The Cross Guard (Purgatory Wars Book 3)

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The Cross Guard (Purgatory Wars Book 3) Page 10

by Dragon Cobolt

  I am a kinky son of a bitch, Liam thought. But instead of using that as his intro, he grinned at the lizardwoman. “Liam.”

  He kissed her neck. The buzzing need that still filled him seemed less intense as the orgy went on. But he didn't feel any particular urge to stop. This felt amazing. His hands cupped her scaled ass as she chuckled.

  “Nice name. My name is Fizit,” she said, softly, “And I notice you rather like my breasts.”

  “They are amazing titties,” Liam nuzzled her breasts, kissing them gently. Then he bit down on her nipple just enough to draw a moan from Fizit. Her fingers caressed along his back, finding his ass. She slapped him gently and Liam drew back. He had been spanked before, but what made him more curious was the odd look in Fizit's eyes.

  “Unusual name, Liam. And you're very tall,” she murmured.

  Liam's eyes widened.

  Fizit started to stand but Liam was faster. He grabbed onto her wrists, shoving her down and pinning her under him. They struggled for a moment, her thighs pressing against his sides as she tried to work her feet between him and her. His cock, despite the deadly seriousness of the moment, bumped against her sex and the grinding motion of her hips made him groan. Fizit was wet as hell, her sex moistening the tip of his cock almost as much as her tongue could have, and she managed to press her breasts against him as she hissed out.


  Liam leaned forward and kissed her, trying to quiet her without letting go of her hands. Fizit froze and Liam tensed, ready for a bite. Instead, her tongue pressed into his mouth. Darted against him. Her thighs were still pressed against him, but her ankles hooked behind him. Liam felt his cocktip spreading her sex. He broke the kiss, hoping that the moans of pleasure surrounding them would cover anything she said.

  Instead of screaming for help, Fizit moaned. “Oh fuck, I'll tell him later – I need this.”

  Liam nodded, then slammed into the enemy soldier. She gasped and shuddered under him as his cock filled her to the brim. “Oh Liam...” she whispered in his ear as he kissed her neck, his hands sliding from her wrists to the ground beside her head, holding himself up as he started to fuck her. He moved slowly, gently now, trying to buy himself some time. Fizit didn't seem to mind – she moaned with every movement of his cock. “Oh Liam!”

  “Fizit!” he grunted. “I, ah, was wondering, mmm, what's your rank in Sysminor's army?”

  “Not his army,” she said, her voice holding an edge. Her fingers caressed Liam's back, then started to play in his hair as she looked into his eyes. “Brax. We follow Brax. Ah. Gods. Even if, mm, Brax doesn't throw orgies, he's the leader.”

  “Mmm,” Liam said, nodding. “Good guy.”

  “Good general,” Fizit whispered, her voice becoming even more breathy as Liam's balls gently bumped against her ass. Her hips moved slowly forward and backwards and Liam was about to ask her more questions when he felt a tongue slurp along his balls. He looked back and saw Mary – cum dripping liberally from her sex – licking his balls. Her fangs caressed them for a moment as she leaned forward and took as much of his scrot into her mouth as she could. From the beatific look on her face, it had either been far too long since she had done this, or she was fully embracing her lilin heritage at the moment.

  Either way, Liam appreciated the feeling, but didn't appreciate the distraction quite so much. He had no idea he'd ever get actionable intelligence in the middle of a massive, magically-induced orgy.

  Man, the CIA would love to read this report, he thought.

  Fizit gasped. “Oh gods!”

  Liam blinked. “Gods?” He whispered in her ear. “I thought Sysminor was the one true god.”

  Fizit turned her head to the side, but despite her look of consternation, she lifted her hips more eagerly, closed her legs around Liam more tightly. He was now barely able to thrust into her but every tiny motion he made wrung a tiny moan from her muzzle. Mary's tongue had dipped down and now, Liam could feel her caressing where he and Fizit were joined. Fizit's muzzle blushed darker red as she shuddered under him.

  “None of us have, ah, a choice,” Fizit said.

  Liam smiled slightly. “There's always a choice, Fizit.”

