Vanquishing Ghosts (Tess Schafer-Medium)

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Vanquishing Ghosts (Tess Schafer-Medium) Page 32

by Deborah J. Hughes

  "But won't that just send Cain from here to the cemetery?" Mitch asked. He and Damon were so enthralled by what was going on that it was probably going to change their perspective about life from here on out.

  "No. I'm going to take care of Cain. Burying his bones between those saints ... well they will guard the portal to ensure he never comes back."

  Daniel frowned in confusion. "But they are just statues ..."

  "They represent saints. That is what they are. Those saints they represent ... well they reside on the other side and they have very strong positive energy. They will know what to do. Your purpose for burying the bones with the intention of the saints standing guard and assuring he doesn't come back is all that is required for that to happen."

  "How do you know this, Tess?" Mary asked.

  "I've been talking to Sheila."

  "Sheila?" Daniel looked from Mary to me for explanation.

  "She's my spirit guide. I trust her. This plan will work."

  "So what are you going to do, Tess?" Kade asked.

  "I'm not sure yet. I just know that I have to step out of this protective circle and face him."

  "But Isidora and Naylee couldn't defeat him ..."

  "Isidora was distracted by Elijah and Naylee by Isidora. I am distracted by no one. You are here with me." I waved toward Mary and her family. "I have friends here to help do what needs to be done." I touched Kade's handsome face, so tight with worry, and smiled at him, hoping he could see in my eyes all the love I had for him pouring up from my heart. "At this moment in my life ... I have all I need." I grabbed his arms and squeezed them gently wishing I could convey what I felt in my soul. "Please trust me to do this. I need you to believe in me. I can do this. There is nothing to fear but fear itself and I am not afraid. Not anymore."

  Just then we heard a strange yowling sound and when we turned to see the source, Dennis came out from under a low lying pine branch. He walked over to the pail which Daniel was now holding and sniffed at it briefly before turning his head away as if finding it quite distasteful and walked to me. He plunked down on his butt right next to my foot and began to lick one of his front paws.

  Relieved to find him quite well, I grinned at the others. "There see? Even Dennis is not afraid."

  Kade pulled me into a hug and turned to speak against my ear, his voice a soft whisper. "I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you."

  "Nothing is going to happen to me other than I'll be rid of a particularly nasty spirit."

  Alex barked and we pulled apart to look down at him. He sat next to Kade's feet, his ears up, his tail wagging. I truly felt that he, too, was offering reassurance. Kade reached down to scratch at his head and Alex licked his hand. Finally he heaved a sigh and stepped back. "Okay, Tess. But the first sign of trouble, don't expect me to stand back and watch it go down."

  "Agreed." Relieved not to have him set against my plan, I turned back to Daniel and Mary. "Work fast if you can. The quicker we bury those bones on sacred ground, the better it goes for me here."

  "Sacred ground?" Mary shook her head in confusion. "The cemetery is sacred?"

  "Well think about it, Mary. How many funerals have taken place there? How many times have prayers been said and people gone there with love in their hearts for those who have passed on? All that wonderful energy is there and it's strong. Each stone is a symbol of love and devotion. Those two statues between which I want you to bury Cain's bones, those were placed there for just that purpose, to watch over loved ones as they moved into the afterlife. Burying Cain between them, well he will not be interfering in anyone else's grave. Not even the family for whom those statues stand guard. All the sacredness of that hallowed ground will wrap its energy around Cain's remains and bind him from entering our dimension ever again. God will take care of the rest of it ... his soul and what happens from here on out."

  Mary nodded that she understood. "Okay, Tess. When you put it all that way, it makes sense." She looked at her sons. "Are you boys okay with this?"

  "Hell ya!" Mitch and Damon gave each other a high five.

  "This is so cool," Damon said. The difference in his demeanor was quite a contrast to what it was a short while ago.

