Between The Spreadsheets

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Between The Spreadsheets Page 5

by Nicky Fox

  He groans against my lips, still pumping rhythmically in and out of me. Dylan has one hand braced next to my head and the other gripping my hip. Every few pumps he looks down to where we connect. His mouth opens and closes with his ministrations. Every move, exhale, caress he administers turns me on. Dylan oozes sex.

  “I’m going to give it to you, Andy.” He kisses my temple, a loving gesture and then he’s off, pumping hard against my pelvis. He growls as I claw down his back. “Three,” Dylan whispers. His hand slides between us. He rubs my clit and I hit that familiar plateau with him. My body goes limp as my orgasm carries on and on. The only part of my body I have control over is my face which is making a silent O. He’s just fucking my body, taking it over completely. I lose my hearing for a moment and then I can hear myself screaming his name.

  Dylan removes his hands from my wrists. Apparently, at some point he restrained me during my orgasm. He collapses on top of me. I rub his back and he breathes deeply.

  “Did you?” I ask.

  He chuckles a little in my neck and rolls over. “Yeah, sweetheart. I did.”

  Damn it. I missed his come face. Shit.


  “That was unplanned. This isn’t going to be weird is it?” Dylan asks. We’re both lying in his bed post-coitus under the comforter. I’m debating whether I should just leave or wait for this to get more awkward.

  “Have you ever noticed when someone asks if it’s gonna get weird, it does regardless?” Dylan chuckles at my comment. He puts his hands behind his head. I can’t see his face from the corner of my eye anymore.

  “I tried really hard not to like you, Andy, but you’re so full of surprises. It was inevitable. You’re like this elf-like being with a pink shire who listens to The Cure, watches Die Hard, and beats my ass at Halo. All your pink shit drives me crazy and it’s infiltrated my apartment. But every time I look at you, I catch myself smiling.”

  “Did you just Lord of the Rings me?” I turn my head toward him. His hands slowly move down from his head. I’m deflecting his comment. I don’t really know what to say. I’ve always liked him even though he drives me insane. Now that I think about it, maybe it was all foreplay?

  “Out of all that I said . . . that’s what you focus on?” He raises off the bed and leans back on his elbows.

  “Well, yeah. The elves are my favorite. I don’t know what it is about Thranduil, but he’s just hot. Gets me every time.” I can’t believe he likes me . . . I thought I was just convenient, but for him to actually admit that he likes me. Wow. I need time to process this and get my bearings.

  “God, you talking about Lord of the Rings gets me fucking hard.” Dylan pushes the comforter down and kicks it off the bed. He’s on me in two seconds, kissing me fiercely. He flips me over on my stomach pulling my hips toward him. “Here comes number four. Brace yourself against the headboard, baby. This is going to be a pounding.” He slaps my ass and I stretch out my hands. I glance back and Dylan’s just looking at my ass and caressing it. He bends to kiss one cheek and then sits up to roll a condom on and then he slams into me. My body juts forward.

  “Fuck!” I yell and then groan. Turning my head back, I check him out. He looks glorious.

  “Yes. You like that? Damn, you’re so wet, Andy.” Dylan pounds a relentless rhythm against my backside. I’ve never been in this position before, let alone taken twice in one night. So many firsts for me. Who knew Dylan was a sex god? I mean, he had the rugged don’t care vibe and I could picture him knowing what to do in bed, but I didn’t think he’d be this good. He’s maneuvering my body at just the right angles to bring us the most pleasure. I wonder how many women he’s been with?

  He slows his ministrations and grips my hips a little lighter. I feel him kiss my back. His beard scruffs against my skin. He’s completely changed the mood. Dylan’s being softer, sweet. It’s a complete one-eighty from where we just were. I don’t understand this sudden shift.

  “Lie on your side, sweetheart.” I look back at him unsure. His eyes are piercing, but tender. After a beat, I move to my side. Dylan shuffles behind me. I suddenly feel his hand between my legs. He lifts my leg back and rests it on his hip. Dylan whispers in my ear, “You’re so soft.” He exhales against my ear. His hand slides up to cup one of my breasts and then slowly moves down to my pussy. Kisses trickle down my neck as he grips his shaft and rubs it against my opening.

