Winter's Absolution (Obsidian Blades MC Book 1)

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Winter's Absolution (Obsidian Blades MC Book 1) Page 11

by Kristina Canady

  “Yeah, child genius over here.” I cringe. I hated the term, heard it my whole life. My daddy was nice enough to try and give me a normal childhood, made sure he dressed us both up in ridiculous dresses and set up tea parties to boot. Yes, my daddy was that goofy, ruining mommas clothes so that he could fit into them, just to make me laugh during dress-up. I couldn’t help the rate in which my brain learned, yet the whole world around me was in a hurry to have me grow up even faster. Even my mother loved to tell me how “if she had half the brain I did she would have gone off and done…”

  “You don’t seem too happy about that.” Wingz laughs.

  “Blessing, and a helluva curse. People like to treat you different, or like you think you are better than them. Hell, I’m no better than anybody, well, except maybe for those pieces of shit that did this to me.” My fingers lightly trace an old, faded scar round my wrist.

  “Honey, you are by far better than a whole lot of people. And don’t worry about that scum, Leo and the guys are working on cleaning it up.” Wingz slaps Bex’s arm.

  “What do you mean?” Now they have me worried about what they all might be getting themselves into on my behalf, and it really isn’t worth the trouble. I was free and well sheltered, honestly couldn’t ask for more.

  “You know our guys are the real deal? They are patched in members of the Obsidian Blades.” Bex cocks a brow.

  Searching back through past conversations and visual recollections, I try to link everything up. Come to think of it, I have heard of them. Guess I haven’t paid much attention to Leo’s stuff to recognize the biker gang's logo. He acts far from a hoodlum, and he usually is running around in jeans and a work shirt. Honestly, I thought they just did the biker thing recreationally. He’s never offered much information about his extracurricular activities. Holy shit, if he’s in that gang, he really is a ruthless killer. We all heard the stories growing up about the notorious biker gang that set up shop a few towns over, but it’s not my style to get involved in business that isn’t mine. Well isn’t this a turn of events. Most would probably be afraid to learn the truth, but oddly, I’m not. Leo would never hurt me. He’s had plenty of opportunities and hasn’t. Shit, I hear him pacing, howling, screaming out in his room in the middle of the night as he sleep walks around in a space that I know he locks himself in for my protection.

  “I guess I do now.”

  “Leo hasn’t talked about it?”

  “No, we don’t talk about much in general.” Which is the truth. We exchange daily pleasantries, discuss the animals, and general things when needed, but neither of us pries much into the others life.

  “Really? Not sure how the hell you stand hanging out with him at all, but, to each their own,” Wingz adds as she shifts back in her seat.

  “Awe girl, he isn’t all that bad, just broken as hell,” Bex chimes before refilling her drink.

  “Isn’t that bad? I’ve watched him put a prospects head through a plate glass window all because he looked at him funny. Man’s more than broken.”

  I gulp, and then quickly stuff my mouth with more pasta.

  “Don’t scare the child, he’s much better on his new meds.”

  For the love of God, what did I get myself into this time?

  “Yeah.” Wingz snorts while trying to get up with her plate, wobbles, then plops right back down with a glassy scowl.

  “Girl, you are a damn light weight, it’s a shame considering how much you drink.” Bex laughs.

  “He’s not that bad, he’s actually really nice.” My bold self defends the hell-spawn roommate in question. It’s not that I didn’t believe what they were saying about him, it’s more that I trust my gut. There is more to the man than meets the eye. Lord knows, there’s more to me than my experiences too.

  They both start busting at the seams.

  “Girl, who you trying to fool, he’s a straight up asshole. He’s good to his brothers, and tolerant of us old ladies, but a leopard doesn’t change its spots,” Bex barks.

  “Well, I guess I can kinda see it, but, the minute he starts with me I throw my sassy attitude right back at him, and he shuts the hell up.” I stuff another bite in. God this is good.

  “Then that’d be a first, guess even the wildest animals can be tamed.”

