Cured by Pleasure

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Cured by Pleasure Page 8

by Lacey Thorn

  She sat up in the bed, forgetting for a second she was naked and not catching the sheet as it fell to her lap. Three sets of masculine eyes dropped to her breasts, and she could feel her nipples tightening and tingling.

  “If you want to eat, you might want to pull that sheet back up,” Beck advised. “Otherwise, I think you’ll become the meal instead.”

  She laughed as she reached for the covering and pulled it up, sitting back and tucking it under her arms.

  Asher sighed as he moved to her. He handed her the rose before lifting his t-shirt over his head and handing it to her. “Put this on,” he offered. “It’s black. That white sheet isn’t doing much to hide those sweet nipples.”

  She took his shirt, but used it to pull him to her before he let go. She let her lips touch his softly. “Good morning, Asher,” she murmured. “Thanks for the rose and the shirt.”

  She let him go and pulled his shirt over her head, putting her arms in and tugging it down around her. If she stood, it would cover her to mid-thigh. It was still warm from his body heat and held the smell of whatever soap he’d used in the shower this morning, as well as the scent of his skin. She loved it.

  Asher grinned before leaning in and kissing her again. She kept her mouth shut, a little self-conscious she might have morning breath. She saw Spencer and the welcome cup of coffee and placed the rose on her lap.

  Spencer handed her the cup of coffee, and she inhaled the fragrance before lifting it to her lips and taking a careful sip. It was heaven.

  “I put some creamer in it. I thought I saw you use it when you had coffee at the office.”

  “I did,” she said with a nod to Spencer as she took another longer drink. “This is so good. What kind of creamer is this?”

  “Chocolate caramel,” Asher answered. “My personal favorite.”

  “I love it,” she assured him.

  Spencer sat beside her and just let his gaze run over her from head to toe. She took another sip of coffee before leaning into him and kissing him on the lips when he glanced down at her.

  “Good morning, Spencer,” she whispered to him. “Thanks for the coffee.”

  He put his arm around her, letting her lean on him where he sat beside her on the bed.

  “Hey, make room for me and this heavy tray of the amazing breakfast I put together for you,” Beck demanded, as he moved to her other side and slid carefully over to her before setting the tray on his own lap. “Look,” he pointed to what he’d put on the tray. “Bacon, crepes with blueberries, some fluffy, scrambled eggs, and some fresh strawberries and bananas.”

  “You made this?” She was awed.

  “Well, he walked down the block to pick it up for you anyway,” Spencer offered, while Asher nodded in agreement.

  Beck glared at them. “You’ll just say anything to try and keep me from reaping all the lusty rewards for feeding her.” He looked back at Deja and wiggled his brows suggestively.

  She leaned off Spencer to rub her lips against Beck’s. “Thank you, Beck,” she murmured.

  “No good morning for me?” he whispered back.

  She let her tongue dance out over his bottom lip, knowing he’d open for her as she leaned in to give him a deeper kiss than she had the other two.

  “No fair,” Asher argued as she pulled back from Beck slowly.

  “He brought me breakfast,” she stated with a shrug, as Beck held a plump strawberry up to her lips.

  “It’s not like he cooked it,” Spencer muttered beside her, almost making her choke on laughter as she fought to chew and swallow instead.

  “You’re just jealous,” Beck said as he held a bite of crepe out to her. “He overslept,” he offered.

  Spencer’s arm tightened just a bit around her. “I had incentive to stay in bed.”

  She let her gaze meet his and smiled.

  “Yeah, we’ll have to talk about that,” Beck said as he brought another bite to her mouth. She couldn’t remember ever having a man feed her. It was a bit sexy.

  “About what?” she just managed to ask before he placed the fork against her lips.

  “Sleeping arrangements,” he said. “You can’t play musical beds all night. You’ll never get any sleep that way. We’ll have to take turns cuddling you all night. I vote I get tonight.”

  “What? Why you?” Asher argued.

  “Because I was the thoughtful one who went and got breakfast. I trump tonight.”