  “Tell me you want it, Andy.” I can hear the want in his voice and there’s nothing I want more in this moment.

  “I want you inside me, Dylan,” I whisper, rubbing my ass against him. He groans.

  Slowly, he enters me. His pace is measured and seductive. I revel in every touch. I can feel every ridge and vein rubbing inside of me, it’s different. Even when guys went slow like this in bed, it didn’t feel this good. His every exhale at my ear turns me on even more. I sense he’s holding back and it’s killing him.

  I grip the sheets as my orgasm comes out of nowhere and slams into me. I bury my face in the sheets and scream. It’s so severe it’s like an out of body experience.

  “Fuck baby, your pussy is wringing out my cock. Shit.” Dylan grunts, as his pumping becomes irregular. I turn to try and look at his orgasmic face, but he grabs my face and kisses me hard. He pushes my leg to the mattress as he swivels his body, so he’s now on top of me and between my legs again. We’re making out with our tongues twisting and mingling. This feels so intimate. Dylan finally ceases his kisses and I can breathe again. He stares down at me for a moment and then pushes off.

  Dylan moves to go to the bathroom as I lie like a limp noodle. What the hell just happened here? I should probably go. I sit up as the bathroom door opens. I know, I must look like a deer in headlights. I don’t really know what the protocol for this is. Is this a relationship now? Are we just boinking or was this a one-time thing? He’s my boss. This complicates things. I have no idea what he’s thinking.

  “Hi.” He rubs the back of his neck. Dylan looks just as confused as I am.

  “Hi.” I pull his sheets up to cover my breasts. “I guess I should go.” His eyebrows scrunch together. Dylan pulls some boxers on.

  “Yeah, I’ll just check on Birdie.” Before I know it, he’s out of the bedroom and I’m in total darkness.

  “Ugh!” I fall back on the bed and rub my eyes. This is seriously a clusterfuck. I sit back up and swing my legs out. Picking up the trail of my clothes on the floor, I go to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed. By the time I come out of the bedroom, Dylan is drinking some amber liquid from a tumbler. I play with my earring not knowing where to go from here.

  He doesn’t say anything. Dylan just keeps glancing between me and the glass he’s holding. I really don’t understand what’s going on. Did I hurt his feelings by suggesting I go? Does he want me to go and is just waiting for me to get my shit together? Forget this. I just need to go home and think about this. Thank God it’s the weekend. I have a few days to get my shit together before I have to report back on Monday.

  “Congratulations on your new client. I had a nice night.” I sound lame. His eyebrows rise up as if he’s in disbelief I’m being so obtuse.

  Dylan raises his glass up like he’s giving a toast. “Congratulations on your four orgasms, princess.” He sips the liquid. I feel my face turn red. That bastard! I huff and grab my purse.

  “Come on, Birdie. We are leaving.” She slowly rises from her bed and saunters toward me. I scoop her up in my arms as Dylan just stays in his spot in the living room. I don’t know why he’s being such an asshole now. Maybe it was a hate fuck? But he was so gentle the last time.

  “You’re such an asshole!” He just smiles at me like all is right in the world. I slam the door behind me. The entire walk home, I replay the events of the night over and over again. What could I have done differently? Did I do something wrong or is he just being his usual self? He puts me in knots and drives me crazy. Before I know it, I’m at my building. Birdie is acting a little fidgety. We’re
finally on my floor and just as I’m pulling out my keys to open my door, I notice my door is already open.

  I gasp. It’s entirely dark in my apartment except for a few beams of moonlight from the windows. The outside street lights shine on a few items strewn across the floor. My eyes adjust and I see my apartment has been ransacked. Tears blur my vision and I know I shouldn’t be here alone. I place Birdie down as she plows right through the door.

  “Birdie!” I sob. Digging in my purse, I grab hold of my cell. I dial the only number I can think of where I can get help. It rings and rings. It goes to voicemail and I hear the dreaded beep. I choke on a cry and hang up. I try calling again. “Please pick up.” I can’t hear Birdie or anything coming from my apartment. I just hope no one is in there waiting.

  The voicemail comes on again. Beep. “Please.” I sniffle. “I need help. Someone broke in my apartment and Birdie’s gone in there and I don’t know what to do.” I hear a click.