  “I’m not taming him.” That sounds like I’m trying to stake claim or own him and that couldn’t be further from the truth, I belong to no one, and neither does he. I’ve come to believe no one belongs to anyone. It should be more like those who choose to run wild together do. Possession is not love. Never again will anyone try to cage me in physically or emotionally, ever.

  “You may not be trying to, but something about you calms his crazy ass down. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours, we are not going to question a good thing,” Wingz slurs, and tips forward on her elbow, her short brown hair bobbing about her pretty face.

  “We better put a movie on or something before this one feels the need to down another. The art of distraction.” Bex’s blue eyes track the room until they fall on the bookcase holding the movies.

  “Sure, I’ll pick out a comedy.” Best to keep the mood light with a bunch of women, the last thing we need is to go any deeper on experiences, feelings, and other shit right now.

  For the first time in ages, I’m actually having fun. These women are amazing and easy to take a liking to; no-bullshit, straight up genuine chicks. That’s rare to find. I have a feeling I could say anything at all, and they wouldn’t judge a thing, that’s even rarer. Wingz hiccups, and then rolls into a fit of laughter, over exaggerating her attempt not to spill her drink while shuffling from the table. Bex shakes her head at her crazy friend before landing on the sofa, ready for the pick of the night.

  “Hurry the hell up sweet cheeks. I haven’t sat down and watched a chick flick in ages.” Bex pulls a blanket up over her lap.

  Wingz prances over and practically falls into place next to Bex. “Yeah because you’re too busy fucking your man from here to Christmas the minute those kids are asleep.”

  “Don’t be jealous that we still got it like that.” Bex elbows her snarky friend.

  Grabbing one of the movies, I throw it in and take up the recliner, contemplating their banter as the movie blares to life. Sex for fun? I suppose that is a thing, it certainly was popular around the college campus. My freshman year was pretty pathetic socially, however I did give the sex thing a few whirls, it was okay I guess. Never had an orgasm though, and gave up trying. Now after all this other crap, I’m not sure I’ll ever be at a place to give that kinda thing a try again.

  “Shhhhh woman! It’s starting, we can have a pants-off dance-off when it’s over,” Bex hushes Wingz chatter on what else we should do tonight. I adore these two.


  Continuing the dance party around the living room at three in the morning alone, Bex and Wingz are passed out in the other guest room I only recently discovered we had. The door is always closed and locked. Leo never offered any information about it, I just assumed it was storage. That man is full of secrets, and I am pretty sure I don’t want to know most of them. Hell, no judgment ever as that is God’s job and God alone. It’s also best that my racing and overly creative mind has as little fuel as possible on some topics.

  As if summoned from the depths of hell by thoughts of him, the front door opens and in walks a beast of a man that has me coming to an instant halt. My toes dig into the carpet, my hair falls forward into my face as the 90’s Hip Hop music continues in the background. The night air hangs heavily around his disheveled body, filthy clothes telling more about the journey than he ever would. By the looks of it, anyone who probably crossed his path on the way had a shit outcome. It takes me a moment to remember to breathe, and to see past the murderous eyes blazing my way to realize it is Leo. The oddest part is, while he may have startled me, I feel no fear. Even as the malicious animal shifts his body toward me, tension building in the cords of his neck, fright is the last thing on my mind. Bla
me it on the liquid courage I am still flying high on, or my body's instinctual knowledge, but, for once, I am not triggered.

  “Luna, what the hell are you doing?” Leo aggressively comes toward me as I push the oversized shirt back up to cover my shoulder. Did he always have to make me feel self-conscious for no reason?

  “Girls night, I was dancing.” My hip pops toward him as I fold my arms over my chest, ready to fake my insecurities and throw attitude right back at him. I’ve never put up with his shit, and I won’t be starting now.

  “Where the hell are other two?” His eyes can’t stop roaming my body, the unnamed tension between us ramping up thickly, one could almost see it. While he’s busy getting his panties twisted, I’m feeling fucking fantastic, and warm all over.

  “Sleeping. What the hell is wrong with you?” Why is he acting like I am in trouble? I don’t like that one bit, especially since I’ve done exactly what he asked.

