The Bridal Bouquet

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The Bridal Bouquet Page 21

by Tara Randel

  She retrieved the phone and cautiously held it out to him.

  He grabbed it. “Now, get back over there.”

  As she did so she noticed the keys she’d dropped when he’d dragged her back into the shop. Kicking them under the worktable, she returned to the far corner. Now was not the time to buck this guy by trying to retrieve them. The beads of sweat on his forehead indicated he was more than a little nervous, despite his bravado. Were his jerky movements proof that he was no longer in control? Crouching down, she snatched up the scissors, hoping Ness hasn’t seen her. He hadn’t.

  After dialing a number, Ness waited for someone to answer. Apparently nothing happened because he spit out several choice words and dialed again. This time someone picked up. In brisk terms he carried on a heated conversation and finished with the order, “Get here. And hurry.”

  He tossed the phone onto the worktable, but missed the mark. Kady cringed when the plastic hit the floor and broke apart, loud as a bomb in the quiet room.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  “Help is on the way.”

  Kady imagined there were plenty of cops outside by now. How was his help going to get anywhere near here? If he was so desperate, maybe she could annoy him enough to let her go.

  Or kill her.

  She had to do something. Sitting in the corner would not bring her freedom.

  Scissors securely in hand, she summoned what courage she had left. Probably not the wisest choice of action but she nudged him with her words. “You know you don’t have a prayer here.”

  “Shut up!”

  “Why? You’re going to shoot me, or if the cops out there decide they’ve had enough and make a run for you, I’m probably a goner anyway.” She silently cringed. “Looks like we’re at an impasse.”

  Ness lowered the gun and aimed soulless eyes at her. “Unless I go with my earlier idea of using you as a shield.”

  Kady gripped the scissors, waiting for him to make good on his threat.

  * * *

  “WE HAVE A PROBLEM,” Dylan told Turner as he hunkered down next to him. The morning had begun to lighten up, giving them a better handle on their surroundings. “There’s a bell over the front door. I need a diversion.”


  Dylan looked at his watch. “Give me two minutes to get into position. Then start giving Esposa instructions to surrender. Get him engaged in conversation and make lots of racket so I can get in without him noticing.”

  “I still say he won’t fall for this.”

  “He knows he’s not getting away.”

  “You really know the guy?”

  “I do. And he’s sweating up a storm in there.”

  Turner seemed to be mulling the idea in his head. Dylan wanted to shake him. Finally, Turner said, “We’ll go with your plan. As soon as you go in, we won’t be far behind.”

  Dylan nodded in relief.

  “Go for it.”

  Dylan slapped Turner on the back as he rose. “Start timing now.”

  Rushing back to the chief, Dylan waved. “Follow my lead.”

  The chief pulled his firearm from his side holster.

  Easing up to the door, Dylan fit the key in the lock. Turned ever so gently. The lock clicked. He checked his watch, marking the countdown. Right on schedule, Turner started yelling for Esposa to surrender his position. Before long, ugly words flew back and forth. With the tiniest pressure, Dylan pushed the door, waiting for the bell to sound and give them away. Taking a bracing breath, he got ready to push and run inside when he heard a gun blast.

  * * *

  KADY COWERED IN the corner. When the yelling had started she’d hoped to use the distraction and maybe run up the hallway. But when Ness took a shot outside, her plan disintegrated. Her mind went blank.

  More shouting ensued. Now or never.

  She jumped up, ready to flee when Ness intercepted her. In her struggle she thought she’d heard bells. She hadn’t hit her head, had she? With scissors at the ready, she blindly lashed out at Ness, hoping to jab him enough to let her go. His body odor overwhelmed her as his grip became tighter, like a band constricting her arms. She cried out as the scissors flew from her grasp and crashed to the floor. Then everything was happening at once.

  A tall man burst through the back door. Ness placed her between himself and the gun aimed in their direction. Behind her, footsteps sounded from the hallway, startling her. Could someone have entered from the front? Before she could find out for sure, Esposa propelled her forward. The officer lowered his weapon as she tripped and flailed in his direction. Another shot from Esposa missed its mark as the agent dodged a bullet. She dropped to the floor, hands over her head. Dark shoes moved past her but she stayed still until someone pulled her to her feet.

  Chaos reigned. Loud voices shouted out commands as a bunch of officers surrounded Ness. She noticed Chief Gardener in the mix as someone grabbed Ness, who fought with all his might, cursing and yelling. They finally subdued him enough for an officer to yank his arms behind him for the handcuffs. Once captured, Ness spit and the tall man, apparently in charge, ordered him outside. As they led Ness away, he shot a belligerent glance at Kady, before his gaze moved to the person behind her. He scowled, his mouth open to speak, but the officers whisked him away before he could say a word.

  When it finally registered that she was safe, she sagged against the person holding her up. Wait—who was behind her? In a panic she jerked free and her gaze tangled with a pair of gunmetal eyes.