  She looked at him, then her eyes widened as Liam used every skill he had. He held himself up on one arm, his elbow joint almost locking as he suspended his upper torso over her. His other hand reached down and he found and rubbed her clit, wringing more pleasure from her as Mary's ministrations redoubled, as if the lilin knew how important this moment was. Fizit's eyes grew unfocused as her mouth opened in pleasure. Liam plunged deep into her and came. Hard.

  His balls tightened and his seed filled the other woman as she shuddered underneath him, holding him tightly. But to Liam's surprise, he found that she was glowing. Her scales shimmered and rippled with a pale blue light, and when he looked up, he saw every other lizardman was glowing from within.

  Sysminor laughed. “Yes YES yesyesyes!”

  The glow brightened and Fizit clung to Liam, her eyes wide with fear and confusion and wonder. Then she cried out again and her sex clenched on Liam's cock like a fist as what had to be the most powerful climax she had ever felt ripped through her body. The other lizardmen and lizardwomen roared out in pleasure – a unified voice that shook the room. Mary drew her mouth away from the joining of Fizit and Liam, looking around with wonder.

  Then the light faded and…

  And the lizardfolk looked exactly the same.

  “It has worked,” Sysminor said, burbling happily to himself. “Now! Soldiers! Soldiers soldiers! Stand at attention – form up! Line! Now!”

  The orgy disentangled itself slowly with some resistance. Liam saw that everyone seemed a lot calmer but that didn't stop men and women from clinging to their partners as the lizardmen pulled back. There were some shared caresses, some parting kisses as the detachment of lizardmen and women walked forward. They stood before their god, their heads bowed. Most of them glittered with moisture – sweat, cum, lubrication. And yet, despite that, they had a martial air to them.

  Liam walked forward, feeling more naked than he was. Which was pretty impressive, considering how the only strip of clothes he had on him was the slave collar and the tiny piece of skin colored cloth that Meg had put around his throat. He hoped to god that Tethis had that spell prepped and that she and Meg were in position.

  “My soldiers – you are now unstoppable,” Sysminor said. Well, his actual speech was more rambling than that – with echoing, repeated words, added sibilants, and random and bizarre strings of words that sounded like they had come from some well of madness. Liam, though, could hear what mattered. “We shall leave nothing for our enemies. Kill the slaves, then put the buildings to the torch. This town will be ashes when the enemy arrive.”

  The slaves started to draw back in horror, their eyes wide.

  The lizards – the people, Liam forced himself to remember – started to retrieve their weapons from where they had left them up by the front. Most of them were hefting up bows and arrows as slaves pressed back to the wall. Several people started hammering on the doors. But the doors had been barred. There was no escape.

  Liam nodded.

  There was only faith.

  He stepped out from the crowd. “Wait!” he called out, holding out his hand. He didn't speak the word pleadingly. He simply left no room in his voice for disagreement. Sysminor looked at him and started to buzz and crackle. Lightning surged around him and his arm pointed at Liam without any intervening movement.


  “Yes, me,” Liam said, grinning. “I am Liam Vanderbilt of Earth. You've probably heard of me.”

  The lizardmen actually looked curious – not scared, but clearly not dismissing him. He noticed Fizit in the middle of the row. She had put on some kind of fancy headdress. Who was she in the army's ranks, he wondered. She also had a bow and a nocked arrow. Well, Liam thought. If this doesn't work, then at least I'll die fast.

  “I have faced your ki
nd in battle,” he said. “You fight well and bravely. You fight warriors – men and women armed and ready to face you. Do you slaughter your naked lovers?”

  “They're not LOVERS -lovers lovers!” Sysiminor screeched. “Slaves – fuckmeat, for discarding – dis-carding-carding-carding!”

  Liam saw that the soldiers, though, looked uncomfortable.

  “How many of you have been forced to nail innocent people to crosses? And why? Because a god orders you?” Liam asked, slowly walking forward, his hands spread wide. “Because I worship a god who once ordered that a man kill his child, but stayed his hand at the last moment. That god believed in compassion and forgiveness – in fighting for what is right, for justice!” He slammed his fist into his palm. “For honor, damn it! Now, are you warriors...or are you murderers? Because if you are, do it. Kill me.”

  “Kill him him him!” Sysminor screeched.

  The lizardmen…

  Didn't move.

  Fizit let her bow dip. She looked at the soldier to her left, then the soldier to her right. She shook her head.

