A Dominant Salvation (A Dominant Series Book 3)

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A Dominant Salvation (A Dominant Series Book 3) Page 18

by Lena Black

  I position my hand on his wide back, caressing it in long circular strokes.

  “He’s always been that way, Damian.”

  “What’s going on?” a little voice says from behind us.

  When we turn in our chairs, we spy Catlin in the doorway, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands balled-up into tiny fists.

  Damian stands up and walks over to her. “What are you doing up, bug?”

  Picking her up, he hugs her little body to his and rests her heavy head on his shoulder, caressing her hair with his large hand. Watching him with her, the connection they have to one another, begins to make more sense now than ever before. If everything had happened differently, she would be his daughter now, not Beverly’s. Once terrifying, the thought of him doing the same for our one day children warms me, radiating out from my chest. My heart, which beats solely for him.

  “I heard talking. Why are you here?”

  “It’s nothing you need to be worried about.” He turns around and walks out of the kitchen, taking her back up to bed.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without her,” Bev whispers, her eyes staring down at her hands on the table. “What if he’s right? What if he comes back for her?”

  “I don’t think he will, but we have to take precautions,” I assure her. Truth is, I know what Dante is capable of doing, and how far he’s willing to go to do them. I’m starting to understand why Hunt feels the need to protect and keep things from me.


  I wake when the intense morning light hits my eyes, remembering we’re at Beverly’s Inn.

  Glimpsing beside me, I find Elle sprawled out on her stomach, naked and wrapped in white sheets. Her hair covers her face, preventing me from looking at it. I gently scoop it way and smile down at her sleeping sound. Her mouth agape, lips puffed out like a fish. I even think I spot a bit of drool. I laugh softly to myself.

  She looks so beautiful, unguarded, no makeup, real. She doesn’t understand why I find her more desirable when she isn’t trying to be. Truthfully, I find her most breathtaking during our sessions, mascara dripping down her cheeks, hair disheveled, skin flush with sex.

  But, like this, she’s an angel. My angel.

  I can’t wait any longer to be with her, to talk to her, and I lean in to kiss the soft flesh of her shoulder. She moans, lingering between asleep and awake, shut eyelids fluttering with awareness. When her eyes finally open, she smiles a lazy smile.

  Curling my arm about her waist, I flip her onto her back and lean over her until we’re face to face, the tips of our noses scarcely touching. I hover my mouth over hers, slightly open and ready for me. I stare into her beautiful blues, clouded by desire and parting sleep. I slide my hand under her head and cradle it in my palm, bring her face up to mine. Our lips connect. Warm and soft, her lips play with mine at a lethargic pace, taking our time to fully appreciate each other.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Bait and Switch

  Since Damian has meetings outside the office today, he drops me off at the Huntsman. He informed me he’d call to tell me where we’ll meet for lunch. About fifteen minutes before, my office phone goes off.


  “Hey, Ellie,” Kat, the front receptionist, says. “I just got a call from a woman, I think it’s your husband’s new receptionist, asking if you’ll meet him at a restaurant for lunch instead of his office.”

  I think this is a little odd, but if Hunt is busy, he would most likely have her call me.

  “Sure. Did she say where?”


  “Ah, yeah. I know where that is.” Hunt and I have eaten there before. “Thanks, hun.”

  I hang up and get my things together, deciding to leave a little early. I arrive at a restaurant in Nob Hill, parking in the structure across the street, about twenty minutes later. I get out from the back of the Land Rover and run my hands over the skirt of my gray sheath dress, smoothing out any wrinkles.

  I open one of the glass double doors and step into the small room where the hostess’ stand sits.

  She sees me and says, “Welcome to Acquerello. How may I help you?”

  When I tell her who I’m looking for, she doesn’t even glimpse down at her little list.

  “Ah, yes, Ms. Hyde. Mr. Hunt is expecting you in the wine room.”

  Ms. Hyde?

  Is this some kind of kinky game?

  She smiles and promptly escorts me.

  As I follow her through the dining area, I take in the high-end atmosphere, as I’d expect nothing less from Damian. The walls are warm tones of golds and oranges, all very tasteful. I just love it here, and the food is to die for.

  She stops at a doorway and gestures into the private room.

  When I step inside the narrow room, I find Hunt isn’t here. I walk over to the long table and take a seat at the farthest end. Bored, I open my purse to retrieve my phone to check for messages, but it isn’t here. I must have left it in my car.


  I suppose it’s not a big deal, since I will be at lunch with Hunt and he’d be the only one upset if I didn’t have it handy.

  “Well,” I hear from the other end of the room. “Don’t you look ravishing.”

  I freeze when my eyes catch sight of his icy blues.

  Standing in the doorway, blocking my only escape, Dante watches me with wicked fascination.

  I begin to inch up off my chair, ready to fight or run.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. In fact, if I were you, I’d sit down and keep my mouth shut.”

  I’m terrified, but my anger takes the forefront.

  “Is that what you would do if you were me?” I snap at him with a sharp tongue.

  “Oh, Gabrielle.” He steps further into the room, pulling out and occupying the seat at the other end of the room. “I do enjoy that fire burning in your belly. But if you speak to me like that again, I will put you back in your place.”