  Asher sighed. “Fine.” Then he grinned. “That leaves me tomorrow night.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re thinking of something I haven’t thought of yet, and I’m getting the short end of this arrangement?”

  “Because I am, and you are,” Asher assured him.

  “Deja, what’s wrong?” Spencer’s voice broke into their argument and had them turning to watch her.

  “I…I…” Now that they were looking at her, she wasn’t sure what to say. “Tonight? Tomorrow?”

  They glanced at each other. Asher sat at the foot of the bed. “We’re not trying to rush anything here, Deja. We just…” He shrugged his shoulders. “We don’t want you to go. We’re hoping maybe we can convince you to stay.”

  “For the weekend?”

  “To start,” Beck answered. “But we’re hoping this isn’t just a weekend fling for you.”

  “What are you wanting?” she asked. “It’s not like I can just move in with you after one night.”

  “Why not?” Spencer asked, surprising her. He was the most practical of the three of them. Moving in after one night wasn’t something she would expect him to be thinking of.

  “Because we don’t know each other well enough for that yet.”

  “But we know each other well enough to bury our dicks down your throat, to bury them inside you with no condom?” Spencer lifted his brow, making her blush at his blunt and oh so accurate argument.

  She swallowed and when she couldn’t find anything to say, handed her cup to Beck and took another forkful of crepe.

  Beck laughed. “I think you’ve got her stumped on that one, Spencer.”

  “So don’t move in,” Asher said, making them all look at him. He held his hands out at the glares from Spencer and Beck. “Yet. Don’t move in yet. But stay here, spend the night, spend time with us. You won’t get to know us if you’re only here for dinner or sex, then head back to your place. Don’t walk away from this, Deja.”

  “I wasn’t planning to,” she admitted. “But I’m terrified.”

  “Me too,” Beck admitted, surprising her.

  “We’ve never felt like this about the same woman before,” Asher told her. “We might have thought we met the one for us, but not one who would want all of us, if that makes sense.”

  “It does,” Deja said. “I have to admit I couldn’t ever picture myself with just one of you. My mind kept wanting to see all three of you with me.”

  “You have a very brilliant mind,” Beck stated with a grin.

  “How about this,” Spencer offered. “Stay the rest of the weekend. Tonight and tomorrow afternoon. Then decide what you want to do.”

  “But I don’t have any clothes,” she protested.

  “You won’t need them,” Spencer assured her.

  “A toothbrush?”

  “We have spares,” Asher assured her. “Beck tends to buy everything in bulk.”

  “It’s cheaper.”

  She laughed at Beck’s reply. She took a deep breath and gave in with a shrug. “Okay. Why not? I’ll stay the weekend.”

  There was no missing how much her answer pleased the three men around her. Spencer’s shoulders relaxed. Beck’s grin was self-explanatory, and Asher reached out to rub her leg where it lay under the covers. She’d already taken them into her body with no barrier. How long would it be before her heart followed?

  Chapter Nine

  Saturday passed in a blur. She took a bubble bath to soak her sore muscles. Then she spent the rest of the day cuddled under a blanket on the couch watching m
ovies. The guys took turns holding her, and she had to admit she loved every moment of it. By the time they were ready for bed, she was barely able to walk with Beck to his room. She was that relaxed and exhausted.

  She felt bad when he pulled her back against his chest, and she felt the hard length of his erection against her. “Beck,” she whispered.

  “Shhhh, honey,” he crooned in her ear. “It’s okay. Damn thing has a mind of its own. Trust me, I’m as exhausted as you are.”

  She knew better, but then they’d all been assuring her of that today whenever she’d brushed against them and felt their hard cocks. They knew she was sore, and it mattered to them. She mattered more than sex. And knowing that, suddenly made her see just how sex-based her previous relationships had been.

  She let the heat of Beck’s body lull her into sleep, and once again, she was slammed with how good this felt, how right. What woman had an opportunity like this fall into her lap? Not one, not two, but three men who were willing to share her. To love her? Was that what was holding her back? Was she afraid they wouldn’t love her? Her own parents had abandoned her, but surely, she was over that at this point in her life. Or was she? Had she ever been with anyone she cared enough to worry about losing? Other than her sisters, that was. And the answer was no.

