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Lesbian Erotica

Page 2

by Carla Blake

  Elizabeth though, was nowhere to be seen, and fervently hoping she had finally come to her senses and returned home, Maggie set her basket on a rock and started to walk along the cliff.

  It was a fairly pleasant day now the storm had passed and enjoying the light breeze, Maggie filled her lungs with the fresh tang of sea air and listened to the cry of jackdaws as they circled overhead and defended their nests against attack from seagulls.

  But it was the sound of human voices that really caught her attention, and stopping just short of the first of the outcroppings; a pile of stones that reached as high as her chest and provided a secluded shelter from prying eyes, Maggie heard the distinct sound of a female gasp.

  “ Yes.” It sighed. “ Oh, yes. There. There!”

  Maggie didn’t know what to make of it, but she had sense enough to realise it wasn’t a conversation she wanted to go blundering into without warning, and dropping to her knees, she hitched up her skirt and crawled towards the edge of the outcrop.

  Elizabeth Hayle lay on the other side. Her skirts around her waist and her knees raised as another woman, whom Maggie didn’t recognize, mainly because her face was hidden, busied herself between Elizabeth’s thighs.

  Elizabeth was groaning. “ Yes.” She sighed now, squirming with pleasure. “ Please. Don’t stop.”

  In return, the other woman groaned, whilst Maggie, hardly able to believe what she was seeing, stared in open mouthed amazement.

  How could this be happening? She thought, rubbing her eyes as if that would somehow clear her vision. Two women… doing... that! How could they..?

  Then the woman between Elizabeth’s thighs lifted her head and licked her lips, but Maggie didn’t recognize her. Brown haired and with a little turned up nose, she reminded Maggie of the gypsies that liked to camp in the moors. Their ramshackle collection of caravans seeming to spring up overnight before their women came out to sell clothes pegs and ‘lucky’ heather and their men offered to sharpen knives.

  They weren’t the kind of people she and Matthew usually associated with and she avoided them whenever possible, heeding Matthew’s warning that they were all ‘feral’ and that the children should not to be tempted into playing their wild games or any other such nonsense.

  It was, Maggie agreed, good advice.

  Not that Elizabeth Hayle was taking it.

  “ Lovely.” She smiled now, as the other woman, whom Maggie was now certain was a gypsy thanks to the large hoop earrings dangling from her ear lobes and the oddment of patches holding her clothes together, crawled up to lie at Elizabeth’s side. “ That was wonderful.”

  “ I’m glad you enjoyed it.” The gypsy replied, her voice soft and sweet and refined enough to give Maggie serious doubts as to whether she’d been right about her origins. “ Now let me please you some more.”

  And reaching up to undo the buttons running down the front of Elizabeth’s dress, she slowly peeled back the material to reveal that Elizabeth was wearing nothing underneath.

  Maggie nearly died with shock! Naked! Her head screamed. Elizabeth Hayle was naked. Her breasts in plain sight for all to see! How could she? What if someone saw? What if one of the men out on the boats looked up?

  What if she stopped looking herself and discreetly turned away?

  But she couldn’t. She was rooted to the spot. Certain that if anyone caught her looking, then she would be branded with the same brush and shame would be brought on her and her family and they would probably be forced to pack up and leave. Yet still she couldn’t drag her eyes away.

  And she didn’t have the first idea why?

  “ Do they please you?” Elizabeth asked now, her nipples stiff and hardened by the breeze as she held them up for inspection. “ Would you like to taste them?”

  “ I would.” The ‘gypsy’ replied and bending her head, took Elizabeth’s nipple in her mouth to suck and knead and produce gasps of desire as Elizabeth threw back her head and looked straight into a stunned Maggie’s eyes.

  “ Oh.”

  The sound was small and barely louder than the soft gasps she had been making earlier, but to Maggie’s ears, Elizabeth’s cry was huge and shattering and in sheer panic, she looked around herself, certain that the whole village had heard and was even now making it’s way up to cliff top to witness her shame and disgrace.

  “ I’m.. sorry.” She stammered, getting to her feet. “ I didn’t mean.”