  “Andy? What did you say?”

  “Dylan. My apartment is a mess and the door is open and Birdie . . .”

  “Andy, get out of there right now. Go down to the front of the building. I’ll be there in five minutes. You hear me?”

  I sniffle. “Yes.”

  “Don’t go in that apartment. I’m on my way.” I can hear him huffing on the phone like he’s running. Thank goodness, he’s coming. “Stay on the phone with me, so I know you’re okay.”

  “Okay, I’m in front of the building.” Three minutes later I see him running to my building. It’s the most comforting sight. He doesn’t slow down until he’s right in front of me. I don’t think. I just grab his jacket and cry into his neck. He rubs my shoulders and hugs me tightly.

  “It’s okay. It’s okay, I’m here. I’m so sorry, Andy.” He pulls away and grabs my face. He stares down at me and wipes away my tears.

  “Birdie,” I sob. I grab his wrists, not wanting to let go of him.

  “I’ll go get her and check out your place.” His right hand moves from my face and into his jacket pocket. Dylan pulls out a flashlight.

  “Maybe we should call the cops first? What if it’s not safe?” I hold on to him tighter. He rubs my cheek.

  “I’ll be quick. Don’t worry. You wait right here. I’ll bring Birdie down.” Before I can argue, Dylan’s going up to my apartment.

  I hold my cell phone tightly in my hand, watching the clock. Three minutes and forty-five seconds later I see Dylan holding Birdie in his arms. “Birdie!” He hands her off to me. “Don’t you ever run like that again.” I kiss her little snout and snuggle her. I feel Dylan’s hand on my back, rubbing.

  “I turned all the lights on. Some of your stuff was stolen and your apartment is in disarray. You should probably call the cops before we go back in there to get your stuff.”

  “My stuff?” I wipe my nose and look at him bewildered.

  He grips my neck softly rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. “You’re staying with me until we know you’ll be safe in your apartment.”

  I give him a hug. “Thanks, Dylan. I don’t know what I’d do if . . .” I don’t finish my sentence, just leave it implied. Dylan shakes his head like it’s not necessary. I dial 911. After a while, the cops make it to my apartment and it’s officially a crime scene. The police officers look quizzically at Birdie. I watch them step over broken glass and all my items strewn on the floor. I cry as they gather evidence. Dylan takes me into the hall and hugs me tight.

  After giving our statements, we are free to go. I pack a small duffle bag of a few clean clothes that are still in my drawers. I take one last look at my ravaged apartment. I’m quiet most of the way back. Dylan carries Birdie and holds my hand all the way to his apartment.

  We make it into his place and I just stand in the middle of his living room, not knowing what to do. Birdie is cozied up in her bed and Dylan just watches me with his hands in his pockets. That’s when the waterworks start really flowing. I’m bawling my eyes out. Dylan looks concerned. He comes to me and wipes my tears away. He holds my face and I look into his eyes.

  Dylan looks conflicted and unsure, but then he makes a decision. He slowly lowers his face to mine and gives me the sweetest kiss. I hold on to the back of his head and press him harder against me. I need to feel this and nothing else. I want to forget about my apartment and stop feeling this fear that has overtaken me within the last few hours.

  He follows my cue and kisses me with vigor. I open my mouth for him and slide my tongue across his lips. His hands dive into my hair and I’m lost in this kiss. Dylan slows the kiss and moves away from me. I grab his shirt and hold him in front of me.

  “Andy, you’ve just been through a traumatic experience. I think we need to calm down and go to sleep for the night.” He says the words, but I can see he wants this as bad as I do right now. I move and start to kiss down his neck. “Andy . . .” He’s giving me a warning, but I ignore it. He finally steps back.

  “Dylan, I need this. Please help me forget about it. I want you.” I just want to be with him like this. I don’t want to think about my apartment or the things that are gone. The items I’m going to have to replace. How much money this is going to cost me or if they will ever find the perpetrator. How did someone get in my apartment in the first place? I just need to forget all these questions and feel his body against mine. I need to feel safe and I do with him.

  “Sweetie . . .” I hear him wavering and I dive in for the kill. Slowly I remove my red panties. He stares down at the piece of fabric on his floor. Grabbing his shirt, I walk backward until I hit the back of his door. My lips land on his and he starts to move. I’m hoisted up against his door. I wrap my legs around his waist. Dylan undoes his buckle and his pants, then he’s thrusting into me.