  “Why the hell are you in your underwear?” he counters, folding his arms up onto his chest as we stand mere inches from one another in a Mexican standoff. His cologne taints the air, further fogging my brain. Fuck, he smells good. Since when did he start smelling like that?

  “Like I said, dancing. You weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow.” I wasn’t about to explain my lack of pants being attributed to a need for liberation in a controlled setting. Can’t a girl lounge in her unmentionables if she damn well chooses?

  “Technically it is tomorrow. I can fucking see your ass, Luna,” he growls, and inches forward as if he is trying to intimidate me into a submissive state.

  Tired of feeling like I’m in trouble for no damn reason, my hand comes up to lift the big shirt as I turn and look back at my butt.

  “So it is, pretty nice one too if I do say so myself. You’re welcome.” I drop the shirt, and turn to meet his penetrating eyes that are consuming me in a fiery rage, right here in the middle of the living room; I refuse to back down to his mood swing. He can take it and shove it.

  “I’m gonna need you to take your mouthy ass down the hall, and put some pants on, now Luna!” he scolds in a foreboding tone; he’s never talked to me like this.

  The challenge he offers stirs the gentle warmth that has been playing throughout my body this evening up to a furnace level.

  “No.” I refuse to be ordered around and spoken to like this.

  “Luna,” he grits in warning.

  “Go fuck yourself.” I intentionally over annunciate every syllable.

  He moves so fast, I can’t even back away. Before my eyes can register his moving form, I’m flipped over his shoulder, watching the floor pass by as he marches me into my room. Leo drops my ass on the bed, and I bounce a few times, his eyes dropping to my chest before that stern expression returns. He’s fucking insane. Jesus my body is on fire, if he keeps looking at me like that, I might combust. Not understanding what the hell is happening, I’m on my feet again, facing him.

  “I am not a child, you can’t order me around.”

  “No, you are definitely not a child.” He presses his thick, muscled chest against my soft one, a sharp breath rushes past my lips.

  “What is your problem!” I yell. His eyes lower to slits as he reaches a hand out to slap my door closed.

  “I am only a man, Luna. You can’t walk around here with the goods hangin’ out and expect me to respect your boundaries for long.” The threatening tone emanating from him has the opposite effect on my body.

  I’m trying to understand what is happening between us through the haze of booze but can’t. My head starts to shake at him but is stopped by two strong hands coming up to capture it. His face softens as his lips crash into mine, with such force, mine instantly part in a gasp, trying to take him all in. Fuck, yes! is all I can think as his velvet touch and hunger rain down. With the absence of my rampant mind now lost in vodka, my body completely takes on a life of its own. Unable to get close enough, I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. Within seconds, I can feel myself completely let go of any self-control.

  He groans the most delicious sound that vibrates through my core as he turns and slams me up against the wall. Sounds that I’ve never heard before escape my throat as we feverishly try to keep up with one another. Tongues battling for the deepest taste, hands grasping for the strongest hold, we struggle to get enough. Never have I ever felt so alive in an instant or starving on an unhinged degree. I want to drowned in this moment and stay lost forever. He holds me up with ease, his lips breaking the seal to travel down the column of my neck, his other hand snaking up to grasp the base of my neck in a light choke hold. My back arches, thrusting myself deeper into his hands. The pressure feels amazing.

  “Fuck, Leo,” I groan deeply, completely enraptured on every level by his presence.

  “That’s right baby, no more fighting it.” He grinds his hips upward, sending something hard right between my legs. In an instant, my euphoria is lost. My brain short circuits and I freeze. The high he had provided mere seconds ago is lost, and the demons begin to whisper sweet nothings once again. Leo’s lips pause in a hover just over my trembling flesh as I fight to get back to the sweet abyss he had lulled me into, the one utterly free of my incessant, hamster wheel of a mind. I don’t want to ruin this moment just because I’m fucked in the head.