  But Elizabeth was already moving and pulling her dress together, she covered her exposed chest and called out after her. “ Maggie!” She cried. “ When did you..? Oh, God. Please. Maggie!” She held out a hand. “ Wait.”

  Maggie waved it away. “ I can’t.” She said, her face burning with embarrassment. “ I have to go. Matthew… the children.”

  “ Stay.”

  The ‘gypsy’ had stood up and stepping over Elizabeth who still lay on the ground with her skirts in disarray, she walked up to Maggie, took hold of her arm and gently persuaded her to sit down again. “ It’s alright.” She said, once Maggie’s trembling knees had deposited her on the rock. “ We won’t tell if you don’t and I’m Rebecca if you’d like to know. From up near Bude way. Pleasure to meet you.” And she stuck out her hand.

  Maggie, feeling completely nonplussed and totally clueless as to how she should behave in such a situation, found herself shaking hands. “ Maggie.” She said.

  “ Rebecca”, Rebecca said formally. “ So, now we know each other, are you going to tell on us, Maggie?”

  Maggie didn’t answer, instead she stared out to sea, watching the white caps race each other towards the shore and feeling her heart pound in her chest. What could she say? If she told, then what little sympathy Elizabeth Hayle still enjoyed from the community would vanish in an instant and she would undoubtedly starve. Old Mother, if no one else would certainly see to it that Elizabeth never received another morsel and Matthew would undoubtedly ban her from ever going near the woman again. But if she kept silent and said nothing, it would be the same as saying she approved of what Elizabeth and this.. other woman were doing and she didn’t think she could live with that either.

  Elizabeth tapped her on the shoulder. “ Thank you for the food.” She said, indicating the basket she had retrieved from where Maggie had left it. “ I know this is very difficult for you, and I’m truly sorry you saw what you did, but I still want you to know how grateful I am.”

  “ You’re welcome.” Maggie mumbled, relieved to see Elizabeth was once again fully dressed. “ I’m not sure if I’ll be bringing any more though. Elizabeth, tell me, how long..?” She indicated towards the other woman.

  “ Have I been seeing Rebecca? Months. Oh, please don’t look so shocked Maggie. I could hardly have told you, could I?”

  “ No, I suppose not, but you could have said something! We all thought you were still heartbroken over Daniel, not up here.. doing that! It’s shameful Elizabeth. “

  “ No, Maggie, it’s not. It’s just that after Daniel, well, I didn’t think I would ever love again. I don’t think I even wanted to live and I’d sit here every day, trying to pluck up the courage to throw myself off the cliff and put myself out of my misery. But then Rebecca came along..”

  “ And you decided that rather than dying, you’d prefer to rut with another woman.”

  Elizabeth looked downcast. “ You don’t have to put it like that.” She said softly. “ It’s not like that at all. It’s soft and warm and tender.”

  “ And I don’t want to know.” Maggie cut in. “ Look Elizabeth, I’m not going to say anything, but only because I wouldn’t want to have your being hounded out of the harbour on my conscience, but you have to stop this! Go home. Go home with Rebecca if you must, but leave the cliff top and stop taking us all for fools, cos I won’t stand for that! Having us traipsing up and down here every day, it ain’t fair.”

  “ Alright my love

  Rebecca had come to sit beside them. She had kept her distance whilst Elizabeth and Maggie had been talking, thinking her presence would only serve to further muddy the waters, but now it looked as though the older woman was getting ready to leave and she wanted to know what was going on before she let her trundle off back down the cliff and perhaps bring more trouble down on their heads.

  “ So.” She asked again when neither of the other two spoke. “ Everything alright?”

  “ I have agreed to say nothing if that’s what you mean.” Maggie said when Elizabeth stayed silent. “ But you have to stop this. Today you were fortunate. What if Violet or Mary had found you? You’d be half way to the constabulary by now and no mistake. Go home, the pair of you. Have some.. decency.”

  “ Thank you.”

  “ No. Don’t thank me, young lady. Just make sure you do as I ask, ‘cos if I ever come up ‘ere again and find you two… well, then I will say something. Do you understand me?”

