Powell, Dick, 77
Powell, Lewis, 423–24
Powell, Pam, 678
Powers, Dave, 900
Prado, Manuel, 186
Pravda, 206, 212
Presidential disability plan, 185
Price, Raymond K., Jr., 279, 310, 845, 849, 1057, 1061, 1069
Price Waterhouse, 101, 103
Progressive AFL, 38
Providence Journal, 997
Proxmire, William, 855, 986
Pueblo, 361, 383
“Pumpkin papers,” 68–69
Quakerism, 5, 8–9, 13, 14, 16, 25, 26, 27, 29, 57
Quemoy and Matsu, 220
Rabin, Yitzhak, 283, 480, 481, 482, 484, 485, 1015, 1016
Race riots, 435
Radford, Arthur, 150–55
Radio Free Europe, 183, 213
Railroad brotherhood, 38
Railsback, Tom, 1002
Rajagopalachari, 132–33
Rand Corporation, 512
Rangel, Charles, 990
Rather, Dan, 404
Rayburn, Sam, 432
Reagan, Ronald, 263, 264, 278, 285–87, 302–306, 309–13, 591, 738, 740, 925, 926
Real Majority, The (Scammon and Wattenberg), 490–91
Reasoner, Harry, 855
Rebozo, Charles G. “Bebe,” 247, 278, 292, 454, 466, 508, 625, 626, 635, 647, 673, 740, 827–28, 912, 952, 958, 964–67, 1003, 1020, 1040, 1041, 1058–59, 1060
Red China. See China, Communist
Red Detachment of Women, The, 569
“Red herring,” 47, 54, 70
Regulations and Purchasing Review Board, 516
Rehnquist, William, 424
Religion, as issue in 1960 campaign, 215, 226, 775
Renter, Marc, 25–26
Renter, Neva, 25–26
Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, 35, 276
Republican National Committee, 97, 99, 104, 105, 147, 160, 162, 195, 265, 272, 495, 542, 628
Republican National Conventions
1948, 71
1952, 83–90
1956, 173–76
1960, 215–17
1964, 259–60
1968, 309–16
1972, 677–79
Republican Party, 88, 118–19, 139, 159, 160, 180–81, 214, 259, 264, 267–68, 342–43, 356–67, 764, 769 See also Elections and campaigns
Reston, James, 65, 320, 509, 691, 738, 856
Resurrection (Tolstoy), 15
Revolutionary Force 9, 470
Rhee, Syngman, 126–29
Rhodes, James, 310, 311, 455, 456
Rhodes, John, 822, 992–93, 996, 997, 1002, 1019, 1042, 1049, 1064, 1067, 1072, 1073, 1081
Rhyne, Charles, 951
Ribicoff, Abraham, 428, 673
Richardson, Elliot, 512–13, 625, 848, 855, 909, 911, 912, 913, 915, 916–17, 920, 929–34, 944, 969, 1004
Riland, Kenneth, 615
Risner, Robinson, 861–62, 863–64
Riza Pahlevi, 133
Robb, Chuck, 508
Robinson, Claude, 215
Roche, John P., 458
Rockefeller, Nelson, 200, 215, 216, 237, 238–39, 248, 250, 251, 258–64, 266, 278, 289, 297–303, 306, 309–12, 323, 333, 340, 341, 479, 480, 591, 681, 738, 925, 926
Rockefeller, Winthrop, 277
Rockman, Bert, 768
Rodgers, Richard, 335, 540
Rodino, Peter, 974, 989–91, 994, 1002, 1041, 1047, 1049
Rogers, Adele (Mrs. William P.), 164
Rogers, Ted, 103, 104, 219
Rogers, William P., 94, 95, 103, 104, 112–13, 140, 141, 164, 165, 182, 185, 338, 339, 380–85, 400, 407, 419, 433, 447, 450, 457, 477–79, 482, 485, 487, 498, 550, 560, 585, 590, 603–604, 639, 672, 688, 786, 807, 809, 823, 828, 829, 840, 841, 846, 848, 907, 925
“Rogers Plan,” 478–79