  I take a deep breath, but it’s shaky at best.

  “Why did you bring me here? What do you want?”

  “A little birdie told me you’ve been nosing around in my affairs.”

  What the fuck is he talking about?

  “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I’ve done no such thing.”

  I can’t control my need to bark at him. Don’t get me wrong. I’m about to shit myself terrified, but I don’t like being cornered. It brings out my need to attack.

  “Catlin is mine,” he growls and smacks his hand on the table, letting his insanity show for just an instant. As fast as it came on, it disappears. He combs his fingers through his onyx hair and clears his throat before calmly taking a sip of water. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I took care of that little problem already.”

  “What did you do?”

  Terror runs through my veins until my blood feels like ice water. This whole thing is so terribly confusing. Why is he doing this? Is this a part of his game? Why is he toying with me like this? What does he intend to do to me in a crowded place like this?

  “That’s not important.” He clasps his hands in front of him on the table. “The reason I brought you here…”

  Just then, a waiter walks into the room, but before I can say anything, Dante shoots me a threatening glare.

  I know if I try to ask for help, he would kill me right here and then the poor waiter next.

  Instead, while Dante’s attention is focused on him, I sneak the steak knife off the table with a slight of my hand, hoping he won’t notice. Luckily, he doesn’t. I set the knife in my lap and scoot myself closer to the table, concealing it with the tablecloth.

  When the waiter leaves, he turns his gaze back onto me. My whole body tingles with fear. It even makes my teeth itch.

  “Now, where were we…? Oh, yes. Why I’m here. You broke your promise to me, Gabrielle. And I’m afraid I’ll have to do the same.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Come, come. We both remember that beautiful evening we
spent together.”

  Could he really believe that horrific night at the Artemis was beautiful? What a demented fuck.

  “Yes, I remember that night, but I see it altogether differently.”

  “One man’s torment is another man’s pleasure, beauty.”

  Jesus Christ.

  “You’re not going to touch my husband,” I state with complete certainty.

  “Is this where I ask if that’s a threat? I hardly think you’re in the position to do so.”

  “No, it’s a fact.”

  He lets out a hardy laugh and rises from his chair, sauntering over to me. My heart pounds like the wings of a hummingbird. My hands tremble wildly. My stomach churns until it feels like a tight knot.

  Standing over me, he stops, leans in, and places both of his hands on the edge of the table.

  “How are you going to stop me, Gabrielle?” he hisses between his pinched teeth.

  “I think you highly underestimate me.”

  I snatch the knife off my lap with lightning speed and stab it into the center of his hand, bolting down the other side of the table and out the door. His nightmarish screams follow me as I run to the ladies’ room and lock the door behind me. I fall to the floor, holding myself as I prop my body against the barrier. I hear the commotion of the restaurant, shouting and screams of horror, but it’s muted under my cries, amplified in the small bathroom.

  After a few minutes of unstoppable sobbing, there’s a frantic knock on the door.

  “Gabrielle?” Hunt’s panicked voice says.

  “Damian?” I ask shakily.

  I jump up unsteadily and unlock the door, falling into his arms with a relieved weep. He clutches me to him firmly, his large hand on the back of my head, holding it against his chest. I clasp my fingers to the back of his coat for dear life.

  He doesn’t say anything. He simply hugs me to him, refusing to let me go. After what seems like an eternity, he pulls away from me, but keeps me wrapped in his arms.

  “What happened?” he asks, his quaking voice betraying his assuring body language. He’s so good at appearing unshakable, but underneath it all, he’s just as frightened as me. I feel an odd comfort in this, knowing I’m not alone.

  “Dante tricked me.”

  “He was here?”

  I nod my head. I feel so ashamed for falling for his trap.

  “How did you find me?” I ask, finally realizing the fortunate coincidence.

  “When you didn’t show up to my office, I tried you on your phone, but you didn’t pick up. So, I used the tracker I installed on your phone to find you. As I pulled up, I saw people fleeing from the restaurant. I had a gut feeling you were here.”

  I press my body back into his and cling my arms to his waist with an appreciative purr.

  For the first time, I’m truly glad he’s overprotective of me.

  As we drive home, and the adrenaline begins to subside, I remember something Dante mentioned to me about having taken care of a problem. He was talking about Catlin being his…But who told him we found out about her relation to him? I know Beverly would never put her daughter in harm’s way by telling Dante anything. That leaves one option.


  I need to tell Hunt in case she’s seriously injured.

  “Damian, we need to check on Catlin and Olivia.”

  “Can you repeat yourself? I think my ears have gone defective.”

  “I’m serious. Dante knows about Catlin. He said a little birdie told him and that he took care of it. I don’t know if that means he took care of Catlin or Olivia, but we need to make sure they’re alright.”

  His face looks grave. He hits a few buttons on his phone and waits, breathing a sigh of relief a few seconds later.

  “Hey, bug. Where’s your mother?” He pauses and listens. “Can you go get her out of the garden, baby? I know you’re not. You’re a big girl. Now get your mother for me.”

  “She’s okay,” I whisper.

  He nods his head.