  “ Yes.” Elizabeth replied, “ we do, and thank you Maggie.”

  “ Right, well as long as we’re all agreed, I’ll be off. Where’s me basket?”

  Rebecca handed it to her.

  Maggie couldn’t sleep. Her dreams had all been of Elizabeth and Rebecca, naked and kissing on the cliff top, their skin luminous against the night sky, their breath steaming in the night air, and after spending much of the night fretting and throwing off the blankets, she’d finally admitted defeat and gone downstairs.

  For once, the night was balmy and opening the front door, dressed only in her night wear, she stepped outside and gazed up at the cliff, wondering if the two of them were up there?

  She had, for her part, kept her word and said nothing, even though she had almost choked keeping her secret from Matthew, but she doubted if Elizabeth would. They had been comfortable up there, the pair of them. Comfortable and hidden, the fear of discovery amongst the rocks far less than if they’d gone home and exposed themselves to the mercy of nosy neighbours wanting to know why Elizabeth had suddenly abandoned her vigil and turned up with a mystery woman.

  If it had been her, she would have stayed.

  It was just a pity she couldn’t get it out of her mind.

  Maggie climbed the cliff path. She had thrown on an old coat over her night dress and set off, her boots on her feet and an unlit lantern in her hand, intending to light it only if she had to.

  For the moment, however, the darkness did not trouble her, and far from feeling threatened by the inky black fields or the sound of the sea breaking unseen against the cliff below, Maggie felt oddly comforted. The silence a welcome respite from the clamour of her head as she walked on with only herself for company.

  Elizabeth was waiting at the top.

  She held out a hand as Maggie approached.

  “ I hoped you would come.” She said, leading her to where she and Rebecca had lain earlier. “ I waited for you.”

  Maggie frowned. “ Did you?” She asked, sitting down. “ Why’s that then, ‘cos I wasn’t meaning to come up here. I couldn’t sleep, you see. Thought a walk might clear my head.”

  “ So you came up here.”

  “ Yes.”

  “ Maggie.” Elizabeth said softly. “ May I ask you something? About today? When you first saw me and Rebecca, what did you think? Were you revolted? Or did you feel something else?”

  “ Like what?”

  “ Like longing?”

  It was the question that had been keeping Maggie awake and feeling a tremor run through her spine, she briefly closed her eyes. What should she do? Tell Elizabeth a pack of lies and insist the only reason she was here was because she couldn’t sleep and needed the air? Or admit the truth and tell her the real reason she was abroad at night was not because her dreams had sickened her, but because they had thrilled her in a way she’d never thought possible. And how about if she told her the real reason for her anger? That it wasn’t because she feared Elizabeth would bring shame on the community, but more because she’d been jealous of Rebecca and had wanted to take her place.

  And then there was the speed with which these feeling had arrived. Would she be able to explain to Elizabeth how they had shocked her and stunned her and taken her breath away, and how she had never felt this way before or even thought, with Matthew by her side and the children at her feet, that it could ever be possible. And how, ever since she had seen them together, she too, had longed for a woman’s touch.

  They were naked. The night, still warm, blew gentle kisses across their skin as Elizabeth took Maggie in her arms and pressed her warm, soft lips to her own. A tingle ran along Maggie’s spine, burying itself in her groin and surprising her with its intensity as she gasped aloud and returned the kiss. And when Elizabeth suddenly bent her head and took her stiffened nipple in her mouth, she thought she must be in Heaven. Because how could this be wrong? It was wonderful! And she was ready to surrender. She wanted this women. She wanted her to touch her, taste her, put her hands on her body. She wanted this wonderful sensation of having her breasts sucked by another woman to go on and on.

  Elizabeth trailed her fingers down Maggie’s stomach.

  And Maggie groaned, spreading her legs. Her cunt was on fire. It needed filling. She wanted…

  Elizabeth’s fingers touched her. Cool against her skin, they glided into Maggie’s wet and sticky pussy, found her clit and stayed there, rubbing her so, so gently whilst her mouth still savoured Maggie’s nipple and her fingers moved in lazy circles, sweeping through the warm moisture before dipping into the very centre of her and gently fucking her.