  Drawing in a deep steadying breath, I began the process of clearing my mind, grounding my energy and preparing for spiritual battle. Once I felt a surge of power rush through me, I opened my eyes. Though I could see everyone, I was very focused on the swirling black shadows that moved erratic and agitated around our circle. A strong breeze had kicked up and once again the sun was blocked by heavy clouds. Flashes of lightening briefly lit up the darkened sky though we heard no thunder follow. Heat lightning they called it. Massive energy clashing is what I called it.

  Without making eye contact with anyone, I spoke my instructions. The pull to leave the circle was strong and it nearly yanked the breath from my body. "Remember ... when my head falls back and my eyes close, run for your car. Leave this circle only when you see that happen. Kade, do not come to me unless you truly see that I am in danger."

  No one spoke and I took that as confirmation that they were ready. I drew in a breath, put the strong image of light around me and stepped out of the circle.

  A whirling breeze spun around me, stealing my breath. It whooshed from my lungs and I found it quite difficult to draw in air. I had to concentrate with undivided focus in order to breathe. The wind blew hard against me as I made my way up to the highest point of the ridge. It was slow going but I was determined to do it. Twice I fell back and had to put my head down to cut through the headwind and continue forward.

  Finally I made it to the spot I had picked out from the moment we entered the woods. Somehow I knew it would come to this. Good against evil. Me against Cain. In this story, however, Cain would not win.

  I put my arms out wide and invited Isidora and her mother Isabelle to come join me. I invited Naylee and Sheila and even Elijah. His spirit was not yet at rest but we'd take care of that another time. For now I hoped he'd join us and though he never ventured beyond the boundaries of the lake, I was pretty sure he would come. Perhaps Isidora would feel his spirit and know at last the truth of his disappearance. Though Isidora knew when she died that he was gone, she was never sure of his love. After all, Cain came to her with that note. But now wasn't the time to mull over it. We had work to do.

  More lightning flashed through the clouds and a swirling wind blew round me, stirring the leaves and creating a loose funnel into which I stood. Oh Cain was here alright and he was quite agitated. The air crackled with static making my skin tingle and every small hair stand on end.

  His laugh echoed through my head, the sound an irritation to my psyche. He thought of me as no threat to him. Well, I had big guns on my side. He was in for a very rude awakening.

  I focused my thoughts on his spirit until I could see him in my mind's eye. He came walking toward me, tall and proud, dark energy pulled tight around him, looking like a shadow that wouldn't detach from his body. I waited for him to get close and then closed my eyes to better concentrate on our spiritual meeting. I let my head drop back as my spirit body stepped forward, taking care to remain within the bubble of my own aura. Whatever happened, I could not let him in.

  We stood face to face in a dark void of utter silence.

  "So you think you can send me away?"


  "And how can you do that? I am much stronger than you." His dark eyes swept over me with derision as his body grew bigger and bigger, until he was looming over me like a giant. "You are nothing."

  "You think size matters?" Wasn't that so like a man of small mind? The bigger their head, the harder their fall. I was going to enjoy this. "I have all I need to send you away. This turf is mine and you no longer belong here."

  "My mother taught me powerful magic and I've learned even more since her death."

  "Notice, though, that she is not here." I waved a hand and the sparkling lights twinkling in brief flares around me all brightened s
imultaneous, temporarily blinding him with their brilliance. "You see who I have gathered around me. You think you can beat us all?"

  "I know that I can for I have been doing it all this time."

  "Doing what? Scaring animals, locking doors, creating odors, hiding things?" I had to laugh then because it really was quite amusing. My enjoyment only strengthened my energy and I felt I could grow as tall as Cain if I wanted to. But I was not going to show off. Vanity goeth before a fall. I had no intention of falling anywhere. I would not stoop to his level and I would not rise so high above it that he cowered.

  "I managed to get through your man a couple times." His face twisted into a smirk of satisfaction. "I can do so again. He'll step from your circle to save you and he will be mine for the taking."