  She felt a tear fall from the corner of her eye and tried to shift enough to wipe it without waking Beck.

  “What’s wrong, Deja?” he asked as he lifted and rolled her to her back. He saw the tear, and she watched his face freeze for a heartbeat before he reached down and swiped it away with his fingers. “Is this about spending the weekend with us? About us wanting you to stay longer?”

  “No. Yes. No.”

  A grin tugged at his lips, despite the look on his face, the fear she saw shadowing his eyes. “Well, that clears it up.”

  “Do you love me, Beck?”

  He looked surprised at her blunt question. But then, he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “I really think I do, or could, very quickly and very easily.”

  “How? We haven’t known each other that long.”

  “So, you’re not the kind who believes in love at first sight, huh?”

  “I’m the kind who usually laughs at the idea,” she admitted.

  “I’m an M.D., Deja, not a Ph.D. I don’t have all the answers when it comes to love. All I can say is I don’t believe there is a definitive answer. I think love is different for everyone and every relationship. For some, it takes time. It’s a slow steady build. For others, it’s like a lightning strike straight to the heart.”

  “And we’re a lightning strike?”

  “You are. For me,” he whispered and leaned down to kiss her softly.

  “I’ve never felt this much, this quickly,” she admitted to him. “And never for three men at the same time.”

  He laughed softly. “It’s a lot to ask. Taking on three men. Hell, we have it easy.”

  “How’s that?”

  “There’s only one of you. I think between the three of us we can work out a game plan to deal with any and everything. We’ll just play to our strengths. But you have three of us to deal with. And I know how awful those two are.”

  She laughed. One of the things she loved about Beck was his sense of humor.

  His fingers caressed down her cheek as he continued. “I can tell you no woman I’ve ever known gets to Spencer the way you do.”

  “Really? How do I get to him?”

  “You make him nervous. You break his tight control. Spencer never loses his control with a woman. Never. You shake him right to his core, and I love watching it.”

  “I didn’t realize that. What about Asher?”

  “Asher adores you. He’d follow you anywhere, I think. Especially since you,” he cleared his throat, “seem to share his deep love of a certain type of kink. I know that man is already clamps over cuffs in love with you.”

  She burst out laughing. She put both her hands over her mouth to try and quiet it, but she couldn’t stop. Clamps over cuffs! Just the thought had her laughing all over again.

  Beck just smiled down at her. “I will warn you we discuss almost everything between the three of us. There will be no secrets we keep. It’s the only way this will work. And we do want it to work, honey. We really do.”

  “Thank you, Beck. You’ve answered my doubts and given me a lot to think about.”

  “I hope you’re thinking more along the lines of ‘how quick can I pack and get in here’.”

  She laughed again. “Afraid I might kick you out of your room?”

  He shook his head. “I have no trouble sharing.” He wiggled his brows and patted her hip. “Now, quit worrying. Roll over and get some sleep. It really will be okay, Deja. I promise.” He leaned down and kissed her again, a soft whisper of his lips across hers, but it soothed in a way she needed it to.

  She touched his cheek softly as he moved back, then she rolled over to her side, while he settled once more behind her. Was love like lightning for her? She was starting to think just maybe it was. And for her, it had definitely struck three times. One thing was sure, she could definitely share with the girls how erotic a spanking was! Oh man, just thinking about it had her ass tingling again.

  Beck murmured in his sleep, and she slid her eyes closed. She’d sleep on it and see what clarity came with a new day. She had a feeling she already knew what she wanted. The only question was whether or not she had the courage to reach with both hands and hold on.

  * * * *

  She was up early again, standing at the big windows watching the sunrise. She wasn’t sure why she was suddenly a morning person and doubted it would last, but she planned to enjoy the perks of being an early riser. She’d turned the coffee maker on in the kitchen, and the aroma was already trickling her way as the sun began to kiss the day good morning.