  I groan against his ear. Dylan’s hands move to my ass as he grips so hard, I know there will be marks. It’s wild and hot. He’s pulling at the top of my dress until my breasts are exposed. He’s sucking on them as he fucks me against his door. We’re both grunting so loud, I’m sure we are keeping his neighbors awake. His door is taking a beating as is my body. It’s exquisite.

  “Fuck, Andy. Shit.”

  “Oh, Oh!” I squeeze my eyes shut as the orgasm wave hits me head on. My head falls back and hits against the door. His hand comes up to grab my neck to pull me away from it. Then, we’re moving again. He lays me down on the kitchen table and rips my dress right down the middle. Dylan goes to town on my breasts as he continues pumping. He pulls his shirt off over his head and continues fucking me. He’s like the Energizer Bunny.

  My body starts to move across the table. Dylan grabs my legs to bring me back to the edge. This is what I need. I’m only able to think about our bodies moving against each other. I hear our pants and moans echo across his loft. I hold on to the table until my fingers are burning. He begins to rub my clit and I can feel the ascension of another orgasm. “Don’t stop, Dylan. Oh. My. God,” I cry out.

  “All night, baby. All. Night.” He thrusts with those last two words and I hit the peak. I’m thrashing all over the table and clawing at his arms, back, and shoulders.

  “Yes.” Dylan pulls away from my body and looks down at my pussy. His eyes close and his mouth drops open as he strokes his cock over my body. His other hand grips my hip like a vice. I don’t care how hard he’s squeezing me right now, because I’m staring at his amazing face in ecstasy. Cum shoots out and lands on my stomach.


  “That’s gotta be some kind of record or something,” I say after our last round of sex.

  “What’s that?” he mumbles, his face buried in the comforter after we used the last condom in his drawer.

  I turn to lay my chest on his back. God, he smells good even though we’ve been at it for hours. Even the smell of his sweat turns me on. What the hell is up with that? Boys are usually so stinky, but he’s all man. “I said that has to be a record.”

  His face turns toward me, away from the blanket. “Yeah, we may have sprained my dic
k. Like seriously, I can’t feel it. My balls ache something fierce. Shit.” He turns over. As he does, I am rolled over. I’m stretched across his stomach with my butt in the air. “Mmmm. Now this is more like it.” He smacks my butt twice and then rubs my cheeks. I turn and look at his cock and sure enough, he’s hard again.

  “Umm, yeah. I don’t think it’s sprained.” Pushing off him, I collapse on to my side of the bed. My side of the bed? What am I thinking? I don’t have a side.

  “I need food. Then we can talk about my dick some more and we can try that cowgirl position on my couch, because that shit was hot. I’d also like to try fucking you while we play video games. I think it will give me an advantage.”

  I pinch his nipple. “Ouch! What?” He grabs my hand.

  I really don’t know what we are doing anymore. Are we dating? Is this some fucked-up colleagues with benefits? What about my apartment? I take a deep breath and exhale.

  “I hate to bring this up, but what are we doing?” I know I sound like such a girl right now . . . and you know what, maybe that’s okay. We need to figure out what we are doing here. I don’t know what the rules are, or if they are any. It’s confusing. We had amazing sex last night and then he seemed to get pissed that I was leaving. Then he was an asshole again. But when I needed him most, Dylan was there and he helped me forget . . . a lot. Like I really lost count of how many orgasms I had after ten. It was crazy. We fucked against his door, the kitchen table, kitchen counter, the fridge. That one was pretty cold but it came in handy when he wanted whipped cream. We finally moved to his bedroom, the shower, then the bed. All over the bed actually. We ended up on the floor. The sheets pulled off and everything.

  It was like we were trying to get inside each other’s bodies. It was wild and primal and necessary. Our bodies had to have the other. I couldn’t stop coming and he couldn’t stop fucking and it was the best sex I’ve ever had. Now I’m sitting here wondering what this all means. I mean I’d love to continue like this, but I know it’s not feasible. We do have to be in a work environment together and I need to do something about my apartment. I can’t stay here.


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