RN’s 1967 trip to, 281–82
RN’s 1969 trip to, 394, 395–96
Romney, George, 251, 259, 262, 264, 278, 279, 289, 297–300, 310–14, 340
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 44
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 7, 25, 33, 38, 45, 53, 99, 156, 501, 610, 761, 872, 873, 1034
Roosevelt, Theodore, 84–85, 109, 367, 806, 1076, 1086, 1088–89
Rose, Chappie, 839
Rosenberg, Julius, 140
Rostow, Walt, 307, 336
Rousselot, John, 241, 243
Rovere, Richard, 199
Rowan, Carl, 838, 935
Royster, Vermont, 807
Rubottom, Roy, Jr., 186, 192
Ruckelshaus, William, 624, 844, 934
Rumsfeld, Don, 1042
Rush, Kenneth, 524
Rusk, Dean, 307, 308, 316, 324, 336, 431, 509
Russell, Richard, 351, 382, 441
Russia. See Soviet Union
Sadat, Anwar, 936, 937, 938, 940, 982, 986, 988, 1005, 1010–18, 1033–34
Safire, Bill, 519, 520
St. Clair, James D., 973, 990–92, 994, 999, 1001, 1002, 1043, 1047, 1048, 1052, 1053, 1055, 1057, 1059
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 271
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 108, 219, 510, 606
Sainteny, Jean, 349, 393–94, 396, 398
Sales Executives Club of New York RN’s speech to, 270
Salinger, Pierre, 657, 672, 688–89
Salmon, Richard, 951–52
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), 346, 389, 497, 511, 514, 523–24, 592, 594, 611, 612, 615, 622, 689, 875, 879, 880, 886, 907, 977, 1024, 1026, 1031, 1032, 1035, 1038, 1039
Saltonstall, Leverett, 143
San Francisco Chronicle, 73, 77
San Jose, California, rally, 492–93
San Marcos University, Lima, Peru, 186–88
Sanchez, Fina (Mrs. Manolo), 290–91, 294, 335, 740, 1054
Sanchez, Manolo, 290–91, 294, 335, 459, 460, 461, 536, 607, 693, 740, 742, 845, 884, 1015, 1054, 1060, 1077, 1085, 1086
Sandman, Charles, 1071
Saragat, Giuseppe, 281
Sarasin, Pote, 257
Sato, Eisaku, 258, 282, 858
Saturday Review, 412
Saudi Arabia, 931, 984, 1003, 1006
RN’s 1974 trip to, 1012–13, 1018
Saxbe, William, 738, 822, 944, 1066
Scali, John, 741, 937
Scammon, Richard, 443, 490–91
Scheel, Walter, 899
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 900, 958
Schlesinger, James, 924, 927, 939, 1024
Schmitz, John, 554
School desegregation and busing, 439–45
Schorr, Daniel, 855
Schweiker, Richard, 997
Science, 951
Scott, Hugh, 404, 438, 604, 772, 926, 968, 996, 1067, 1072, 1073, 1081
Scowcroft, Brent, 924, 939, 1000, 1005
Scranton, William, 251, 259, 262, 286
Seale, Bobby, 469
Sears, John P., 272
SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), 509
Seaton, Fred, 94, 95, 216
Secret Service, increased protection by, 954–55, 956, 957, 961
Seeds of Treason (de Toledano and Lasky), 81
Segretti, Donald, 708–14, 773–76, 780–85, 787–89, 874, 892
Selassie, Haile, 574
Senate Armed Services Committee, 869–70
Senate Banking and Currency Committee, 680
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1006, 1010, 1019