  "I am not worried about Kade." And I wasn't, though this demented soul thought to weaken that self-assurance.

  "He doesn't believe in your light, Tess. He doesn't believe in your ability to protect yourself or him or anyone else." He waved a hand to indicate I should look behind me. "See for yourself. Even now he is preparing to leave the spot where you told him to stay."

  Though my instinct was to turn and look, I forced myself not to do so. I would not fail as Lot's wife had done when she turned to watch Sodom fall to ruin. That bible story had always interested me and now I knew why. It was about faith. My belief is that bible stories are allegories of a bigger lesson than the obvious and this one fit perfect. Do not doubt. Do not look for that which you already know. I knew Kade would stay put because there was no reason for him to come to me. No reason for him to doubt what I said. Now I had to hold steady to that belief.

  "Are you so worried, Cain, that you resort to trickery?"

  Cain stepped forward and the ground shook in response. I teetered but managed to keep from falling. It then occurred to me that what was taking place was all in my mind and it was my spirit body confronting this horrible man. With that being the case, there was no need for me to remain on the ground and I floated upward until I was eye level with Cain.

  "You cannot banish me." His loud booming voice made me want to cringe. Instead, I increased the light around me, muffling his sound and sending it bouncing back to him.

  "I can and I will. You don't belong here, Cain."

  "Oh but I do."

  "No. You don't. There is so much more waiting for you "over there". This world," I waved a hand about me. "It is nothing compared to what you'll find on the other side. This is all holding you back, limiting your potential to truly be great."

  "I am great already and will be more so once I find someone to let me in."

  "You think possessing a physical body is going to make you powerful? You are limited here, Cain. We have natural laws and though you can break some of them, this place ... it belongs to God and you cannot win. Not indefinitely. You may triumph in small battles but that is all you'll get."

  "You are a fool to believe that, Tess."

  I shook my head, sure of my beliefs and feeling powerfully strong by that assurance. "No. I am coming to learn that we have nothing to fear. We truly do not. We have all we need in this world, especially when it comes to fighting entities like you. Good always wins in the end, Cain. You cannot beat God."

  "There is no God, Tess. There is only us. We rule here. Me and you and all the other fools who walk the earth. Most of them, of course, have no clue to their power or potential. I, however, do."

  "You believe that, Cain? Then you truly are the weaker one."

  Cain's face scrunched into a fierce scowl. "You are about to see just how weak I am."

  If I was to believe that sneer, I would be quite frightened for he truly meant harm. But the more he tried to threaten me, the more sure I felt that he couldn’t.

  "Fear not for we are with you always."

  Sheila's soft tinkling voice filtered through my mind further cementing what I was coming to truly understand. "It is time to cross into the light, Cain, and continue your journey elsewhere."

  The dark clouds parted enough to make a hole to the blue sky above and a ray of sunlight beamed down next to Cain. He sidestepped it and moved closer to me. Blistering cold swirled close and it nearly made me flinch but I quickly imagined my light growing warm and Cain stepped back. That one action told me all I needed to know. Cain was afraid. Oh but he just sealed his own fate.

  I moved toward him this time and though Cain stood his ground, he put up a hand to keep me from getting any closer.

  "Enough of this. I am through playing with you." He turned his head to look toward Kade and I saw his eyes widen with surprise and then fury. "What have you done?"

  I knew instinctively what Cain was seeing. Mary and Daniel were probably placing his bones in their new resting place at that very moment. Cain's dark aura began to fade and his great size shrink. I floated down to keep eye level with him and when we were both standing again on the ground, Cain now the size he was when he walked the earth in his physical body, he stepped forward, reached through my light, hissed as his hands burned with heat, and grabbed me around the neck.

  Surprised that he got through my protective bubble, my self-assurance momentarily wavered and fear rose quick in my throat. Cain's cold hands tightened their grip to the point that it pinched my skin and closed off my supply of air. Though I knew he wasn't truly touching my physical body, my mind accepted what it thought to be happening and I couldn't draw in a breath.