  “DYLAN? WHAT ARE you doing here?”

  Due to the roaring in his ears, Dylan found it hard to find his voice. Kady stood before him, in one piece, her features flush with what he figured was surprise. He’d reluctantly let her go when she spun to face him, but now his fingers itched to hold her close. To breathe in the sweet scent so unique to Kady. Only standing here with her made it possible to get his control back. Esposa was gone now, leaving Kady safe.

  He couldn’t say the same for himself.

  Kady’s beautiful eyes widened. “Did the chief call you? Because that would explain a lot of things. Like—”

  Before she had a chance to finish, Will came rushing up to her.

  “Kady.” Will pulled his sister into his arms. Over her shoulder Dylan saw her brother close his eyes as he hugged her tight. A few seconds later he opened his eyes and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  Kady returned the hug and then asked, “Will, how did you know what was going on?”

  “The chief called for the key.”

  “I’m so glad he thought of using the front door to get in.”

  “Actually, that was Dylan’s idea.”

  She focused on Dylan. He almost smiled at the incredulity glimmering in her eyes. When he opened his mouth to explain, Turner joined them.

  “Matthews. A word.”

  “Just a sec.” He held Kady’s hand. “Are you okay?”

  She blinked, wide-eyed. “Um, yes. Confused, but okay.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He crossed the room in a few brisk strides. “What do you need, Turner?”

  “With Esposa in custody, the higher-ups are going to want a report, pronto, and your supervisor requested a call. Everyone wants this arrest by the book so we can put him away for what he did to your partner. To you.”

  No one wanted it more than Dylan. “Did you get any info out of him?”

  “More from the family member who gave him up. Seems Esposa showed up out of the blue six months ago.”

  “Right after the shooting.”

  “He strong-armed his way into the floral business to use as a cover for the drug running. After he shot your partner, none of his contacts would give him any product. With the manhunt on for him, he bec
ame persona non grata. He horned in on the local synthetic-drug distribution to stay in the game.”

  “Explains a lot.”

  “He tried to lie low for a while but got antsy. He knew we were looking for him.”

  “I wondered why he got sloppy. Not his usual MO.”

  Turner shrugged. “Hard times. We got him now.”

  Dylan held out his hand. “Thanks.”

  “It’s what we do. But we still need to find his stash.”

  “I have a lead.”

  Turner left to deal with the investigation. Dylan returned to Kady, who was deep in conversation with her brother.

  “But why The Lavish Lily?” Dylan heard her ask Will.

  “They used our corsage boxes to deliver the drugs.”

  “I can’t believe the DEA was involved and we didn’t know it.”

  “It’s serious, Kady.” Will looked up when Dylan joined them.

  Kady hadn’t noticed him. “Why didn’t you call me when you were hurt last night?”

  “I—I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?’

  Will glanced at Dylan. “It’s a long story.”

  She acknowledged Dylan then.

  “And why don’t you seem more surprised by the DEA showing up here?”

  Will hesitated. “I already knew about their involvement.”

  “What? How?”


  Dylan waited while Will related his story. He told Kady about Christine’s brother, their quest to find him, the drug involvement and finally getting roughed up by two thugs. Kady’s expression went from surprised to horrified to angry.

  “You still should have called me,” Kady admonished her brother.

  Looking like he wanted to change the subject, Will met Dylan’s gaze. “Need something?”

  “Actually, yes. The agent in charge needs to talk to Kady about Esposa.”

  She jerked back, as if realizing for the first time that he knew more about the situation than she did. Holding up a hand, she asked, “Who’s Esposa?”

  “The man who held you captive.”

  “No, that’s Mr. Ness.”

  Dylan shook his head. “Clever.” No wonder no one around here heard of Esposa.

  Turner came forward. “Actually, his real name is Nestor Esposa, and we do need to speak with you now, Ms. Lawrence.”

  “Okay.” She touched her brother’s arm. “Stay?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She nodded, then met Dylan’s gaze. Her head dipped and she followed Turner to the other side of the room. As he asked questions, Dylan could see she spoke haltingly at first, and then her confidence built, with Turner taking notes. Dylan wanted that job, to reassure Kady after her ordeal, but left it in the capable hands of his fellow agent.

  “She hasn’t figured it out yet?” Dylan asked in a quiet voice.

  “No. She thinks the chief called you.”

  Dylan ran a hand over his jaw. “I’ll explain after she finishes with Turner.”

  “There’s more than just today’s events.”

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “Apparently someone was in her apartment. She noticed a few things moved around when she came home last night. Called the chief. He went by to investigate.”

  “She didn’t call you?”

  “No. But then, why should she? I haven’t exactly been the best big brother.”

  “Kady is rather independent.”

  “True, but everyone needs an arm to lean on.” Will’s gaze roamed to his sister, then back to Dylan. “You know she’s going to be angry with you.”

  Once the adrenaline wore off and he came clean in his role, yeah, she was going to be more than angry.