Senate Judiciary Committee, 780, 813, 943, 961, 992
Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, 894
Senate Select Committee on Standards and Conduct, 929
Senate Subcommittee on Administrative Practices, 710
Senate Watergate Committee, 781, 797, 995, 1003
Senatorial and Congressional Campaign Committees, 99, 170
Sevilla-Sacasa, Guillermo, 964
Shafer, Ray, 311
Shanahan, Eileen, 764
Shanghai Communiqué, 576, 577, 580
Shannon, Wi
lliam V., 872
Shapiro, David, 816
Shell, Joe, 239, 241
Sherwood, Jack, 187–91, 206, 223
Shriver, Sargent, 338, 673, 682, 688, 707
Shultz, George, 340, 415, 427, 437, 518–19, 521, 608, 626, 672, 681, 767, 786, 908–909
Sidey, Hugh, 401, 854, 1042
Sihanouk, Norodom, 125, 382, 446–47
“Silent Majority” speech, 401–14
Sills, Beverly, 539
Simon, Bill, 986
Sinatra, Frank, 539
Singleton, Jerry, 862
Sirica, John J., 798, 802, 803, 809, 869, 909, 932, 937, 945, 949, 950, 988, 990, 991, 1018, 1057, 1058
Sisco, Joseph, 477, 482, 1047
Six Crises (Nixon), 241, 564, 573, 779
Skelton, Red, 539
Sloan, Hugh, 711
Smith, C. Arnholt, 953
Smith, Dana, 92, 93, 108
Smith, Gerard, 523
Smith, Helen, 1023
Smith, Howard K., 246, 836, 945
Smith, Margaret Chase, 417
Smith, Paul, 15, 16
Smith, Walter Bedell, 153, 198, 565
Snow, Edgar, 547, 550
Snyder, Howard, 222
Sobeloff, Simon, 421
“Social Issue,” 490–93, 495
Somoza, Anastasio, 551
Sorensen, Theodore, 958
Souvanna Phouma, 122–23
Soviet Union
and Berlin, 445
and Cambodia, 467
and China, 118, 281–82, 372–73, 406, 522, 563, 568, 577
and Cuba, 233, 244, 431, 485–89
and Czechoslovakia, 395
disarmament talks, 387, 415–18, 479
and Egypt, 249
expansion, 136
and Greece, 74
and Hungary, 179, 181–82, 395
and India, 133, 497, 525–30
and Japan, 130, 567
Jewish emigration, 835, 875, 876, 1024, 1031, 1034, 1036
and Korea, 431
and Mideast crisis, 477–85, 574, 787, 921, 922, 924, 926, 927, 930–33, 936–43, 1007–15, 1061
post-World War II intentions, 38
RN on, 284
RN’s 1959 trip to, 203–14
RN’s 1967 trip to, 280
RN’s 1972 trip to, 609–21
RN’s 1974 trip to, 1023–39
and Romania, 395
and SALT, 523–24, 689–91, 907, 977
subversion in U.S., 71
Summit I, 524–25, 609–21
Summit II, 875–87
Summit III, 1023–39
and Turkey, 74
and U-2 incident, 220
U.S. relations and détente, 201, 341, 343–48, 370–76, 391, 399, 405–407, 428, 478, 481, 497, 522, 586–92, 593–94, 600, 689–91, 1025, 1026
and Vietnam war, 153, 173, 258, 269, 281, 300, 308, 345, 406, 413, 430, 431, 586–92, 601–607, 697–700, 703, 706, 730, 733, 742, 743
RN’s 1963 trip to, 248, 250
Sparkman, John, 112
Special Investigations Unit, 871
Special Prosecutor’s office, 823, 873, 894, 901, 903, 909, 910, 911, 912, 918, 928–35, 943, 944, 952, 966–67, 975, 991–93, 999, 1080
Special Revenue-Sharing programs, 767–68
Sperling, Godfrey, 623, 1041–42
Sputnik, 111, 428
Srinivas, M. N., 455–56
