Debbie, could you repeat that last part?” He tells her in a sing song pleasing voice.

  “Of course Doctor Fletcher, that’s not a problem. I was just saying that it was very easy, to collect the boy and the man from the warehouse, without trouble.” Debbie says in a voice that holds an odd twang to it.

  Oh right, this is why he was putting up with her lack of demeanor; her usefulness.

  “Good, good. And you’re sure that they are one of the accomplices that were traveling with Moira?”

  There is a pause, and it’s long enough that Peter would like nothing more than to yell at the woman; but he doesn’t. It would only scare her off, and unfortunately he needs her at the moment. Then she clears her throat, as if she were nervous, before continuing.

  “Of course Doctor, they were with some of the others that came after her and the other girl.”

  This revelation sends thrills down his spine, and he has to control himself to not bust out laughing from happiness. It would be better if the woman still had Moira of cou
rse, but bait is also a wonderful thing. It is also great for questioning, and that has been his favorite pastime lately.

  He wonders though, how the girl is; he isn’t a monster after all. A little amoral sure, but not completely evil; some would argue that he knows. When one wants to know something, it is best for one to ask, so he cuts Debbie off before she can continue with her spiel.

  “How did she look; was she well?”

  “She was well enough to get away Doctor.”

  “That is good to know. I want you to keep your prisoners and feel free to question them at your leisure.”

  Peter hangs up the phone not waiting for the woman’s heinous reply, and all the while he can’t help but to smile. He may not always win the fights lately, but they seem to be pushing in his favor though. And that is good enough for him; for now. He can be patient when he wants to be and he knows now is the perfect time for it; because all good things come to those who wait. Moira is one of those good things and it’s only a matter of time now until she might be the one to come to him. Eventually, she may have no choice in the matter. So he will wait for her.


  Moira’s voice cuts through Liam like a knife, one that digs right into his heart; and causes him to come to a complete frozen stop. Her scent envelopes him and it is the familiar warm apple pie scent, and not the spicy sour one from before. He almost believes that nothing is wrong between them now because of it, but he knows that not true. Since it’s why he froze in the first place.

  He’d like to know when his life got so complicated, and when he decided to walk around everyone like tip toeing on eggshells. Then it hits him; Marty and Gordon. What he did is unforgivable, he knows that, but he would sure love to get past it already. And who knows, maybe Moira has, she is talking to him after all.

  Feeling tenser than he ever has before, Liam finally turns around to face her and only realizes what she just said to him. It wasn’t I’m sorry or I forgive you; it was I want to see your father. Her shocked expression tells him she is just as surprised to have said it as he is to have heard it.

  But she doesn’t recant anything, and he honestly wonders what is going on in her mind. If only he had the ability to find out, because there is no way he’s going to ask her. She isn’t the only one to have gotten hurt the last couple of days, and he’d be damned if he’s just going to act like what happened between them was nothing. He is to mentally drawn to get into that right now, it’ll have to wait for another day.

  “That is actually a good idea. He wants to talk to you too.” He tells her quietly, and not really looking directly at her.

  She gives him a wary grin, and takes a step forward before coming to a stop. He watches her questioningly, and notices that she exchanges a look with Raven, who has been watching them this whole time.

  She is still beside William, who doesn’t seem to mind at all, and keeps looking between Moira and himself. She finally smiles at Moira and waves her away, with a shooing motion.

  “Go on, I think I can find something to keep me entertained while you’re busy.” The other girl tells Moira while smiling up at William.

  He notices then that his friend is really into Raven, since he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her for more than a minute, and all he can think is; about freaking time. That boy has been the most annoying about finding a decent girl outside of the ones here at the ranch. Looks like he finally got his wish, and maybe even a little more than that, he knows Raven can be a little intense.

  Speaking of which, said girl leads his friend away almost if he was attached to a leash in her hands. They are heading for one of the many barns on the property, and has the feeling Will might actually put her to work. That is just how Will is though, if all else fails and he gets nervous, old habits of constant chores come into play.

  Alone with Moira, he gets a little nervous himself, which is completely ridiculous he knows. He gestures for her to follow him back into the house, for the longest most uncomfortable walk of their lives. She is like a ball of tension beside him, and he can literally taste apple pie in the air around her. It’s a little surprising that she doesn’t lose control, but then neither does he.

  He wonders if their persona’s play off of each other, and if they are both in control, then nothing will happen; only one way to find out.

  He just keeps his feet moving, and prays that they get inside quickly.

  “Sorry I slapped you.” Moira whispers from beside him.


  Liam jerks to a stop, and faces her with wide eyes. He can’t believe what he just heard, and would think he’s finally lost his mind, if it wasn’t for the way she comes to a stop beside him.

