Vanquishing Ghosts (Tess Schafer-Medium)

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Vanquishing Ghosts (Tess Schafer-Medium) Page 29

by Deborah J. Hughes

  "Yes, I've met her." And I hadn't even thought to ask her if she knew Janet.

  "Well Robin was fascinated with the spirit world even back in high school so she flocked right to Kevin when he first started talking about the ghosts haunting his house. But then when he started getting a little crazy, Robin avoided him like the plague. I should have as well but I wanted to keep tabs on him. I figured if Kevin did manage to raise that demon thing, I didn't want to piss him off and have him send it to me."

  "Raise the demon thing?"

  "When he first started talking to the ghosts, it was mostly with a kind, gentle soul. But she was boring to Kevin. Another ghost kept interrupting his Ouija sessions with her. He told Kevin to go in the basement so they could work together. Kevin thought he was a wizard or something and that he'd get magical powers. But it was no magician. The last time I talked to Kevin, he said it was a demon and that he was really scared."

  "Why was he scared?"

  "He said that if he didn't do what the demon told him to do, then it would do mean things to punish him. The demon destroyed things and he made his father really mean. He even killed some of their pets."

  "Kevin or the demon?"

  There was a long pause. "Both I think. That's when his parents had him committed and I never did talk to him again. That house really is evil, Tess."

  "No, the house is not evil. The spirit hanging around it might be but the house itself is not." What she told me was interesting but it didn't really help me in identifying the Big Bad. "Did Kevin know anything about the spirit ... the demon? How or why it was here?"

  "It wants to come back into our world," Janet said on a whisper. "Kevin said that the demon didn't want to let that bitch win and before you ask, we never did figure out who the bitch is. One thing for sure, though, the demon was determined to enter our world. Kevin was pretty sure that was his ultimate plan."

  "Kevin had no idea at all who the bitch is the spirit was referring to?" If the Big Bad and the Dark One were one and the same ... and I was pretty sure they were ... then Naylee was probably who he was referring to. The Big Bad surely would not like her even if he wasn't the Dark One.

  "I've no clue. Kevin thought he was talking about the ghost in the attic where his bedroom used to be. Once his mother found out he was talking to ghosts up there, she moved him to one of the bedrooms on the second floor and closed off the attic."

  "Did he ever call the demon by name?"

  "I think he did call it something..." Janet paused to think and my heart pounded hard as I waited. "Kevin said something about the demon being a secret that no one knew. He told Kevin he could make him rich and powerful if he helped him come into our world."

  "How was Kevin supposed to let him do that?"

  Again Janet's voice dropped. "I think he wanted to possess Kevin. And the idiot was thinking about letting it happen. Thank God his parents realized in time that their son had gone bonkers and sent him away."

  "Did he explain to Kevin how he would make him rich and powerful?"

  "The demon told him he knew where treasure was buried and that he knew very powerful magic. There was old rumors, you know, about treasure being buried in Bucksport somewhere. They've been passed down through my husband's family for centuries I think. The Sopers have been here a long time." She paused for a moment and I think she was taking a drag on a cigarette. "Did you hear about what was found over at the Rowan property?"

  "Yes I have."

  "Some coincidence. I wonder if that is what the demon was talking about. He tried to get Kevin to make friends with the Rowan boys but they didn't want anything to do with him."

  "The Rowan boys? Mary's brothers?"

  "Yes. Do you know Mary?"

  "I do. We are good friends actually."

  "Oh so you know more about what's going on over there than I do. It's pretty amazing."

  But my mind was drifting. Did the Big Bad want Kevin to befriend Mary's family because of what was buried on their property? If he knew about that then he no doubt was the Dark One in my story! After all, the Dark One, too, was interested in the treasure belonging to Isidora's family. "I appreciate you sharing what you know with me, Janet."

  "Well it isn't much. I only know what Kevin told me and he was so crazy, I wasn't sure what to believe. I do know that Seth, Mary's oldest brother, told me once that Kevin taunted him with knowing something about his family that no one else knew and that he'd be sorry if he wasn't nicer to Kevin."