Stalin, Joseph, 25, 45, 53, 210, 610, 1034
Stans, Maurice, 242, 246, 267, 272, 278, 340, 438, 675, 681, 895, 912, 993
Stanton, Frank, 412
Stassen, Harold, 64, 71, 80, 153–54, 167, 173–76
Stein, Herbert, 518–19, 681, 1088
Stennis, John, 351, 382, 555, 604, 844, 866, 929–34, 937, 944, 947, 1064, 1073
Stephens, Tom, 145
Stern, Carl, 854
Stern, Isaac, 539
Stevens, Robert, 140–44, 149
Stevenson, Adlai, 78, 93, 99–100, 104, 108, 110, 111, 112, 144, 145, 146, 159, 161, 165, 167–81, 194, 233, 486, 628
Stevenson, Adlai, III, 491
Stewart, Jimmy, 678
Stewart, Potter, 419
Stockdale, James, 900
Stoessel, Walter, 545, 1026
Strachan, Gordon, 708, 709, 781–85, 792, 799, 808, 809, 817, 818, 830, 892, 988
Strategic Hamlet Program, 258
Strauss, Lewis, 227
Strauss, Robert, 657, 912, 1047
Stripling, Robert, 52, 55, 59–61, 67, 68
Students for a Democratic Society, 470
Submission of Recorded Presidential Conversations. See “Blue Book”
Subversive Activities Control Board, 46
Suez Canal. See Egypt
Sukarno, 121, 135, 249
Sukhodrev, Viktor, 610, 613, 878
Sullivan, William, 596, 597, 872, 894
Sulzberger, Arthur, 510
Sulzberger, C. L., 487
Summerfield, Arthur, 105, 107, 160
Summit I, 593, 609–21
Summit II, 875–87
Summit III, 1023–39
Supreme Court, 390, 400, 415, 418–24, 439–45, 511, 897, 899, 904, 929, 937, 1001, 1004, 1005, 1018–21, 1041, 1042, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1059
Sweeney, Joe, 18
Syria, 194–95, 343, 477–85, 920–22, 924, 927–28, 930, 931, 936–43, 982, 988, 1005, 1006, 1012
RN’s 1974 trip to, 1013–14, 1018
Taft, Martha (Mrs. Robert A.), 82
Taft, Robert, 42, 71, 79–91, 95–96, 119, 159, 259, 738
Taft-Hartley Act, 42–43, 82
Taiwan, 546, 547, 549, 550, 555, 556, 557, 570, 571, 576, 577
RN’s 1964 trip to, 256, 258
RN’s 1967 trip to, 282
See also Formosa; Chiang Kai-shek Talbott, Harold, 84
Talmadge, Herman, 895
Tanaka, Kakuei, 906
Tapes, White House, 500–502
TASS, 489, 607
Taylor, Henry J., 988
Taylor, Maxwell, 509
Teamsters’ union, 658–59
Templer, Gerald, 122
Thailand, 154, 274, 888
RN’s 1964 trip to, 256, 257
RN’s 1969 trip to, 394
Thieu, Nguyen Van, 122, 273, 274, 328, 348–49, 389–93, 396, 451, 468, 583, 584, 689–707, 717–37, 743–44, 749–51, 812, 889
Tho, Le Duc, 393, 401, 445–46, 584, 594, 600, 601, 691–92, 695, 704, 717–33, 741, 746–47, 887
Thomas, J. Parnell, 52, 63
Thompson, Fred, 966
Thompson, Llewellyn “Tommy,” 182, 206, 212, 326, 431
Thompson, Robert, 404–405, 406, 413, 499, 511, 649
Thomson, Dick, 18
Thornton, Dan, 85
Thornton, Ray, 974–75, 1049
Throne of Saturn, The (Drury), 1086
Thurmond, Strom, 304–305, 309, 442
Thuy, Xuan, 394, 396–97, 445–46, 584, 693, 694
Time, 41, 401, 546, 623, 629, 748, 854, 855, 945, 1042
Timmons, Bill, 708, 899, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1041, 1047, 1050, 1058, 1066–67, 1082
Tkach, Walter, 375, 465, 898, 899
Tolstoy, Leo, 15