  Her entire body screams tension, and she has her head bowed as she makes it obvious to avoid his eyes.

  “Not your fault, I pretty much deserved it.”

  He keeps his voice steady, and just as soft as she spoke. Or at least he tried, it’s hard to tell with his pulse wanting to jump right out of him.

  Moira raises her head and when their eyes meet, he can’t help but to see her hazel eyes shift to a deep emerald color. Chill play across his bare arms and down his back, as her persona reaches out to him. Liam tries not to tense, but he prepares for her persona to rush through him; but then she smiles slightly before glancing away.

  “Oh you did, but I’m still sorry.”

  He wants in the worst way to ask if she is alright, but it contradicts everything that he feels; so he doesn’t. She seems like she wants to say something to him too, as she fidgets in place kicking at the grass at their feet, but again he is afraid of what she’d say and he doubts if it’s about his well-being. Besides, he is sure he’d end up getting a smack for it anyway.

  With a sigh and a nod of his head, Liam starts for his house and doesn’t look back when he hears her follow close behind. When they are reaching the enclosed porch and stepping inside, he can almost see the tension ease out of her shoulders through her hoody, and when she glances his way, it’s a comforting feeling to see her let out a real smile.

  It doesn’t last long though, like she just remembered who she was walking with or something. But that doesn’t matter, because they are zeroing in on his father’s study.

  As he is reaching for the closed door’s handle, apple spice fills the hall around him, making him pause and turn to Moira. Her eyes are a little too wide, and he can see a tremor shaking through her tiny frame.

  Dropping his hand all together, he is about to ask what is wrong, but she beats him to it.

  “It’s alright that I’m here right? I don’t want to intrude.” Moira says in a rushing voice that sounds like a startled mouse who is being interrogated by the cat that caught it. “I mean, I know I was invited in all, but am I being too pushy? Your dad is the boss right, should I like make an appointment or something?”

  Not able to hold it back, Liam laughs as he grabs her shoulders making the ranting stop. She goes still as her eyes remain a little large, but he has her attention.

  “Moira, its fine, trust me. He did mention you before; you both are overly curious about the other.”

  When she relaxes slightly and her eyes go back to their normal size as well as color, Liam relinquishes his hold on her arms. He literally has to force himself to step away from her, but still tries to play it cool.

  It’s never a good thing to let the girl that turned you down to see how much she can still affect you.

  “That’s not really that reassuring you know.”

  He notices that she stands up a little straighter though. He knows it must have helped her in some ways, because she lets out a deep breath.

  “It was supposed to be, don’t be so paranoid Mo.”

  She is firmly glaring at him, when he pushes the door open without knocking, and he can’t help glancing away to smirk. Before he can walk into the room, Moira actually steps closer to him and peers inside. The apple scent overwhelms his senses, and he wants nothing more than in the moment is to reach out and touch
her; instead, he takes a step into the room and moves away from her. His dad is where he left him at his desk, and he looks up when they enter automatically zeroing in on Moira. Her scent rises, and along with it her persona.

  It’s like a living bee hive under her skin, that he can feel along his own even though they aren’t’ even touching. He can feel his own thriving beneath his skin, and this time his control is gone.

  His eyes sharpen, and when he sees her hair rise into tight auburn curls, he is sure her eyes are gone too.

  He doesn’t know this for a fact, because somehow she had walked in front of him, and for the life of him; he can’t remember her moving. His father’s familiar cinnamon scent laced with herbs fills the room, and Liam watches as his father’s eyes turn into deeper lavender like his own. And when his hair goes a startling shade of chestnut with a little grey mixed, Liam realizes that he isn’t the only one to react to Moira.

  He gets a sudden burst of protectiveness for her, and moves in a blurring speed to get in front of her and block his father’s view.

  He didn’t have anything to worry about, he knows, but it’s confirmed when his father grins and begins to laugh around now pointed teeth. He wonders if maybe he does have something to worry about.


  Holding her breath for a moment, Moira tries to catch her bearings, and figure out what the heck is happening. Against her better judgment she took the plunge to talk to Liam, and even got the courage to ask about his dad; all things leading up about her search plan for Marty.

  And no sooner does she get in the place where Marshall is, and her persona decides to come out and play; even though she doesn’t want it too. She actually forgot what it was like when she first met Marshall the night before.

  They seem to have the same connection, that she and Liam share, but it appears to be stronger somehow. And just like last night, both of their persona’s play off each other, like an instrument striking the perfect note in harmony. It was like this but stronger the night before, and then she had used her entire persona in a flash before she could even stop it. His had answered hers too, almost like he couldn’t stop it either.


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