  "Yeah, Seth didn't like Kevin at all. He called him a freak all the time and Kevin told me that he was going to make them all sorry when he brought the demon back to life."

  "So it was his intention to raise the demon from the dead? I thought you said he wanted to possess Kevin?"

  "Well that makes more sense to me than bringing a real life demon into the world, don't you think?"

  "Yes." But Kevin didn't think that way which was why that pentagram down in the basement was upside down and the circle around it open. He was trying to bring that thing into our world. And he'd succeeded to some extent. Now to send it back.

  "Wait a second. I remember now! Kevin called the demon Cain once but he laughed so much when he said it that I didn't take him serious."

  "Cain? Like in Cain and Abel?"

  "Yeah. Kevin said it was the perfect name."

  "Why? Because Cain was a murderer?"

  "But Kevin made it sound like there was more of a connection than that. I wish I could remember better but it was quite a while ago and I hated talking about it because I was always afraid of attracting the demon's attention."

  "You won't. The demon as you call it, wants to stay here on this property though I've no intention of allowing him to do that. You've been very helpful, Janet. Thanks so much."

  "I do hope we can meet each other sometime, Tess. We have a small group that comes over once in a while to do some table tipping. You should come sometime. One of the girls, her name is Jeannie, she lives in Searsport now but grew up in Orland in an old farmhouse she says was haunted by several spirits. One of which was bad! It's an old farmhouse and it's been around a long time. No one is living there right now and it's going to ruin. We keep trying to contact the spirits there but so far nothing. I think Jeannie is afraid of them and so she's blocking them from communicating with us."

  Of course I was intrigued but right now my plate was full. "Maybe I will sometime, Janet. Just give me a call next time you get together and if I've some free time, I'll come over."

  "Oh that's wonderful. The girls will be so excited."

  "I've got to go Janet. Do you want my number?"

  "I've got you on my caller ID. I'll program you into my phone. Please keep in touch. Call if you have any more questions. And don't think it's escaped my notice that you've told me nothing about what's going on over there!"

  "I'll tell you the whole story one of these days, Janet. I promise. But right now I've just got too much going on."

  "Well, I'll let you get to it then. When my friends and I decide to get together again, I'll be sure to give you a call. It was really nice talking to you, Tess."

  "Same here, Janet. Thanks." Once we disconnected, I set my cell phone on the coffee table and fell back against the couch cushions to think. Kade came up behind me and began to gently rub my temples.

  "Sounds like you had an interesting conversation."

  "I did." I enjoyed his ministrations for a few minutes and then covered his hands with mine to give them a squeeze. "Thanks." Taking that as a cue to stop, Kade let his hands fall to my shoulders and I twisted around to look at him. "I'll tell you all about it during the drive into town."

  Kade came around to help me up from the couch. "Sounds like a plan."

  Alex followed us to the door but since we spent the entire night without encountering any sort of paranormal activity, we figured he'd be safer to remain in the house. Kade handed him a dog bone, our compensation for leaving him behind, and though Alex took
it and held it in his mouth, he still had a hopeful look on his face when we went out the door. I wasn't sure where Dennis was off to but he was in the house somewhere. They'd be fine until we returned.

  We took my car just in case we needed to jump Kade's battery but his car started right up. Once we returned mine to the house, I joined Kade in his and then held my breath when we approached the spot where his car died the night before. Though the air crackled with energy and the hairs stood up on my arms and the back of my neck, we made it through the woods without any problems. We were about to pull out onto the road when I glanced to the left and glimpsed a woman step off the road and disappear behind the patch of trees where the tomb was located.

  "Kade, go left to the tomb."

  He didn't question my request and not thirty seconds later we pulled into the semi-circular driveway leading to the tomb. There was no sign of the Tomb Lady though I was sure it was her that I saw. Although I was disappointed, I was also glad. We had enough to deal with and couldn't really be sidetracked right now.