  “They’re right here,” he heard Kady say as she got down on her knees to reach for something from under the worktable. Standing, she dropped keys in Turner’s outstretched hand. “You’ll find what you’re looking for in my car trunk.”

  “Kady?” Will asked, his brows drawn.

  “Seems I mistakenly took what Ness...Esposa wanted. The drugs are in my trunk.”

  Will put his arm around her shoulder. “That explains why someone was searching your place.”

  “I’m just glad it’s all over.”

  But it wasn’t. Far from it. Dylan knew there’d be more questions. More reliving the nightmare. And more disappointment when he told her the truth about his part since the wedding reception, where they’d met a mere week ago.

  Kady waved at the worktable. “I need to get cracking on my bouquet. I’ve lost a lot of valuable time, but if I get moving, I can make it to the hotel and hopefully set up my display with time to spare.”

  “Sis, don’t you think that can wait?”

  “No. That man took a few years off my life this morning. I won’t let him destroy my dreams, too.” She pushed her hair from her face, determination written all over her.

  Will pulled Dylan aside. “Shouldn’t she be more upset?”

  “Reality hasn’t kicked in yet. Let her work on her project. She needs this right now.”

  “You’re the expert.” Will strolled away.

  With drug dealers, yeah. Angry women? Not so much.

  “Dylan, would you get the tape from the bin on the shelf?”


  Turner had gone outside to talk to the chief. The other agents had left with Esposa. Right now, he and Kady were the only two left in the room.

  He returned with the tape. Her hand fumbled when she went to take it and the tape fell to the floor. They both ducked to pick it up, bumping heads.

  “Ow,” Kady said, then laughed. Their eyes met. He saw only trust and safety reflected there. Confidence in the man who had lied to her.

  And then it hit him. The truth he’d tried to ignore stared him straight in the face. He loved Kady. Heart and soul. And in a few moments he was going to destroy everything.

  Was it possible she loved him in return? There was no debating their quick attraction, the growing respect as he learned more about her. Yes, love had taken him by storm and he realized with every fiber of his being that he wanted to deserve her love, too.

  She grabbed hold of the tape first, worked her way to standing. Dylan did the same, tottering as his thigh tightened in a spasm, his gaze never leaving hers. Her cheeks colored and she gazed down. Away from his probing look?

  After a few seconds, her head flew back up. The enticing flush from a moment before fled. She pointed to his waist. Right to the badge he’d attached to his belt.


  * * *


  She had to be seeing things, right? Was that a real badge?

  “I’m with the DEA,” he answered quietly.

  “The DEA?” she repeated. “How? Why?”

  “Esposa killed my partner. Shot me.”

  Her eyes rounded. “Oh, Dylan.”

  “I’ve been after him for a while. When I heard he was in the area, I decided to stick around.”

  The revelation jolted her. “The convention?”

  “Yes. What better way to be in town and gather information? The convention worked to my benefit.”

  “I knew you weren’t a florist.”

  He chuckled. “Good guess.”

  She shook her head, mashing down the stirrings of hurt. “You know how to keep a secret.”

  “I’m sorry. In order for the ruse to work I couldn’t tell you.”

  “Does your mother know?”

  “No. I kept it from her, too.”

  “I see.”

  It all made sense now. The florist at a floral convention who didn’t know anything about the business of flowers. Never
coming clean about his real job when she questioned him. Suspecting he held something back.

  “Were you aware of Christine’s brother?”

  Dylan shifted. “After I found Will and Christine hanging around the marina while they were searching for him.”

  “So Will knows who you really are?”


  Hurt now mingled with betrayal. “And you didn’t feel you could trust me?”

  “It had nothing to do with trust, Kady. I wanted to keep you safe.”

  “Did you suspect my shop was connected to your case?”

  “Not at first. After the break-in, I had my suspicions but couldn’t prove anything.”

  “So you kept me in the dark? I could have been hurt, or worse.” She shivered at the thought.

  “I hated every minute of keeping the truth from you.”

  “Yet you chose to keep quiet because getting Esposa was more important than me?” She glanced down at the flowers waiting to be turned into a beautiful creation. Touched the delicate bloom of the blush rose. Fragile, just like her heart. “So you used me, then? Because my shop was a lead in your case?”

  “No. I explained, Kady. I didn’t want you tangled up in all this. Didn’t want you hurt.”

  She almost laughed out loud. Hurt? Ironic. Safe? He’d battered her emotions in his quest to get the bad guy while keeping her out of the loop. Her initial instincts—not to trust him—had been valid, but far off the mark. Here she thought he wanted her bouquet designs, when in reality he was a DEA agent after a criminal. So much worse.

  “So the time we spent together?” she ventured. “The kisses? Meant nothing?”

  “Of course they did. Kady, I was honest when I told you something special was happening between us. But I needed to find Esposa. Put the past behind me so I could move on with my life. Hopefully with you.”

  “All this time you lied to me.”

  “I needed to keep my cover.”


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