  “I’ll have to make sure you have one of my shirts to wear as well,” Spencer said as he joined her at the window. He stood behind her and tugged her back against his chest.

  She wore nothing but one of Beck’s shirts and Spencer was in another pair of sweats. She was learning he slept nude and only pulled the sweats on when he first woke up, at least on the weekend.

  She could feel his morning erection along her ass and wanted it. They’d left her alone yesterday, which had sort of surprised her. It shouldn’t have, though. They were known at the office as being the most considerate and compassionate of doctors. Why would they treat the woman they were with any differently?

  Spencer didn’t say anything at first. He just held her close, his arms wrapped around her waist, hands resting casually on her stomach just below her breasts. “Did you sleep well?” he whispered the question.

  “I did,” she offered before turning in his arms. “I missed you, though. Asher, too.”

  “I can promise you we missed you more,” he swore as he leaned down to rub his nose against hers.

  “I second that,” Asher announced as he joined them. He walked over and pressed along her back while she stayed cuddled against Spencer’s chest.

  It felt perfect to be surrounded by them. There was only one person missing.

  “Is that coffee I smell?” Beck asked on a yawn as he joined them. He stopped beside them, leaning down to kiss her on the head.

  “Make love to me.” She gave the request as she slipped from between them, gripping the hem of Beck’s shirt and lifting it slowly up her body. “All of you. I want to feel all of you.” She met their eyes, watching the desire flare brighter at her invitation. “Please.”

  Spencer moved first, tugging his sweat pants down his legs and kicking them free. His cock rose hard and thick between his thighs, and she went to her knees in front of him.

  “Fuck, Deja,” he cried when she surrounded his head and sucked him immediately into her mouth. “God, that feels so good.” His hands wrapped loosely in her hair, guiding her bobbing movements as she licked and sucked .

  Asher stepped to one side of Spencer, whil
e Beck stood on the other, both of them naked and thoroughly aroused as well. Her hands reached for them, wrapping around their shafts and stroking slowly up and down, while she let Spencer take over and fuck her mouth. With a groan, Spencer pulled his cock out, and she immediately turned to Asher, bobbing up and down his length a few times before turning to do the same to Beck.

  “How do you want us?” Spencer’s voice was husky behind her.

  She popped off Beck’s dick. “I don’t care. Just fuck me. Fuck me.”

  Asher moved to the couch and sat down, patting his lap. Beck helped her stand up. He bent to give her a penetrating kiss, ravaging her mouth and leaving her breathless. Only then did he lead her to Asher and help her to straddle his thighs.

  “Sink that pussy on my cock,” Asher urged, holding his shaft steady for her. His breath hissed out between his teeth as she lodged the head and slowly sunk down on him. “Fuck yeah, Deja. Take my cock. Every inch, baby.”

  Beck snagged a condom off the table, where they’d left them Friday night. She jerked against Asher as she settled fully on him, his cock buried deep.

  “I’m going to fuck that beautiful ass,” Beck promised. “Bend forward, honey. Let Asher help you get into position for me to join you.”

  Asher leaned back, sliding his hips to the edge of the couch. He held her in place, though, they both moaned as his cock moved inside her with each slight bit of movement. The only thing that kept her from urging him to fuck her was knowing how much better it would be when Beck was buried in her ass. Spencer stood behind the couch, his hand running up and down his length as he slowly jacked himself and watched.

  She wanted Spencer’s cock, wanted it in her mouth.

  “Hold on,” Asher urged her as he turned them, and she felt the tight clench of his abdominal muscles as well as the tug and pulse of his cock as he slowly lay back along the couch. It took talent for him to turn them, so he had one leg on the floor and one on the couch with her knees still spread over his hips. “Now lift that ass just a bit for Beck by bending down to me, baby.”

  She followed his direction and met his mouth with hers. She could feel Spencer reaching over to spread her cheeks, and then Beck’s lubed fingers pressed into her, swirling and spreading as he prepared her. She couldn’t still the moans, not when she knew the pleasure that was ahead. She wanted it and wanted it now.


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