  "Do you see her?" Kade knew who I was looking for and though he probably wouldn't see her if she was standing right in front of him, he looked about anyway.

  "I'm pretty sure it was her I saw step off the road and disappear behind those shrubs but she's not here."

  "Maybe she wanted you to know that she's still around. I'm sure you'll run into her again."

  My eyes drifted to the path that led along the lake's edge and the vision I had there only a couple days ago entered my thoughts. The man in that vision was evil and he caused a similar sensation to how I felt when the Big Bad was around. In fact, now I was thinking about it, that voice sounded even more familiar since encountering the Dark One in Naylee's cabin. I was sure it was the same voice ... the same man. And if that was the case, could the young man who drowned here be Elijah? Isidora was expecting him and instead the Dark One shows up with a note from him. It wasn't a coincidence. I grabbed Kade's arm. "I think the guy I saw killed here was Elijah, the man Isidora was in love with! The man who killed him was the Dark One in my story."

  "But you said this Dark One guy had a note written by Elijah."

  "He did. Somehow he tricked Elijah into writing it and then killed him. I bet you Elijah didn't mean to betray Isidora and I bet you she didn't know he was dead."

  "So the Dark One and the Big Bad are, in fact, one and the same."

  "I think so." And then I didn't just think it, I knew it. "Yes."

  Was that why the Tomb Lady lured me here? Had she known we would make the connection? Whether she meant it or not, I sent out a silent thank you because I was grateful for this major revelation. Every little bit of this puzzle that we solved brought us that little bit closer to figuring out who the Big Bad actually was. At least we now knew his name. If Janet recalled it right then the Dark One and the Big Bad were none other than Kevin's demon Cain. Now to find out who Cain was and we'd have this mystery solved.

  Although we thought about stopping to see Robin, we were both impatient to get back to the house so we went straight for the hardware store to buy a couple shovels and a good pair of gloves for Kade. We next stopped at a local garden nursery and picked up a few plants for the yard and the house. Included in this purchase were a couple Elder trees to plant near the front and back porch stairs, a couple Angelica plants as well as some Chamomile, Verbena and Marigold flowers. All for the express purpose of protecting the property and warding off evil spirits. Because I loved the smell of Jasmine, I couldn't resist the aromatic plant and picked up a couple of those as well. Their purpose was for the enjoyment of their fragrance but I was going to look it up later and find out what other magical properties the plant offered.

  Though we enjoyed walking through the nursery picking out plants together, we actually managed to do it within a minimal amount of time. Both of us were aware this was a race against the clock. We hoped to get some answers before nightfall and another encounter with the Big Bad. Cain. Hopefully, we would encounter him only one last time ... when we banished him once and for all from my property!

  The short drive through the woods made us a little nervous and though the car spluttered briefly, we made it to the house without any problem. Kade parked behind my car and we made short work of unloading the plants. I showed Kade where I wanted the outside ones to go and then gave him a kiss before rushing to the Sun Room to write some more on my story.

  "Where did she go? What did you do to her?" Isidora stood and faced the dark one with growing fury. Although she knew he would use her anger against her, she couldn't seem to control it. She was hurt and angry and she wanted to kill him.

  "Yes. Feed that anger, young one," the Dark One mocked. "You and I, together we cannot be stopped."

  "Where did that strange woman go?"

  The Dark One laughed. "She is closer than you think. Isn't that right, witch?" The dark one tilted his head back to look up at the woman he knew even now watched him.

  "She's a witch?"

  "In every life she is a witch. It's her fate. And it's yours too, Isidora." The Dark One stepped into the cottage and held his hand out to her. "Come with me."

  "No. I wait for Eli."

  "You are a fool then for Elijah does not love you. He never did. He wanted you to lead him to the treasure."

  "That is a lie. Eli didn't even know I knew about that."

  "Oh he did, Isidora. Make no mistake. He most certainly did. I made sure of it."

  "And how would you know?"

