Bought His Life

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Bought His Life Page 19

by Aleka Nakis Tia Fanning

  “Okay,” Emily breathed, accepting the box from Jen’s outstretched hand with shaking fingers. She glanced at Jack, and he gave her an encouraging smile.

  “Go, gorgeous. I’m dying, too.”

  When she returned, her family sat around a table, heads lowered, Jack finishing a prayer for health and happiness. Nobody spoke for a long time, and Emily slipped into a seat between Jack and her daughter.

  “We’ll know in five minutes,” Emily said, taking a hand on either side. “But it may still be too early to detect a pregnancy.”

  “Not with you,” Kimber said. “You knew five seconds after you conceived Jen.”

  “And I feel exactly like that now,” Emily said, squeezing Jack’s hand. “You did say you wanted to give Jen a brother or sister, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Jack pulled her off her seat and onto his lap, placing a kiss on the side of her neck. He cocooned her in his hold, and pulled Jen’s chair closer with his other hand. “I’ve never had so much good news in such a short amount of time. I can’t believe my good fortune. Thank you, Emily. Thank you. I pray you are pregnant.”

  “I wanted to tell you when I was sure,” Emily said, shaking her head at Jen. “But someone doesn’t know what a stealth mission is.”

  Laughter erupted and Kimber squeezed Jen’s shoulder. “It’s okay, munchkin. I don’t mind. How many minutes left?”

  “Four,” Jack said. “And since we all agree that we belong together—”

  “And we’re all stuck with each other for the rest of our lives,” Lawson added.

  “Stuck like glue,” Jack confirmed. “We need to arrange a time to meet later this weekend and figure out a way to establish our identities in this era.” Jack looked at Lawson for a response, but it was Kimber who stepped forward.

  “No can do, Captain. Lawson and I are heading to Zurich on our honeymoon in the morning.”


  “How can it be?” Emily asked, trying hard to follow Kimber’s logic.

  “Yeah.” Jen stood, placed her hands on her hips and stared at her aunt. “With what passports?”

  “With these.” Kimber produced a manila envelope and pulled out two blue passports. “A very good friend, who owed me and Scott a favor, was able to arrange for the men’s identification. It’s all legit.”

  Emily knew the friend well. Her brother’s best friend from childhood. He’d been like a part of the family for so long. “Jason?”

  Kimber nodded.

  “Uncle Jase?” Jen asked.

  “Yes. Jason verified the outlandish tale these men have fed us and was able to obtain legal passports for them.” Kimber then turned to address the men, the agent in her evident in her tone. “You must be aware, Jason said nothing will come to light as of now, but he makes no promises for the future. For the moment, you are free and legitimate Americans to live your lives. Each of you has been issued a new age appropriate social security number and a new passport. Gentlemen, welcome home.”

  Emily brought Jack’s hand to her heart and kissed his cheek as he accepted the identification. “My brother would love you.”

  “I think he’s looking out for us,” Kimber said, glancing out the window. “Like he had a hand in the serendipity of this moment.”

  “We all ended up together,” Lawson said. “We couldn’t want for more.”

  “There’s more.” Jack disagreed. “Let’s remain seated while we wait for our guest of honor. I’ll try to explain.”

  They sat around the table, backs straight and at attention waiting for Jack to fill them in on the remainder of the situation. He looked at Emily, and she nodded for him to begin.

  “We’ve been trained to believe in absolute facts and science. But this mission has taught me about greater forces than those within our control—fate and luck.”

  Lawson and Kimber exchanged bewildered looks and shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

  Jack tapped his finger on the table. “Lawson, three of us boarded the plane in 1944, but only two of us swam out to the beach in 2015.”

  The door chimed. Betty and Pops walked in, arm in arm.

  “Pops.” Jen ran up to her great grandfather and gave the old man a big kiss. “Happy Birthday.”

  Pops hugged and kissed Jen, then Kimber. “Nice to see you here, miss.” He then turned to the rest of the table. “Good evening, gentlemen.”

  Lawson stared at Jones. “Good evening, Mr—”

  “Jones,” Jack added.


  “John Kelsey Jones reporting for duty, sir.” Pops chuckled. “Or you can call me John Mitchell.”

  Lawson looked as if he’d seen a ghost and had gone a shade paler than before.

  “Grey, wish Jones a happy birthday,” Jack said in a calm voice.

  “You’re shitting me, right?” Lawson stared at Jack.

  “Nope,” Emily said. “I bought Pops’ Lucky Charm watch from the sale. I guess it found its way to us so that we could all find each other.”

  After the greetings and the mutual exchanges of wonder had settled, Jen checked her phone. “Mom, it’s time.”

  Kimber jumped from her seat, but Emily caught her hand and shook her head. “Not yet. Let Jen get it.”

  Jen clapped her hands together, kicked her feet ahead of her and rocked up from her chair. “On it.”

  “And hurry, Jen.” Emily smiled at her family, taking Jack’s hand in hers. “From the way my grandfather looks like he’s about to burst, I believe Pops has something to tell us.”

  “After all we’ve been through,” Lawson said, “I can believe just about anything. We traveled decades, ended up together, and in the same family.” He rested his arm over the back of Kimber’s chair and motioned for her to take her seat. “I’d say, we’re all pretty lucky.”

  “To say the least,” Pops added. “I have two announcements to make before the party guests arrive. First, I’m considering setting up a private investigating firm in the Keys. Know any good men that might be interested?”

  Pops didn’t pause long enough for an answer. They all knew two perfect men for the job—well, after Jen got finished with tutoring them on the Internet. Pops was obviously anxious to relay the second part of his announcements.

  Emily leaned forward and pulled Jack’s hand tighter in her lap. She could handle anything now, especially news that could put such a smile on Pops’ face.

  “I’m selling my place in Largo and moving to Marathon. I put in an offer on a cottage on the bayside.” Pops looked around then took Betty’s hand in his. “Betty has agreed to be my wife.”

  Joy and laughter erupted around the table. Jen walked over to her great-grandfather and threw her hands around his shoulders. “I knew you’d manage to land the best lady, Pops.”

  “I sure did. They don’t call me lucky for nothing.”

  Betty blushed. “I think I’m the lucky one this time.”

  Someone clinked a spoon on a plate, and they all raised their glasses for a toast as a single unit.

  “To luck.”

  “And love.”

  “And a new baby brother or sister.”

  “Happy Birthday!”

  About the Authors

  Born in Athens, Greece and raised in the States, Aleka Nakis has straddled the Atlantic and has had a foot on each continent for many years. An avid reader from a very young age, she always carries a fully loaded e-book reader in her bag. She loves to travel and does so with every excuse available to her. Blending her life passions of storytelling, travel, and exotic cultures, Aleka aims to transport her readers into the magical world of romance.

  When Tia Fanning is not lost somewhere in the erotic world of fantasy and romance, she is residing in the Midwest with her husband, Warren, and two dogs, Drew and Jack. Find out more about Tia and her books at and

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