Tower, John, 309, 312, 326, 442, 811
TR (Busch), 1086
RN’s 1947 trip to, 50
Triggs, Dean, 17
Triumph and Tragedy (Churchill), 625, 626
Trud, 206
Truman, Bess (Mrs. Harry S.), 740
Truman Doctrine, 75
Truman, Harry S., 37, 43, 44, 47, 48, 54–72, 78–80, 85, 91, 110, 111, 112, 119, 137, 150, 156, 177, 378, 379, 501, 510, 652, 740, 742, 779–80, 783, 814–15, 826, 897, 989
Tuck, Dick, 706, 710, 775
Tunney, John, 492, 582
Turkey, 70, 74, 75, 486
Unions. See Labor unions
United Nations (UN), 45, 53, 528, 546, 548, 556, 921, 930, 936, 938, 939, 940
United Press, 67
br /> U.S. Information Agency, 203
U.S. News & World Report, 420
United States v. Nixon, 1051
UPI (United Press International), 688, 896, 953, 965, 1002
Upton, Albert, 15, 16, 17
Urban Affairs Council, 342, 414
Uruguay, 490
RN’s 1958 trip to, 186
USSR. See Soviet Union
Vance, Cyrus, 316
Vann, John Paul, 625
RN’s 1958 trip to, 189–93
Vesco case, 993
Victory at Sea (Rodgers), 335, 715
Vietcong, 257, 258, 270, 271, 274, 325, 348, 499, 500, 576, 588, 692–94
Vietminh, 122, 123–24, 126, 150–51, 154, 257
Vietnam Situation Report, 369
Vietnam war, 257–58, 268–71, 273–76, 344, 345, 347–51, 374, 375, 380–82, 387, 388, 389, 390–94, 395, 396–99, 445–55, 466–69, 498–500, 594–95, 599–605, 687–707, 746–51, 751–57, 786, 882–83, 977, 997
1953: RN’s trip to Vietnam, 122–26
1954: April 16—RN’s speech to American Society of Newspaper Editors, 152–53
May 7—surrender of Dien Bien Phu, 150–55
1964: RN’s trip to Vietnam, 256–58
1965: RN’s trip to Vietnam, 271
1966: Manila Communiqué, 273–75, 280
1967: RN’s trip to Vietnam, 282–83
1968: Vietnam war as a campaign issue, 289, 298, 300, 318
bombing halt, 307–308, 318, 322–29
Paris peace talks, 322–29, 336–37, 345, 349–50
1969: administration efforts to negotiate settlement, 380–82
March—Cambodia bombing, 381–82
May 14—RN’s speech and new peace proposal, 384, 391–92
Vietnamization and withdrawal considered, 392
June—meeting of RN and Thieu at Midway, 392–93
RN’s trip to Vietnam, 394
July—Nixon Doctrine, 394, 397
August—Kissinger’s first secret peace talks, 394
October 15—Moratorium, 400–13
November 3—RN’s speech (“Silent Majority”), 401–14
November 15—New Mobe, 412–13
1970: March-April—Cambodia, 445–59, 467–68
April-May—Kent State, 456–59
November—Sontay raid, 859–60
1971: February—Lam Son, 498–99
March—Calley case, 499–500
June—Pentagon Papers, 508–15
1972: January 25—RN’s speech, 585–86
Vietnam war as a campaign issue, 543–44, 591, 687–89, 690–91, 693–94, 700, 707
March-April—North Vietnam invades South Vietnam, 583–94
May 8—bombing and mining of Hanoi and Haiphong, 605–608, 689
August—North Vietnam opens new peace negotiations, 687–91
October 8—draft peace agreement, 691–704
October 26—“Peace is at hand,” 704–707
November-December—negotiations, 717–44
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