  “I need to head to Olivia’s place. I’ll drop you off on my way.”

  “I’m going with you, Hunt. I want to help.”

  He’s about to open his mouth to argue, but Beverly’s voice comes out of the earpiece. I hear her practically singing a greeting.

  “Beverly, have you noticed anything strange since our visit to you? Excellent. I need you to listen to me carefully. Are you listening? Good. I want you to remain calm in front of Catlin, but we have an urgent matter at hand. Dante knows about bug and I’m not sure what his intentions are with her, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. I need you to pack up quickly and head to Vivian and Pierce’s place in Napa for a while. I will inform them of your arrival. When you get there, call my cellphone. But remember, Beverly, the most important thing is not to alarm Catlin. Just tell her you’re taking her on a surprise trip. I don’t want her affected by this.”

  He hangs up the call then hits another few buttons, placing the phone back up to his ear.

  “Banks, I need you to meet me at Liv’s apartment in ten minutes.”

  He hangs up the phone and sinks back into the seat.

  “I’m sure everything will be alright, Damian.”

  “You still don’t get it, do you, Gabrielle? You still don’t understand how bad the situation with my brother truly is, do you?”

  “How could I truly understand if you never let me?”

  He glimpses at me from the corner of his eye and then back at the road. We drive on to Olivia’s, the anxious silence baring down on us with every passing second. When we finally make it, Hunt tells me to stay in the car, but I follow him anyway. We ride the elevator to her floor and knock on her apartment door.

  “Liv, are you home?” Hunt asks, knocking again.

  Suddenly, a stifled groan sounds faintly from the other side.

  “Liv, I’m coming in,” he warns before stepping back and smashing the heel of his foot into the door. With a loud crack, it gives, flying open and crashing into the wall with violent force.

  He steps inside, me right behind him, and lets out a, “Fuck.”

  I can’t see anything beyond his broad back.

  In a flash, he’s down on his knees beside Olivia, curled up on the living room floor in the fetal position, blood drying on the hardwood floor and her clothes. When he turns her over gently, I cringe at the sight before me. Her face is beaten to hell, black and blue and bloodied. Her eyes are swollen shut. Her lip split wide open. She looks…like me, like I did when Chase found me on the floor of my apartment a lifetime ago.

  I feel sick.

  “Dear God,” I gasp, staring down at her in pure terror.

  “Gabrielle,” Hunt beckons my attention, but my eyes remain frozen on the horrifying vision mangled on the floor. “Gabrielle, look at me.” I reluctantly glimpse at him kneeling by her side. “I’m going to take Liv to the hospital. I want you to go home with Banks. Do you understand?”


  “Don’t argue with me, Elle.”

  “Sir?” Liam says from the doorway behind me.

  He scoops Olivia into his arms and stands as if she’s weightless, carrying her toward the busted front door.

  “Banks, I want you to take Gabrielle back to your place. I don’t want her home alone. Then call my parents. Let them know they are expecting Beverly and Catlin for an extended period. Once you’ve informed them, send half the team there to watch after my family. I want them at the estate within no more than an hour, fly them if you have to. I want continuous surveillance of the property until further notice.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m on it.”

  With those words of assurance, Hunt leaves with Olivia cradled in his arms, her head and limbs hanging limply.

  “This is bad,” I murmur to Liam, “isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” he replies with a stiff nod of the head, “it is.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Bittersweet Revenge

  She flat lined in my arms. I watch
ed her eyes roll back into her head and her chest retract with an exhale. The doctors managed to bring her back, but she’s been out ever since. Being beaten to death has a tendency to make you tired. Due to massive brain swelling, they had to cut a piece of her skull out and put her into a drug-induced sleep.

  I fought myself on whether or not to contact Vivian and Pierce about her current condition. Ultimately, I decided it was beneficial to everyone involved if they were informed.

  Liam called me earlier to tell me that Catlin and Beverly had arrived safely in Napa. I had the security team up there waiting for them. At least that gives me a little relief.

  Dante will be less likely to look for Catlin at my parents’ estate since my mother’s relationship with her sister has been shaky for years.

  I wait for my family in a chair beside Olivia’s bed, wary of whether or not I should take her hand.

  Deciding contact may be helpful, I hold it as softly as I can.

  “Oh, Liv,” my mother weeps behind me.

  I twist around to look at her, tears glistening at the bottoms of her eyes, hand clutching her chest. I rise and hold my arms open to my crying mother. She looks at me for a moment, stunned I suppose, then steps into me, letting me embrace her. After a moment of her sobbing into my shirt, she walks over to Olivia, placing her hand over her daughter’s cheek.

  “What happened?” Pierce asks with a quiver in his voice.

  He has always been a steadfast in my life. I’ve watched him stand tall when my mother has crumbled. The expression on his face is one I’ve never seen on him before. Devastation.

  “Dante,” I whisper angrily.

  His eyes shut with disappointment and shame. “I don’t know where we went wrong with him.” He sighs a breath of defeat and flops back into a chair behind him.

  “It was nothing you did,” I tell him, taking a seat. “It’s who he is.”

  I lean forward, my elbows planted on my knees, and hide my face in my palms.


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