  It was the right thing to do and groaning, Maggie arched her back and invited Elizabeth to delve still deeper, appreciating through the ecstasy that her body had never felt so alive and straining with want. She could feel it, pulsing between her legs. The sensation in her pussy growing ever more intense, until finally it became a wave. A deep and pulsating ‘clenching’ that filled her senses and turned her pussy to liquid before it finally tipped her over an edge far steeper than the one she was lying on.

  Afterwards, when she in turn had made love to Elizabeth and they had lain a while, sleepy from their exertion and talking in subdued voices, Maggie had dressed herself and made to leave. Then, still carrying her unlit lantern, she had walked down the cliff path and back to her little cottage.

  On her return, Matthew had still been asleep and she had slipped in beside him, careful not to wake him and praying he would not smell the sex on her body.

  Then she had lain there, smiling into the darkness. Her only concern, that come morning, she would not forget to tell Violet and Mary that their services were no longer required.

  Made To Order

  Louisa Stone lay on her bed, naked save for a slender, silver chain around her left ankle and a vague, pale patch on her left wrist where she’d taken her watch off.

  Her girlfriend, Jill, was still in the en-suite bathroom, the cast of her shadow occasionally cutting through the thin strip of light that shone from beneath the door.Watching it, Louisa’s body shivered in anticipation.

  Then broke out in goose bumps as Jill slid open the door and stood in front of her, naked.

  To Louisa, Jill was nothing short of perfection. Her hair, short and blonde and cut in a haphazard style that perpetually made her look as though she had just tumbled out of bed, framed a heart shaped face with piercing blue eyes. Her skin was the colour of warm honey whilst her figure made Louisa drool. Her breasts in particular, delighted her.

  In contrast Louisa thought she was rather plain. Her hair was brown and although neatly cut never turned heads the way Jill’s did and her legs were nowhere near as long or as shapely. A couple of inches from her waist wouldn’t have gone amiss either.

  “ Spread your legs.” Jill said, walking towards the foot of the bed whilst the dim light from a single candle played ac
ross her skin. “ That’s lovely. Now do the same with your pussy lips.”

  Louisa did as she was asked. Sex with Jill was always dynamite and entirely satisfying and Louisa was sure that whatever Jill had in mind now was going to blow her mind.

  “ Good.” Jill smiled, running a hand through her spiky hair. “ I like a girl whose obedient. Are you ready for me?”

  “ Yes.”

  “ Are you sure?” She frowned. “ You’re not very wet.”

  Louisa didn’t care. Her heart was pounding, her fingers, holding herself open for Jill’s examination, were trembling. Steadying herself, she insisted that Jill was wrong and that she was thoroughly wet and thoroughly turned on.

  “ Well, if you insist.” Jill smiled and reaching under the bed pulled out a dildo and slid it into Louisa’s cunt.

  Louisa gasped.

  And then shuddered because she hadn’t been ready at all, not by a long mile, and although the sight of Jill, emerging from the bathroom naked and beautiful, had been enough for her heart to quicken and her skin to flush, her pussy hadn’t been nearly as wet as she’d said and when Jill had shoved the dildo in, without first giving her an opportunity to get really moist and open, she’d felt every last inch penetrate her cunt.

  And it was bloody marvelous!

  “ Where.. the fuck.. did you learn that?” Louisa breathed, grinding with the thrusts as Jill played the dildo in and out of her pussy. She was bloody wet now. “ It’s amazing!”

  “ I’m glad you like it.” Jill smiled. “ Want it harder?”

  “ Oh, God yes!”

  And feeding the dildo, now slick with Louisa’s juices, into her girlfriend’s body, Jill timed the thrusts carefully and tried to calculate how close to orgasm Louisa was, because if Louisa came now, and to do so would be far too soon in Jill’s estimation, it wouldn’t matter how many times she made Louisa climax again, none of them would be as strong or as fulfilling as this first one and she wanted it to last.


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