  "You cannot win. You put your faith in others to save you. I put my faith in only my self. See who wins now."

  My vision pinpointed to Cain's face which blurred through a dark mist. I fell to my knees as his cruel hands tightened even more and I wondered if this was to be my end. Was it my time then to cross over? Was I to continue this fight with Cain on the other side? Was that the only way to keep Kade and my friends safe?

  "Tess! Tess, stay with me. You can do this. You can do it!"

  Kade's voice managed to filter through the roar that filled my ears. I focused on the sound and tried to move toward it.

  "No. You will stay with me. You are mine." Cain pulled me close to him and his cold energy blew across my face making me renew my struggles to break free.

  "Be still, my love. Be still and know that you are safe."

  Mike? Oh God. It was his voice. I knew it.

  "They lie to you, Tess. Believe them and you lose."

  But Mike would not lie to me and Cain's assertion that he would was the impetus I needed to regain my confidence. Whatever happened, I most certainly did not belong to Cain! Unable to speak, I met his eyes and stared into them. "No. No I am not yours. I belong to no one."

  "Tess, I love you. I love you and I believe in you. Please believe in me."

  Kade's words brought tears to my eyes. Oh how I loved that man. With that once again the focus of my heart, I stopped fighting Cain's grip and let the power of that love ease the panic racing through me. I was not going to allow Cain to win. I let my body go limp in his hold and slipped from his grasp.

  "Cain. It is time now to come with us."

  We both turned to see who spoke. But it was hidden voices we heard.

  "Who speaks?" Cain turned toward the sound, trying to locate the source of the whispers as they continued in urgent cacophony, saying words I couldn't make out. The beam of light shining down from the heavens had widened its circle and Cain now faced it, his features growing pale, the shadow body around him fading.

  All around us the world grew brighter as the clouds dissipated and the light of the setting sun shined through.

  Cain tried to encase himself with dark energy but the light made it impossible to maintain. It encased his body, completely obliterating the dark shadows clinging to him. "No! This is not possible. I rule here. This place is mine."

  But the glow of light grew so strong it blinded even my eyes. I brought a hand up to shield them and watched as Cain lifted his face to the glare. "But where shall I go?"

  I could not hear the words spoken to hi
m so I could do nothing but watch as he carried on a conversation with people I could not see. Finally Cain gave a nod and looked at me. His dark eyes met mine and though I saw in them defeat, I knew he had not yet totally given up the fight. "So this round goes to you."

  And just like that, he was gone.

  "Tess? Please, sweetheart, open your eyes and look at me."

  I opened my eyes and stared up at Kade's beloved face.

  "Thank God."

  "You left the circle." Kade’s arms tightened around me and I knew in that moment that whenever I fell, he would catch me. Together we were a strong team. United we stand. Divided we fall. A simple truth that.

  "I told you if I thought you were in danger, I was coming to help."

  "You did. Thank you."

  Kade waved a hand toward the sky. "The sun just suddenly came out and I knew you'd won."

  "No, Kade. We did. We won."

  "Tess? Kade? Are you alright?" Mary came scrambling up the embankment, Daniel and her boys close behind her.

  Kade stood and pulled me to my feet just in time to receive Mary's strong hug.

  "Are you okay? The sun came out and I took that as a sign that it was okay to come back."

  "Yes, Mary. I'm fine. And you are so right. The light of the sun was a great sign. Cain is gone."

  "Thank God!"

  The next few moments were filled with hugs and laughter as we congratulated each other for vanquishing a particularly nasty spirit, then we headed for the road.

  "We need to celebrate. I think we have some wine tucked away somewhere." Kade slipped an arm across my shoulders and I slipped mine around his waist.

  Daniel held out a hand to Mary and she smiled as she clasped it with her own. Their sons gave a whoop and took off for the road, Alex at their heels and Dennis following behind as if he hadn't a care in the world.


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