  “I won't do it,” she said. “I won't kill them.”

  Sysminor howled in fury. Lightning crackled around his body in ever greater arcs. Chunks of the floor started to raise into the air, lifting up and tumbling about his body. The wall crumbled and cracked behind him as Sysminor drew more and more pieces to orbit his body, his arms spread wide as the sounds emerging from his jagged mouth became even higher, even more painful to listen too. Liam clapped his hands over his ears as the wall tore away even more and revealed Meg and Tethis, both crouched down, Meg holding the godkiller in one hand, Tethis holding a pot and a paintbrush in the other.

  They had been gluing the bomb to the wall – but now there was no wall.

  Meg looked at Liam through the crowd of debris.

  Liam grinned.

  Then all of the sounds coming from Sysminor cut out at once as the false god stood, wreathed in wreckage and rubble.

  “Your god is nothing next to me, Liam Vanderbilt of Earth. You will die. Purgatory will be mine mine and Earth will burn, burn, burn forever- burn forever...” It laughed and sang at the same time.

  Liam shook his head. “Protip, Sysminor.”

  Meg stood and threw the bomb. It had been half coated in thick glue, so when it smashed into Sysminor's back, it stuck.

  “Kill people,” Liam said, “Don't just talk about it.”

  Meg grabbed Tethis and flew into the air.

  “Hit the deck!” Liam screamed and flung himself flat. The lizardmen – battlefield veterans all – flung themselves forward. The slaves were mostly cowering on the floor as well, so they didn't need to move as far, nor as fast. Sysminor reached backwards and, for just moment, the look of comic surprise on its cubist face was utterly hilarious.

  The godkiller struck.

  And the world came to an end in white fire.

  Part Two


  The tent flap slipped shut as Borin the Black stripped off his armor. Care had to be taken with bronze armor but Borin didn't give a shit - he could drop his armor on the ground and merely enjoy the fact that the smiths would need to fix it. For now, he only had eyes for Kayley.

  His second in command was even faster than him in getting naked. She hadn’t even stopped to bind the slash along her palm - a light cut, left by the few warriors who had stood against them this day. Her skin glistened in the dimness of the tent, as if she had been oiled. And in a way she had: oiled with sweat, oiled with fear, oiled with battle lust.

  Borin’s scarred hands rasped as they slipped along her hips as Kayley pushed herself back on the cot in the tent. He couldn’t feel the details of her skin, not through the amount of scar tissue he had. But that didn’t matter. He lived for the look in her eyes as his hands cupped and squeezed her firm breasts, finding her nipples and twisting them. The mixture of pain and fear, of disgust and eagerness, of lust and love. Kayley opened her mouth and moaned as wantonly as a common whore, her legs spreading wide.

  Even in the dim light of the tent, her wet cunt gleamed.

  “When did this start?” he asked with a grin. Keeping himself propped up on one arm, he reached down and caressed one of the only soft parts left on his lovely second in command. His fingers spread her pussy lips and thrust in to the first knuckle. Something about how she trained herself to ride without using her hands kept her virgin tight. And Borin knew what virgins felt like. He smirked at Kayley’s expression.

  Her scowl shifted to a similar expression. “About when the first, mmh, fucking guardsman was taking one of my, ah-” She bucked her hips to force another knuckle into her sex. “Javelins to the throat. And g-get your fucking thumb to work, dipshit.”

  Borin growled. “I am still your general, Kay-”

  “Right now,” she said, reaching down to grab his wrists, “You’re fingerfucking me. So fingerfuck me.” She showed teeth. Some people might have thought it was a smile.

  It wasn’t.

  Borin shifted his weight, drawing up his knees so he could sink his fingers into her hair, his hand casually catching the cat-ears that made Kayley such a treat. The place where her ear met her scalp was sensitive. He knew it. He had coaxed such sounds from her by licking that place, stroking that place. And now, he dug his fingernails into it, causing Kayley to gasp and whine, her cat-tail squirming against his balls as she writhed under him. He leaned forward and growled in her ear.

  “I’m still your general, Preafectus.”

  “Y-Yes, General!” Kayley moaned – her voice tinged with pain and pleasure both. His roughly work-hardened thumb had found her clit and caressed it with the gentleness that turned every bump and ridge of his scars and callouses into pleasure. Her wetness seeped onto his palm as she spread her legs so wide that he almost heard her creak.