  "Because I know everything about you, Isidora. Our fate is intertwined whether you want it to be or not."

  "Get out of my house."

  "Certainly, little sister, as you wish." He grabbed at Isidora's hand and pulled her along with him. A flick of his hand and flames shot out, catching hold on the dried herbs and flowers scattered everywhere. The cabin lit up in a whoosh of hot, crackling air, the sound a dull roar. Isidora tried to pull away, her fingers clawing desperately.

  "Naylee! I must get her out of here."

  "Leave her to burn with this dung heap you call home." The Dark One dragged her away from the burning house and held her in front of him, his arms like steel around her waist, making her watch. But Isidora's tears blurred her vision and she was grateful for it. Poor Naylee, to go in such a way.

  "What do you want, you evil monster."

  The Dark One laughed. "I am the same as you, Isidora. The same and yet more. My mother was a true sorceress. Yours would never compare to her."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Lineage is important, Isidora. Yours and mine ... we come from the same man."

  "You lie!"

  "Your father and mine, he is one and the same. You, my dear, are my sister and together you and I are going to be very, very powerful."

  The Dark One laughed and then his head turned as if to address another. "You continue to call me the Dark One when you now know my name and who I am? Why?"

  "Who are you talking to?"

  "Why, I'm talking to your new friend, my dear. She even now listens in. She watches us and writes it all down. But she does nothing to save you or Naylee or Elijah."

  "Elijah? What are you saying?"

  Cain tossed back his head and gave a hardy laugh. The sound was loud and unsettling and it disturbed the creatures cowering nearby making them flutter about and fill the air with their cries. "She didn't tell you about him did she? She didn't explain why he has deserted you and all but handed you over to me."

  "He would not!" And then a sick feeling of certainty began to fill her empty chest, that cold place where her heart used to be. "You've killed him haven't you?"

  "He is no good to us, Isidora. Our father wished for me and you to unite and work together..."

  "He would not want that. He killed my mother. He thought I was dead."

  "No. He knew of your birth. He and my mother planned to come fetch you but my mother got too greedy."

  Isidora managed to wrench away and swung around t
o face him, putting her back to the burning cottage and all that had been good in her life. "What are you saying? He killed your mother too?"

  "Her own greed did her in. Tis no loss. She would not have shared with us." Cain's smile twisted into a mocking grimace. "She possessed no mother's heart." He made a grab for Isidora but she managed to elude him. "Come, let us go get what should have been our father's so long ago. You and I, Isidora, will rule this life as no other has done. This place..." he made a sweeping gesture with his arms. "It is magical and it is ours."

  "No. Never. I will never work with you."

  "Then so be it." Cain's dark eyes grew darker still, until they began to glow with the fire burning high and strong before him. He lifted his hands high, let his eyes roll back, tilted his face up to the sky and drew in a deep breath. He stood that way for a few seconds then brought his hands down fast, pushing a solid wall of air toward Isidora as he did so, forcing her to fall back.

  Isidora hit the ground so hard it knocked the breath from her body. Fear and outrage filled her spirit and she went still in an effort to gather her strength. Though it hurt to move, Isidora turned to face the evil one before her.

  "Not so fast, brother." Sneering with disgust for the sibling connection, Isidora rolled to the side and into a ball. She focused on calming her emotions and thought of Naylee. How would she combat this? The answer was swift and Isidora knew Naylee remained with her still. Drawing on the energy crackling around her and in that which Naylee now provided from spirit, Isidora focused it into one pulsing ball of power and when Cain made a grab for her, a spark snapped his hand and he jumped back with surprise.

  "You can't win, Isidora. No one can win against me."

  Caring not for his words, Isidora stood and continued to pull the power of the universe into her small being. "Neither can you. Not this time. Not ever. We shall see to it." And with that, Isidora pushed all the energy she'd managed to gather within her and threw it at the Dark One ... her brother and her downfall. Just as her father destroyed her mother's life, he had now destroyed hers. She would see to it that he fared no better.


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