  “Darlin’, if you want me to stop, you’re gonna have to speak up now. We go much further, and there is no stoppin’.” His breath is hot and heavy against my neck as we both try to slow our breathing. My body aches in needy places I’ve never experienced before. Sex had always been so mechanical in college until it then became a violent act. Tears of frustration begin to roll down my cheeks as the ultimate battle of mind over matter ensues. He lifts his face from the crook of my neck, and kisses a runaway tear off my cheek. His hand releases the choke hold and tenderly brushes another away before lightly kissing my lips.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want to stop,” I whisper.

  “But ya can’t go further either. Come here.” He carries us to the bed, and settles us on the groaning mattress, my body still unmoving in his arms.

  “I’m sorry I’m so broken.” I felt the need to say something, I don’t want him to think that it is him. He’s been so kind to me from day one, and more nurturing in his cold, standoffish way than anyone else has in years.

  “Hell, you ain’t broken. If either of us is, it’s me.”

  “You are perfect Leo, so stop.” A shiver runs through me as something dark and unwavering shifts in his eyes and his features close off, becoming unreadable.

  “Goodnight, Luna.” The hard edge in his voice squeezes my heart. I don’t know all the skeletons hanging in his closet, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that they are pretty bad, but I’ve been lucky enough to see the heart of him. It’s sad that he can’t see it himself.

  Chapter 9


  “What the fuck, Whip?” Silver angrily growls from his desk, palms on the surface, his Native American features morphing into something that would make most of the brothers around here shrink a few inches. Not that I personally gave a fuck.

  Standing my ground firmly in front of him, fingers looped in my buckle, I have nothing to say to defend my actions.

  “You got nothing?” Silver presses, his intense dark eyes penetrating through the low lighting of the converted, two-story warehouse, trying to will some sort of rationale.

  “What do you want me to say? I’m sorry? Hell no I’m not.” I would have gladly dismembered the piece of shit, too, if Tank hadn’t stopped me.

  “What did I say about keeping him alive?” Silver’s threatening tone begins to give way to a tired sigh.

  “He’s alive.”

  “Barely, Whip, barely.”

  “He’ll be fine in a few weeks.”

  “Meanwhile, our trade route is all fucked because the tweakers are moving in on the run. I told Blue I’d deal with you myself, seeing you are ultimately my responsibility. Lord help me,
if I wasn’t already grey you’d have made me that way.” He leans back into his leather chair with a squeak. His tired eyes begin to soften to those fatherly features he seemed to only ever show me.

  “Silver, you know how grateful I have always been to you. The asswipe deserves more than he got.” Shit, if I was capable of feeling guilt, that’s what would be creeping in about now.

  “Running women may not be something we agree with, but that’s not a reason to go fuck up everyone’s business.”

  Rage begins to shift under my skin as images of Luna’s broken body when I first found her fuel my anger once more. Doing that shit to a woman never will be justified in my book under any circumstance.

  “Son, developing feelings for a woman isn’t a rational reason to fuck the club over for a few mil. If Nash pulls out, we are all going to war.”

  “There are plenty of money guys to take over import. Shit, throw a stone in Bozeman and you’ll hit ten.” I snort, scuffing my work boots along the wood floor.

  “With politics the way they are these days, most don’t want to get their hands dirty, and he had some valuable connections overseas that you can’t just replace overnight. Do I need to go over the list of shitheads that will want to start this war if they don’t get their shipment? Fuck, kid!” Silver pounds his large, custom desk. It took a lot to make this man mad, apparently I have a knack for pushing him to that edge.

  “You know Blue would have kicked your ass to the curb long ago if you weren’t so damn valuable. How many times we gotta talk about that reckless, murderous temper?” He runs his hands through the waist length hair that he normally has braided back. The turquoise family ring that sits on his finger catches my eye, bringing back memories of my childhood when he first found me in an alley, digging for food in a trash can. He’s been the only father I’ve known, the only parent figure that gave a shit. My drug addict of a mother didn’t even notice I stopped coming home and my birth father took off for a ‘business meeting’ a few years after I was born. The word on the street was he tripped and fell into an early grave after tangling with the pusher man. Who the fuck really knows.


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