  “And you want my cock,” Borin purred.

  “Yesss...” she breathed, softly.

  “You want to beg for my cock, little Preafectus.”

  “Yessss!” she moaned, louder now.

  “Little whore...” He nibbled her eartip gently, then grabbed her hair, yanking her head back. His teeth sank down this time against her neck, leaving a mark. He bit down again. Kayley shuddered under him and he felt her sex clenching around his fingers. Borin enjoyed playing with her. Sometimes, he wondered if Kayley knew that she was essentially a pet. Sometimes, he wondered if she would care. If she was paid, if she was given people to kill, and if she was fucked properly... she didn’t seem to mind anything.

  But part of Borin liked the idea she thought this was more than just a general finding relief.

  His hand slid from her sex and he took hold of one of her ankles, lifting it above her head. Kayley arched her back, panting wantonly as Borin’s cock slapped against her sex. One of the few places on his body that the fire had spared. His cocktip slipped against her, sliding up and down, up and down. She whined quietly at the back of her throat, her ears flicking back against her head.

  “To think,” Borin purred, “That your mother was a priest.”

  “Haa-ahhh!” Kayley’s back arched harder as Borin plunged into her. His balls slapped against her ass, loud enough to fill the tent. Kayley grabbed onto Borin’s shoulders and her vestigial claws dug into his scars as he started to thrust into her with quiet grunts, his breath catching as he focused, for just the moment, on how tight and wet and perfectly smooth her cunt felt.

  “Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck yes,” Kayley gasped.

  Borin shifted back, then pulled out of her. His cock glistened as Kayley whimpered. But the reason was simple.

  “I’m tired of looking at your face,” Borin said, growling quietly. “Hands. Knees. Now.”

  Kayley obeyed as quickly as if she was on the battlefield. She thrust her ass into the air, and her tail lifted and curled upwards, presenting herself. Her pert anus looked as tempting as her dripping cunt. Borin had never taken his Preafectus that way - it was usually a pleasure he saved for those he conquered
. He grinned, memories of more than a few outraged daughters flitting through his mind as he slapped his dick against Kayley’s ass. She squeaked, looking back over her shoulder.

  “H-Hey, I’m not an Athenian - nngh!” Her words were abruptly cut off as Borin pushed into her ass. It was tight. Smooth. Her slickness helped guide his member in as he leaned over her back, pinning her tail against her, his hands on her shoulders, shoving her down so her breasts pressed into the bed. He purred in his ear.

  “No. You’re mine. And I can do whatever the fuck I want to you, Preafectus.”

  From the tightening of her rosebud, the tone of his voice alone got her off as she shuddered under him, her teeth sinking into the pillow. Borin slipped his cock backwards, then thrust forward, rocking Kayley’s entire body as she took him. Her hips moved, slowly at first, then gaining more and more speed as her body started to accept the pleasure of him. Borin lifted his head up, closing his eyes as he reveled in the pleasure of the moment, his balls swinging forward to slap her cute little pussy. He laughed, softly.

  “I might stick to fucking your ass now,” he said, casually. “Mm! Never knew that you were so fucking good at taking it...”

  Kayley gasped and moaned, turning her head to the side. “Mmm!” She closed her eyes, rocking her hips faster and faster.

  Borin picked up the pace, his body tingling with pleasure. It came from within – not just the sensations of his prick, but also the knowledge of the power he had. The sounds that Kayley made as he fucked her. He brushed his hand along his patchy hair and his mouth split into a wide, wide smile. How many people had recoiled from him? How many women had spat at his hideous form?

  And now…

  Now, he looked down at the glistening form of Kayley as she shuddered in her third climax.

  Of course, I do have an unfair advantage, he thought. My mother wasn’t Chosen by Bastet…

  And with a happy grunt, Borin let himself go. The white hot pleasure that had been churning in his balls since he had started fucking Kayley overflowed and he thrust deep into her ass, depositing a thick load of his spunk into her. He slid backwards and grasped his cock as a thick spurt of white cum splashed onto her back. He stroked his member, wringing another two spurts out of himself, painting her from her cute little ass-cheeks up to her shoulder blades with his seed. Panting, he looked down at her body.


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